1,809 research outputs found

    Lien entre la sensibilité maternelle et la relation d'attachement : considération du contexte familial

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    Les potentielles sources d’erreurs au niveau des preuves d’ordre scientifique

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    Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise en science (M. Sc.) en criminologie, option criminalistique et informationDifférentes causes peuvent être répertoriées pour expliquer une erreur judiciaire. Le présent travail s’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux erreurs commises dans les expertises d’ordre scientifique admises au tribunal. Pour la revue de littérature, nous faisons un survol des différentes erreurs qui peuvent survenir tout au long du processus judiciaire, c’est-à-dire de la scène de crime jusqu’à la présentation de la preuve scientifique au tribunal. Dans un deuxième temps, l’analyse se base sur des cas concrets où plusieurs condamnés furent acquittés à la suite de la découverte d’erreurs commises par un pathologiste médicolégal. Ce dernier a notamment fait des fautes graves tant durant l’autopsie, que dans ses analyses, ainsi qu’au cours de ses témoignages. Nous nous attardons à la façon dont l’expertise médicale est présentée par l’expert et la manière d’énoncer la valeur de l’indice scientifique, ainsi que sur l’appréciation des juristes face à cette expertise scientifique. Nous constatons que plusieurs erreurs auraient pu être évitées à l’aide d’une logique probabiliste dans l’inférence. Une part de responsabilité revient également aux acteurs du système de justice pénale qui doivent demeurer vigilants à l’égard de la preuve scientifique de façon à ne pas la voir comme une vérité absolue.Several causes can be listed to explain a miscarriage of justice. The present work focuses on the mistakes made in the scientific expertise admitted in court. For the literature review, we present an overview of the various errors that can occur throughout the legal process; from of the crime scene to the presentation of scientific evidence in court. Secondly, the analysis is based on actual cases where several convicts were acquitted following the discovery of errors made by a forensic pathologist. The latter made serious mistakes during the autopsy, in his analyzes and his testimony. We focus on how medical expertise is presented by the expert, on the way the value of the scientific evidence is ruled and also how the lawyers deal with this scientific expertise. We find that many errors could have been avoided by using a probabilistic approach. Some responsibility also goes to criminal justice system players who must be vigilant towards the scientific evidence and not see it as an absolute truth

    Alien Registration- Lehoux, Louis P. (Greene, Androscoggin County)

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    Faster Preprocessing for the Trip-Based Public Transit Routing Algorithm

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    We propose an additional preprocessing step for the Trip-Based Public Transit Routing algorithm, an exact state-of-the art algorithm for bi-criteria min cost path problems in public transit networks. This additional step reduces significantly the preprocessing time, while preserving the correctness and the computation times of the queries. We test our approach on three large scale networks and show that the improved preprocessing is compatible with frequent real-time updates, even on the larger data set. The experiments also indicate that it is possible, if preprocessing time is an issue, to use the proposed preprocessing step on its own to obtain already a significant reduction of the query times compared to the no pruning scenario

    Transfer Customization with the Trip-Based Public Transit Routing Algorithm

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    In the context of routing in public transit networks, we consider the issue of the customization of walking transfer times, which is incompatible with the preprocessing required by many state-of-the-art algorithms. We propose to extend one of those, the Trip-Based Public Transit Routing algorithm, to take into account at query time user defined transfer speed and maximum transfer duration. The obtained algorithm is optimal for the bicriteria problem of optimizing minimum arrival time and number of transfers. It is tested on two large data sets and the query times are compatible with real-time queries in a production context

    Épistémologies civiles et institutionnalisation de trois technologies médicales controversées

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    Les nouvelles technologies médicales suscitent régulièrement des controverses scientifiques et sociales. Pour alimenter l’opinion publique, les journalistes utilisent plusieurs sources, incluant des médecins et des associations de patients qui font valoir divers arguments scientifiques, cliniques, sociaux ou fondés sur des histoires vécues. Dans un tel espace de délibération politique, où la science, la clinique et les trajectoires de vies personnelles se côtoient, comment les politiques publiques deviennent-elles légitimes ? Et quels arguments permettent l’institutionnalisation des innovations médicales ? Cet article explore comment les points de vue des spécialistes médicaux, ceux rapportés par la presse écrite et ceux des associations de patients, s’articulent autour de trois cas spécifiques : le dépistage du syndrome de Down, les électrochocs et le dépistage du cancer de la prostate par antigène prostatique spécifique. Pour chacun des cas, une histoire domine et réussit tant bien que mal à forger une direction claire dans laquelle institutionnaliser l’innovation.New medical technologies often spark scientific and social controversy. In order to inform public opinion, journalists use a number of sources, including doctors and associations of patients who put forward various scientific, clinical and social arguments based on real-life experiences. In this arena of political deliberation, where science, clinical aspects and personal trajectories intersect, how do public policies gain legitimacy ? What arguments lead to the institutionalization of medical innovations ? This article examines the viewpoints of medical specialists, associations of patients and the opinions reported in the written press on three specific medical technologies : screening for Down’s syndrome, electroshock therapy, and prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer. It shows how, in each case, a particular narrative somehow succeeds in forging a clear direction where the institutionalization of medical innovation takes place.Las nuevas tecnologías médicas suscitan regularmente controversias científicas y sociales. Para alimentar la opinión pública, los periodistas utilizan varias fuentes, incluyendo médicos y asociaciones de pacientes que presentan diversos argumentos científicos, clínicos, sociales o fundados en historias vividas. En tal espacio de deliberación política donde cohabitan la ciencia, la clínica y las trayectorias de vida personales ¿cómo las políticas públicas llegan a legitimarse ? ¿Y qué argumentos permiten la institucionalización de las innovaciones médicas ? Este artículo explora cómo se articulan los puntos de vista de los especialistas médicos, aquellos presentados por la prensa escrita y las asociaciones de pacientes alrededor de tres casos específicos : el diagnóstico del síndrome de Down, los electrochoques y el diagnóstico del cáncer de la próstata por medio del antígeno prostático específico. En cada uno de los casos domina una historia y logra, mal que bien, forjar una dirección clara en la cual institucionalizar la innovación

    Etude tribologique de l'emmanchement en force dans des tĂ´les embouties

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    http://hdl.handle.net/2042/37177International audienceL'emmanchement en force à la presse est une opération conditionnée par le frottement: c'est lui qui explique la force nécessaire à l'emmanchement, c'est lui qui détermine la force de démanchement. Après une analyse succincte de la mécanique de l'opération, nous montrons comment la surface des pièces est transformée par ce contact glissant sévère. Sur la base de ces analyses mécaniques, des essais tribologiques simulant ce contact sont proposés pour reproduire ces transformations dans des conditions plus aisément dépouillables

    Comment favoriser la recherche clinique en pédopsychiatrie? Une expérience de recherche-action collaborative

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    Les recherches cliniques évaluatives sont trop peu nombreuses. Nous décrirons ici un processus de recherche susceptible d'en favoriser la multiplication. Nous rapportons l'étude de cas d'un processus apparenté à la recherche-action collaborative mené par un groupe de cliniciens en pédopsychiatrie. À l'aide des résultats de l'étude et à la lumière des caractéristiques des recherche-actions, nous expliquons pourquoi et comment ce groupe de cliniciens a réussi à instaurer un processus de recherche. Les leçons tirées de cette expérience sont multiples et nous concluons en proposant la recherche-action collaborative comme un modèle dont tout clinicien ou chercheur pourrait s'inspirer en vue de mener une recherche clinique.How to favor clinical research in pedopsychiatry? An experience of a cooperative action-research Clinical evaluative research are far too few. In this article, the authors describe a research process likely to favor its multiplication. They report on a case study of a process resembling a cooperative action-research led by a group of clinicians in pedopsychiatry. With the results and in the light of caracteristics of action-research, they explain why and how this group of clinicians has succeeded in establishing a research process. The lessons drawned from this experience are numerous. The authors conclude by proposing a cooperative action-research as a model that all clinicians could apply to a clinical study.¿Como favorisar la investigación clínica en pedopsyquiatría? Investigaciones evaluativas clínicas no son muy numerosas. Describiremos aquí un proceso de investigación susceptible de favorisar su multiplicación. Relatamos el estudio de caso de un proceso emparentado a la investigación-acción colaborativa conducida por un grupo de clínicos en pedopsiquiatría. Con los resultados del estudio y a la vista de las características de las investigaciones-acción, explicaremos porque y como este grupo de clínicos lograron instaurar un proceso de investigación. Frutos sacados de esta experiencia son múltiples y concluyemos proponiendo la investigación-acción colaborativa como modelo del cual un investigador podria inspirarse en el conducto de una investigación clínica

    “It’s not just hacking for the sake of it”: a qualitative study of health innovators’ views on patient-driven open innovations, quality and safety

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    Background Open do-it-yourself (DIY) health innovations raise new dilemmas for patient-oriented and service-oriented scholars and healthcare providers. Our study aimed to generate practical insights into quality and safety issues to patient care raised by two volunteer-run, open DIY solutions: Nightscout Project (patient-driven, open-source software for type 1 diabetes management) and e-NABLE (volunteers who design and three-dimensionally print upper-limb assistive devices). To this end, we examined the views of health innovators who are knowledgeable about medical devices standards and regulations. Methods We applied a multimedia-based, dataelicitation technique to conduct indepth interviews with a diversified sample of 31 health innovators practising in two Canadian provinces (Quebec and Ontario). An exploratory thematic analysis approach was used to identify respondents’ reasoning processes and compare their overall judgements of Nightscout and e-NABLE. Results Respondents pondered the following quality and safety issues: importance of the need addressed; accessibility; volunteers’ ability to develop and maintain a safe solution of good quality; risks involved for users; consequences of not using the solution; and liability. Overall, innovators see Nightscout as a high-risk DIY solution that requires expert involvement and e-NABLE as a low-risk one that fills a hard-to-meet gap. Conclusion Health innovators generally support patient-driven initiatives but also call for the involvement of professionals who possess complementary skills and knowledge. Our findings provide a list of issues healthcare providers may discuss with patients during clinical consultations to document potential risks and benefits of open DIY solutions. To inform new policy approaches, we propose the development of publicly funded umbrella organisations to act as intermediaries between open DIY solutions and regulatory bodies to help them meet quality and safety standard

    Comparative case study research: an international analysis of nine home warranty schemes

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    Purpose – Construction defects in residential buildings are causing significant impacts both on consumers and the industry. As a consequence, several countries have established new home warranty schemes. However, designing a public policy for domestic building warranties can become a difficult task. In fact, many of these programs in the past have failed, collapsed or gone bankrupt. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to provide a systematic comparative representation of various active programs internationally. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology relied on a multiple-case study research design. The case selection covered a total of nine jurisdictions with compulsory home warranty programs. Those included Japan, France, United Kingdom, three provinces in Canada (Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta), and three states in Australia (New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland). The study applied a data collection protocol to gather all the evidence in a replicable manner for each individual case. Subsequently, a cross-case analysis was conducted to identify similarities and variations between programs. Findings – The findings unveiled institutional practices that aimed to resolve, compensate, or rectify defects in residential constructions within these countries. The review mostly suggested that every home warranty program presents certain unique characteristics. At the end, this paper proposed an analytical illustration representing the diversification of components adopted by each jurisdiction. Originality/value – Nowadays, there is still not a consensus within the academic community on what is an optimal solution when conceiving a new home warranty program. Hence, the current study aims to fill this knowledge gap by presenting the plurality of methods employed by several countries. This paper seeks to help policy makers and industry leaders to improve their home warranty scheme based on awareness derived from observations and analyses of what has been accomplished elsewhere in the world
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