63 research outputs found

    Legal Solutions for Doing Business in a Hyperinflationary Jurisdiction: Brazil 1989

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    Legal Solutions for Doing Business in a Hyperinflationary Jurisdiction: Brazil 1989

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    Epidemiological profile of patients with preterm premature rupture of membranes at a tertiary hospital in São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To perform a descriptive analysis of preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) cases attended in a tertiary hospital. METHOD: Retrospective analysis of medical records and laboratory tests of patients admitted to a Brazilian tertiary hospital between 2006 and 2011, with a confirmed diagnosis of PPROM and gestational age (GA) at delivery o37 weeks. RESULTS: A total of 299 pregnant women were included in the study. Nine patients evolved to abortion, and 290 pregnant women remained for the final analysis. There was initial diagnostic doubt in 17.6% of the cases. The oligohydramnios rate [amniotic fluid index (AFI) o5] was 27.9% on admission. Chorioamnionitis was initially diagnosed in 10.8% of the patients and was retrospectively confirmed in 22.9% of the samples. The latency period had a mean of 9.1 days. The main reasons for interruption were premature labor (55.2%), GA X36 weeks (27.2%), and fetal distress (6.9%). The delivery method was cesarean section in 55% of cases. The mean birth weight was 2,124 grams, and 67% of the neonates had a low birth weight (o2500 g). The GA at delivery averaged 33.5 weeks. The stillbirth rate was 5.3%, and the early neonatal mortality rate was 5.6%. There were complications at delivery in 18% of mothers. CONCLUSION: In one of the few Brazilian reports on the epidemiological profile of PPROM, with GA until 37 weeks and intercurrences generally excluded from assessments (such as twinning and fetal malformations), there is a favorable evolution, with an acceptable rate of complications

    Letalidade e Vitimização Policial em Minas Gerais: características gerais do fenômeno em anos recentes

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    This article proposes to present a diagnosis on the phenomena of lethality and police victimization in Minas Gerais, aiming not only to scale the problem of deaths due to police interventions and violent deaths of police officers in the state, but also to know more in depth, the situational, institutional and criminal contexts that characterize such episodes. In general, what the data obtained in Minas Gerais for the period 2009-2016 indicate is that there has been a trend of strong growth of indicators of police lethality in the state over the last years. The numbers of victimization of public security agents, on the other hand, have shown reasonable stability. Moreover, the research findings are in dialogue with elements already exhaustively discussed by other studies of the genre, such as the lack of training and continuous training of police officers for the adequate exercise of differential use of force, the need to increase external control of police activity as well as the qualification of information and records on lethality and police victimizationO presente artigo se propõe a apresentar um diagnóstico sobre os fenômenos da letalidade e da vitimização policial em Minas Gerais, buscando não apenas dimensionar o problema das mortes decorrentes de intervenções policiais e das mortes violentas de agentes policiais no estado, mas também conhecer, de maneira mais aprofundada, os contextos situacionais, institucionais e criminais que caracterizam tais episódios. De modo geral, o que os dados obtidos em Minas Gerais para o período 2009-2016 indicam é que tem havido uma tendência de forte crescimento dos indicadores de letalidade policial no estado ao longo dos últimos anos. Os números de vitimização dos agentes de segurança pública, por outro lado, têm demonstrado razoável estabilidade. Além disso, os achados de pesquisa dialogam com elementos já exaustivamente discutidos por outros estudos do gênero, como as deficiências de treinamento e capacitação continuada dos agentes policiais para o exercício adequado do uso diferenciado da força, a necessidade de incremento do controle externo da atividade policial bem como da qualificação das informações e registros sobre letalidade e vitimização policial


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    A cicatrização é extremamente importante para a sobrevivência do ser humano, visto que configura um mecanismo de defesa refinado. A contínua restauração do tecido epitelial na pele, permite a regeneração celular e assegura sua integridade morfológica e funcional. O queloide é um fenômeno exclusivamente humano, e ocorre quando há falha na remodelação das cicatrizes provocadas pelo desequilíbrio entre a formação e a degradação de colágeno, assim como modificação na alteração em sua organização espacial, o que gera a cicatriz exuberante. A lesão é elevada, brilhante, pruriginosa e/ou dolorosa, se localiza na derme, com crescimento contínuo, além de ultrapassar os limites da ferida original. O relato aqui apresentado é de um paciente do sexo masculino, 56 anos, que procurou o ambulatório de Cirurgia Geral para exérese de estrutura hipertrófica no lóbulo auricular da orelha direita. O procedimento foi realizado sem nenhuma intercorrência e o paciente teve alta médica no mesmo dia com prescrição de analgésico


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    A pseudolipomatose colônica é uma condição benigna rara que geralmente permanece assintomática. O diagnóstico endoscópico da pseudolipomatose da mucosa do cólon é difícil, com uma variedade de aparências e muitas vezes não é familiar para endoscopistas. A etiologia e patogênese ainda permanece incerta, alguns autores consideram uma alteração iatrogênica causada por penetração de gás na mucosa durante o procedimento endoscópico. Apresentamos um relato de uma paciente de 57 anos que procurou o serviço de coloproctologia com queixa de constipação e saída de secreção purulenta próximo ao ânus. Foi submetida a uma colonoscopia que visualizou lesão na mucosa do ceco rígida com bordas irregulares sugestivas de neoplasia de ceco, mas por biópsia confirmou o diagnóstico de pseudolipomatose colônica

    First-year experience of a Brazilian tertiary medical center in supporting severely ill patients using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this manuscript is to describe the first year of our experience using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. METHODS: Ten patients with severe refractory hypoxemia, two with associated severe cardiovascular failure, were supported using venous-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (eight patients) or veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (two patients). RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 31 yr (range 14-71 yr). Their median simplified acute physiological score three (SAPS3) was 94 (range 84-118), and they had a median expected mortality of 95% (range 87-99%). Community-acquired pneumonia was the most common diagnosis (50%), followed by P. jiroveci pneumonia in two patients with AIDS (20%). Six patients were transferred from other ICUs during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support, three of whom were transferred between ICUs within the hospital (30%), two by ambulance (20%) and one by helicopter (10%). Only one patient (10%) was anticoagulated with heparin throughout extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. Eighty percent of patients required continuous venous-venous hemofiltration. Three patients (30%) developed persistent hypoxemia, which was corrected using higher positive end-expiratory pressure, higher inspired oxygen fractions, recruitment maneuvers, and nitric oxide. The median time on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support was five (range 3-32) days. The median length of the hospital stay was 31 (range 3-97) days. Four patients (40%) survived to 60 days, and they were free from renal replacement therapy and oxygen support. CONCLUSIONS: The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in severely ill patients is possible in the presence of a structured team. Efforts must be made to recognize the necessity of extracorporeal respiratory support at an early stage and to prompt activation of the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation team