56 research outputs found

    Characterization of a correlated topological Kondo insulator in one dimension

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    We investigate the ground-state of a p-wave Kondo-Heisenberg model introduced by Alexandrov and Coleman with an Ising-type anisotropy in the Kondo interaction and correlated conduction electrons. Our aim is to understand how they affect the stability of the Haldane state obtained in the SU(2) symmetric case without the Hubbard interaction. By applying the density-matrix renormalization group algorithm and calculating the entanglement entropy we show that in the anisotropic case a phase transition occurs and a N\'eel state emerges above a critical value of the Coulomb interaction. These findings are also corroborated by the examination of the entanglement spectrum and the spin profile of the system which clarify the structure of each phase.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Entanglement, excitations and correlation effects in narrow zigzag graphene nanoribbons

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    We investigate the low-lying excitation spectrum and ground-state properties of narrow graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edge configurations. Nanoribbons of comparable widths have been synthesized very recently [P. Ruffieux, \emph{et al.} Nature \textbf{531}, 489 (2016)], and their descriptions require more sophisticated methods since in this regime conventional methods, like mean-field or density-functional theory with local density approximation, fail to capture the enhanced quantum fluctuations. Using the unbiased density-matrix renormalization group algorithm we calculate the charge gaps with high accuracy for different widths and interaction strengths and compare them with mean-field results. It turns out that the gaps are much smaller in the former case due to the proper treatment of quantum fluctuations. Applying the elements of quantum information theory we also reveal the entanglement structure inside a ribbon and examine the spectrum of subsystem density matrices to understand the origin of entanglement. We examine the possibility of magnetic ordering and the effect of magnetic field. Our findings are relevant for understanding the gap values in different recent experiments and the deviations between them.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in PR

    Competition between Hund's coupling and Kondo effect in a one-dimensional extended periodic Anderson model

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    We study the ground-state properties of an extended periodic Anderson model to understand the role of Hund's coupling between localized and itinerant electrons using the density-matrix renormalization group algorithm. By calculating the von Neumann entropies we show that two phase transitions occur and two new phases appear as the hybridization is increased in the symmetric half-filled case due to the competition between Kondo-effect and Hund's coupling. In the intermediate phase, which is bounded by two critical points, we found a dimerized ground state, while in the other spatially homogeneous phases the ground state is Haldane-like and Kondo-singlet-like, respectively. We also determine the entanglement spectrum and the entanglement diagram of the system by calculating the mutual information thereby clarifying the structure of each phase.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in PR

    Mott transition and dimerization in the one-dimensional SU(n)(n) Hubbard model

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    The one-dimensional SU(n)(n) Hubbard model is investigated numerically for n=2,3,4n=2,3,4, and 5 at half filling and 1/n1/n filling using the density-matrix renormalization-group (DMRG) method. The energy gaps and various quantum information entropies are calculated. In the half-filled case, finite spin and charge gaps are found for arbitrary positive UU if n>2n > 2. Furthermore, it is shown that the transition to the gapped phase at Uc=0U_{\rm c}=0 is of Kosterlitz-Thouless type and is accompanied by a bond dimerization both for even and odd nn. In the 1/n1/n-filled case, the transition has similar features as the metal-insulator transition in the half-filled SU(2) Hubbard model. The charge gap opens exponentially slowly for U>Uc=0U>U_{\rm c}=0, the spin sector remains gapless, and the ground state is non-dimerized.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Spatially nonuniform phases in the one-dimensional SU(n) Hubbard model for commensurate fillings

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    The one-dimensional repulsive SU(n)(n) Hubbard model is investigated analytically by bosonization approach and numerically using the density-matrix renormalization-group (DMRG) method for n=3,4n=3,4, and 5 for commensurate fillings f=p/qf=p/q where pp and qq are relatively prime. It is shown that the behavior of the system is drastically different depending on whether q>nq>n, q=nq=n, or qnqn, the umklapp processes are irrelevant, the model is equivalent to an nn-component Luttinger liquid with central charge c=nc=n. When q=nq=n, the charge and spin modes are decoupled, the umklapp processes open a charge gap for finite U>0U>0, whereas the spin modes remain gapless and the central charge c=n1c=n-1. The translational symmetry is not broken in the ground state for any nn. On the other hand, when q<nq<n, the charge and spin modes are coupled, the umklapp processes open gaps in all excitation branches, and a spatially nonuniform ground state develops. Bond-ordered dimerized, trimerized or tetramerized phases are found depending on the filling.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Окремі проблеми визначення сутності адміністративної відповідальності у сфері використання природних ресурсів

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    Легеза Ю. О. Окремі проблеми визначення сутності адміністративної відповідальності у сфері використання природних ресурсів / Ю. О. Легеза // Традиції та новації юридичної науки: минуле, сучасність, майбутнє : матер. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 19 трав. 2017 р.). У 2-х т. Т. 2 / відп. ред. Г. О. Ульянова. - Одеса : Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2017. - С. 28-30