45 research outputs found

    Linking Long-Term Product Planning and Requirements Prioritization to Customer Value Creation

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    Creating value for different customer segments is essential to the business of a company. Thus, software product development companies' ability to implement the most valuable requirements in their products has been seen as critical. The literature offers requirements prioritization methods for selecting requirements, but their suitability for solving practical challenges is not clear. The state of the practice in long-term product planning and requirements prioritization, and the practical challenges involved is not thoroughly analysed. Therefore, the connection between the selection of product features and customer value creation is also an area that needs more investigation. This thesis investigates the current state of long-term product planning and requirements prioritization, and their linkages to customer value creation in market-driven software product development. The results are based on the experience gathered from 7 Finnish software product development companies that had recognized the importance to improve their long-term product planning and requirements prioritization practices. To gain a deep understanding in real product development context, we conducted longitudinal case studies using an action research approach. In addition, we evaluated the suitability of requirements prioritization methods in product development projects. The thesis provides a systematic analysis of long-term product planning and requirements prioritization activities and challenges involved in the market-driven software product development companies. According to our results product planning activities are at a low-level, focusing on the individual features of individual products in short term. Practitioners have challenges in drawing different viewpoints together into product planning. Both integrating business and customer viewpoints to the project level as well as integrating the understanding about technical limitations and possibilities to product level planning was difficult in practice. The requirements prioritization methods did not solve the practical challenges. On the basis of our findings we also propose a set of practices that support the link from long-term product planning and requirements prioritization to customer value creation. The essence of the suggested practices is 1) in the shift of planning focus from individual product features towards understanding the processes of customers and users and in describing the solutions from the customer viewpoint as a whole and 2) in the cross-functional effort to be able to combine the three main viewpoints of customer value creation (company's own business, customers and users, and implementation).Arvon luominen eri asiakassegmenteille on elintärkeää yrityksen liiketoiminnalle. Ohjelmistotuoteyrityksen kyvykkyys toteuttaa tuotteisiinsa asiakkaiden näkökulmasta katsoen arvokkaimmat ominaisuudet onkin siksi nähty kriittisenä. Kirjallisuudessa esitellään erilaisia priorisointimenetelmiä tuoteominaisuuksien valintaan, mutta niiden soveltuvuudesta käytännön ohjelmistotyöhön ei juuri tiedetä. Myöskään pitkäntähtäimen suunnittelun ja vaatimusten priorisoinnin nykytilaa sekä niihin liittyviä käytännön haasteita ei ole syvällisesti analysoitu. Siksi yhteyttä ominaisuusvalintojen ja asiakasarvon luomisen välillä onkin tärkeää tutkia lisää. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten pitkäntähtäimen tuotesuunnittelu ja vaatimusten priorisointi tukevat arvon luontia asiakkaille ja käyttäjille markkinaohjautuvassa ohjelmistotuotekehityksessä. Tulokset perustuvat seitsemästä suomalaisesta ohjelmistotuoteyrityksestä kerättyihin kokemuksiin. Saadaksemme tuotesuunnittelusta ja ominaisuusvalintojen tekemisestä niin pitkällä kuin lyhyelläkin tähtäimellä syvällisen ymmärryksen, toteutimme pitkittäisiä tapaustutkimuksia käyttäen toimintatutkimuslähestymistapaa. Lisäksi kokeilimme vaatimusten priorisointimenetelmiä todellisessa tuotekehitysympäristössä. Tutkimus esittelee systemaattisen nykytila-analyysin ohjelmistoyritysten tuotesuunnittelun käytännöistä ja haasteista. Tulokset paljastavat, että ohjelmistotuotteita suunnitellaan pirstaleisesti, lyhyellä aikajänteellä ja yksittäisen tuotteen ominaisuuksiin kerralla keskittyen. Yritysten työntekijöillä on vaikeuksia käytännössä yhdistää arvonluonnin kannalta tärkeitä näkökulmia. Sekä liiketoiminta- ja asiakasnäkökulman tuominen tuotekehitysprojektien päätöksentekoon että toisaalta teknisten rajoitteiden ja mahdollisuuksien huomioiminen jo tuotesuunnittelun aiemmissa vaiheissa ovat erityisen haastavia. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi käytäntöjä, joiden avulla asiakasarvon luomista voisi tukea tuotesuunnittelussa. Näiden käytäntöjen keskiössä ovat 1) suunnittelun fokuksen siirtäminen yksittäisistä tuoteominaisuuksista asiakkaan ja loppukäyttäjän prosessien ymmärtämiseen, sekä ratkaisujen kuvaaminen asiakkaan näkökulmasta kokonaisuuksina, sekä 2) yli organisaatiorajojen ulottuva työskentely, jonka avulla voidaan paremmin yhdistää kolme tärkeintä asiakasarvon luonnin näkökulmaa (yrityksen oma liiketoiminta, asiakkaat ja käyttäjät, sekä tuotteen toteuttaminen)

    Clinical and microbiological characterization of Aerococcus urinae bacteraemias at Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland

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    Our objective was to assess the incidence of bacteraemic Aerococcus urinae cases at Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland, from a 6-year study period (2013 to 2018) and to further characterize available cases. The study evaluates the outcome of commonly used cefuroxime treatment and determinate a set of A. urinae in vitro antimicrobial susceptibilities for benzylpenicillin, cefuroxime, and ceftriaxone. Clinical records of A. urinae bacteraemic patients were reviewed retrospectively. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion, gradient test, and broth microdilution for 139-141 clinical A. urinae isolates. Clinical data of 72/77 patients were combined with the in vitro susceptibilities. We found an increasing number of bacteraemic A. urinae cases within 6-year study period (p = 0.01). The patients were mainly elderly males, and all suffered from underlying conditions. A total of 27.3% of cases (21/77) showed polymicrobial blood cultures. Thirty-day mortality was 22.1%. Cefuroxime was the initial empiric antimicrobial agent given for 66/76 of the patients and treatment outcome was favorable for 20/22 patients who received cefuroxime at least up to day 5. All isolates were susceptible to benzylpenicillin and cefuroxime interpreted by EUCAST breakpoints for Aerococci and PK-PD breakpoints, respectively. MIC determinations gave variable results for ceftriaxone, 2.1-2.9% of the isolates were resistant. To conclude, it seems that the number of bacteraemic Aerococcus urinae cases is increasing at Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland, reflecting the growing blood culture sampling. Clinical A. urinae isolates were susceptible to cefuroxime in vitro. Treatment data indicate that empirical cefuroxime started for possibly urinary tract -derived community-acquired bacteraemia covers A. urinae.Peer reviewe

    Outbreak of delta variant SARS-CoV-2 virus on a psychogeriatric ward in Helsinki, Finland, August 2021 : two-dose vaccination reduces mortality and disease severity amongst the elderly

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    We describe an outbreak of delta variant SARS-CoV-2 on a psychogeriatric ward of elderly patients. Retrospectively collected data was analysed using Fisher's exact test to assess the association between patients' vaccination status and infection rates, severity of disease and mortality. Vaccination with two doses was shown to reduce severity of disease (5% vs. 75%, p < 0.001) and mortality (5% vs. 50%, p < 0.018) amongst an elderly inpatient population during an outbreak of delta variant SARS-CoV-2. Vaccination should be encouraged in elderly care institutions. Furthermore, adequate vaccination in elderly care institutions is an important consideration in current booster (third/fourth) dose schedules.Peer reviewe

    Penisilliinit kunniaan : perus- ja stafylokokkipenisilliinien käyttö aikuispotilaiden sairaalahoidossa

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    Vertaisarvioitu.Suomalaisissa sairaaloissa kefalosporiinien ja muiden beetalaktaamimikrobilääkkeiden käyttö on penisilliineihin verrattuna 1,4-kertaista ja huomattavasti yleisempää kuin useimmissa muissa EU- tai EEA-maissa. Laajakirjoisten mikrobilääkkeiden käyttö voi lisätä resistenttien mikrobikantojen ja Clostridioides difficile -infektioiden ilmaantuvuutta. HUS:n Penisilliinit kunniaan -kampanjalla pyritään lisäämään perus- ja stafylokokkipenisilliinien käyttöä sekä aloitus- että kohdennusmikrobilääkkeinä. Empiirisen hoidon aiheita ovat potilaiden, joilla on vähän riskitekijöitä, avohoitokeuhkokuumeet, ruusut ja akuutit haavainfektiot erityisesti raajojen ja ylävartalon alueella. Penisilliinit ovat tehokkaita täsmämikrobilääkkeitä erityisesti Staphylococcus aureuksen, streptokokkien ja pneumokokkien aiheuttamiin infektioihin. Esittelemme myös perus- ja stafylokokkipenisilliinin jatkuvan annostelun kotisairaalassa elastomeerisen pumpun avulla. Lisäksi kannustamme epätyypillisten penisilliiniallergioiden sekä yli kymmenen vuotta sitten ilmaantuneiden ihoreaktioiden uudelleenarviointiin ja testaamiseen.Peer reviewe

    Hoidon seurannan tietorakenteiden konsepti

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    Hoidon seurannan tietorakenteiden konsepti kokoaa yhteen tiedon nykyisistä hoidossa kirjattavista tiedoista ja tietorakenteista. Kokonaisuus sisältää tiedot kansallisista tietorakenteista sekä suuntaa lähivuosien hoidon seurannan tietorakenteiden kehittämisestä ja käyttöönottojen vaiheistusta. Konseptissa esitetään tavoitetila ja sen saavuttamiseksi tunnistetut kehittämisvaihtoehdot. Konseptointi on tehty osana Kestävän kasvun ohjelmaa. (Next Generation EU).Julkaisun sähköinen versio:https://yhteistyotilat.fi/wiki08/display/JULHOSE</a

    Clinical and microbiological characterization of Aerococcus urinae bacteraemias at Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland

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    Our objective was to assess the incidence of bacteraemic Aerococcus urinae cases at Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland, from a 6-year study period (2013 to 2018) and to further characterize available cases. The study evaluates the outcome of commonly used cefuroxime treatment and determinate a set of A. urinae in vitro antimicrobial susceptibilities for benzylpenicillin, cefuroxime, and ceftriaxone. Clinical records of A. urinae bacteraemic patients were reviewed retrospectively. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion, gradient test, and broth microdilution for 139-141 clinical A. urinae isolates. Clinical data of 72/77 patients were combined with the in vitro susceptibilities. We found an increasing number of bacteraemic A. urinae cases within 6-year study period (p = 0.01). The patients were mainly elderly males, and all suffered from underlying conditions. A total of 27.3% of cases (21/77) showed polymicrobial blood cultures. Thirty-day mortality was 22.1%. Cefuroxime was the initial empiric antimicrobial agent given for 66/76 of the patients and treatment outcome was favorable for 20/22 patients who received cefuroxime at least up to day 5. All isolates were susceptible to benzylpenicillin and cefuroxime interpreted by EUCAST breakpoints for Aerococci and PK-PD breakpoints, respectively. MIC determinations gave variable results for ceftriaxone, 2.1-2.9% of the isolates were resistant. To conclude, it seems that the number of bacteraemic Aerococcus urinae cases is increasing at Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland, reflecting the growing blood culture sampling. Clinical A. urinae isolates were susceptible to cefuroxime in vitro. Treatment data indicate that empirical cefuroxime started for possibly urinary tract -derived community-acquired bacteraemia covers A. urinae.</p

    Computer-based Eye-tracking Analysis of King-Devick Test Differentiates Persons with Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus from Cognitively Unimpaired

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. All rights reserved.Background: Functional defects in eye movements and reduced reading speed in neurodegenerative diseases represent a potential new biomarker to support clinical diagnosis. We investigated whether computer-based eye-tracking (ET) analysis of the King-Devick (KD) test differentiates persons with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) from cognitively unimpaired [control (CO)] and persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: We recruited 68 participants (37 CO, 10 iNPH, and 21 AD) who underwent neurological examination, the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease neuropsychological test battery (CERAD-NB), and a Clinical Dementia Rating interview. The KD reading test was performed using computer-based ET. We analyzed the total time used for the reading test, number of errors, durations of fixation and saccade, and saccade amplitudes. Results: The iNPH group significantly differed from the CO group in the KD test mean total time (CO 69.3 s, iNPH 87.3 s; P≤0.009) and eye-tracking recording of the mean saccade amplitude (CO 3.6 degree, iNPH 3.2 degree; P≤0.001). The AD group significantly differed from the CO group in each tested parameter. No significant differences were detected between the iNPH and AD groups. Conclusion: For the first time, we demonstrated altered reading ability and saccade amplitudes in patients with iNPH.Peer reviewe

    Shortening of Saccades as a Possible Easy-to-Use Biomarker to Detect Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Background: Wide-ranging functional defects in eye movements have been reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia. The detection of abnormal eye movements and reading problems may identify persons at risk of AD when clear clinical symptoms are lacking. Objective: To examine whether computer-based eye-tracking (ET) analysis of King-Devick (KD) test results differentiates cognitively healthy persons from persons with minor problems in cognitive testing or diagnosed mild AD. Methods: We recruited 78 participants (57 non-demented, 21 with mild AD) who underwent neurological examination, the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease neuropsychological test battery (CERAD-NB), and a Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) interview. The non-demented participants were further divided into control (normal CERAD subtests, mean MMSE= 28) and objective mild cognitive impairment (MCI; decline in at least one CERAD memory score, mean MMSE= 27) groups. The KD reading test was performed using computer-based ET. The total time used for the reading test, errors made, fixation and saccade durations, and saccade amplitudes were analyzed. Results: We found significant differences between the control, objective MCI, and AD groups in regard to the mean saccade amplitude (3.58, 3.33, and 3.21 ms, respectively, p < 0.03) and duration (27.1, 25.3, and 24.8 ms, respectively, p < 0.05). The KD error scores in the AD group differed significantly (p < 0.01) from the other groups. Conclusion: Computed ET analysis of the KD test may help detect persons with objective MCI early when clear clinical symptoms are lacking. The portable device for ET is easy to use in primary health care memory clinics.Peer reviewe

    The OpenMolcas Web: A Community-Driven Approach to Advancing Computational Chemistry

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    The developments of the open-source OpenMolcas chemistry software environment since spring 2020 are described, with a focus on novel functionalities accessible in the stable branch of the package or via interfaces with other packages. These developments span a wide range of topics in computational chemistry and are presented in thematic sections: electronic structure theory, electronic spectroscopy simulations, analytic gradients and molecular structure optimizations, ab initio molecular dynamics, and other new features. This report offers an overview of the chemical phenomena and processes OpenMolcas can address, while showing that OpenMolcas is an attractive platform for state-of-the-art atomistic computer simulations