4 research outputs found

    Contributions of altimetry and Argo to non‐closure of the global mean sea level budget since 2016

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    Over 1993-2016, studies have shown that the observed global mean sea level (GMSL) budget is closed within the current data uncertainties. However, non-closure of the budget was recently reported when using Jason-3, Argo and GRACE/GRACE Follow-On data after 2016. This non-closure may result from errors in the datasets used to estimate the GMSL and its components. Here, we investigate possible sources of errors affecting Jason-3 and Argo data. Comparisons of Jason-3 GMSL trends with other altimetry missions show good agreement within 0.4 mm/yr over 2016-present. Besides, the wet tropospheric correction uncertainty from the Jason-3 radiometer contributes to up to 0.2 mm/yr. Therefore, altimetry alone cannot explain the misfit in the GMSL budget observed after 2016. Argo-based salinity products display strong discrepancies since 2016, attributed to instrumental problems and data editing issues. Re-assessment of the sea level budget with the thermosteric component provides about 40 % improvement in the budget closure. Plain Language Summary Sea level rise, due to the addition of meltwater from glaciers and ice-sheets in the oceans and to the thermal expansion of seawater, is commonly used as an indicator for climate change. The sea level budget provides information on temporal changes in one or more components of the budget, on process understanding, on missing contributions and allows cross validation of the observing systems involved in the sea level budget (satellite altimetry, Argo oceanic float and GRACE/GRACE Follow-On satellite gravimetry). The sea level budget was closed until 2015-2016, i.e. the observed global mean sea level agrees well with the sum of components. However, since 2016, the budget is not closed anymore. In this study, we show that errors in Argo salinity measurements are responsible for about 40 % of the budget error while the altimetry data cannot explain the remaining error. Other sources of errors should be further investigated to fully understand the error in the budget after 2016, in particular satellite GRACE/GRACE Follow-On gravity measurements or missing physical contributions

    <title>Noncontact laser penetrating keratoplasty: in-vivo comparative evaluation in rabbit and cat</title>

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    With their inherent precision and avoidance of tissue deformation, non-contact laser trephines may minimize graft postoperative astigmatism. Laser-cut corneal button geometry surpassed handheld and equaled Hanna and Krumeich vacuum held trephines, without significant endothelium or wound healing differences for linear cuts between laser and metal blades. To compare the laser with metal trephines, we performed 8 mm diameter grafts on 12 rabbits and 12 cats. A new laser system, using an advanced pulsed HF laser coupled to a computer controlled optical delivery system and equipped for quasi-instantaneous simultaneous 8-point corneal marking (200 ns) for precise suture placement at the 5.5 to 10.5 mm diameter and rapid corneal trephination (approximately equals 6 sec), or a new disposable sterile vacuum-assisted Hessburg-Barron (HB) trephine was used in each procedure. Circumferential keratotomies were more accurately and more easily performed with the laser. No statistical differences were found in wound strength and healing. The laser produced a slightly lower astigmatism. These initial results suggest the safety of HF laser corneal marking-trephination and its potential for PK procedures in humans

    Towards the 1 mm/y Stability of the Radial Orbit Error at Regional Scales

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    An estimated orbit error budget for the Jason-1 and Jason-2 GDR-D solutions is constructed, using several measures of orbit error. The focus is on the long-term stability of the orbit time series for mean sea level applications on a regional scale. We discuss various issues related to the assessment of radial orbit error trends; in particular this study reviews orbit errors dependent on the tracking technique, with an aim to monitoring the long-term stability of all available tracking systems operating on Jason-1 and Jason-2 (GPS, DORIS, SLR). The reference frame accuracy and its effect on Jason orbit is assessed. We also examine the impact of analysis method on the inference of Geographically Correlated Errors as well as the significance of estimated radial orbit error trends versus the time span of the analysis. Thus a long-term error budget of the 10-year Jason-1 and Envisat GDR-D orbit time series is provided for two time scales: interannual and decadal. As the temporal variations of the geopotential remain one of the primary limitations in the Precision Orbit Determination modeling, the overall accuracy of the Jason-1 and Jason-2 GDR-D solutions is evaluated through comparison with external orbits based on different time-variable gravity models. This contribution is limited to an East-West "order-1" pattern at the 2 mm/y level (secular) and 4 mm level (seasonal), over the Jason-2 lifetime. The possibility of achieving sub-mm/y radial orbit stability over interannual and decadal periods at regional scales and the challenge of evaluating such an improvement using in situ independent data is discussed