3,794 research outputs found

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methodology Comparison for the Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution with Applications to Offshore Oil Spills in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Maximum Likelihood estimation of the two-parameter Weibull distribution is straightforward; however, there are multiple methods for maximum likelihood estimation of the three-parameter Weibull. This paper presents an evaluation of these methods using four data sets including oil spill data from the Gulf of Mexico. Highlighted are fairly major differences in the estimated parameters between nine statistical packages. A VBA routine has been developed allowing practitioners to implement three-parameter Weibull maximum likelihood estimate within Excel. The code and support documentation are available free at http:faculty.otterbein.edu/WHarper

    Automated, high accuracy classification of Parkinsonian disorders: a pattern recognition approach

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    Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) can be clinically indistinguishable, especially in the early stages, despite distinct patterns of molecular pathology. Structural neuroimaging holds promise for providing objective biomarkers for discriminating these diseases at the single subject level but all studies to date have reported incomplete separation of disease groups. In this study, we employed multi-class pattern recognition to assess the value of anatomical patterns derived from a widely available structural neuroimaging sequence for automated classification of these disorders. To achieve this, 17 patients with PSP, 14 with IPD and 19 with MSA were scanned using structural MRI along with 19 healthy controls (HCs). An advanced probabilistic pattern recognition approach was employed to evaluate the diagnostic value of several pre-defined anatomical patterns for discriminating the disorders, including: (i) a subcortical motor network; (ii) each of its component regions and (iii) the whole brain. All disease groups could be discriminated simultaneously with high accuracy using the subcortical motor network. The region providing the most accurate predictions overall was the midbrain/brainstem, which discriminated all disease groups from one another and from HCs. The subcortical network also produced more accurate predictions than the whole brain and all of its constituent regions. PSP was accurately predicted from the midbrain/brainstem, cerebellum and all basal ganglia compartments; MSA from the midbrain/brainstem and cerebellum and IPD from the midbrain/brainstem only. This study demonstrates that automated analysis of structural MRI can accurately predict diagnosis in individual patients with Parkinsonian disorders, and identifies distinct patterns of regional atrophy particularly useful for this process

    Stabilization of the Yang-Mills chaos in non-Abelian Born-Infeld theory

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    We investigate dynamics of the homogeneous time-dependent SU(2) Yang-Mills fields governed by the non-Abelian Born-Infeld lagrangian which arises in superstring theory as a result of summation of all orders in the string slope parameter α\alpha'. It is shown that generically the Born-Infeld dynamics is less chaotic than that in the ordinary Yang-Mills theory, and at high enough field strength the Yang-Mills chaos is stabilized. More generally, a smothering effect of the string non-locality on behavior of classical fields is conjectured.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Development of superconducting YBa2Cu3O(x) wires with low resistance electrical contacts

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    Materials exhibiting superconductivity above liquid nitrogen temperatures (77 K) will enable new applications of this phenomena. One of the first commercial applications of this technology will be superconducting magnets for medical imaging. However, a large number of aerospace applications of the high temperature superconducting materials have also been identified. These include magnetic suspension and balance of models in wind tunnels and resistanceless leads to anemometers. The development of superconducting wires fabricated from the ceramic materials is critical for these applications. The progress in application of a patented fiber process developed by Clemson University for the fabrication of superconducting wires is reviewed. The effect of particle size and heat treatment on the quality of materials is discussed. Recent advances made at Christopher Newport College in the development of micro-ohm resistance electrical contacts which are capable of carrying the highest reported direct current to this material is presented

    String Junctions and Bound States of Intersecting Branes

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    We study four-dimensional black hole configurations which result from wrapping M5-branes on a Calabi-Yau manifold, as well as U-dual realizations. Our aim is to understand the microscopic degrees of freedom responsible for the existence of bound states of multiple branes. The details depend on the chosen U-frame; in some cases, they are massless string junctions. We also identify a perturbative description in which these states correspond to twisted strings of intersecting D3-branes at an orbifold singularity. In each case, these are the preponderant states of the spacetime infrared conformal field theory and account for the entropy of the blackhole.Comment: 14 pages; 2 figures; uses latex with epsf and hyperref package

    Effects of Endocannabinoid System Modulation on Cognitive and Emotional Behavior

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    Cannabis has long been known to produce cognitive and emotional effects. Research has shown that cannabinoid drugs produce these effects by driving the brain’s endogenous cannabinoid system and that this system plays a modulatory role in many cognitive and emotional processes. This review focuses on the effects of endocannabinoid system modulation in animal models of cognition (learning and memory) and emotion (anxiety and depression). We review studies in which natural or synthetic cannabinoid agonists were administered to directly stimulate cannabinoid receptors or, conversely, where cannabinoid antagonists were administered to inhibit the activity of cannabinoid receptors. In addition, studies are reviewed that involved genetic disruption of cannabinoid receptors or genetic or pharmacological manipulation of the endocannabinoid-degrading enzyme, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH). Endocannabinoids affect the function of many neurotransmitter systems, some of which play opposing roles. The diversity of cannabinoid roles and the complexity of task-dependent activation of neuronal circuits may lead to the effects of endocannabinoid system modulation being strongly dependent on environmental conditions. Recent findings are reviewed that raise the possibility that endocannabinoid signaling may change the impact of environmental influences on emotional and cognitive behavior rather than selectively affecting any specific behavior

    Hypoxia mediated release of endothelial microparticles and increased association of S100A12 with circulating neutrophils

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    Microparticles are released from the endothelium under normal homeostatic conditions and have been shown elevated in disease states, most notably those characterised by endothelial dysfunction. The endothelium is sensitive to oxidative stress/status and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expression is upregulated upon activated endothelium, furthermore the presence of VCAM-1 on microparticles is known. S100A12, a calcium binding protein part of the S100 family, is shown to be present on circulating leukocytes and is thought a sensitive marker to local inflammatory process, which may be driven by oxidative stress. Eight healthy males were subjected to breathing hypoxic air (15% O2, approximately equivalent to 3000 metres altitude) for 80 minutes in a temperature controlled laboratory and venous blood samples were processed immediately for VCAM-1 microparticles (VCAM-1 MP) and S100A12 association with leukocytes by flow cytometry. A pre-hypoxic blood sample was used for comparison. Both VCAM-1 MP and S100A12 association with neutrophils were significantly elevated post hypoxic breathing later declining to levels observed in the pre-test samples. A similar trend was observed in both cases and a correlation may exist between these two markers in response to hypoxia. These data offer evidence using novel markers of endothelial and circulating blood responses to hypoxia

    Enlarged Dural Sac in Idiopathic Bronchiectasis Implicates Heritable Connective Tissue Gene Variants

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    Rationale: Patients with idiopathic bronchiectasis are predominantly female and have an asthenic body morphotype and frequent nontuberculous mycobacterial respiratory infections. They also demonstrate phenotypic features (scoliosis, pectus deformity, mitral valve prolapse) that are commonly seen in individuals with heritable connective tissue disorders