24 research outputs found

    Effects of reducing dietary content of crude protein and indispensable amino acids on performance and carcass traits of single-phase- and 2-phase-fed growing-finishing pigs

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    Effects of reducing dietary content of crude protein (CP) and Lys on performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs were studied in 690 crossbred (Swedish Yorkshire dams x Hampshire sires) female and vaccinated entire male pigs with an average initial live weight (LW) of 32.3 kg. The pigs were raised in pens with mixed sexes and were fed restrictedly using 2 different feeding plans, single-phase and 2-phase. Within each feeding plan, 3 CP contents were investigated: 13.5 (low), 14.5 (medium), and 15.5 (high) g standardized ileal digestible(SID) CP/g SID Lys. Each CP comprised 2 Lys contents. For single-phase-fed pigs this implied either 0.76 or0.85 g SID Lys/MJ net energy (NE). For 2-phase-fed pigs, the contents were either 0.89 in phase 1 and 0.71 in phase 2 or 0.98 in phase 1 and 0.79 in phase 2 g SID Lys/MJ NE. In low and high Lys, the expected total consumption of digestible Lys from start to slaughter was calculated to be equal for single-phase- and 2-phase-fedpigs. The change of diet in the 2-phase feeding plan was at an average LW of 60.8 kg and slaughter was performed at 117.3 kg. Irrespective of dietary CP and Lys content, 2-phase-fed pigs had higher daily weight gain(DWG) and better feed conversion in phase 1 than single-phase-fed pigs. In phase 2, single-phase-fed pigs fully compensated, so that overall DWG and feed conversion did not differ between single-phase- and 2-phase-fed pigs(1014 vs. 1013 g/d; 24.5 vs. 24.5 MJ NE/kg DWG). Dietary CP content had no effect on DWG and feed conversion in phase 1. However, pigs grew faster and had better feed conversion in phase 2 (P= 0.002 and P= 0.018, respectively) and during the entire raising period with the high CP content (P= 0.003 and P= 0.006, respectively). For both single-phase- and 2-phase-fed pigs, high dietary Lys content improved DWG and feed conversion in phase 1 compared with the low content (1002 vs. 968 g/d;P= 0.001 and 20.7 vs.21.5 MJ NE/kg DWG;P= 0.004), whereas no difference was observed in phase 2. Overall, Lys content did not affect DWG, while feed conversion was better for pigs fed the high Lys content (P= 0.035). Carcass traits were unaffected by feeding plan, CP, and Lys content. Reducing dietary CP content from high to low diminished the N output by approximately 20%. The conclusions are that growing-finishing pigs had the capacity for compensatory growth and can therefore be single-phase-fed, and that the current recommendations of CP and Lys could be reduced

    A Paleolithic diet confers higher insulin sensitivity, lower C-reactive protein and lower blood pressure than a cereal-based diet in domestic pigs

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    BACKGROUND: A Paleolithic diet has been suggested to be more in concordance with human evolutionary legacy than a cereal based diet. This might explain the lower incidence among hunter-gatherers of diseases of affluence such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to experimentally study the long-term effect of a Paleolithic diet on risk factors for these diseases in domestic pigs. We examined glucose tolerance, post-challenge insulin response, plasma C-reactive protein and blood pressure after 15 months on Paleolithic diet in comparison with a cereal based swine feed. METHODS: Upon weaning twenty-four piglets were randomly allocated either to cereal based swine feed (Cereal group) or cereal free Paleolithic diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, meat and a small amount of tubers (Paleolithic group). At 17 months of age an intravenous glucose tolerance test was performed and pancreas specimens were collected for immunohistochemistry. Group comparisons of continuous variables were made by use of the t-test. P < 0.05 was chosen for statistical significance. Simple and multivariate correlations were evaluated by use of linear regression analysis. RESULTS: At the end of the study the Paleolithic group weighed 22% less and had 43% lower subcutaneous fat thickness at mid sternum. No significant difference was seen in fasting glucose between groups. Dynamic insulin sensitivity was significantly higher (p = 0.004) and the insulin response was significantly lower in the Paleolithic group (p = 0.001). The geometric mean of C-reactive protein was 82% lower (p = 0.0007) and intra-arterial diastolic blood pressure was 13% lower in the Paleolithic group (p = 0.007). In evaluations of multivariate correlations, diet emerged as the strongest explanatory variable for the variations in dynamic insulin sensitivity, insulin response, C-reactive protein and diastolic blood pressure when compared to other relevant variables such as weight and subcutaneous fat thickness at mid sternum. There was no obvious immunohistochemical difference in pancreatic islets between the groups, but leukocytes were clearly more frequent in sampled pancreas from the Cereal group. CONCLUSION: This study in domestic pigs suggests that a Paleolithic diet conferred higher insulin sensitivity, lower C-reactive protein and lower blood pressure when compared to a cereal based diet

    TUOTESIJOITTELU MARKKINOINTIVIESTINNÄN KEINONA Toimivuuden kartoitus audiovisuaalisessa kontekstissa eri taustan omaavien ryhmien vĂ€lillĂ€

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    Tuotesijoittelu on markkinointiviestinnÀn keino, jonka juuret ulottuvat 1900-luvun alkupuolen elokuvamaailmaan. Tuotesijoittelulla pyritÀÀn vaikuttamaan viestinnÀn vastaanottajan tuotemuistiin sijoittamalla tuotemerkkejÀ erilaisiin rajapintoihin / konteksteihin, kuten elokuviin, televisio-ohjelmiin, kirjallisiin teoksiin, musiikkivideoihin, sanoituksiin ja tietokone-, / mobiilipeleihin. Sijoittelun muodoiksi voidaan tunnistaa mm. audio, eli ÀÀnin tuotettu kuultu viesti, visuaalinen, eli nÀkyvÀ sijoittelu, edellÀ mainittujen yhdistelmÀ audiovisuaalinen tuotesijoittelu sekÀ juonisijoittelu. Yleisemmin tuotesijoittelua esiintyy televisio-ohjelmissa ja elokuvissa niiden taustoista riippumatta. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen ongelmana oli selvittÀÀ, Onko ammatti-, ja tai koulutustaustalla merkitystÀ markkinointiviestinnÀn, eli tÀssÀ yhteydessÀ tuotesijoittelun toimivuuteen ja miten viestintÀ toimii eri markkinointiviestinnÀn vaikutustasoilla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta ulkomaisen elokuvamaailman olevan kiinnostavampi niin elokuvakontekstin, kuin myös tuotesijoittelun mielestÀ. TietÀmys mitatuin keinoin kasvoi tutkimuksen kuluessa tuotesijoittelusta tutkimukseen osallistuneiden ryhmien sisÀllÀ, mutta merkittÀviÀ eroja tietÀmyksellisesti ei voida vahvistaa. Herkkyyden osalta voidaan todeta vastaajien kokevan olevan ryhmÀstÀ ja tai koulutustaustastaan huolimatta herkempiÀ tunnistamaan ja havaitsemaan tuotesijoittelun ja mahdollisen muun markkinointiviestinnÀn kuin muut. Vastaavasti vastaajien mielestÀ tuotesijoittelulla ei voida vaikuttaa juuri heihin yhtÀ paljon, kuin muihin. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, ettÀ tuotesijoittelulla voidaan vaikuttaa kaikkiin kolmeen markkinointiviestinnÀn vaikutustasoon.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Feed for organic pigs

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    The guide contains information on nutrient requirements for pigs and practical recommendations on feeding strategies for organic pigs. Included is information about amino acids, phosphorus, energy-amino acid balance and nutrient requirements, as well as examples of feed rations with lower energy and lysine content. The guide also describes the principles for compensatory growth and the importance of feed analysis and record keeping of production results. The guidelines are relevant and available to use for advisors and farmers

    Effects of using locally produced protein feed ingredients in low protein diets to single-phase-fed growing-finishing pigs

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    In two trials, 358 female and entire male pigs vaccinated against boar taint (YxH) were single-phasefed with diets that were planned to contain 0.78 g standardized ileal digestible (SID) lysine/MJ net energy and 14.5 g SID CP/g SID lysine. A reference diet with soya bean meal (SBM) as the protein feed ingredient, was replaced with either cereal by-products (CBP), rapeseed meal (RSM), faba beans (FB) or mixtures of 50% CBP and 50% RSM (CBP + RSM) or 50% FB and 50% RSM (FB + RSM) in the experimental diets. Treatments had no effect (P > 0.05) on daily weight gain, feed efficiency, carcass weight, lean meat content or dressing percentage and carcass value. Singlephase-fed pigs on diets with local protein ingredients can perform as well as single-phase-fed pigs on diets with soya bean meal, and CBP, RSM, FB have the potential to replace soya bean meal in nutritionally well-balanced diets to growing-finishing pigs

    Abrasion resistance for high quality wearing course pavements

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    Högkvalitativa belĂ€ggningsmassor samlades in vid produktion under belĂ€ggningssĂ€songerna 2009– 2013, dĂ€ribland gummiasfalt samt referensbelĂ€ggning (ofta anvĂ€nd av VTI med ”SkĂ€rlundagranit” som ballast). Slitageprovning med avseende pĂ„ avnötning frĂ„n dubbdĂ€ck utfördes i VTI:s cirkulĂ€ra ProvvĂ€gsmaskin (PVM) i tre omgĂ„ngar. Även provning enligt Prallmetoden (EN 12697/16) utfördes för att kontrollera överenstĂ€mmelsen mellan de olika provningssĂ€tten. I nĂ„gra fall har avnötningen Ă€ven kontrollerats pĂ„ platser dĂ€r de aktuella belĂ€ggningarna utförts som slitlager. Dessa mĂ€tningar har utförts inom andra uppdrag vid VTI, varefter resultaten blivit tillgĂ€ngliga för jĂ€mförelser. Varje enskilt test omfattade 14 belĂ€ggningstyper inklusive referensbelĂ€ggning fördelade pĂ„ 28 provplattor i en PVM-ring. Provplattorna tillverkades i laboratoriemiljö. Vid tillverkningen av plattor kompletterades med en extra platta per belĂ€ggningstyp för laboratorieprovningar (tillverkning av 3 plattor per belĂ€ggningstyp det vill sĂ€ga 42 plattor per ring). Plattorna karaktĂ€riseras som normalplatta för PVM-test med en tjocklek av ca 40 millimeter. Varje test startade med dĂ€ck som ”körts in” cirka 500 kilometer, monterade pĂ„ personbil under nĂ€st intill identiska omgivande förhĂ„llanden. DĂ€ck, av samma fabrikat, för fyra testomgĂ„ngar (4*4=16) köptes in vid samma tillfĂ€lle och delades upp slumpmĂ€ssigt mellan ringarna. Slitagetesterna i PVM pĂ„gick tills ett linjĂ€rt slitageförlopp uppnĂ„ddes, dock minst 200 000 och högst cirka 300 000 varv. Uppföljningen utfördes genom slitage-/ bestĂ€ndighetsmĂ€tning med VTI:s Laserprofilometer av samtliga 28 provplattor per ring.Samples from high-quality wearing course asphalt mixes were collected during production in the seasons 2009-2013. The samples included modified asphalts as well as reference mixes. Three different surface wear tests, with respect to abrasion from studded tyres, were carried out using VTIs circular road simulator (PVM). In order to verify the correlation between the three different test modes, tests according to EN 12697-16, Prall method, have been carried out. Each of the tests included 14 mix types, including a reference mix, distributed over 28 test plates. The test plates were constructed in a laboratory environment. Extra plates were also constructed for laboratory testing. In total, 42 plates were required per test. Standard plates for PVM testing were used and had a thickness of about 40 millimetres. Each test used tyres that had been “run-in” for about 500 kilometres. Sixteen tyres (including 4 reserve) were required for the test runs. Tyres were purchased at the same time from the same manufacturer and divided up randomly. Testing was carried out until a constant linear rate of surface wear was achieved. The minimum and maximum number of machine revolutions were set at 200 000 and 300 000 respectively. Surface wear measurements were made by a laser profilometer and were taken at regular intervals on all 28 sample plates

    The potential to identify low friction from macrotexture : condition assessment of road surface

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    Trafikverket vill kunna beskriva friktionen för hela det statliga vÀgnÀtet. En rikstÀckande friktionsmÀtning Àr praktiskt svÄr att hantera och mycket kostsam medan vi redan idag mÀter vÀgytans makrotextur. I projektet testar vi om makrotexturen (MPD, Mean Profile Depth) kan anvÀndas för att beskriva friktionstillstÄndet pÄ vÀgnÀtet. Vi har inte kunnat visa pÄ detta samband men vi redovisar andra intressanta iakttagelser som ger en pusselbit till hur Trafikverket kan och bör hantera friktionsfrÄgan. Vi ser bland annat att risken för lÄg friktion Àr större pÄ vÀgavsnitt som har lÄga MPD-vÀrden speciellt pÄ lappade ytbehandlade vÀgar med blödningar. Vidare beskriver vi vilka friktionsrisker det finns med olika belÀggningar och hur dessa kan hanteras.The Swedish Transport Administration want to describe the friction condition of the entire national road network. A nationwide friction measurement is practically difficult to manage and very costly, while we are already measuring road surface macrotexture. In this project, we test whether the macro texture (MPD, Mean Profile Depth) can be used to describe the friction condition of the road network. We have not been able to show this correlation but we present other interesting findings that give a piece of the puzzle for the Swedish Transport Administration how they can and should deal with the friction issue. We see, among other things, that the risk of low friction is greater on road sections with low MPD values and especially on roads with surface dressing that has bleeding patches. Furthermore, we describe the friction risks involved with different coatings and how these might be handled