41 research outputs found

    Does biochar improve nutrient availability in Ultisols of tree plantations in the Ecuadorian Amazonia?

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    The application of biochar to strongly weathered soils is thought to supply nutrients and improve nutrient retention. We hypothesized that biochar increases (a) total N, bioavailable macronutrient (NH4_{4}–N, P, K, Ca, Mg), micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu), and plant-beneficial Na concentrations; and (b) nutrient retention in the topsoil. We grew the native leguminous Brazilian firetree [Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Ducke) Barneby] and the exotic beechwood (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) in a full factorial split-split-plot design at La Victoria and Los Zapotes, Ecuadorian Amazonia. The treatments included amendment of mineral fertilizer plus lime, 3 and 6 t ha−1 biochar (locally produced charcoal), and a control. We sampled the 0-to-0.25- and 0.25-to-0.50-m soil depth layers before the start of the experiment in 2009 and six times until 2013. The site at Los Zapotes was more fertile as reflected by a significant site effect on most studied soil properties in both depth layers. Biochar increased modified Olsen (NaHCO3+EDTA)-extractable Ca (p < .05) and Zn concentrations (p < .1) and total N concentrations (p < .05) in topsoil. Mineral fertilizer plus lime increased Olsen-extractable P, K, Ca, Mg, and Zn concentrations (all p < .05) but reduced Olsen-extractable Fe concentrations (p < .05) in topsoil. Biochar increased Ca (p < 0.1) and Zn (p < .05) retention in mineral fertilized topsoils but decreased total N retention (p < .05) in unfertilized topsoils. The amendment of up to 6 t ha1^{-1} biochar did not increase the fertility of the studied degraded Amazonian Ultisols sufficiently to enhance tree growth

    Total organic carbon concentrations in ecosystem solutions of a remote tropical montane forest respond to global environmental change

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    The response of organic carbon (C) concentrations in ecosystem solutions to environmental change affects the release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from forests to surface and groundwaters. We determined the total organic C (TOC) concentrations (filtered 25°C, decreasing soil moisture, and rising nitrogen (N) deposition from the atmosphere during the study period. In rainfall, throughfall, mineral soil solutions (at the 0.15‐ and 0.30‐m depths), and streamflow, TOC concentrations and fluxes decreased significantly from 1998 to 2013, while they increased in stemflow. TOC/DON ratios decreased significantly in rainfall, throughfall, soil solution at the 0.15‐m depth, and streamflow. Based on Δ14C values, the TOC in rainfall and mineral soil solutions was 1 year old and that of litter leachate was 10 years old. The pH in litter leachate decreased with time, that in mineral soil solutions increased, while those in the other ecosystem solutions did not change. Thus, reduced TOC solubility because of lower pH values cannot explain the negative trends in TOC concentrations in most ecosystem solutions. The increasing TOC concentrations and EC in stemflow pointed at an increased leaching of TOC and other ions from the bark. Our results suggest an accelerated degradation of DOM, particularly of young DOM, associated with the production of N‐rich compounds simultaneously to changing climatic conditions and increasing N availability. Thus, environmental change increased the CO2_{2} release to the atmosphere but reduced DOM export to surface and groundwater

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils of an industrial area in semi-arid Uzbekistan: spatial distribution, relationship with trace metals and risk assessment

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    The concentrations, composition patterns, transport and fate of PAHs in semi-arid and arid soils such as in Central Asia are not well known. Such knowledge is required to manage the risk posed by these toxic chemicals to humans and ecosystems in these regions. To fill this knowledge gap, we determined the concentrations of 21 parent PAHs, 4,5-methylenephenanthrene, 6 alkylated PAHs, and biphenyl in soils from 11 sampling locations (0–10, 10–20 cm soil depths) along a 20-km transect downwind from the Almalyk metal mining and metallurgical industrial complex (Almalyk MMC), Uzbekistan. The concentrations of Σ29 PAHs and Σ16 US-EPA PAHs were 41–2670 ng g1^{-1} and 29–1940 ng g1^{-1}, respectively. The highest concentration of Σ29 PAHs occurred in the immediate vicinity of the copper smelting factory of the Almalyk MMC. The concentrations in topsoil decreased substantially to a value of ≤ 200 ng g1^{-1} (considered as background concentration) at ≥ 2 km away from the factory. Low molecular weight PAHs dominated the PAH mixtures at less contaminated sites and high molecular weight PAHs at the most contaminated site. The concentration of Σ16 US-EPA PAHs did not exceed the precautionary values set by the soil quality guidelines of, e.g., Switzerland and Germany. Similarly, the benzo[a]pyrene equivalent concentration in soils near the Almalyk MMC did not exceed the value set by the Canadian guidelines for the protection of humans from carcinogenic PAHs in soils. Consequently, the cancer risk due to exposure to PAHs in these soils can be considered as low

    Biodiversity effects on nitrate concentrations in soil solution: a Bayesian model

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    Ecosystems are faced with high rates of species loss which has consequences for their functions and services. To assess the effects of plant species diversity on the nitrogen (N) cycle, we developed a model for monthly mean nitrate (NO3-N) concentrations in soil solution in 0-30cm mineral soil depth using plant species and functional group richness and functional composition as drivers and assessing the effects of conversion of arable land to grassland, spatially heterogeneous soil properties, and climate. We used monthly mean NO3-N concentrations from 62 plots of a grassland plant diversity experiment from 2003 to 2006. Plant species richness (1-60) and functional group composition (1-4 functional groups: legumes, grasses, non-leguminous tall herbs, non-leguminous small herbs) were manipulated in a factorial design. Plant community composition, time since conversion from arable land to grassland, soil texture, and climate data (precipitation, soil moisture, air and soil temperature) were used to develop one general Bayesian multiple regression model for the 62 plots to allow an in-depth evaluation using the experimental design. The model simulated NO3-N concentrations with an overall Bayesian coefficient of determination of 0.48. The temporal course of NO3-N concentrations was simulated differently well for the individual plots with a maximum plot-specific Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.57. The model shows that NO3-N concentrations decrease with species richness, but this relation reverses if more than approx. 25% of legume species are included in the mixture. Presence of legumes increases and presence of grasses decreases NO3-N concentrations compared to mixtures containing only small and tall herbs. Altogether, our model shows that there is a strong influence of plant community composition on NO3-N concentrations

    Plant diversity influenced gross nitrogen mineralization, microbial ammonium consumption and gross inorganic N immobilization in a grassland experiment

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    Gross rates of nitrogen (N) turnover inform about the total N release and consumption. We investigated how plant diversity affects gross N mineralization, microbial ammonium (NH4+) consumption and gross inorganic N immobilization in grasslands via isotopic pool dilution. The field experiment included 74 plots with 1–16 plant species and 1–4 plant functional groups (legumes, grasses, tall herbs, small herbs). We determined soil pH, shoot height, root, shoot and microbial biomass, and C and N concentrations in soil, microbial biomass, roots and shoots. Structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that increasing plant species richness significantly decreased gross N mineralization and microbial NH4+ consumption rates via increased root C:N ratios. Root C:N ratios increased because of the replacement of legumes (low C:N ratios) by small herbs (high C:N ratios) and an increasing shoot height, which was positively related with root C:N ratios, with increasing species richness. However, in our SEM remained an unexplained direct negative path from species richness to both N turnover rates. The presence of legumes increased gross N mineralization, microbial NH4+ consumption and gross inorganic N immobilization rates likely because of improved N supply by N2 fixation. The positive effect of small herbs on microbial NH4+ consumption and gross inorganic N immobilization could be attributed to their increased rhizodeposition, stimulating microbial growth. Our results demonstrate that increasing root C:N ratios with increasing species richness slow down the N cycle but also that there must be additional, still unidentified processes behind the species richness effect potentially including changed microbial community composition

    Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle in agricultural grasslands

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    Experiments showed that biodiversity increases grassland productivity and nutrient exploitation, potentially reducing fertiliser needs. Enhancing biodiversity could improve P-use efficiency of grasslands, which is beneficial given that rock-derived P fertilisers are expected to become scarce in the future. Here, we show in a biodiversity experiment that more diverse plant communities were able to exploit P resources more completely than less diverse ones. In the agricultural grasslands that we studied, management effects either overruled or modified the driving role of plant diversity observed in the biodiversity experiment. Nevertheless, we show that greater above- (plants) and belowground (mycorrhizal fungi) biodiversity contributed to tightening the P cycle in agricultural grasslands, as reduced management intensity and the associated increased biodiversity fostered the exploitation of P resources. Our results demonstrate that promoting a high above- and belowground biodiversity has ecological (biodiversity protection) and economical (fertiliser savings) benefits. Such win-win situations for farmers and biodiversity are crucial to convince farmers of the benefits of biodiversity and thus counteract global biodiversity loss

    Time matters for plant diversity effects on nitrate leaching from temperate grassland

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    In biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments, plant diversity increases biomass production mainly because of complementary resource use. We determined the influence of seasonality and time since conversion from fertilized arable land to unfertilized grassland on the plant diversity-nitrate leaching relationship. NO3-N concentrations in soil solution, water contents in the main rooting zone, and climate data were measured between 2003 and 2006 in a grassland plant diversity experiment in Jena, Germany which consists of 82 plots with 1–60 plant species and 1–4 plant functional groups (legumes, grasses, non-leguminous tall herbs, and non-leguminous small herbs). To cope with data gaps and uneven sampling intervals, water contents were simulated with Bayesian statistical models, based on the measured data. Downward water fluxes were modeled with a deterministic water balance model. Monthly NO3-N fluxes were calculated as NO3-N concentration times downward water flux and statistically analyzed. The statistical results were confirmed with the help of a completely simulated NO3-N leaching data set without any data gaps. Plant species richness quantitatively decreased NO3-N leaching in winter, when leaching was highest, more than in summer. The presence of legumes increased and the presence of grasses decreased NO3-N leaching. The presence of small herbs decreased NO3-N leaching and this effect strengthened with time. We conclude that especially shortly after land-use change from fertilized arable land to unfertilized grassland, NO3-N leaching can be reduced if species-rich mixtures without legumes are established

    Biodiversity effects on nitrate concentrations in soil solution: a Bayesian model

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    Ecosystems are faced with high rates of species loss which has consequences for their functions and services. To assess the effects of plant species diversity on the nitrogen (N) cycle, we developed a model for monthly mean nitrate (NO3-N) concentrations in soil solution in 0-30 cm mineral soil depth using plant species and functional group richness and functional composition as drivers and assessing the effects of conversion of arable land to grassland, spatially heterogeneous soil properties, and climate. We used monthly mean NO3-N concentrations from 62 plots of a grassland plant diversity experiment from 2003 to 2006. Plant species richness (1-60) and functional group composition (1-4 functional groups: legumes, grasses, non-leguminous tall herbs, non-leguminous small herbs) were manipulated in a factorial design. Plant community composition, time since conversion from arable land to grassland, soil texture, and climate data (precipitation, soil moisture, air and soil temperature) were used to develop one general Bayesian multiple regression model for the 62 plots to allow an in-depth evaluation using the experimental design. The model simulated NO3-N concentrations with an overall Bayesian coefficient of determination of 0.48. The temporal course of NO3-N concentrations was simulated differently well for the individual plots with a maximum plot-specific Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.57. The model shows that NO3-N concentrations decrease with species richness, but this relation reverses if more than approx. 25 % of legume species are included in the mixture. Presence of legumes increases and presence of grasses decreases NO3-N concentrations compared to mixtures containing only small and tall herbs. Altogether, our model shows that there is a strong influence of plant community composition on NO3-N concentrations