11 research outputs found

    Characterisation of the Toxoplasma gondii tyrosine transporter and its phosphorylation by the calcium-dependent protein kinase 3.

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    Toxoplasma gondii parasites rapidly exit their host cell when exposed to calcium ionophores. Calcium-dependent protein kinase 3 (TgCDPK3) was previously identified as a key mediator in this process, as TgCDPK3 knockout (āˆ†cdpk3) parasites fail to egress in a timely manner. Phosphoproteomic analysis comparing WT with āˆ†cdpk3 parasites revealed changes in the TgCDPK3-dependent phosphoproteome that included proteins important for regulating motility, but also metabolic enzymes, indicating that TgCDPK3 controls processes beyond egress. Here we have investigated a predicted direct target of TgCDPK3, ApiAT5-3, a putative transporter of the major facilitator superfamily, and show that it is rapidly phosphorylated at serine 56 after induction of calcium signalling. Conditional knockout of apiAT5-3 results in transcriptional upregulation of most ribosomal subunits, but no alternative transporters, and subsequent parasite death. Mutating the S56 to a non-phosphorylatable alanine leads to a fitness cost, suggesting that phosphorylation of this residue is beneficial, albeit not essential, for tyrosine import. Using a combination of metabolomics and heterologous expression, we confirmed a primary role in tyrosine import for ApiAT5-3. However, no significant differences in tyrosine import could be detected in phosphorylation site mutants showing that if tyrosine transport is affected by S56 phosphorylation, its regulatory role is subtle

    Protein Kinase C-beta Dictates B Cell Fate by Regulating Mitochondrial Remodeling, Metabolic Reprogramming, and Heme Biosynthesis

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    PKCĪ²-null (Prkcbāˆ’/āˆ’) mice are severely immunodeficient. Here we show that mice whose B cells lack PKCĪ² failed to form germinal centers and plasma cells, which undermined affinity maturation and antibody production in response to immunization. Moreover, these mice failed to develop plasma cells in response to viral infection. At the cellular level, we have shown that Prkcbāˆ’/āˆ’B cells exhibited defective antigen polarization and mTORC1 signaling. While altered antigen polarization impaired antigen presentation and likely restricted the potential of GC development, defective mTORC1 signaling impaired metabolic reprogramming, mitochondrial remodeling, and heme biosynthesis in these cells, which altogether overwhelmingly opposed plasma cell differentiation. Taken together, our study reveals mechanistic insights into the function of PKCĪ² as a key regulator of B cell polarity and metabolic reprogramming that instructs B cell fate. Lymphocyte activation is associated with major changes in metabolism. Tsui and colleagues demonstrate that PKCĪ² promotes metabolic reprogramming to drive effector fate decision in B cells

    The Cryptococcus neoformans Titan cell is an inducible and regulated morphotype underlying pathogenesis.

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    Fungal cells change shape in response to environmental stimuli, and these morphogenic transitions drive pathogenesis and niche adaptation. For example, dimorphic fungi switch between yeast and hyphae in response to changing temperature. The basidiomycete Cryptococcus neoformans undergoes an unusual morphogenetic transition in the host lung from haploid yeast to large, highly polyploid cells termed Titan cells. Titan cells influence fungal interaction with host cells, including through increased drug resistance, altered cell size, and altered Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattern exposure. Despite the important role these cells play in pathogenesis, understanding the environmental stimuli that drive the morphological transition, and the molecular mechanisms underlying their unique biology, has been hampered by the lack of a reproducible in vitro induction system. Here we demonstrate reproducible in vitro Titan cell induction in response to environmental stimuli consistent with the host lung. In vitro Titan cells exhibit all the properties of in vivo generated Titan cells, the current gold standard, including altered capsule, cell wall, size, high mother cell ploidy, and aneuploid progeny. We identify the bacterial peptidoglycan subunit Muramyl Dipeptide as a serum compound associated with shift in cell size and ploidy, and demonstrate the capacity of bronchial lavage fluid and bacterial co-culture to induce Titanisation. Additionally, we demonstrate the capacity of our assay to identify established (cAMP/PKA) and previously undescribed (USV101) regulators of Titanisation in vitro. Finally, we investigate the Titanisation capacity of clinical isolates and their impact on disease outcome. Together, these findings provide new insight into the environmental stimuli and molecular mechanisms underlying the yeast-to-Titan transition and establish an essential in vitro model for the future characterization of this important morphotype

    Cardiac dysfunction and metabolic inflexibility in a mouse model of diabetes without dyslipidaemia

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    Diabetes is a well-established risk factor for heart disease leading to impaired cardiac function and a metabolic switch towards fatty acid usage. Here, we investigated if hyperglycaemia/hypoinsulinaemia in the absence of dyslipidaemia is sufficient to drive these changes, and if they can be reversed by restoring euglycaemia. Using the Ī²V59M mouse model, in which diabetes can be rapidly induced and reversed, we show that stroke volume and cardiac output were reduced within two weeks of diabetes induction. Flux through pyruvate dehydrogenase was decreased, as measured in vivo by hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Metabolomics showed accumulation of pyruvate, lactate, alanine, TCA cycle metabolites, and branched chain amino acids. Myristic and palmitoleic acid were decreased. Proteomics revealed proteins involved in fatty acid metabolism were increased whereas those involved in glucose metabolism decreased. Western blotting showed enhanced pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) and uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) expression. Elevated PDK4 and UCP3 and reduced pyruvate usage were present 24 hr after diabetes induction. The observed effects were independent of dyslipidaemia, as mice showed no evidence of elevated serum triglycerides or lipid accumulation in peripheral organs (including heart). The effects of diabetes were reversible, as glibenclamide therapy restored euglycaemia, cardiac metabolism and function, and PDK4/UCP3 levels

    Cardiac dysfunction and metabolic inflexibility in a mouse model of diabetes without dyslipidaemia

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    Diabetes is a well-established risk factor for heart disease leading to impaired cardiac function and a metabolic switch towards fatty acid usage. Here, we investigated if hyperglycaemia/hypoinsulinaemia in the absence of dyslipidaemia is sufficient to drive these changes, and if they can be reversed by restoring euglycaemia. Using the Ī²V59M mouse model, in which diabetes can be rapidly induced and reversed, we show that stroke volume and cardiac output were reduced within two weeks of diabetes induction. Flux through pyruvate dehydrogenase was decreased, as measured in vivo by hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Metabolomics showed accumulation of pyruvate, lactate, alanine, TCA cycle metabolites, and branched chain amino acids. Myristic and palmitoleic acid were decreased. Proteomics revealed proteins involved in fatty acid metabolism were increased whereas those involved in glucose metabolism decreased. Western blotting showed enhanced pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) and uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) expression. Elevated PDK4 and UCP3 and reduced pyruvate usage were present 24 hr after diabetes induction. The observed effects were independent of dyslipidaemia, as mice showed no evidence of elevated serum triglycerides or lipid accumulation in peripheral organs (including heart). The effects of diabetes were reversible, as glibenclamide therapy restored euglycaemia, cardiac metabolism and function, and PDK4/UCP3 levels

    Serine synthesis pathway inhibition cooperates with dietary serine and glycine limitation for cancer therapy.

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    Many tumour cells show dependence on exogenous serine and dietary serine and glycine starvation can inhibit the growth of these cancers and extend survivalĀ in mice. However, numerous mechanisms promote resistance to this therapeutic approach, including enhanced expression of the de novo serine synthesis pathway (SSP) enzymes or activation of oncogenes that drive enhanced serine synthesis. Here we show that inhibition of PHGDH, the first step in the SSP, cooperates with serine and glycine depletion to inhibit one-carbon metabolism and cancer growth. In vitro, inhibition of PHGDH combined with serine starvation leads to a defect in global protein synthesis, which blocks the activation of an ATF-4 response and more broadly impacts the protective stress response to amino acid depletion. In vivo, the combination of diet and inhibitor shows therapeutic efficacy against tumours that are resistant to diet or drug alone, with evidence of reduced one-carbon availability. However, the defect in ATF4-response seen in vitro following complete depletion of available serine is not seen in mice, where dietary serine and glycine depletion and treatment with the PHGDH inhibitor lower but do not eliminate serine. Our results indicate that inhibition of PHGDH will augment the therapeutic efficacy of a serine depleted diet

    USP25 promotes pathological HIF-1-driven metabolic reprogramming and is a potential therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer.

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    Deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) play an essential role in targeted protein degradation and represent an emerging therapeutic paradigm in cancer. However, their therapeutic potential in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has not been explored. Here, we develop a DUB discovery pipeline, combining activity-based proteomics with a loss-of-function genetic screen in patient-derived PDAC organoids and murine genetic models. This approach identifies USP25 as a master regulator of PDAC growth and maintenance. Genetic and pharmacological USP25 inhibition results in potent growth impairment in PDAC organoids, while normal pancreatic organoids are insensitive, and causes dramatic regression of patient-derived xenografts. Mechanistically, USP25 deubiquitinates and stabilizes the HIF-1Ī± transcription factor. PDAC is characterized by a severely hypoxic microenvironment, and USP25 depletion abrogates HIF-1Ī± transcriptional activity and impairs glycolysis, inducing PDAC cell death in the tumor hypoxic core. Thus, the USP25/HIF-1Ī± axis is an essential mechanism of metabolic reprogramming and survival in PDAC, which can be therapeutically exploited

    Vitamin B5 supports MYC oncogenic metabolism and tumor progression in breast cancer.

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    Tumors are intrinsically heterogeneous and it is well established that this directs their evolution, hinders their classification and frustrates therapy1-3. Consequently, spatially resolved omics-level analyses are gaining traction4-9. Despite considerable therapeutic interest, tumor metabolism has been lagging behind this development and there is a paucity of data regarding its spatial organization. To address this shortcoming, we set out to study the local metabolic effects of the oncogene c-MYC, a pleiotropic transcription factor that accumulates with tumor progression and influences metabolism10,11. Through correlative mass spectrometry imaging, we show that pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) associates with MYC-high areas within both human and murine mammary tumors, where its conversion to coenzyme A fuels Krebs cycle activity. Mechanistically, we show that this is accomplished by MYC-mediated upregulation of its multivitamin transporter SLC5A6. Notably, we show that SLC5A6 over-expression alone can induce increased cell growth and a shift toward biosynthesis, whereas conversely, dietary restriction of pantothenic acid leads to a reversal of many MYC-mediated metabolic changes and results in hampered tumor growth. Our work thus establishes the availability of vitamins and cofactors as a potential bottleneck in tumor progression, which can be exploited therapeutically. Overall, we show that a spatial understanding of local metabolism facilitates the identification of clinically relevant, tractable metabolic targets