34 research outputs found

    Impact of the size of the normal database on the performance of the specific binding ratio in dopamine transporter SPECT

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    Background: This study investigated the impact of the size of the normal database on the classification performance of the specific binding ratio (SBR) in dopamine transporter (DAT) SPECT with [123I]FP-CIT in different settings. Methods: The first subject sample comprised 645 subjects from the Parkinson's Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI), 207 healthy controls (HC), and 438 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. The second sample comprised 372 patients from clinical routine patient care, 186 with non-neurodegenerative parkinsonian syndrome (PS) and 186 with neurodegenerative PS. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images of the clinical sample were reconstructed with two different reconstruction algorithms (filtered backprojection, iterative ordered subsets expectation maximization (OSEM) reconstruction with resolution recovery). The putaminal specific binding ratio (SBR) was computed using an anatomical region of interest (ROI) predefined in standard (MNI) space in the Automated Anatomic Labeling (AAL) atlas or using hottest voxels (HV) analysis in large predefined ROIs. SBR values were transformed to z-scores using mean and standard deviation of the SBR in a normal database of varying sizes (n = 5, 10, 15,…, 50) randomly selected from the HC subjects (PPMI sample) or the patients with non-neurodegenerative PS (clinical sample). Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for identifying patients with PD or neurodegenerative PS were determined as performance measures using a predefined fixed cutoff on the z-score. This was repeated for 10,000 randomly selected normal databases, separately for each size of the normal database. Mean and 5th percentile of the performance measures over the 10,000 realizations were computed. Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity when using the whole set of HC or non-neurodegenerative PS subjects as normal database were used as benchmark. Results: Mean loss of accuracy of the putamen SBR z-score was below 1% when the normal database included at least 15 subjects, independent of subject sample (PPMI or clinical), reconstruction method (filtered backprojection or OSEM), and ROI method (AAL or HV). However, the variability of the accuracy of the putamen SBR z-score decreased monotonically with increasing size of normal database and was still considerable at size 15. In order to achieve less than 5% "maximum" loss of accuracy (defined by the 5th percentile) in all settings required at least 25 to 30 subjects in the normal database. Reduction of mean and "maximum" loss of accuracy of the putamen SBR z-score by further increasing the size of the normal database was very small beyond size 40. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that 25 to 30 is the minimum size of the normal database to reliably achieve good performance of semi-quantitative analysis in dopamine transporter (DAT) SPECT, independent of the algorithm used for image reconstruction and the ROI method used to estimate the putaminal SBR

    Circadian Desynchrony Promotes Metabolic Disruption in a Mouse Model of Shiftwork

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    Shiftwork is associated with adverse metabolic pathophysiology, and the rising incidence of shiftwork in modern societies is thought to contribute to the worldwide increase in obesity and metabolic syndrome. The underlying mechanisms are largely unknown, but may involve direct physiological effects of nocturnal light exposure, or indirect consequences of perturbed endogenous circadian clocks. This study employs a two-week paradigm in mice to model the early molecular and physiological effects of shiftwork. Two weeks of timed sleep restriction has moderate effects on diurnal activity patterns, feeding behavior, and clock gene regulation in the circadian pacemaker of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In contrast, microarray analyses reveal global disruption of diurnal liver transcriptome rhythms, enriched for pathways involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and correlating with first indications of altered metabolism. Although altered food timing itself is not sufficient to provoke these effects, stabilizing peripheral clocks by timed food access can restore molecular rhythms and metabolic function under sleep restriction conditions. This study suggests that peripheral circadian desynchrony marks an early event in the metabolic disruption associated with chronic shiftwork. Thus, strengthening the peripheral circadian system by minimizing food intake during night shifts may counteract the adverse physiological consequences frequently observed in human shift workers

    Verfahren zum Ermitteln von Deskriptoren, welche mit Eigenschaften eines Partikelkollektivs korrelieren

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    Es wird ein Verfahren zum Ermitteln von Deskriptoren DI, welche mit Eigenschaften eines Partikelkollektivs korrelieren, beschrieben. Die Deskriptoren Di werden durch Auswerten von Messsignalen, welche mittels einer optischen Reflexions- oder Transmissionsmethode ermittelt wurden, bei der Licht in das Partikelkollektiv eingestrahlt und rückreflektiertes Licht mittels eines Fotodetektors detektiert wird, ermittelt. Das Verfahren weist die folgenden Schritte auf: a) Aufnehmen eines Intensitätssignals I(t) von dem Fotodetektor, wobei das Intensitätssignals I(t) eine zeitabhängige Intensität von durch den Fotodetektor detektiertem Licht angibt; b) Erstellen eines digitalisierten Intensitätssignals It durch Digitalisieren des aufgenommenen Intensitätssignals I(t) mit einer Samplingperiode &Dgr;t innerhalb eines Abtastfensters T vorbestimmter Zeitdauer; c) Erstellen eines Satzes von Koeffizientenwerten ai durch Umwandeln des digitalisierten Intensitätssignals It mithilfe einer mathematischen, vorzugsweise surjektiven Transformation; d) Ableiten der Deskriptoren DI aus den erstellten Koeffizientenwerten. Das Verfahren und eine zu dessen Ausführung vorgesehene Vorrichtung können deutlich einfacher implementiert werden als herkömmliche Verfahren, bei denen Partikelkollektive durch Erstellen einer Sehnenlängenverteilung (CLD) untersucht werden sollen. Die mittels des Verfahrens ermittelten Deskriptoren können bei einer Prozessanalyse verwendet werden, um beispielsweise einfach und schnell erkennen zu können, wenn sich ein Partikelkollektiv anomal verhält

    Accuracy of Molar Solubility Prediction from Hansen Parameters. An Exemplified Treatment of the Bioantioxidant l-Ascorbic Acid

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    Estimating molar solubility from the Hildebrand-Scott relation employing Hansen solubility parameters (HSP) is widely presumed a valid semi-quantitative approach. To test this presumption and to determine quantitatively the inherent accuracy of such a solubility prognosis, l-ascorbic acid (LAA) was treated as an example of a commercially important solute. Analytical calculus and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation were performed for 20 common solvents with total HSP ranging from 14.5 to 33.0 (MPa)0.5 utilizing validated material data. It was found that, due to the uncertainty of the material data used in the calculations, the solubility prediction had a large scattering and, thus, a low precision. Prediction power is most adversely affected by the uncertainty of the HSP estimates (solvent and solute), followed by the solute heat of fusion. The solute melting temperature and molar volume have minor effects. Computed and experimental solubilities show the same qualitative behavior, while quantitative discrepancies reach one to three orders of magnitude. Solubility estimates were found to provide, at best, rough guiding information but, with the quality of material data on LAA available, they cannot be rated semi-quantitative. It is assumed that these results generally apply at least to solute-solvent systems with a material data quality and solubility similar to LAA

    Studies on the crystallinity of poly(tetrafluoroethylene)

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    This study was conducted to gain insight into the phenomenon 'crystallinity' in the polymer poly(tetrafluoroethylene). Several routinely used techniques for determining the crystallinity were employed and an investigation of the feasibility of determining crystallinity with Raman spectroscopy was carried out. The results of wide-angle x-ray scattering, infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and density measurement on melt-quenched samples were compared to check these methods for consistency before changes in the Raman spectra were systematically correlated with the crystallinity as derived from these methods.An increasing band 'tailing' of the Raman band at &Delta;&nu; = 1380 cm-1 (CF2 symmetric stretching fundamental) was identified as the most marked effect of decreased crystallinity and a novel method for quantifying this spectral feature has been devised. It was found that the quantified band 'tailing' can serve as a measure for the crystallinity and that all methods including Raman give consistent results. On the basis of the findings a model for poly(tetrafluoroethylene) is proposed which comprises, dependent on the molecular weight, either two or three different structural phases.</p

    Projektorientiertes Lernen im Hochschulbereich

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    Das forschungsgetriebene Lehrformat "Projektorientiertes Lernen" wird im Masterprogramm der Fakultät Angewandte Chemie der Hochschule Reutlingen von uns seit nunmehr einer Dekade eingesetzt und stetig weiter entwickelt. Dieses Format hat sich besonders bewährt, um methodische und fachliche Kompetenzen nachhaltig zu vermitteln. Es war uns ein Anliegen, auch anderen an der praxisorientierten Ausgestaltung der Lehre Interessierten unsere Erfahrungen mitzuteilen und unsere Vorgehensweise konkret vorzustellen. Dazu haben wir unsere bisher verwendeten Dokumente und Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema redigiert und stellen sie in dem vorliegenden Buch vor. In diesem von uns als "Kurshandbuch" für Anwender gedachten Werk finden sich unsere über Jahre gesammelten Erfahrungen mit der Organisation eines solchen Lehr- und Lernformats

    Comments on “Solubility parameter of chitin and chitosan”, Carbohydrate Polymers 36 (1998) 121–127

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    Results on the solubility parameters of chitin and chitosan presented in the paper DOI: 10.1016/S0144-8617(98)00020-4 were recalculated and data evaluation was redone. A number of misprints, erroneous calculations and data evaluations were found with respect to Hansen as well as total solubility parameters as derived according to group contribution methods by Hoftyzer-Van Krevelen and Hoy’s system. Revised numerical data are presented

    Accuracy of molar solubility prediction from Hansen parameters : an exemplified treatment of the bioantioxidant l-ascorbic acid

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    Estimating molar solubility from the Hildebrand-Scott relation employing Hansen solubility parameters (HSP) is widely presumed a valid semi quantitative approach. To test this presumption and to determine quantitatively the inherent accuracy of such a solubility prognosis, l-ascorbic acid (LAA) was treated as an example of a commercially important solute. Analytical calculus and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation were performed for 20 common solvents with total HSP ranging from 14.5 to 33.0 (MPa)0.5 utilizing validated material data. It was found that, due to the uncertainty of the material data used in the calculations, the solubility prediction had a large scattering and, thus, a low precision

    Die Landessprache in der Lehre - welche Bedeutung kommt ihr bei der Internationalisierung zu?

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    Seit der Jahrhundertwende wird erfolgreich die Intensivierung des Austauschs zwischen wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen betrieben, auch national, aber vor allem international. Anfänglich schien klar, dass gute Indikatoren für die "Internationalisierung" genannte Entwicklung die Anteile ausländischer Wissenschaftler und Studierender sind. Konsens über sinnvolle Zielgrößen für die Indikatoren gibt es jedoch bisher nicht. Nach einiger Zeit flachte sich der anfängliche Anstieg dieser Quoten etwas ab. Mit der Folge einer weiteren Steigerung dieses Indikators ist neuerdings international der Trend zur Anglophonisierung der Lehre zu beobachten

    Die Landessprache in der Lehre – welche Bedeutung kommt ihr bei der Internationalisierung zu?

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    Der Artikel setzt sich kritisch mit dem Trend auseinander, ganze Studiengänge von Landessprache auf Englisch umzustellen und dies als "Internationaliserung" zu bezeichnen