15 research outputs found

    In Vitro Microbial Susceptibility to Celery Acetic Extract Powder and the Sensory Impact When Applied to Fresh Chicken Sausage

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    As a result of the negative aspects of the consumption of synthetic food additives, consumers have shown a strong inclination to consume preparations with natural ingredients. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the in vitro microbial susceptibility of powdered celery acetic extract (PCAE) on autochthonous and allochthonous microorganisms in fresh chicken sausage; produce fresh chicken sausage on a pilot-industrial scale and evaluate the sensory impact of adding PCAE; and characterize the physical-chemical parameters. In vitro microbial susceptibility was evaluated by the turbidimetric method. In the in-situ test, five sausage formulations were carried out. The in vitro assay revealed that Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens were resistant up to 5.0% PCAE. Partial susceptibility was detected at concentrations of 2.5 to 5.0% PCAE for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella serovar Typhimurium, Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli. None of the microorganisms tested were susceptible to PCAE. All sausages complied with the physical-chemical standards, established by Brazilian legislation, but the values of residual nitrite, in T1, T2 and T3, exceeded the prescribed upper limit. The addition of 2.5%, and 3.5% of PCAE did not negatively influence the sensory attributes of the sausage. It is concluded that the PCAE is capable of partially inhibiting some microorganisms that commonly occur in sausages without negatively interfering in the sensorial attributes, contributing to the microbiological safety

    Antifungal Potential of Hibiscus Tea and Fermented Kombucha

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    Kombucha is a beverage fermented by a symbiosis of bacteria and yeast from teas. Secondary fermentations can be made using vegetables, such as hibiscus for example. In addition to providing a different flavor, the kombucha fermented with hibiscus can provide functional properties such as antimicrobial and antioxidant action. Botrytis cinerea causes gray rot in fruits and is difficult to control due to resistance to chemicals. The objective of this work was to evaluate the antifungal activity of the 1st fermentation of kombucha (F1), the 2nd fermentation of kombucha with hibiscus (F2H) and hibiscus tea against the fungus Botrytis cinerea for a possible alternative for fungal control in strawberries. B. cinerea was inoculated in PDA medium at concentrations of 50 %, 25 %, 12.5 %, and 6.25 % of hibiscus tea and fermented kombucha and evaluated after seven days for mycelial growth, verified by its diameter. PDA without added tea or kombucha was used as a control. Strawberries were steeped in an aqueous solution of hibiscus tea and fermented into kombucha. The results showed inhibition of the mycelial growth of B. cinerea in the media with concentrations of 50 % and 25 % of kombucha (F1 and F2H) and hibiscus tea, where the inhibition for F1 was 88.9 % and 46.7 %. For F2H, it was 58.9 % and 20 %. And for hibiscus tea, it was 21.1 % and 12.2 %, respectively. When these pure compounds were applied by immersion on strawberries and stored at 15 °C, there were signs of reduced external deterioration, with hibiscus tea showing better control

    Use of water-soluble curcumin in TPS/PBAT packaging material: interference on reactive extrusion and oxidative stability of chia oil

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    The reactive extrusion technique is efficient in the incorporation of bioactive compounds for active packaging development. The application of curcumin, a strong antioxidant in its pure, isolated form to obtain active packaging has already been investigated; however, the use of water-soluble curcumin (WSC) in thermoplastic starch/poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (TPS/PBAT) films has not yet been investigated. It is important to determine how WSC would affect starch esterification reaction during reactive extrusion (REx). The use of WSC at 0.5%wt led to an increase in tensile strength, elongation at break, and Young’s modulus. A reduction in starch esterification was observed; however, an improvement in TPS/PBAT compatibility was detected by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy images. It is worth noting that WSC addition resulted in an increase in the film’s solubility and water vapor permeability, due to the hydrophilic character of the WSC. The films were used to package chia oil, and the oxidative stability data were evaluated by UV-Vis spectroscopy coupled with principal component analysis. The addition of WSC (0.5%wt) in the films led to the improvement of the oil oxidative stability, suggesting that using water-soluble curcumin may be a promising alternative to active packaging in the case of reactive extruded films.The authors thank the “Central Analítica Multiusuário da UTFPR Campo Mourão” (CAMulti-CM) for the analyses. Fernanda V. Leimann (process 039/2019) and Patrícia Valderrama (process 033/2019) thank Fundação Araucária (CP 15/2017- Programa de Bolsas de Produtividade em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico). This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tratamentos de morangos por radiação UV – C emitidos por lâmpadas de LED/ Treatments of strawberries by UV - C radiation emitted by LED lamps

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    O morango é um pseudofruto muito consumido devido as suas qualidades nutricionais, esse fruto está sujeito ao aparecimento de fungos, cerca de 40 % é perdido isso é decorrente de falhas na pós colheita e comercialização. Dentre as alternativas utilizadas para minimizar essas perdas é o emprego da radiação UV uma tecnologia recente e econômica, ela permite modificar o DNA do microrganismo diminuindo sua ação no alimento. No emprego dessa tecnologia é utilizado lâmpadas de mercúrio, que podem ser tóxicas, em comparação com as lâmpadas de LED apresenta desvantagem, pois estas não são tóxicas e podem emitir radiação em vários ângulos do alimento. O objetivo do trabalho foi tratar morangos a partir da tecnologia de radiação UV - C com lâmpadas de LED com o princípio de aumentar a vida de prateleira e minimizar a deterioração fúngica. A metodologia foi feita através do tratamento dos morangos por dois comprimentos de onda T1 265 e T2 280 nm em intensidade máxima por 10 minutos em comparação com a amostra C controle que não foi irradiada, eles foram armazenados em estufa BOD em temperatura de 25 ° C, para contagem de bolores e verificação de vida de prateleira. O que apresentou melhores resultados foi o T2 280 nm, obteve um tempo de vida de 11 dias e 2,0 x 10 UFC/ g. Essa tecnologia se mostrou eficaz em morangos pois em comparação com as amostras não irradiadas apresentou 9 dias de diferença com a amostra T2, que mostrou resultados positivos

    Tratamentos de morangos por radiação UV – C emitidos por lâmpadas de LED / Treatments of strawberries by UV - C radiation emitted by LED lamps

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    O morango é um pseudofruto muito consumido devido as suas qualidades nutricionais, esse fruto está sujeito ao aparecimento de fungos, cerca de 40 % é perdido isso é decorrente de falhas na pós colheita e comercialização. Dentre as alternativas utilizadas para minimizar essas perdas é o emprego da radiação UV uma tecnologia recente e econômica, ela permite modificar o DNA do microrganismo diminuindo sua ação no alimento. No emprego dessa tecnologia é utilizado lâmpadas de mercúrio, que podem ser tóxicas, em comparação com as lâmpadas de LED apresenta desvantagem, pois estas não são tóxicas e podem emitir radiação em vários ângulos do alimento. O objetivo do trabalho foi tratar morangos a partir da tecnologia de radiação UV - C com lâmpadas de LED com o princípio de aumentar a vida de prateleira e minimizar a deterioração fúngica. A metodologia foi feita através do tratamento dos morangos por dois comprimentos de onda T1 265 e T2 280 nm em intensidade máxima por 10 minutos em comparação com a amostra C controle que não foi irradiada, eles foram armazenados em estufa BOD em temperatura de 25 ° C, para contagem de bolores e verificação de vida de prateleira. O que apresentou melhores resultados foi o T2 280 nm, obteve um tempo de vida de 11 dias e 2,0 x 10 UFC/ g. Essa tecnologia se mostrou eficaz em morangos pois em comparação com as amostras não irradiadas apresentou 9 dias de diferença com a amostra T2, que mostrou resultados positivos

    How does the replacement of rice flour with flours of higher nutritional quality impact the texture and sensory profile and acceptance of gluten-free chocolate cakes?

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    Gluten-free bakery products usually use rice flour as substitute for wheat flour. This paper aims to evaluate whether and how the substitution of rice flour for sorghum and teff flour changes the overall acceptance, texture and sensory profile of gluten-free chocolate cakes. An experimental design composed of three factors (rice, sorghum and teff flours) was developed, and formulations were analysed by acceptance test and fibre content. Four formulations were submitted to sensory descriptive analysis. The formulations did not show significant differences in the overall acceptance although the sensory profile has changed. The texture was affected by the type of flour, being the optimised formulation the softer among the samples. From these data, it can be concluded that it is possible to replace rice flour with sorghum and teff flour in chocolate cake formulations, since the change in the sensory profile did not affect the acceptance of the products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Growth of Fungal Cells and the Production of Mycotoxins

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    Some filamentous fungi are able to grow in food and produce toxic metabolites. It occurs mainly in grains, cereals, oilseeds and some by-products. The growth of fungi in a particular food is governed largely by a series of physical and chemical parameters. The production of toxic metabolites is not confined to a single group of molds irrespective of whether they are grouped according to structure, ecology, or phylogenetic relationships. Mycotoxins can be carcinogenic and cause several harmful effects to both human and animal organisms, in addition to generating large economic losses. The major mycotoxins found in food are the aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, patulin, zearalenone, and trichothecenes, generally stable at high temperatures and long storage periods. Considering the difficult prevention and control, international organizations for food safety establish safe levels of these toxins in food destined for both human and animal consumption. Good agricultural practices and control of temperature and moisture during storage are factors which contribute significantly to inhibit the production of mycotoxins. The use of some fungistatic products, such as essential oils and antioxidants, as well as physical, mechanical, chemical, or thermal processing, represents important methods to have the concentration of mycotoxins reduced in food

    Effect of raffinose and ultrasound pulses on invertase release by free and immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae in loofa (Luffa cylindrica) sponge

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    This study investigated the effect of raffinose and ultrasound pulses on invertase release from free S. cerevisiae and S. cerevisiae immobilized in Luffa cylindrica. The free cell culture was submitted to 2% raffinose pulse and irradiated for 2 minutes at 0.12 and 0.46 h-1 dilution rates. The immobilized cell culture was submitted to raffinose pulse and irradiated for 1, 2 and 4 minutes, at 0.10 h-1 dilution rate. In immobilized cells, the raffinose pulse increased the invertase activity from 5.38 to 7.27 U/mg. Ultrasound application in free cell culture at the 0.12 h-1 dilution rate gave the best results. The activity varied from 25.08 to 29.38 U/mg while the increase in immobilized cells was from 5.22 to 9.70 U/mg when sonicated for two minutes. These results showed that ultrasound application in continuous culture could have great potential for application in biotechnological techniques.Neste trabalho investigou-se o efeito de pulsos de rafinose e ultra-som, na liberação de invertase de Saccharomyces cerevisiae livre e imobilizado em Luffa cylindrica. A cultura de células livres foi submetida a pulso de rafinose 2% e irradiada por 2 min, nas taxas de diluição 0,12 e 0,46 h-1. A cultura de células imobilizadas foi submetida a pulso de rafinose e irradiada por 1, 2 e 4 min, em taxa de diluição 0,10 h-1. Em células imobilizadas, o pulso de rafinose aumentou a atividade invertásica de 5,38 para 7,27 U/mg. Entretanto a aplicação do ultra-som, em cultivo de células livres na taxa de diluição 0,12 h-1, obteve-se os melhores resultados. A atividade variou de 25,08 para 29,38 U/mg, enquanto que o aumento em células imobilizadas foi de 5,22 para 9,70 U/mg, quando sonicadas por 2 min. Esses resultados demonstram que a aplicação de ultra-som, em cultivo contínuo de células livres, pode ter um grande potencial de aplicação em processos biotecnológicos