9 research outputs found

    Post-Combustion CO

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    Simulation results in the literature suggest that Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) processes using physisorbents might largely outperform the current state-of-the-art post-combustion CO2 capture technologies based on amine solvents in terms of energy consumption. Most studies consider the zeolite NaX as adsorbent. NaX has a very strong affinity for CO2 but is difficult to regenerate and very sensitive to the presence of water in the flue gas. By tuning the polarity of the adsorbent, it might be possible to find a better compromise between adsorption capacity, regenerability and sensitivity to H2O. In the present contribution, we therefore screen the performance of a series of zeolites as physisorbents in a VSA process for CO2 capture. The adsorbents are tested by breakthrough experiments of a dry and wet model flue gas, in once-through and cyclic operation. The most interesting material, zeolite EMC-1, is selected for numerical simulations of a full VSA cycle, in comparison with zeolite NaX. Both solids satisfy the performance targets in terms of recovery (> 90%) and purity of CO2 (> 95%) but the very low pressure required for regeneration of the adsorbents will be a serious handicap for the deployment of this technology on a large scale

    Intensification of Paraxylene Production using a Simulated Moving Bed Reactor

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    Multifunctional reactors, which combine a reaction step and a separation step in one single unit, constitute an important advance in design of sustainable processes to save energy and reduce environmental impact. They allow reductions of recycle flows and size units in order to have more safety and less expansive processes. This paper deals with separation by adsorption and reaction coupled in a Simulated Moving Bed reactor (SMBR) for paraxylene (PX) production. In the current industrial process, the major part of the separation step comes from a recycle flow where the C8 aromatics are isomerized. The SMBR, by decreasing this recycle stream, may reduce the energy needed to treat and convert the raffinate into a rich PX stream. As separation takes place in the liquid phase, the first part of this paper establishes the feasibility of liquid phase isomerization of xylene. Tests in a fixed bed reactor validate the use of a HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst. Paradiethylbenzene (paraDEB), the classical desorbent used in xylene separation, isomerizes into orthodiethylbenzene and metadiethylbenzene so it is replaced by toluene. Experimental data permit one to estimate the parameters used in a simple analytical model implemented in a classical True Moving Bed model. This TMBR model permits to find the various operating regimes of such a SMBR. The conditions found allow a 40% reduction of the recycle flow without any productivity loss. With this lower recycle flow, a reduction of investment and operating costs is expected on the global PX production process thanks to the SMBR process

    Intensification of Paraxylene Production using a Simulated Moving Bed Reactor Intensification de la production de paraxylĂšne Ă  l’aide du lit mobile simulĂ© rĂ©actif

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    Multifunctional reactors, which combine a reaction step and a separation step in one single unit, constitute an important advance in design of sustainable processes to save energy and reduce environmental impact. They allow reductions of recycle flows and size units in order to have more safety and less expansive processes. This paper deals with separation by adsorption and reaction coupled in a Simulated Moving Bed reactor (SMBR) for paraxylene (PX) production. In the current industrial process, the major part of the separation step comes from a recycle flow where the C8 aromatics are isomerized. The SMBR, by decreasing this recycle stream, may reduce the energy needed to treat and convert the raffinate into a rich PX stream. As separation takes place in the liquid phase, the first part of this paper establishes the feasibility of liquid phase isomerization of xylene. Tests in a fixed bed reactor validate the use of a HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst. Paradiethylbenzene (paraDEB), the classical desorbent used in xylene separation, isomerizes into orthodiethylbenzene and metadiethylbenzene so it is replaced by toluene. Experimental data permit one to estimate the parameters used in a simple analytical model implemented in a classical True Moving Bed model. This TMBR model permits to find the various operating regimes of such a SMBR. The conditions found allow a 40% reduction of the recycle flow without any productivity loss. With this lower recycle flow, a reduction of investment and operating costs is expected on the global PX production process thanks to the SMBR process. Les rĂ©acteurs multifonctionnels, qui associent une Ă©tape de sĂ©paration et une Ă©tape de rĂ©action dans une seule et mĂȘme unitĂ©, constituent un axe de dĂ©veloppement important dans le domaine de l’écoconception des procĂ©dĂ©s afin de rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts Ă©nergĂ©tiques et environnementaux. Ils permettent de rĂ©duire, voire d’éliminer, les flux de recyclage et la taille des unitĂ©s afin d’obtenir des procĂ©dĂ©s moins coĂ»teux et plus sĂ»rs. Cet article prĂ©sente l’étude d’un rĂ©acteur multifonctionnel couplant une rĂ©action d’isomĂ©risation et une sĂ©paration par adsorption : le Lit Mobile SimulĂ© RĂ©actif (LMSR). Ce procĂ©dĂ© est appliquĂ© Ă  la sĂ©paration rĂ©active des xylĂšnes. Le procĂ©dĂ© actuel permet de produire du paraxylĂšne (PX) pur (Ă  plus de 99,7 %) Ă  partir d’un mĂ©lange d’isomĂšres grĂące Ă  une Ă©tape de sĂ©paration par Lit Mobile SimulĂ© (LMS) et une Ă©tape d’isomĂ©risation en phase gaz. La majeure partie de l’alimentation du LMS provient du recyclage des isomĂšres du paraxylĂšne qui sont transformĂ©s dans le rĂ©acteur. La sĂ©paration rĂ©active, en intĂ©grant l’isomĂ©risation dans le LMS, devrait permettre de rĂ©duire ce flux de recyclage et les utilitĂ©s associĂ©es. La sĂ©paration des xylĂšnes s’effectuant en phase liquide, la premiĂšre Ă©tape de cette Ă©tude a donc Ă©tĂ© de vĂ©rifier la faisabilitĂ© de la rĂ©action en phase liquide. Ces tests ont permis de valider l’utilisation de la zĂ©olithe HZSM-5 comme catalyseur de la rĂ©action et du toluĂšne comme dĂ©sorbant pour la sĂ©paration (Ă  la place du paradiĂ©thylbenzĂšne, plus classiquement utilisĂ©, mais qui s’isomĂ©rise au contact de ce catalyseur). Les donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales ont permis d’estimer des paramĂštres cinĂ©tiques pour un modĂšle d’isomĂ©risation en phase liquide des xylĂšnes. Ce modĂšle a Ă©tĂ© ajoutĂ© Ă  un modĂšle de sĂ©paration par Lit Mobile Vrai (LMV) pour obtenir un simulateur de Lit Mobile Vrai RĂ©actif (LMVR). GrĂące Ă  ce simulateur de LMVR, les conditions de fonctionnement du procĂ©dĂ© LMSR ont pu ĂȘtre dĂ©terminĂ©es. Ces conditions de fonctionnement montrent qu’il est possible de rĂ©duire le flux de recyclage de plus de 40 % tout en conservant la mĂȘme productivitĂ©. Une Ă©tude comparative des deux schĂ©mas de production de PX dans leur globalitĂ© permet d’espĂ©rer une rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts d’investissement et des coĂ»ts opĂ©ratoires grĂące au procĂ©dĂ© LMSR

    Post-Combustion CO 2

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    Simulation results in the literature suggest that Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) processes using physisorbents might largely outperform the current state-of-the-art post-combustion CO2 capture technologies based on amine solvents in terms of energy consumption. Most studies consider the zeolite NaX as adsorbent. NaX has a very strong affinity for CO2 but is difficult to regenerate and very sensitive to the presence of water in the flue gas. By tuning the polarity of the adsorbent, it might be possible to find a better compromise between adsorption capacity, regenerability and sensitivity to H2O. In the present contribution, we therefore screen the performance of a series of zeolites as physisorbents in a VSA process for CO2 capture. The adsorbents are tested by breakthrough experiments of a dry and wet model flue gas, in once-through and cyclic operation. The most interesting material, zeolite EMC-1, is selected for numerical simulations of a full VSA cycle, in comparison with zeolite NaX. Both solids satisfy the performance targets in terms of recovery (> 90%) and purity of CO2 (> 95%) but the very low pressure required for regeneration of the adsorbents will be a serious handicap for the deployment of this technology on a large scale

    Intensification of Paraxylene Production using a Simulated Moving Bed Reactor

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    International audienceIntensification of Paraxylene Production using a Simulated Moving Bed Reactor - Multifunctional reactors, which combine a reaction step and a separation step in one single unit, constitute an important advance in design of sustainable processes to save energy and reduce environmental impact. They allow reductions of recycle flows and size units in order to have more safety and less expansive processes. This paper deals with separation by adsorption and reaction coupled in a Simulated Moving Bed reactor (SMBR) for paraxylene (PX) production. In the current industrial process, the major part of the separation step comes from a recycle flow where the C-8 aromatics are isomerized. The SMBR, by decreasing this recycle stream, may reduce the energy needed to treat and convert the raffinate into a rich PX stream. As separation takes place in the liquid phase, the first part of this paper establishes the feasibility of liquid phase isomerization of xylene. Tests in a fixed bed reactor validate the use of a HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst. Paradiethylbenzene (paraDEB), the classical desorbent used in xylene separation, isomerizes into orthodiethylbenzene and metadiethylbenzene so it is replaced by toluene. Experimental data permit one to estimate the parameters used in a simple analytical model implemented in a classical True Moving Bed model. This TMBR model permits to find the various operating regimes of such a SMBR. The conditions found allow a 40% reduction of the recycle flow without any productivity loss. With this lower recycle flow, a reduction of investment and operating costs is expected on the global PX production process thanks to the SMBR process

    Physicochemical properties and electrochemical behavior of Ebonex/Pt-based materials

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    Physicochem. properties and electrochem. behavior of Ebonex/Pt-based electrodes obtained with the use of a combined electrochem. method by electrodeposition of a thin platinum layer on substoichiometric titanium oxides (Ebonex) followed by heat treatment are studied. Phase compn. is found to depend substantially on the temp. of the electrode treatment. At temps. above 230°, a titanium-dioxide-hollandite phase is formed and facilitates thermal diffusion of platinum deep into the substrate. A previously unknown titanium-oxygen phase (310°) that affects the electrochem. behavior of the electrodes is discovered. Ebonex/Pt-based materials are n-type semiconductors, the flat band potentials and the no. of charge carriers of which are detd. by the formation conditions


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