19 research outputs found

    Bryoflora and vegetation of Pakri Islands (Gulf of Finland, Estonia)

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    The bryoflora of Pakri islands is very species-rich. On these islands 236 species of bryophytes (31 liverworts, 205 mosses) have been found. The most species-rich habitats are alvars, limestone shingle beach ridges and limestone cliff. On Väike-Pakri island (12.9 km2) 215 species and on Suur-Pakri island (11.7 km2) 160 species of bryophytes are found. The number of rare species on Pakri islands is remarkable. Four species have their only Estonian localities on Pakri islands (Mannia sibirica, Bryum arcticum, Rhytidium rugosum and Seligeria patula).

    New Estonian records: Mosses

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    The number of bryophyte species known from Estonia was 583 in 2011 (Vellak et al., 2011). Seven moss species and one subspecies have been identified and added as new to the Estonian bryoflora during last two years.

    Annotated checklist of Estonian bryophytes

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    The updated list of Estonian bryophytes includes 594 species from all three phyla. Only one species is reported for Estonia according to the literature data, all others have voucher speciemens in herbaria, two of them outside of Estonia. Altogether 242 species are frequent in Estonia, 173 species are rare, and 161 are sporadically distributed. We do not have any recent data for 20 species, and their presence in Estonia is doubtful. In 2008 a new Estonian Red list was compiled and 369 bryophyte species were evaluated against IUCN criteria. Approximately one fifth of the Estonian bryoflora (129 species) is designated to the three threat categories.  Electronic supplement at http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/fce52supplement/FCE52_Vellak_supplement.ht

    Updates to the species list of Estonian bryophytes

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    Six species are new to the flora of Estonian bryophytes since the last additions: Bryum ruderale, Entosthodon fascicularis and Plenogemma phyllantha have been found during recent fieldworks; Encalypta driva is a newly described species and Lewinskya fastigiata is a new taxonomical combination. Moerckia flotoviana replaces the species Moerckia hibernica since all herbaria specimens are re-identified. After additions and re-arrangements, the number of bryophyte species known from Estonia has risen to 618. For all new species, Estonian names are given, and they are evaluated against IUCN criteria. Two of the species were included in category DD, because of shortage of data; Lewinskya fastigiata was evaluated as LC, and Encalypta driva and Plenogemma phyllantha as VU. The IUCN category of Moerckia flotoviana remained as it was for Moerckia hibernica (LC)

    Additions and changes to the species list of Estonian bryophytes

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    Since the last additions (Vellak et al., 2021), four new species should be added to the list. Two of these (Calypogeia fissa and Timmia austriaca) are new finds, two (Hedwigia emodica and Syntrichia ruraliformis) were earlier known as varieties in Estonia. One species (Seligeria patula) should be excluded from the list since the voucher specimen was re-identified as S. calcarea and no other specimens were found among all collected specimens of genus Seligeria in Estonian herbaria and during inventories of genus Seligeria at all known localities in Estonia in 2020-2021. The number of species in Estonian bryoflora is now 615. The distribution and threats on the new species in Estonia are not known yet and need further inventories, thus all are evaluated here as data deficient (DD). Estonian names for all new species are presented in parenthesis and the distribution and ecology is briefly discussed

    Additions to the Estonian Bryoflora 2019-2021: Liverworts and Mosses

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    Six species and one subspecies new for Estonia have been found during recent fieldworks. In addition, three varieties from our bryoflora are now accepted as species and so the number of species in Estonian bryoflora is currently 611. Voucher specimens are selected for all new species reported here. Most of the species are included preliminarily into category Data Deficient (DD) according to IUCN structure. Besides this, updated proposals for threat categories are given for four noteworthy bryophytes, which localities were inspected in 2019-2020. Estonian names are given to all new species

    New Estonian records: mosses

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    In 2016 four species new to Estonia have been identified, mainly by checking earlier collections in different herbaria. This addition raises the total number of bryophyte species registered in Estonia up to 598. One species, which was evaluated as extinct in Estonia, has been found in a new locality. Also a variety new for Estonia has been found.

    Additions and amendments to the list of Estonian bryophytes

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    Five new moss species and one variety are incorporated to the Estonian bryoflora, one species should be eliminated due to recent taxonomical study. The number of bryophyte species has now risen to 602 for Estonia, thus the number of species has doubled since the first published list in 1860

    Metsasõbra meelespea

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    Hea lugeja! Hoiad käes Eestimaa Looduse Fondis koostatud raamatut meie metsade loodusest. Raamatu eesmärk on pakkuda taustateadmisi inimestele, kes teevad või plaanivad metsas raietöid. Olgu see langetustraktori roolis istuv metsatööline, mootorsaage käes hoidev talumetsamajandaja või hoopis enamiku ajast kontorilaua taga istuv erametsa omanik. Raamat annab ülevaate erinevatest liikidest, aitab neid ära tunda ja otsustada, kuidas metsa raiuda nii, et see metsaelanikele kõige sobivam oleks. Raamatu eessõna on kirjutanud metsaökoloogia professor Kalev Jõgiste, kes annab metsas toimetavale inimesele laiema, lausa globaalse vaate selle kohta, millise väärtusega on loodusliku mitmekesisuse säilitamine igal metsalapil. Raamatu sisupeatükkide kirjutamise juures püüdsime välja tuua kõige olulisema ja praktilisema teadmise, selleks on meil abiks olnud liigieksperdid ja loodusteadlased nii ülikoolidest kui ka keskkonnaorganisatsioonidest. Peatükkide lõpus ja raamatu kokkuvõttes on antud soovitusi metsas raietööde tegemiseks. Loodame, et raamat aitab kaasa metsaliikide hingeelu paremale mõistmisele ja sellele, et mõistmise kaudu paraneksid ka liikide eluvõimalused Eesti metsas. Eestimaa Looduse Fond on huvitatud raamatu kasutajate tagasisidest ja koostööst metsamajandajatega metsaliikide kaitseks. Ootame teie mõtteid ja ettepanekuid e-posti aadressil [email protected]. Suurt lugemishuvi soovides Indrek Sell, Eestimaa Looduse Fondi metsaekspert; Silvia Lotman, Eestimaa Looduse Fondi juhatuse esimees.Eessõna. Meid ümbritsev loodus ja ökoloogiline teadmine selle kohta on omandanud keskse koha inimese eksistentsiaalsetes küsimustes. Inimtegevuse mõju loodusele on sageli üsna hävitav, inimese elamisruum ja vajadus metsasaaduste järele suruvad looduslikku maailma tahaplaanile. Globaliseerumine on omandanud sellise ulatuse, et suur osa inimtegevusest muutub tulevikus standardiseerituks. See haarab ka materjalivajadust – arenenud tehnoloogiad kasutavad loodusvarasid viisil, mis aina kaugendab inimest otsesest kokkupuutest loodusega. Isegi raietöid tegev metsatööline vaatab ümbritsevale maailmale konditsioneeritud harvesterikabiinist. Virtuaalne maailm lubab suure osa looduse infost talletada ja kasutatav teadmine piirdub vaid sellega, mida meil vaja on. Paraku käib standardsete tehnoloogiatega kaasas ka vajadus süsteeme lihtsustada, et hoida tehnoloogiad lihtsad ja odavad. Kas aga see lihtne ja odav alati tagab meie eksistentsi? Energiavajadus on käivitanud protsessi, kus kogu meie kasutatav energia ei lähe oma vanasse kohta tagasi, vaid otsib uue koha, viies senitoiminud süsteemid tasakaalust välja. Kindlasti asub loodus ise tasakaalu otsima, kuidas see aga mõjutab inimest ja mis juhtub siis, kui uus tasakaalupunkt on meie jaoks midagi hoopis erinevat senituntud loodusest? Metsade häiringuid on vaadeldud kui ahelreaktsioone: inimese vallandatud tegurid käivitavad uut tüüpi häiringurežiimid, mis omakorda suurendavad süsiniku paiskumist atmosfääri (tulekahjud, tormid). Mida me saaksime teha, et selle pendli liikumist aeglustada ja toimida nii, et see tasakaalust väga palju välja ei langeks? Peame otsima neid loodusliku dünaamika elemente, mis leevendavad meie otsest ja ka kaudset mõju ökosüsteemile. Kaasaja sertifi tseeritud metsamajanduses on eriliselt rõhutatud säilikelementide olulisust taastuvale metsaökosüsteemile. Säilikpuud ja lamapuit pakuvad elupaika tuhandetele liikidele, juhul kui toimub drastiline muutus ökosüsteemis. Ja isegi siis, kui muutus on suure ulatuse ja pikaajalise mõjuga, on võimalik looduslikul vastusmehhanismil oma tarkust rakendada. Raamatus on kirjeldatud palju haruldasi liike, mida mitmekesisuse tagamiseks on vaja kaitsta. Just mitmekesisust on meil vaja, et astuda vastu sageli raskesti ennustatavale tulevikule. Sellele aitab kaasa ka looduslähedane metsamajandus, mis säilitab loodusele lähedasi muutuste vastusmehhanisme. Kalev Jõgiste, metsaökoloogia professorRaamat on valminud projekti „ELFi ja teiste keskkonnaühenduste metsanduspoliitikaalase eestkostesuutlikkuse tõstmine“ raames, projekti rahastas Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna 2009–2014 toetuste Vabaühenduste Fond Avatud Eesti Fondi vahendusel

    New Estonian records and amendments. Liverworts and mosses. Pezizales (Ascomycetes)

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    Presently 579 species belong to the bryoflora of Estonia. Eight species and one variety new for Estonia are reported here, seven taxa have been collected and identified by Estonian and foreign scientists, two species are new according to taxonomical rearrangements. Two species, Dicranodontium denudatum (Brid.) E.Britton, and Dicranum muehlenbeckii Bruch & Schimp., should be eliminated from the list of Estonian bryophytes due to misidentification.