374 research outputs found

    Thermal stability of soil organic matter responds to long-term fertilization practices

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    International audienceWe used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to infer thermal properties of soil organic matter (SOM) in the static fertilization experiment in Bad Lauchstädt, Germany, which has been established in 1902. Four treatments (null N, change from null to manuring in 1978 NM, change from manuring to null in 1978 MN, and permanent manure and mineral fertilization since 1902 M) were sampled in 2004. Soil organic carbon contents were highest for M (2.4%), lowest for N (1.7%), and similar for MN and NM (2.2%). DSC thermograms were characterized by three peaks at around 354, 430, and 520°C, which were assigned to as thermally labile and stable SOM and combustion residues from lignite, respectively. DSC peak temperatures were relatively constant among treatments, but peak heights normalized to the organic C content of the soil were significantly different for labile and stable SOM. Labile C was higher for M>MN=NM=N, and stable C decreased in the order N=NM>MN=M, showing that agricultural depletion of SOM increases the share of thermally stable C. Lignite-derived C was not affected by management, suggesting a homogeneous deposition across treatments

    Thermal stability responses of soil organic matter to long-term fertilization practices

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    International audienceWe used differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to infer thermal properties of soil organic matter (SOM) in the static fertilization experiment in Bad Lauchstädt, Germany, which has been established in 1902. Four treatments (null N, change from null to manuring in 1978 NM, change from manuring to null in 1978 MN, and permanent manure and mineral fertilization since 1902 M) were sampled in 2004. Soil organic carbon contents were highest for M (2.4%), lowest for N (1.7%), and similar for MN and NM (2.2%). Three heat flow peaks at around 354°C, 430°C, and 520°C, which were assigned to as thermally labile and stable SOM and combustion residues from lignite, respectively, characterized DSC thermograms. DSC peak temperatures were relatively constant among treatments, but peak heights normalized to the organic C content of the soil were significantly different for labile and stable SOM. Labile C was higher for M>MN=NM=N, and stable C decreased in the order N=NM>MN=M, showing that agricultural depletion of SOM increases the share of thermally stable C. Lignite-derived C was not affected by management, suggesting a homogeneous deposition across treatments

    Bewirtschaftungseffekte auf Wurzelbiomasse und Kohlenstoff-Rhizodeposition von Mais in zwei Schweizer Langzeitversuchen

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    Below ground carbon (BGC) inputs by agricultural plants into the soil are an important variable in soil carbon (C) modelling. The sources for BGC inputs are dead root biomass and C release by living roots (C rhizodeposition). Since management effects on BGC inputs are not profoundly understood, we address the following research questions in this research project: (i) What are the proportions of root biomass and C rhizodeposition of the total BGC input in the topsoil and subsoil under maize cultivation at different sites? (ii) Does long-term fertilization practice affect total root biomass, root distribution, shoot/root ratios, and C rhizodeposition of maize? Results obtained from field experiments in 2013 on two Swiss long-term experimental sites (“DOK” near Basel and “ZOFE” in Zurich) reveal no significant differences between total root biomasses and total C rhizodeposition of maize in different management treatments. While the proportion of topsoil (0-0.25 m) root biomass of the total (0-0.75 m) root biomass increases on the “DOK” site, the below ground/above ground C ratios decrease on both sites with increasing management intensity (trends only)

    Sensitivity of peatland carbon loss to organic matter quality

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    Copyright © 2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.This is the published version of the article; Leifeld, J., M. Steffens, and A. Galego-Sala (2012), Sensitivity of peatland carbon loss to organic matter quality, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L14704, doi:10.1029/2012GL051856.Peatland soils store substantial amounts of organic matter (OM). During peat formation, easily decomposable OM is preferentially lost and more recalcitrant moieties accumulate. In a peat profile, OM quality thus scales with depth. Drainage and ongoing climate change poses the risk of rapid OM loss when formerly anoxic peat layers oxidize. During peat decomposition, deeper, more recalcitrant peat is exposed to the oxygen-rich surface, which may influence the decomposition rate. We show that the soil respiration rate of a disturbed temperate peatland is strongly controlled by the peat's quality and especially its polysaccharides content. The polysaccharide content of soil profiles in a wider range of peatland sites with differing degrees of disturbance was inferred by means of solid-state13C NMR and DRIFT spectroscopy. The data confirmed a strong decline in polysaccharide content with depth and a poor OM quality of surface peat in soils drained decades ago. We combined the evidence from respiration and spectroscopic measurements to deduce the sensitivity of peatland carbon loss with respect to OM quality by scaling measured quality to a 142-years record of peatland subsidence and carbon loss at one of the sites. According to the functional relationship between quality and respiration, the measured average annual carbon loss rate of 2.5 t C ha−1 at that site was 20 t C ha−1 at the onset of peatland drainage and dropped to less than 1 t C ha−1 in recent times

    Stable carbon isotopes as indicators for micro-geomorphic changes in palsa peats

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    Palsa peats are unique northern ecosystems formed under an arctic climate and characterized by a high biodiversity and sensitive ecology. The stability of the palsas are seriously threatened by climate warming which will change the permafrost dynamic and induce a degradation of the mires. We used stable carbon isotope depth profiles in two palsa mires of Northern Sweden to track environmental change during the formation of the mires. Soils dominated by aerobic degradation can be expected to have a clear increase of carbon isotopes (δ13C) with depth, due to preferential release of 12C during aerobic mineralization. In soils with suppressed degradation due to anoxic conditions, stable carbon isotope depth profiles are either more or less uniform indicating no or very low degradation or depth profiles turn to lighter values due to an enrichment of recalcitrant organic substances during anaerobic mineralisation which are depleted in 13C. The isotope depth profile of the peat in the water saturated depressions (hollows) at the yet undisturbed mire Storflaket indicated very low to no degradation but increased rates of anaerobic degradation at the Stordalen site. The latter might be induced by degradation of the permafrost cores in the uplifted areas (hummocks) and subsequent breaking and submerging of the hummock peat into the hollows due to climate warming. Carbon isotope depth profiles of hummocks indicated a turn from aerobic mineralisation to anaerobic degradation at a peat depth between 4 and 25 cm. The age of these turning points was 14C dated between 150 and 670 yr and could thus not be caused by anthropogenically induced climate change. We found the uplifting of the hummocks due to permafrost heave the most likely explanation for our findings. We thus concluded that differences in carbon isotope profiles of the hollows might point to the disturbance of the mires due to climate warming or due to differences in hydrology. The characteristic profiles of the hummocks are indicators for micro-geomorphic change during permafrost up heaving

    Biological residues define the ice nucleation properties of soil dust

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    Soil dust is a major driver of ice nucleation in clouds leading to precipitation. It consists largely of mineral particles with a small fraction of organic matter constituted mainly of remains of micro-organisms that participated in degrading plant debris before their own decay. Some micro-organisms have been shown to be much better ice nuclei than the most efficient soil mineral. Yet, current aerosol schemes in global climate models do not consider a difference between soil dust and mineral dust in terms of ice nucleation activity. Here, we show that particles from the clay and silt size fraction of four different soils naturally associated with 0.7 to 11.8 % organic carbon (w/w) can have up to four orders of magnitude more ice nucleation sites per unit mass active in the immersion freezing mode at −12 °C than montmorillonite, the nucleation properties of which are often used to represent those of mineral dusts in modelling studies. Most of this activity was lost after heat treatment. Removal of biological residues reduced ice nucleation activity to, or below that of montmorillonite. Desert soils, inherently low in organic content, are a large natural source of dust in the atmosphere. In contrast, agricultural land use is concentrated on fertile soils with much larger organic matter contents than found in deserts. It is currently estimated that the contribution of agricultural soils to the global dust burden is less than 20 %. Yet, these disturbed soils can contribute ice nuclei to the atmosphere of a very different and much more potent kind than mineral dusts

    Organic farming gives no climate change benefit through soil carbon sequestration

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    Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models with btergm: Estimation and Bootstrap Confidence Intervals

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    The xergm package is an implementation of extensions to the exponential random graph model (ERGM). It acts as a meta-package for multiple constituent packages. One of these packages is btergm, which implements bootstrap methods for the temporal ERGM estimated by maximum pseudolikelihood. Here, we illustrate the temporal exponential random graph model and its implementation in the package btergm using data on international alliances and a longitudinally observed friendship network in a Dutch school

    Polarization of coalitions in an agent-based model of political discourse

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    Political discourse is the verbal interaction between political actors in a policy domain. This article explains the formation of polarized advocacy or discourse coalitions in this complex phenomenon by presenting a dynamic, stochastic, and discrete agent-based model based on graph theory and local optimization. In a series of thought experiments, actors compute their utility of contributing a specific statement to the discourse by following ideological criteria, preferential attachment, agenda-setting strategies, governmental coherence, or other mechanisms. The evolving macro-level discourse is represented as a dynamic network and evaluated against arguments from the literature on the policy process. A simple combination of four theoretical mechanisms is already able to produce artificial policy debates with theoretically plausible properties. Any sufficiently realistic configuration must entail innovative and path-dependent elements as well as a blend of exogenous preferences and endogenous opinion formation mechanisms