727 research outputs found

    Toward a consensus nomenclature for ghrelin, its non-acylated form, liver expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 and growth hormone secretagogue receptor

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    The stomach-derived octanoylated peptide ghrelin was discovered in 1999 and recognized as an endogenous agonist of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR). Subsequently, ghrelin has been shown to play key roles in controlling not only growth hormone secretion, but also a variety of other physiological functions including, but not limited to, food intake, reward-related behaviors, glucose homeostasis and gastrointestinal tract motility. Importantly, a non-acylated form of ghrelin, desacyl-ghrelin, can also be detected in biological samples. Desacyl-ghrelin, however, does not bind to GHSR at physiological levels, and its physiological role has remained less well-characterized than that of ghrelin. Ghrelin and desacyl-ghrelin are currently referred to in the literature using many different terms, highlighting the need for a consistent nomenclature. The variability of terms used to designate ghrelin can lead not only to confusion, but also to miscommunication, especially for those who are less familiar with the ghrelin literature. Thus, we conducted a survey among experts who have contributed to the ghrelin literature aiming to identify whether a consensus may be reached. Based on the results of this consensus, we propose using the terms “ghrelin” and “desacyl-ghrelin” to refer to the hormone itself and its non-acylated form, respectively. Based on the results of this consensus, we further propose using the terms “GHSR” for the receptor, and “LEAP2” for liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2, a recently recognized endogenous GHSR antagonist/inverse agonist.Fil: Perello, Mario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular; ArgentinaFil: Dickson, Suzanne L.. The Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg; SueciaFil: Zigman, Jeffrey M.. UT Southwestern Medical Center; Estados UnidosFil: Leggio, Lorenzo. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unido

    Cerebellar Neurostimulation for Boosting Social and Affective Functions: Implications for the Rehabilitation of Hereditary Ataxia Patients

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    Beyond motor deficits, spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) patients also suffer cognitive decline and show socio-affective difficulties, negatively impacting on their social functioning. The possibility to modulate cerebello-cerebral networks involved in social cognition through cerebellar neurostimulation has opened up potential therapeutic applications for ameliorating social and affective difficulties. The present review offers an overview of the research on cerebellar neurostimulation for the modulation of socio-affective functions in both healthy individuals and different clinical populations, published in the time period 2000–2022. A total of 25 records reporting either transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) studies were found. The investigated clinical populations comprised different pathological conditions, including but not limited to SCA syndromes. The reviewed evidence supports that cerebellar neurostimulation is effective in improving social abilities in healthy individuals and reducing social and affective symptoms in different neurological and psychiatric populations associated with cerebellar damage or with impairments in functions that involve the cerebellum. These findings encourage to further explore the rehabilitative effects of cerebellar neurostimulation on socio-affective deficits experienced by patients with cerebellar abnormalities, as SCA patients. Nevertheless, conclusions remain tentative at this stage due to the heterogeneity characterizing stimulation protocols, study methodologies and patients’ samples

    Microstructural MRI basis of the cognitive functions in patients with Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease involving the cerebellum. The particular atrophy pattern results in some typical clinical features mainly including motor deficits. In addition, the presence of cognitive impairments, involving language, visuospatial and executive functions, has been also shown in SCA2 patients and it is now widely accepted as a feature of the disease. The aim of the study is to investigate the microstructural patterns and the anatomo-functional substrate that could account for the cognitive symptomatology observed in SCA2 patients. In the present study, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) based-tractography was performed to map the main cerebellar white matter (WM) bundles, such as Middle and Superior Cerebellar Peduncles, connecting cerebellum with higher order cerebral regions. Damage-related diffusivity measures were used to determine the pattern of pathological changes of cerebellar WM microstructure in patients affected by SCA2 and correlated with the patients' cognitive scores. Our results provide the first evidence that WM diffusivity is altered in the presence of the cerebellar cortical degeneration associated with SCA2 thus resulting in a cerebello-cerebral dysregulation that may account for the specificity of cognitive symptomatology observed in patients

    Neural substrates of motor and cognitive dysfunctions in SCA2 patients: a network based statistics analysis

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by a progressive cerebellar syndrome, which can be isolated or associated with extracerebellar signs. It has been shown that patients affected by SCA2 present also cognitive impairments and psychiatric symptoms. The cerebellum is known to modulate cortical activity and to contribute to distinct functional networks related to higher-level functions beyond motor control. It is therefore conceivable that one or more networks, rather than isolated regions, may be dysfunctional in cerebellar degenerative diseases and that an abnormal connectivity within specific cerebello-cortical regions might explain the widespread deficits typically observed in patients. In the present study, the network-based statistics (NBS) approach was used to assess differences in functional connectivity between specific cerebellar and erebral “nodes” in SCA2 patients. Altered inter-nodal connectivity was found between more posterior regions in the cerebellum and regions in the cerebral cortex clearly related to cognition and emotion. Furthermore, more anterior cerebellar lobules showed altered inter-nodal connectivity with motor and somatosensory cerebral regions. The present data suggest that in SCA2 a cerebellar dysfunction affects long-distance cerebral regions and that the clinical symptoms may be specifically related with connectivity changes between motor and non-motor cerebello-cortical nodes

    Functional changes of mentalizing network in SCA2 patients: novel insights into understanding the social cerebellum

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    In recent years, increasing evidence of the cerebellar role in social cognition has emerged. The cerebellum has been shown to modulate cortical activity of social brain regions serving as a regulator of function-specific mentalizing and mirroring processes. In particular, a mentalizing area in the posterior cerebellum, specifically Crus II, is preferentially recruited for more complex and abstract forms of social processing, together with mentalizing cerebral areas including the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC), the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), and the precuneus. In the present study, the network-based statistics approach was used to assess functional connectivity (FC) differences within this mentalizing cerebello-cerebral network associated with a specific cerebellar damage. To this aim, patients affected by spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2), a neurodegenerative disease specifically affecting regions of the cerebellar cortex, and age-matched healthy subjects have been enrolled. The dmPFC, left and right TPJ, the precuneus, and the cerebellar Crus II were used as regions of interest to construct the mentalizing network to be analyzed and evaluate pairwise functional relations between them. When compared with controls, SCA2 patients showed altered internodal connectivity between dmPFC, left (L-) and right (R-) TPJ, and right posterior cerebellar Crus II.The present results indicate that FC changes affect a function-specific mentalizing network in patients affected by cerebellar damage. In particular, they allow to better clarify functional alteration mechanisms driven by the cerebellar damage associated with SCA2 suggesting that selective cortico-cerebellar functional disconnections may underlie patients' social impairment in domain-specific complex and abstract forms of social functioning

    Bursts of activity in collective cell migration

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    Dense monolayers of living cells display intriguing relaxation dynamics, reminiscent of soft and glassy materials close to the jamming transition, and migrate collectively when space is available, as in wound healing or in cancer invasion. Here we show that collective cell migration occurs in bursts that are similar to those recorded in the propagation of cracks, fluid fronts in porous media and ferromagnetic domain walls. In analogy with these systems, the distribution of activity bursts displays scaling laws that are universal in different cell types and for cells moving on different substrates. The main features of the invasion dynamics are quantitatively captured by a model of interacting active particles moving in a disordered landscape. Our results illustrate that collective motion of living cells is analogous to the corresponding dynamics in driven, but inanimate, systems

    On the merit of a Central Limit Theorem-based approximation in statistical physics

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    The applicability conditions of a recently reported Central Limit Theorem-based approximation method in statistical physics are investigated and rigorously determined. The failure of this method at low and intermediate temperature is proved as well as its inadequacy to disclose quantum criticalities at fixed temperatures. Its high temperature predictions are in addition shown to coincide with those stemming from straightforward appropriate expansions up to (k_B T)^(-2). Our results are clearly illustrated by comparing the exact and approximate temperature dependence of the free energy of some exemplary physical systems.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Comparison of cerebellar grey matter alterations in bipolar and cerebellar patients: evidence from Voxel-based analysis

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    The aim of this study was to compare the patterns of cerebellar alterations associated with bipolar disease with those induced by the presence of cerebellar neurodegenerative pathologies to clarify the potential cerebellar contribution to bipolar affective disturbance. Twenty-nine patients affected by bipolar disorder, 32 subjects affected by cerebellar neurodegenerative pathologies, and 37 age-matched healthy subjects underwent a 3T MRI protocol. A voxel-based morphometry analysis was used to show similarities and differences in cerebellar grey matter (GM) loss between the groups. We found a pattern of GM cerebellar alterations in both bipolar and cerebellar groups that involved the anterior and posterior cerebellar regions (p = 0.05). The direct comparison between bipolar and cerebellar patients demonstrated a significant difference in GM loss in cerebellar neurodegenerative patients in the bilateral anterior and posterior motor cerebellar regions, such as lobules I-IV, V, VI, VIIIa, VIIIb, IX, VIIb and vermis VI, while a pattern of overlapping GM loss was evident in right lobule V, right crus I and bilateral crus II. Our findings showed, for the first time, common and different alteration patterns of specific cerebellar lobules in bipolar and neurodegenerative cerebellar patients, which allows us to hypothesize a cerebellar role in cognitive and mood dysregulation symptoms that characterize bipolar disorde

    Theory of mind profile and cerebellar alterations in remitted bipolar disorder 1 and 2: a comparison study

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    The literature on social cognition abilities in bipolar disorder (BD) is controversial about the occurrence of theory of mind (ToM) alterations. In addition to other cerebral structures, such as the frontal and limbic areas, the processing of socially relevant stimuli has also been attributed to the cerebellum, which has been demonstrated to be involved in the abovementioned disorder. Nevertheless, the cerebellar contribution to ToM deficits in bipolar patients needs to be elucidated further. To this aim, two tests assessing different components of ToM were used to evaluate the ability to appreciate affective and mental states of others in 17 individuals with a diagnosis of BD type 1 (BD1) and 13 with BD type 2 (BD2), both in the euthymic phase, compared to healthy matched controls. Cerebellar grey matter (GM) volumes were extracted and compared between BD1 and controls and BD2 and controls by using voxel-based morphometry. The results showed that BD1 patients were compromised in the cognitive and advanced components of ToM, while the BD2 ToM profile resulted in a more widespread compromise, also involving affective and automatic components. Both overlapping and differing areas of cerebellar GM reduction were found. The two groups of patients presented a pattern of GM reduction in cerebellar portions that are known to be involved in the affective and social domains, such as the vermis and Crus I and Crus II. Interestingly, in both BD1 and BD2, positive correlations were detected between lower ToM scores and decreased volumes in the cerebellum. Overall, BD2 patients showed a more compromised ToM profile and greater cerebellar impairment than BD1 patients. The different pattern of structural abnormalities may account for the different ToM performances evidenced, thus leading to divergent profiles between BD1 and BD2
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