5 research outputs found


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    O rap, um dos elementos da cultura hip-hop, é originário de comunidades periféricas e tem em sua constituição uma dimensão política e reivindicatória clara, a fim de promover uma consciência coletiva de todos os participantes. Frequentemente, o rapper assume uma postura engajada, que diz respeito à tomada de posição em relação aos fatos cotidianos de sua vivência. Ser engajado, para o rapper, é lutar por sua comunidade e por seus valores, defender suas ideias, denunciando, sobretudo, as injustiças e desigualdades sociais existentes em suas localidades. Considerando o exposto, neste artigo propomos a leitura de uma canção do rapper mineiro Djonga, refletindo sobre sua postura engajada e de comprometimento com sua comunidade. A canção escolhida para análise é “Hat-Trick”, do álbum Ladrão, lançado em março de 2019. Na canção, Djonga sugere uma união comunitária e que o empoderamento do sujeito periférico só pode se dar quando este reflete na expressão coletiva

    Assessing the soil color by traditional method and a smartphone: a comparison

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    Based on the hypothesis that there is a high agreement between pedologists and a smartphone application in the assessment of soil color; the objective was to compare the perceptions of pedologists and an application in obtaining the color of an Argissolo [Lixisol] (A, E and B horizons).  Ten aggregates of each horizon were collected. In a single day, under the same lighting conditions, three pedologists described the color components (hue, value, and chroma) of each aggregate (dry and moist soil) using the Munsell soil color chart. Each one of the ten aggregates, from each horizon, was photographed (dry and moist soil sequence) using the camera of a Motorola Moto G4 Plus smartphone. The distance of the camera to the aggregates was 25 ± 5 cm. Also, each aggregate was placed on a white sheet of A4 size paper (background). The application used was Soil Analysis Pro. The percentage of agreement between pedologists and application was obtained concerning hue, value, and chroma. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, in a completely randomized design, with ten replicates. Action Stat® software was used for statistical analysis. It was concluded that the agreement between pedologists and the smartphone application was medium for hue and chroma and low for value. For the dry soil condition, there is a high agreement between pedologists and the smartphone application, especially in the perception of hue and chroma. Thus, the smartphone application has the potential to be used in routine descriptions of soil color.Suponiendo que existe un alto acuerdo entre los pedólogos y una aplicación de smartphone en la descripción del color del suelo, el objetivo fue comparar las percepciones de los pedólogos y una aplicación en la obtención del color de un Argissolo [Lixisol] (horizontes A, E y B). Fueron recolectados diez agregados de cada horizonte. En un solo día, en las mismas condiciones de iluminación, tres podólogos describieron los componentes del color (matiz, valor y croma) de cada agregado (suelo seco y húmedo) utilizando la tabla de color Munsell. Cada uno de los diez agregados, de cada horizonte, fue fotografiado (secuencia de suelo seco y húmedo) con la cámara de un smartphone Motorola Moto G4 Plus. La distancia de la cámara a los agregados fue de 25 ± 5 cm. Además, cada agregado se colocó en una hoja blanca de papel A4 (fondo). La aplicación utilizada fue Soil Analysis Pro. El porcentaje de concordancia entre los pedólogos y la aplicación se obtuvo en relación con el matiz, valor y croma. Los datos se sometieron a análisis de varianza en un diseño completamente al azar, con diez repeticiones, utilizando el software Action Stat®. Se llegó a la conclusión de que el acuerdo entre los pedólogos y la aplicación del smartphone era medio en valor y croma y bajo en valor. En suelo seco, existe un alto nivel de acuerdo entre los pedólogos y la aplicación, principalmente en la percepción de matiz y croma. Por lo tanto, la aplicación para smartphone tiene el potencial de usarse en descripciones rutinarias del color del suelo

    Assessing the soil color by traditional method and a smartphone: a comparison

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    Based on the hypothesis that there is a high agreement between pedologists and a smartphone application in the assessment of soil color; the objective was to compare the perceptions of pedologists and an application in obtaining the color of an Argissolo [Lixisol] (A, E and B horizons). Ten aggregates of each horizon were collected. In a single day, under the same lighting conditions, three pedologists described the color components (hue, value, and chroma) of each aggregate (dry and moist soil) using the Munsell soil color chart. Each one of the ten aggregates, from each horizon, was photographed (dry and moist soil sequence) using the camera of a Motorola Moto G4 Plus smartphone. The distance of the camera to the aggregates was 25 ± 5 cm. Also, each aggregate was placed on a white sheet of A4 size paper (background). The application used was Soil Analysis Pro. The percentage of agreement between pedologists and application was obtained concerning hue, value, and chroma. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, in a completely randomized design, with ten replicates. Action Stat® software was used for statistical analysis. It was concluded that the agreement between pedologists and the smartphone application was medium for hue and chroma and low for value. For the dry soil condition, there is a high agreement between pedologists and the smartphone application, especially in the perception of hue and chroma. Thus, the smartphone application has the potential to be used in routine descriptions of soil color

    Unveiling Metastable Ensembles of GRB2 and the Relevance of Interdomain Communication during Folding

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    The folding process of multidomain proteins is a highly intricate phenomenon involving the assembly of distinct domains into a functional three-dimensional structure. During this process, each domain may fold independently while interacting with others. The folding of multidomain proteins can be influenced by various factors, including their composition, the structure of each domain, or the presence of disordered regions, as well as the surrounding environment. Misfolding of multidomain proteins can lead to the formation of nonfunctional structures associated with a range of diseases, including cancers or neurodegenerative disorders. Understanding this process is an important step for many biophysical analyses such as stability, interaction, malfunctioning, and rational drug design. One such multidomain protein is growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2), an adaptor protein that is essential in regulating cell survival. GRB2 consists of one central Src homology 2 (SH2) domain flanked by two Src homology 3 (SH3) domains. The SH2 domain interacts with phosphotyrosine regions in other proteins, while the SH3 domains recognize proline-rich regions on protein partners during cell signaling. Here, we combined computational and experimental techniques to investigate the folding process of GRB2. Through computational simulations, we sampled the conformational space and mapped the mechanisms involved by the free energy profiles, which may indicate possible intermediate states. From the molecular dynamics trajectories, we used the energy landscape visualization method (ELViM), which allowed us to visualize a three-dimensional (3D) representation of the overall energy surface. We identified two possible parallel folding routes that cannot be seen in a one-dimensional analysis, with one occurring more frequently during folding. Supporting these results, we used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques to confirm these intermediate states in vitro. Finally, we analyzed the deletion of domains to compare our model outputs to previously published results, supporting the presence of interdomain modulation. Overall, our study highlights the significance of interdomain communication within the GRB2 protein and its impact on the formation, stability, and structural plasticity of the protein, which are crucial for its interaction with other proteins in key signaling pathways