10 research outputs found

    Kristallisation der Arbutin-Synthase und der Strictosidin Glukosidase - zwei Enzyme aus dem sekundären Glykosidstoffwechsel von Rauvolfia serpentina

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    Kristallisation der Arbutin-Synthase und der Strictosidin Glukosidase - zwei Enzyme aus dem sekundären Glykosidstoffwechsel von Rauvolfia serpentina Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Kristallisation und der strukturellen Auswertung der Arbutin-Synthase (AS) und der Strictosidin Glukosidase (SG). Beide Enzyme stammen aus der Medizinalpflanze Rauvolfia serpentina. Für die Kristallisation der Arbutin-Synthase wurden ca. 2500 verschiedene Beding-ungen experimentell untersucht. Für einige dieser Experimente wurde das Enzym molekularbiologisch und chemisch verändert. Trotzdem konnten keine Kristalle erhalten werden. Die bei diesen Veränderungen erhaltenen Ergebnisse wurden anhand von Vergleichen mit Strukturen anderer Glykosyltransferasen der gleichen Familie analysiert. Bei der Reinigung der AS konnte mit verschiedenen Trennsystemen nie eine homogene Lösung produziert werden. Der wahrscheinliche Grund für diese schlechte Isolierbarkeit, und damit der wahrscheinliche Grund für die schwierige Kris-tallisation, liegt in der überdurchschnittlich hohen Anzahl an Cysteinen in der Proteinsequenz. Mit den Aminosäuren Cys171, Cys253 und Cys461 wurden drei Cysteine gefunden, die einem Strukturvergleich nach an der Proteinoberfläche liegen und möglicherweise durch Quervernetzungen mit anderen Proteinmolekülen ein heterogenes Gemisch bilden, das nicht geordnet kristallisieren kann. Durch gezielte Mutationen dieser drei Aminosäuren könnte die Kristallisation zukünftig ermöglicht werden. Für die SG waren bereits Bedingungen bekannt bei denen nicht vermessbare Enzymkristalle (Nadeln) wuchsen. In weit gefächerten Versuchen konnten diese Kristalle jedoch nicht zu 3D-Wachstum angeregt werden. Es wurden mit einem HTS-Screening neue Bedingungen zur Kristallisation gefunden. Anschließend konnten die native Struktur und der Strictosidin/Enzym-Komplex vermessen und aufgeklärt werden. Die SG gehört zur Familie 1 der Glukosidasen (GH-1) und besitzt die in dieser Familie konservierte (beta/alpha)8-Barrel-Faltung. Im Vergleich mit 16 bekannten Glykosidasen der Familie GH-1 wurde die Substratbindung untersucht. Dabei wurde die in der Familie konservierte Zuckerbindung vorgefunden, jedoch große Unterschiede in der Aglykonbindung entdeckt. Es wurden Bedingungen für die Konformationsänderung des Trp388 erkannt. Diese Konformationsänderung dirigiert den Aglykonteil des Substrates auf verschiedene Seiten der Substratbindungstasche und teilt so die Familie GH-1 in zwei Gruppen.Crystallization of the Arbutin-Synthase and the Strictosidine Glucosidase - two enzymes in the secondary glycoside metabolism of Rauvolfia serpentina In this dissertation the crystallization and structural interpretation of the enzymes Arbutin-Synthase (AS) and Strictosidine Glucosidase (SG) is described. Both enzymes originate from the medicinal plant Rauvolfia serpentina. With about 2500 different conditions the crystallization of AS was tested. Therefore the enzyme was also chemically and molecularbiologically modified. Nevertheless no crystals were obtained. The acquired results were evaluated in comparison to known structures of glycosyltransferases of the same family. Although a wide variety of purification systems was used during the purification of the heterologously expressed AS, a homogeneous solution could never be produced. The most likely cause for the bad separability of AS, and thus the most likely cause for the missing crystallization, is the higher than average number of cysteins in the sequence of AS. Three cysteins (Cys171, Cys253 and Cys461) were identified as positioned on the surface of the protein. Thereby they provide the possibility for crosslink’s between several protein molecules, forming a heterologous solution and inhibiting crystal growth. After point mutations of these three amino acids the crystallization of AS could be possible. In the case of SG there were conditions known that produces needle-shaped enzyme crystals. But these were not suitable for X-ray measurements. In wide variations it was tried to optimize the conditions towards 3D-growth. Only a new High-Throughput-Screening was successful. With the acquired crystals the native structure of SG was solved and after soaking the complex of SG-Glu207Gln/strictosidine was elucidated. SG belongs to family 1 of glycosidases (GH-1) and shows the conserved (beta/alpha)8-barrel fold. The substrate binding of SG was compared with all known structures of that family. Thereby was conserved sugar binding site found, but great differences in the aglycone binding were observed. Conformational changes at Trp388 were studied through point mutations and causes for the changes recorded. By the conformational changes of the large indole part of Trp388 the substrate is directed into two different pockets and thereby is the family divided into two groups of different substrate binding

    Molecular Architecture of Strictosidine Glucosidase: The Gateway to the Biosynthesis of the Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloid Family[W]

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    Strictosidine β-d-glucosidase (SG) follows strictosidine synthase (STR1) in the production of the reactive intermediate required for the formation of the large family of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids in plants. This family is composed of ∼2000 structurally diverse compounds. SG plays an important role in the plant cell by activating the glucoside strictosidine and allowing it to enter the multiple indole alkaloid pathways. Here, we report detailed three-dimensional information describing both native SG and the complex of its inactive mutant Glu207Gln with the substrate strictosidine, thus providing a structural characterization of substrate binding and identifying the amino acids that occupy the active site surface of the enzyme. Structural analysis and site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrate the essential role of Glu-207, Glu-416, His-161, and Trp-388 in catalysis. Comparison of the catalytic pocket of SG with that of other plant glucosidases demonstrates the structural importance of Trp-388. Compared with all other glucosidases of plant, bacterial, and archaeal origin, SG's residue Trp-388 is present in a unique structural conformation that is specific to the SG enzyme. In addition to STR1 and vinorine synthase, SG represents the third structural example of enzymes participating in the biosynthetic pathway of the Rauvolfia alkaloid ajmaline. The data presented here will contribute to deciphering the structure and reaction mechanism of other higher plant glucosidases

    The crystal structure of the thiocyanate-forming protein from Thlaspi arvense, a kelch protein involved in glucosinolate breakdown

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    Kelch repeat-containing proteins are involved in diverse cellular processes, but only a small subset of plant kelch proteins has been functionally characterized. Thiocyanate-forming protein (TFP) from field-penny cress, Thlaspi arvense (Brassicaceae), is a representative of specifier proteins, a group of kelch proteins involved in plant specialized metabolism. As components of the glucosinolate-myrosinase system of the Brassicaceae, specifier proteins determine the profile of bioactive products formed when plant tissue is disrupted and glucosinolates are hydrolyzed by myrosinases. Here, we describe the crystal structure of TaTFP at a resolution of 1.4 Å. TaTFP crystallized as homodimer. Each monomer forms a six-blade β-propeller with a wide "top" and a narrower "bottom" opening with distinct strand-connecting loops protruding far beyond the lower propeller surface. Molecular modeling and mutational analysis identified residues for glucosinolate aglucone and Fe(2+) cofactor binding within these loops. As the first experimentally determined structure of a plant kelch protein, the crystal structure of TaTFP not only enables more detailed mechanistic studies on glucosinolate breakdown product formation, but also provides a new basis for research on the diverse roles and mechanisms of other kelch proteins in plants

    The molecular architecture of major enzymes from ajmaline biosynthetic pathway

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    The biosynthetic pathway leading to the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid ajmaline in Rauvolfia serpentiin serpentina is one of the most studied in the field of natural product biosynthesis. Ajmaline has a complex structure which is based on a six-membered ring system harbouring nine chiral carbon atoms. There are about fifteen enzymes involved, including some involving the side reactions of the ajmaline biosynthetic pathway. All enzymes exhibit pronounced substrate specificity. In the recent years isolation and sequencing of their cDNAs has allowed a detailed sequence analysis and comparison with functionally related and occasionally un-related enzymes. Site-directed mutations of several of the ajmaline-synthesizing enzymes have been performed and their catalytic residues have been identified. Success with over-expression of the enzymes was an important step for their crystallization and structural analysis by X-ray crystallography. Crystals with sufficient resolution were obtained from the major enzymes of the pathway. Strictosidine synthase has a 3D-structure with a six-bladed β-propeller fold the first time such a fold found in the plant kingdom. Its ligand complexes with tryptamine and secologanin, as well as structure-based sequence alignment, indicate a possible evolutionary relationship to several primary sequence-unrelated structures with this fold. The structure of strictosidine glucosidase was determined and its structure has as a (β/α)8_8 barrel fold. Vinorine synthase provides the first 3D structure of a member of BAHD enzyme super-family. Raucaffricine glucosidase involved in a side-route of ajmaline biosynthesis has been crystallized. The ajmaline biosynthetic pathway is an outstanding example where many enzymes 3D-structure have been known and where there is a real potential for protein engineering to yield new alkaloid

    Structures of Alkaloid Biosynthetic Glucosidases Decode Substrate Specificity

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    Two similar enzymes with different biosynthetic function in one species have evolved to catalyze two distinct reactions. X-ray structures of both enzymes help reveal their most important differences. The <i>Rauvolfia</i> alkaloid biosynthetic network harbors two <i>O</i>-glucosidases: raucaffricine glucosidase (RG), which hydrolyses raucaffricine to an intermediate downstream in the ajmaline pathway, and strictosidine glucosidase (SG), which operates upstream. RG converts strictosidine, the substrate of SG, but SG does not accept raucaffricine. Now elucidation of crystal structures of RG, inactive RG-E186Q mutant, and its complexes with ligands dihydro-raucaffricine and secologanin reveals that it is the “wider gate” of RG that allows strictosidine to enter the catalytic site, whereas the “slot-like” entrance of SG prohibits access by raucaffricine. Trp392 in RG and Trp388 in SG control the gate shape and acceptance of substrates. Ser390 directs the conformation of Trp392. 3D structures, supported by site-directed mutations and kinetic data of RG and SG, provide a structural and catalytic explanation of substrate specificity and deeper insights into <i>O</i>-glucosidase chemistry

    Structures of Alkaloid Biosynthetic Glucosidases Decode Substrate Specificity

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    Two similar enzymes with different biosynthetic function in one species have evolved to catalyze two distinct reactions. X-ray structures of both enzymes help reveal their most important differences. The Rauvolfia alkaloid biosynthetic network harbors two O-glucosidases: raucaffricine glucosidase (RG), which hydrolyses raucaffricine to an intermediate downstream in the ajmaline pathway, and strictosidine glucosidase (SG), which operates upstream. RG converts strictosidine, the substrate of SG, but SG does not accept raucaffricine. Now elucidation of crystal structures of RG, inactive RG-E186Q mutant, and its complexes with ligands dihydro-raucaffricine and secologanin reveals that it is the "wider gate" of RG that allows strictosidine to enter the catalytic site, whereas the "slot-like" entrance of SG prohibits access by raucaffricine. Trp392 in RG and Trp388 in SG control the gate shape and acceptance of substrates. Ser390 directs the conformation of Trp392. 3D structures, supported by site-directed mutations and kinetic data of RG and SG, provide a structural and catalytic explanation of substrate specificity and deeper insights into O-glucosidase chemistry