20 research outputs found

    Комбинированная терапия при персистирующей герпесвирусной инфекции у часто болеющих детей

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    We examined 40 sickly children with recurrent croup (RC — 28) and bronchial obstruction (ROB — 8), (RC + ROB — 4) aged from 18 months till 14 years. We found that high frequency of persistent herpes viruses usually occurs as associations with CMV, EBV and human herpes virus 6 type. We substantiated anti viral and immune corrective therapy in two schemes compared in efficacy: the 1st group was administered monotherapy with Viferon, and the 2nd group received combined therapy Viferon + Arbidol in doses according to the age during three months. We received a more expressed clinical immunologic effect from the therapy with decreased antigenic load and frequency of recurrence of RC and ROB with Viferon application in suppositories in combination with Arbidol per orally in the intermittent scheme during three months. Обследовано 40 часто болеющих ОРЗ детей с рецидивами крупа (РК — 28) и бронхообструкцией (РОБ — 8), (РК + РОБ — 4) в возрасте от 18 мес. до 14 лет. Выявлена высокая частота персистенции герпесвирусов в виде ассоциаций, преимущественно ЦМВ, ЭБВ и вируса герпеса человека 6 типа. Патогенетически обоснована противовирусная и иммунокорригирующая терапия в виде сравниваемых по эффективности 2 схем: в первой группе проводилась монотерапия Вифероном, а во второй — комбинированная — Виферон + Арбидол в возрастных дозах в течение 3 мес. Получен более выраженный клинико-иммунологический эффект терапии со снижением антигенной нагрузки и частоты рецидивов РК и РОБ при применении Виферона в суппозиториях в комбинации с Арбидолом внутрь по прерывистой схеме в течение 3 мес.

    Исследование характеристик фотодетектора с высоким фототоком при передаче сверхвысокочастотного радиосигнала по оптоволокну

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    Introduction. At present, an optical transmission of a microwave signal is of great scientific and practical interest. Moreover, this transmission line can also be used to create microwave photonic devices. Microwave signal losses decrease with an increase of laser power. Commercial photodetectors withstand radiation with a power of several tens of milliwatts. Using a photodetector with a high photocurrent can improve characteristics of photonic transmission lines; in particular, it can reduce microwave signal losses.Aim. Investigation of characteristics of a photodetector with a high photocurrent when transmitting microwave radio signals through optical fiber. Research of microwave signal losses as a function of optical power.Materials and Methods. Experimental studies were carried out on created experimental schemes for studying the characteristics of the photodetector with modulated and unmodulated optical radiation. Theoretical studies were carried out by mathematical modeling of optical path transfer characteristics from the laser power at various powers of an input microwave signal.Results. The dependencies of photocurrent and photovoltage of the photodetector versus laser power were obtained. The experimental amplitude-frequency characteristics of the photonic transmission line were measured at different optical powers. A frequency dependence of the photodetector sensitivity in the range of 0...12 GHz was obtained. Modeling of amplitude-frequency characteristics of the optical path in the range of 0...12 GHz was performed. An approximate frequency dependence of the photodetector sensitivity was obtained.Conclusion. Due to the use of a photodetector with a high photocurrent value and with increasing laser power, microwave losses were reduced to about 10 dB. It was shown that for improving the transmission characteristics of an optical transmission line, it is necessary to use a broadband electro-optical modulator.Введение. В настоящее время большой научный и практический интерес вызывает передача радиочастотного сигнала по оптической линии. Такую линию передачи можно также использовать при создании многих радиофотонных устройств. С ростом мощности используемого лазера снижаются потери СВЧ-сигнала в линии передачи. Однако массово выпускаемые фотодетекторы выдерживают мощность в несколько десятков милливатт. Использование фотодетектора с высоким фототоком позволит улучшить характеристики оптоволоконных линий передачи, в частности, снизить потери при передаче аналогового или цифрового радиочастотного сигнала.Цель. Исследование характеристик фотодетектора с высоким фототоком в системе передачи сверхвысокочастотного радиосигнала по оптоволокну, а также исследование зависимости потерь СВЧ-сигнала от значения мощности оптического излучения в такой системе.Материалы и методы. Экспериментальные исследования проведены на сконструированных экспериментальных схемах для исследования характеристик фотодетектора при модулированном и немодулированном оптическом излучении. Теоретические исследования выполнены математическим моделированием передаточных характеристик оптического тракта при различных мощностях входного СВЧ-сигнала.Результаты. Найдены зависимости фототока и фотонапряжения фотодетектора от мощности излучения лазера. Представлены экспериментальные амплитудно-частотные характеристики (АЧХ) оптической линии передачи, измеренные при различных мощностях оптического излучения. Описан алгоритм получения частотной зависимости чувствительности фотодетектора в диапазоне частот 0...12 ГГц. Приведены результаты теоретического расчета АЧХ линии передачи в указанном диапазоне частот. Получена приближенная частотная зависимость чувствительности фотодетектора.Заключение. За счет использования фотодетектора с высоким значением фототока и повышения мощности лазера до 100 мВт потери СВЧ-сигнала в оптической линии передачи составили около 10 дБ. Показано, что для улучшения передаточных характеристик оптической линии передачи необходимо использовать широкополосный электрооптический модулятор

    Тонкие пленки диоксида ванадия для применения в СВЧ-ключах с электрическим управлением

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    Introduction. In view of the ever-tightening bandwidth requirements for wireless communication systems, the use of tunable or switching devices based on microwave keys is becoming increasingly popular. Currently, the development of microwave keys based on nonlinear materials, such as vanadium dioxide, is a relevant research direction. The keys based on this material are distinguished by a planar and simple design, thus being suitable for creating microwave devices using hybrid technology.Aim. To study the properties of thin vanadium dioxide films and to develop a microwave switch with electrical switching on their basis.Materials and methods. Experimental samples of thin vanadium dioxide films were obtained by magnetron sputtering. The phase transition parameters of the samples obtained experimentally were used in computer simulation of a planar two-electrode structure of a microwave key by the finite element method.Results. Experimental samples of vanadium dioxide films were manufactured, and the dependences of their resistivity on temperature were studied. The resistance of the obtained vanadium dioxide films was found to change threefold. A microwave key design based on vanadium dioxide films was developed. The formation of a currentconducting channel in vanadium dioxide films was simulated when a control voltage was applied. The threshold voltage of the element was estimated depending on its design parameters.Conclusion. The use of experimental data as a basis for computer simulation made it possible to determine the threshold values of currents depending on the topology and design of the proposed microwave key. The results of simulating the key structure showed the formed conductive channel to have clearly defined boundaries in terms of distribution of both current density and temperature across the film surface.Введение. Ввиду постоянно растущих требований к пропускной способности беспроводных систем связи все более востребованным становится применение перестраиваемых или коммутирующих устройств, выполненных на основе СВЧ-ключей. В настоящее время актуальным направлением является разработка СВЧ-ключей на основе нелинейных материалов, например диоксида ванадия. Ключи на основе данного материала имеют планарную конструкцию, которая вследствие своей простоты может быть широко востребована при создании СВЧ-устройств по гибридной технологии.Цель работы. Исследование свойств тонких пленок диоксида ванадия и разработка конструкции СВЧ-ключа с электрическим переключением на их основе.Материалы и методы. Экспериментальные образцы тонких пленок диоксида ванадия получены методом магнетронного распыления. Результаты экспериментального исследования параметров фазового перехода образцов материала были использованы при компьютерном моделировании планарной двухэлектродной структуры СВЧ-ключа методом конечных элементов.Результаты. Изготовлены экспериментальные образцы пленок диоксида ванадия и исследованы зависимости их удельного сопротивления от температуры. Показано, что у полученных пленок изменение сопротивления достигает трех порядков. Разработана конструкция ключа на основе пленок диоксида ванадия. Проведено моделирование формирования токопроводящего канала в пленках диоксида ванадия при подаче управляющего напряжения. Получены оценки порогового напряжения элемента в зависимости от его конструктивных параметров.Заключение. Использование экспериментальных данных как основы для компьютерного моделирования позволило определить пороговые значения токов, зависящих от топологии и конструкции СВЧ-ключа. Результаты моделирования структуры СВЧ-ключа показали, что сформированный токопроводящий канал имеет четко выраженные границы как по распределению плотности тока, так и по распределению температуры на поверхности пленки

    Problems of legal regulation of inheritance relations in Lithuanian law in the context of European Union law

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    The relevance of this study. Considering globalization and social changes taking place in society, the role of inheritance law as a separate institution remains particularly significant. The principle of free movement of people established by EU legislation leads to the increasingly frequent emergence of inheritance-related relations, which are not linked only to one state. According to statistical data in 2018 more than half a million EU inheritance cases per year consist of international inheritance cases, i.e. i.e. about 10 percent of all EU inheritance cases. This number is determined by the fact that, after the opening of EU borders, more and more citizens of EU member states enter into marriages with citizens of other states, acquire property in a state other than their nationality, work in and settle in foreign states. For example, even several million Polish citizens live in other EU countries, and in a country like Luxembourg more than 20 percent of the total population are foreigners. In such a situation, in the case of inheritance, a number of questions may arise related to the determination of the circle of heirs of the decedent and the property owned by him. The main problems. The researched problem in the process of handling international inheritance cases is determined by the different practice of regulating these legal relations in the EU member states. In addition to the Inheritance Regulation, which aims to unify this practice, EU member states also apply their national legislation. For this reason, heirs may face conflicts between different legal systems, different interpretations of inheritance law and its application. In some EU countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Estonia, Austria, Spain, Latvia), an inheritance agreement defined by the Inheritance Regulation is possible, however, in Lithuania, such a transaction is not carried out at the time of inheritance and there is no equivalent of such a document. The problems raised in the article related to the regulation of inheritance relations in the context can be described in three ways: 1. The problem of practical application of legal acts regulating the legal relations of international inheritance; 2. The problem of recognition and enforcement of court decisions, court agreements and other documents issued in inheritance cases in foreign countries; 3. The problem of ensuring the principles of equality and unity of inheritance in international inheritance cases.The following tasks: 1. To determine the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the inheritance institute as an independent branch of civil law. 2. To analyze EU international and Lithuanian national legal acts regulating inheritance relations, as well as the operating principles and application features of these relations established in them. 3. After disclosing the legal significance of court judgments in EU inheritance cases, concluded court agreements and other documents to be issued in inheritance cases, present the basis of the difficulties arising in foreign countries with their recognition and enforcement. 4. On the basis of normative regulation and emerging court practice, to define the problems of the practical application of international inheritance relations in the EU, proposing ways to solve them. The aim of this work: after determining the difficulties in the application of legal acts regulating international inheritance relations in the national law of the EU and Lithuania, evaluate the effectiveness of the process of examining inheritance cases. The paper concluded: the analysis of EU international and Lithuanian national legal acts regulating inheritance relations and the principles of operation and application of these relations established in them showed that complex application of national, international and EU law is necessary in cases of international inheritance. The novelty- today, there are different practices of regulating inheritance relations in the international space. In the absence of a clear established legal practice, persons who may have to deal with international inheritance cases, hoping for a quick and clear procedure announced by the Inheritance Regulation, in order to exercise their rights, may experience actual difficulties related to the different application of these rights or their interpretation by individual states. The analysis of legal acts regulating inheritance relations of an international nature presented in the article will be useful in identifying the main gaps in this regulation, creating prerequisites for searching for opportunities for its further improvement. As the result – after revealing the legal meaning of court decisions, court agreements and other documents to be issued in inheritance cases in the EU, it was found that their recognition in foreign countries and, accordingly, their enforcement is not always successful.Theused methodology document analysis, systematic analysis, comparative analysis, logical – analytical and meta – analysis methods. Keywords: inheritance, free movement, legal practice, legal relations of international inheritance

    Estimation of Ferroelectric Material Properties and Phase-Shifter Design Key Parameters Influence on Its Figure of Merit for Optimization of Development Process

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    A model of the estimation of the ferroelectric-based phase-shifter figure of merit concerning the material properties and phase-shifter design parameters is presented. The influence of ferroelectric material tunability and losses on phase-shifter characteristics are analyzed. Two approaches to phase-shifter design (transmission line and band-pass filter) are considered. The review of the published results on the ferroelectric phase-shifter design was performed to approve the method proposed. Recommendations to optimize the phase-shifter development process are suggested on the basis of the elaborated model and analysis performed


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    The article examines the aspects of clinical efficacy in prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza by Arbidolum with direct anti-virus and indirect immunostimulating and interferon inducing effects. It outlines the results of various research studies that have proved the soundness of its application. A study involving 500 children that was conducted at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian State Medical University has proved the economic efficiency of regiments for treatment and prevention of ARI using this medication in sickly and chronic children.Key words: Arbidolum, antiviral agent, sickly children


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    The article examines the aspects of clinical efficacy in prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza by Arbidolum with direct anti-virus and indirect immunostimulating and interferon inducing effects. It outlines the results of various research studies that have proved the soundness of its application. A study involving 500 children that was conducted at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian State Medical University has proved the economic efficiency of regiments for treatment and prevention of ARI using this medication in sickly and chronic children.Key words: Arbidolum, antiviral agent, sickly children

    Investigation of the Characteristics of a Photodetector with a High Photocurrent when Transmitting Microwave Radio Signals Through an Optical Fiber

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    Introduction. At present, an optical transmission of a microwave signal is of great scientific and practical interest. Moreover, this transmission line can also be used to create microwave photonic devices. Microwave signal losses decrease with an increase of laser power. Commercial photodetectors withstand radiation with a power of several tens of milliwatts. Using a photodetector with a high photocurrent can improve characteristics of photonic transmission lines; in particular, it can reduce microwave signal losses.Aim. Investigation of characteristics of a photodetector with a high photocurrent when transmitting microwave radio signals through optical fiber. Research of microwave signal losses as a function of optical power.Materials and Methods. Experimental studies were carried out on created experimental schemes for studying the characteristics of the photodetector with modulated and unmodulated optical radiation. Theoretical studies were carried out by mathematical modeling of optical path transfer characteristics from the laser power at various powers of an input microwave signal.Results. The dependencies of photocurrent and photovoltage of the photodetector versus laser power were obtained. The experimental amplitude-frequency characteristics of the photonic transmission line were measured at different optical powers. A frequency dependence of the photodetector sensitivity in the range of 0...12 GHz was obtained. Modeling of amplitude-frequency characteristics of the optical path in the range of 0...12 GHz was performed. An approximate frequency dependence of the photodetector sensitivity was obtained.Conclusion. Due to the use of a photodetector with a high photocurrent value and with increasing laser power, microwave losses were reduced to about 10 dB. It was shown that for improving the transmission characteristics of an optical transmission line, it is necessary to use a broadband electro-optical modulator

    Combined Therapy at Persistent Herpes Virus Infection in Sickly Children

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    We examined 40 sickly children with recurrent croup (RC — 28) and bronchial obstruction (ROB — 8), (RC + ROB — 4) aged from 18 months till 14 years. We found that high frequency of persistent herpes viruses usually occurs as associations with CMV, EBV and human herpes virus 6 type. We substantiated anti viral and immune corrective therapy in two schemes compared in efficacy: the 1st group was administered monotherapy with Viferon, and the 2nd group received combined therapy Viferon + Arbidol in doses according to the age during three months. We received a more expressed clinical immunologic effect from the therapy with decreased antigenic load and frequency of recurrence of RC and ROB with Viferon application in suppositories in combination with Arbidol per orally in the intermittent scheme during three months