45 research outputs found

    Introduction to the concept of “welfare potential” of production systems and its practical relevance to welfare labelling

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    Farm animal welfare is inextricably linked to, and limited by, the welfare potential of the production system. Welfare potential is determined by the method of production, with key housing features and the genetics of the animal being the primary defining factors. Housing systems with close confinement, or using animals selected for productivity to the detriment of welfare, such as fast-growing broilers, cannot deliver good welfare as the causes of poor welfare are an inherent part of the system. Good management, while not a determinant of the welfare potential, is essential for a system to achieve its potential. Viewing systems in terms of their welfare potential reduces the risk of making ongoing incremental changes to systems where welfare can never be high. It sets a framework for evaluating the inputs into a system which are key to ensure an acceptable level of welfare. This approach has practical relevance for certification schemes, as it allows for a tiered (“bad, better, best”) approach to food labelling based on method of production (e.g. intensive indoors, higher welfare indoors, free-range). Paired with robust welfare outcomes assessment and auditing, this can provide clear and simple information on the farming system to the consumers, while ensuring that the system delivers good welfare. There is an urgent need to move away from systems with a low welfare potential, as they can never deliver acceptable levels of welfare, and to support farmers in their transition towards systems with a higher welfare potential

    La réception du roman sentimental dans la presse et les ouvrages de critique littéraire

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    The critic discourses on literary give a separated representation of men and women writing, which refers to gender stereotypes. Novel, for instance, – and particularly sentimental novel – is considered as a feminine field especially from the end of the XVIIIth century. Indeed, from this era, women had access to reading and writing on a much broader scale, and they began to take over the public scene, which was until then mainly reserved to men. Under the Restoration particularly, the number of women novelists increased. Despite their success at their time, few of these women are known nowadays. Their production is associated with popular genre of novel and lowbrow culture, contrasting with the appraised realist novel of masculine novelists like Balzac or Stendhal. The present work explores the sentimental novel reception in the press and the discourses of literary reviews. It confronts the contemporary representation to the XIXth century representation and to the realities of the literary field. This work aims at reconsidering to what extent women and men contributed to the evolution of the novel, and at measuring, within the literary history, the influence of gender relations

    Women novelists under the Restoration : reception, construction of gender identities, history of the novel

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    À partir de la fin du XVIIIe siècle, les femmes accèdent plus massivement à la lecture et à l’écriture et investissent la scène publique qui était jusqu’alors surtout réservée aux hommes. Sous la Restauration en particulier, le nombre des romancières et celui de leurs œuvres s’accroissent. La postérité retient pourtant peu de noms parmi ces femmes qui ont connu un grand succès en leur temps. Elle associe leur production à un roman sentimental considéré comme un sous-genre féminin moins digne d’intérêt que le roman réaliste qui émerge vers 1830. Ce travail se propose de reconstruire le champ littéraire de la Restauration pour interroger cette représentation. Il s’agit tout d’abord d’observer la réception dont les romancières font l’objet, à cette époque où le gouvernement cherche à réaffirmer une bipartition traditionnelle des rôles et des identités sexués, dans l’intention de redonner une stabilité à la France, après les bouleversements sociohistoriques engendrés par la Révolution. Cette contextualisation permettra ensuite de comprendre les déterminations qui pèsent sur la définition de l’ethos des romancières et sur leurs choix esthétiques. À la lumière de leur positionnement théorique, l’analyse de leurs œuvres visera enfin à réévaluer leur contribution à la constitution de l’histoire du roman et à mesurer, au sein de cette dernière, l’influence des rapports de genre.From the end of the XVIIIth century, women had access to reading and writing on a much broader scale, and they began to take over the public scene, which was until then mainly reserved to men. Under the Restoration particularly, the number of women novelists and their works increased. However, few of these women who were very successful in their time are known nowadays. Their production is associated to a sentimental novel considered a feminine subgenre, less noteworthy than the realist novel which appeared around 1930. The present work offers to reconstruct the literary field of the Restoration era in order to question this representation. This consists first in observing how women novelists are received, at a time when the government tries to reassert a traditional division of gender roles and identities, in order to give France a new stability after the sociohistorical upheavals resulting from the French Revolution. Understanding the historical background of the literary field will then enable us to understand the determinations hanging over the ethos of women novelists and their aesthetic strategy. In the light of their theoretical positioning, the analysis of their works will finally be aimed at reevaluating to what extent they contributed to the constitution of the history of the novel, and measuring, within this history, the influence of gender relations

    Les romancières sous la Restauration (réception, construction des identités de genre, histoire du roman)

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    À partir de la fin du XVIIIe siècle, les femmes accèdent plus massivement à la lecture et à l écriture et investissent la scène publique qui était jusqu alors surtout réservée aux hommes. Sous la Restauration en particulier, le nombre des romancières et celui de leurs œuvres s accroissent. La postérité retient pourtant peu de noms parmi ces femmes qui ont connu un grand succès en leur temps. Elle associe leur production à un roman sentimental considéré comme un sous-genre féminin moins digne d intérêt que le roman réaliste qui émerge vers 1830. Ce travail se propose de reconstruire le champ littéraire de la Restauration pour interroger cette représentation. Il s agit tout d abord d observer la réception dont les romancières font l objet, à cette époque où le gouvernement cherche à réaffirmer une bipartition traditionnelle des rôles et des identités sexués,dans l intention de redonner une stabilité à la France, après les bouleversements sociohistoriques engendrés par la Révolution. Cette contextualisation permettra ensuite de comprendre les déterminations qui pèsent sur la définition de l ethos des romancières et sur leurs choix esthétiques. À la lumière de leur positionnement théorique, l analyse de leurs œuvres visera enfin à réévaluer leur contribution à la constitution de l histoire du roman et à mesurer, au sein de cette dernière, l influence des rapports de genre.From the end of the XVIIIth century, women had access to reading and writing on a much broader scale, and they began to take over the public scene, which was until then mainly reserved to men. Under the Restoration particularly, the number of women novelists and their works increased. However, few of these women who were very successful in their time are known nowadays. Their production is associated to a sentimental novel considered a feminine subgenre, less noteworthy than the realist novel which appeared around 1930. The present work offers to reconstruct the literary field of the Restoration era in order to question this representation. This consists first in observing how women novelists are received, at a time when the government tries to reassert a traditional division of gender roles and identities, in order to give France a new stability after the sociohistorical upheavals resulting from the French Revolution. Understanding the historical background of the literary field will then enable us to understand the determinations hanging over the ethos of women novelists and their aesthetic strategy. In the light of their theoretical positioning, the analysis of their works will finally be aimed at reevaluating to what extent they contributed to the constitution of the history of the novel, and measuring, within this history, the influence of gender relations.PARIS4-Bib. électronique (751059905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Quelle statine pour quel patient ?

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Réalisation de vidéos et de fiches pédagogiques pour les travaux pratiques en anatomie dentaire

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    L'anatomie dentaire enseignée en deuxième de chirurgie dentaire est une matière fondamentale qui comprend une partie théorique et une partie pratique. Les travaux pratiques se déroulent tout au long de l'année et abordent plusieurs thématiques (reconnaissance, dessin, sculpture de dents ). Malgré l'existence de guides pratiques, nous avons remarqué un nombre réduit de supports pédagogiques afin d'assurer le bon déroulement des travaux dirigés. Le propos de cette thèse est donc de pallier ce manque avec l'élaboration de séquences vidéos et de fiches pédagogiques sur chacune des thématiques. Le contenu de cet ouvrage sera disponible sur le campus de Lille 2 afin d'assurer un enseignement à distance.LILLE2-UFR Odontologie (593502202) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Benthic Archives Reveal Recurrence and Dominance of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria in a Eutrophic Lake over the Last 220 Years

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    Akinetes are resistant cells which have the ability to persist in sediment for several decades. We have investigated the temporal distribution of akinetes of two species, Dolichospermum macrosporum and Dolichospermum flos-aquae, in a sediment core sampled in Lake Aydat (France), which covers 220 years. The upper part, from 1907 to 2016, the number of akinetes fluctuated but stayed at high concentrations, especially for D. macrosporum in surface sediment (with the maximal value close to 6.105 akinetes g DW−1 of sediment), suggesting a recurrence of blooms of this species which was probably closely related to anthropic eutrophication since the 1960s. Before 1907, the abundance of akinetes of both species was very low, suggesting only a modest presence of these cyanobacteria. In addition, the percentage of intact akinetes was different for each species, suggesting different ecological processes in the water column. This percentage also decreased with depth, revealing a reduction in germination potential over time. In addition, biosynthetic genes of anatoxin-a (anaC) and microcystin (mcyA) were detected. First results show a high occurrence of mcyA all down the core. In contrast, anaC gene was mostly detected in the surface sediment (since the 1980s), revealing a potentially more recent occurrence of this cyanotoxin in Lake Aydat which may be associated with the recurrence of blooms of D. macrosporum and thus with anthropic activities