559 research outputs found

    Alpine vegetation type affects composition of nutritionally important C18 fatty acids in tissues of lambs from different breeds

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    A total of 110 lambs of the breeds Engadine Sheep and Valaisian Black Nose Sheep were fattened on one lowland and three different alpine pasture types. The experiment was conducted in two consecutive years and lasted for 9 weeks of grazing in each year. Immediately afterwards, the lambs were slaughtered. Perirenal adipose tissue and the Longissimus dorsi muscle were analysed for fatty acid composition. The lambs on the lowland pasture had the lowest proportions of linoleic and α-linolenic acid in the lipid fraction of these tissues. Additionally, there was a clear differentiation in these proportions when lambs grazed different alpine vegetation types. This was related to the content of phenolic compounds rather than the fatty acid contents of the swards, and an increasing phenolic level probably resulted in a higher ruminal protection of the native plant fatty acids. Intermediates of biohydrogenation (vaccenic acid and conjugated linoleic acid) were highest in the lowland lambs. Animal breed effects were weak

    The Battle over the Takeovers Directive

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    Effects of species-diverse high-alpine forage on in vitro ruminal fermentation when used as donor cow's feed or directly incubated

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    Alpine forages are assumed to have specific effects on ruminal digestion when fed to cattle. These effects were investigated in an experiment from two perspectives, either by using such forages as a substrate for incubation or as feed for a rumen fluid donor cow. In total, six 24-h in vitro batch culture runs were performed. Rumen fluid was collected from a non-lactating donor cow after having grazed pastures at ∼2000 m above sea level for 2, 6 and 10 weeks. These ‘alpine runs' were compared with three lowland samplings from before and 2 and 6 weeks after the alpine grazing where a silage-concentrate mix was fed. In each run, nine replicates of four forages each were incubated. These forages differed in type and origin (alpine hay, lowland ryegrass hay, grass-maize silage mix, pure hemicellulose) as well as in the content of nutrients. Concentrations of phenolic compounds in the incubated forages were (g/kg dry matter (DM)): 20 (tannin proportion: 0.47), 8 (0.27), 15 (0.52) and 0 (0), respectively. Crude protein was highest in the silage mix and lowest with hemicellulose, whereas the opposite was the case for fiber. The total phenol contents (g/kg DM) for the high altitude and the lowland diet of the donor cow were 27 (tannins: 0.50 of phenols) and 12 (0.27), respectively. Independent of the origin of the rumen fluid, the incubation with alpine hay decreased (P < 0.05) bacterial counts, fermentation gas amount, volatile fatty acid (VFA) production as well as ammonia and methane concentrations in fermentation gas (the latter two being not lower when compared with hemicellulose). Alpine grazing of the cow in turn increased (P < 0.001) bacterial counts and, to a lesser extent, acetate proportion compared with lowland feeding. Further, alpine grazing decreased protozoal count (P < 0.05) and VFA production (P < 0.001) to a small extent, whereas methane remained widely unchanged. There were interactions (P < 0.05) between forage type incubated and feeding period of the donor cow in protozoal counts, acetate:propionate ratio, fermentation gas production and its content of methane, in vitro organic matter digestibility and metabolizable energy. Although increased phenolic compounds were the most consistent common property of the applied alpine forages, a clear attribution to certain effects was not possible in this study. As a further result, adaptation (long-term for donor cow, short term for 24 h incubations) appears to influence the expression of alpine forage effects in ruminal fermentatio

    Extension of the Dip-test Repertoire -- Efficient and Differentiable p-value Calculation for Clustering

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    Over the last decade, the Dip-test of unimodality has gained increasing interest in the data mining community as it is a parameter-free statistical test that reliably rates the modality in one-dimensional samples. It returns a so called Dip-value and a corresponding probability for the sample's unimodality (Dip-p-value). These two values share a sigmoidal relationship. However, the specific transformation is dependent on the sample size. Many Dip-based clustering algorithms use bootstrapped look-up tables translating Dip- to Dip-p-values for a certain limited amount of sample sizes. We propose a specifically designed sigmoid function as a substitute for these state-of-the-art look-up tables. This accelerates computation and provides an approximation of the Dip- to Dip-p-value transformation for every single sample size. Further, it is differentiable and can therefore easily be integrated in learning schemes using gradient descent. We showcase this by exploiting our function in a novel subspace clustering algorithm called Dip'n'Sub. We highlight in extensive experiments the various benefits of our proposal

    Temporally Asymmetric Fluctuations are Sufficient for the Operation of a Correlation Ratchet

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    It has been shown that the combination of a broken spatial symmetry in the potential (or ratchet potential) and time correlations in the driving are crucial, and enough to allow transformation of the fluctuations into work. The required broken spatial symmetry implies a specific molecular arrangement of the proteins involved. Here we show that a broken spatial symmetry is not required, and that temporally asymmetric fluctuations (with mean zero) can be used to do work, even when the ratchet potential is completely symmetric. Temporal asymmetry, defined as a lack of invariance of the statistical properties under the operation to temporal inversion, is a generic property of nonequilibrium fluctuation, and should therefore be expected to be quite common in biological systems.Comment: 17 pages, ps figures on request, LaTeX Article Forma

    Feeding value of black soldier fly larvae compared to soybean in methionine- and lysine-deficient laying hen diets

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    To increase the sustainability of egg production, alternatives to soybean in poultry nutrition are intensively searched for. Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) could have a great potential, but the comparative protein value to soybean is not well known. The main objective of this study was to facilitate this comparison by using experimental diets clearly limited in calculated supply of sulphurous amino acids and lysine. Fifty laying hens (Lohmann Brown Classic), aged 40 weeks, were fed one of five diets for 7 weeks (n=10). Two diets were based on soybean cake and oil (SS, SS-) as protein and energy sources, and three diets contained partially defatted BSFL meal and fat from two different origins (AA-, AB-, BB-). Different from SS, all other diets were designed to be deficient in methionine and lysine in relation to requirements by >20%. The realised supply with total sulphurous amino acids and lysine was indeed superior with SS even though this diet was analysed to be more deficient in methionine than the BSFL-based diets. Despite the calculated deficiency in limiting amino acids, laying performance of the hens of all groups was similar and ranged between 93 and 97%. Similarly, egg mass, daily feed intake and feed efficiency were not influenced by the BSFL-based diets. The yolks of group BB- were more intensely coloured compared to the others indicating a difference between BSFL origins. Yolks of SS-, but not of the BSFL-based diets, had lower contents of dry matter and ether extract than those of SS. Including BSFL into the diet did not influence the odour of the eggs tested in scrambled form. The results show that soybean-based feeds for laying hens may be completely replaced by BSFL- based feeds and suggest that the recommendations for amino acid supply of laying hens might need revision

    Graded supplementation of chestnut tannins to dairy cows fed protein-rich spring pasture: effects on indicators of protein utilization

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    An on-farm experiment was conducted in order to evaluate effects of graded supplementation with chestnut tannin extract to cows in situations of excessive dietary protein supply on a low-input organic dairy farm. Respectively 10 Swiss Fleckvieh cows received twice per day 1 kg of experimental pellets containing either 0, 50 or 100 g/kg of chestnut extract (targeted at approximately 0, 5 and 10 g extract/kg of total dietary dry matter). Experimental feeding lasted for 21 days. Measurements and collection of milk, faeces and urine spot samples were performed in weeks 0 (baseline), 1 and 3. All cows were kept in one herd on pasture; fresh grass and grass hay were provided in the barn during night. Milk yield was recorded and cows wore sensor halters for recording chewing activity. In urine, total nitrogen and purine derivatives were measured; faeces were analyzed for protein, fibre and particle fractions; in milk, solid concentrations were determined. The data was analyzed with a general linear model. Cows did not show differences in general eating and rumination behaviour, but needed time to accept the tannin-containing pellets. Milk yield and composition were not affected by treatment, except for lactose content. No relevant differences between treatments were found for urinary and faecal parameters. In conclusion, although technically easy to supplement, pellets containing chestnut tannin extract were not readily accepted by the cows and effects on protein digestion and metabolism were not found. Successful on-farm application of chestnut extract in order to improve nitrogen efficiency therefore seems questionable

    MRI and venographic aspects of pelvic venous insufficiency.

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    Pelvic venous insufficiency is a frequent pathology in multiparous women. Diagnosis can be made by chance or suspected in the case of symptoms suggesting pelvic congestion syndrome or atypical lower limb varicosity fed by pelvic leaks. After ultrasound confirmation, dynamic venography is the reference pretherapeutic imaging technique, searching for pelvic varicosity and possible leaks to the lower limbs. MRI is less invasive and allows a three-dimensional study of the varicosity and, with dynamic angiography, it can assess ovarian reflux. It also helps to plan or even sometimes avoid diagnostic venography

    Replacement of soybean cake by Hermetia illucens meal in diets for layers

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    Insects will likely play an important role as protein sources for livestock in the future. Many insect species are able to convert materials not suitable for human nutrition – or even waste – into valuable protein with a favourable amino acid composition for poultry and other livestock. A feeding trial with partly de-fatted meal of dried Hermetia illucens larvae (Hermetia meal) reared on vegetarian by-products of the pasta and convenience food industry was carried out in small groups of Lohmann Selected Leghorn laying hens (four rounds, 10 hens/round). Experimental diets H12 and H24 contained 12 and 24 g/100 g Hermetia meal replacing 50 or 100% of soybean cake used in the control feed, respectively. After three weeks of feeding experimental diets, there were no significant differences between feeding groups with regard to performance (egg production, feed intake). There was a tendency (P=0.06) for lower albumen weight in the H24 group; yolk and shell weights did not differ. No mortality and no sign of health disorders occurred. Plumage as well as wound scores remained stable during the feeding period and did not differ between treatments. Dry matter of faeces increased with increasing proportions of Hermetia meal in the diet, with a significant difference between H24 and the control (P=0.03). An increase of black faecal pads was observed in the H12 and H24 groups. Overall, these results suggest Hermetia meal can be a valuable component of layer diets. However, insect meal production still has to become economically more viable through upscaling production and, especially, legislative issues have to be solved
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