106 research outputs found

    Poly(2-oxazoline)s: synthesis, self-assembly and biomedical applications

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    Poly(2-oxazolin)e (POx) stellen aufgrund ihrer Möglichkeit maßgeschneidert hergestellt zu werden, interessante Kandidaten für die biomedizinische Anwendung, insbesondere für den Gen- und Wirkstofftransport, dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 2-Oxazoline und Oxazolidinimine synthetisiert, charakterisiert und polymerisiert. Hierbei ergaben sich in Abhängigkeit von der Reaktionskonstanten der Monomere zufällig, gradiell oder blockähnlich verteilte Polymere. Wasserlösliche nicht-ionische POx konnten zur Stabilisierung hydrophober Nanopartikel genutzt werden. Wasserlösliche, aminhaltige POx sowie aminhaltige, pH-responsive Nanostrukturen bestehend aus amphiphilien Block-Copolymeren wurden für den Gentransport genutzt. Dabei konnten die wasserlöslichen POx nicht zu einer Transfektion der Zellen führen, während die Nanostrukturen Transfektionseffizienzen aufwiesen, wie vergleichbar mit der Positivkontrolle Poly(ethylenimin) waren. Für den Wirkstofftransport wurden wasserlösliche POx genutzt. Hierbei wurden niedermolekulare Wirkstoffe oder Proteine kovalent an die Polymere gebunden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Wirkstoffe eine vergleichbare oder erhöhte Aktivität besitzen wie Wirkstoffe, welche nicht an ein Polymer gebunden wurden. Des Weiteren konnte im Falle des Doxorubicins, eines Zytostatikums, gezeigt werden, dass die Verwendung von kernvernetzten POx Nanogelen, an die der Wirkstoff über eine Iminbindung reversibel kovalent gebunden wurde, zu einer erhöhten Überlebensrate von Versuchstieren im in vivo Experiment führte

    Transcriptional responses of Burkholderia cenocepacia to polymyxin B in isogenic strains with diverse polymyxin B resistance phenotypes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Burkholderia cenocepacia </it>is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen displaying high resistance to antimicrobial peptides and polymyxins. We identified mechanisms of resistance by analyzing transcriptional changes to polymyxin B treatment in three isogenic <it>B. cenocepacia </it>strains with diverse polymyxin B resistance phenotypes: the polymyxin B-resistant parental strain K56-2, a polymyxin B-sensitive K56-2 mutant strain with heptoseless lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (RSF34), and a derivative of RSF34 (RSF34 4000B) isolated through multiple rounds of selection in polymyxin B that despite having a heptoseless LPS is highly polymyxin B-resistant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A heptoseless LPS mutant of <it>B. cenocepacia </it>was passaged through multiple rounds of selection to regain high levels of polymyxin B-resistance. This process resulted in various phenotypic changes in the isolate that could contribute to polymyxin B resistance and are consistent with LPS-independent changes in the outer membrane. The transcriptional response of three <it>B. cenocepacia </it>strains to subinhibitory concentrations of polymyxin B was analyzed using microarray analysis and validated by quantitative Real Time-PCR. There were numerous baseline changes in expression between the three strains in the absence of polymyxin B. In both K56-2 and RSF34, similar transcriptional changes upon treatment with polymyxin B were found and included upregulation of various genes that may be involved in polymyxin B resistance and downregulation of genes required for the synthesis and operation of flagella. This last result was validated phenotypically as both swimming and swarming motility were impaired in the presence of polymyxin B. RSF34 4000B had altered the expression in a larger number of genes upon treatment with polymyxin B than either K56-2 or RSF34, but the relative fold-changes in expression were lower.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is possible to generate polymyxin B-resistant isolates from polymyxin B-sensitive mutant strains of <it>B. cenocepacia</it>, likely due to the multifactorial nature of polymyxin B resistance of this bacterium. Microarray analysis showed that <it>B. cenocepacia </it>mounts multiple transcriptional responses following exposure to polymyxin B. Polymyxin B-regulated genes identified in this study may be required for polymyxin B resistance, which must be tested experimentally. Exposure to polymyxin B also decreases expression of flagellar genes resulting in reduced swimming and swarming motility.</p

    Accelerated spreading of inviscid droplets prompted by the yielding of strongly elastic interfacial films

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    The complexity associated with droplets spreading on surfaces has attracted significant interest for several decades. Sustained activity results from the many natural and manufactured systems that are reliant on droplet-substrate interactions and spreading. Interfacial shear rheology and its influence on the dynamics of droplet spreading has to date received little attention. In the current study, saponin β-aescin was used as an interfacial shear rheology modifier, partitioning at the air-water interface to form a strongly elastic interface (G’/G” ∼ 6) within 1 min aging. The droplet spreading dynamics of Newtonian (water, 5 wt% ethanol, 0.0015 wt% N-dodecyl β-D-glucopyranoside) and non-Newtonian (xanthan gum) fluids were shown to proceed with a time-dependent power-law dependence of ∼0.50 and ∼0.10 (Tanner’s law) in the inertial and viscous regimes of spreading, respectively. However, water droplets stabilized by saponin β-aescin were shown to accelerate droplet spreading in the inertial regime with a depreciating time-dependent power-law of 1.05 and 0.61, eventually exhibiting a power-law dependence of ∼ 0.10 in the viscous regime of spreading. The accelerated rate of spreading is attributed to the potential energy as the interfacial film yields as well as relaxation of the crumpled interfacial film during spreading. Even though the strongly elastic film ruptures to promote droplet spreading, interfacial elasticity is retained enhancing the dampening of droplet oscillations following detachment from the dispensing capillary

    archiv.gut.normieren: Das Projekt GND4C am Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg

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    Vortrag beim 90. Deutschen Archivtag am 28. September 2023 in Bielefeld INHALT: - GND4C-Phase 1: Aller Anfang ist schwer… : Ausgangslage - GND4C-Phase 2: …aber am Ende wird (fast) alles gut : Ergebniss