3,094 research outputs found

    Adsorption of a binary mixture of monomers with nearest-neighbour cooperative effects

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    A model for the adsorption of a binary mixture on a one-dimensional infinite lattice with nearest neighbour cooperative effects is considered. The particles of the two species are both monomers but differ in the repulsive interaction experienced by them when trying to adsorb. An exact expression for the coverage of the lattice is derived. In the jamming limit, it is a monotonic function of the ratio between the attempt frequencies of the two species, varying between the values corresponding to each of the two single species. This is in contrast with the results obtained in other models for the adsorption of particles of different sizes. The structure of the jamming state is also investigated.Comment: v2: Errors in the figures fixed; same text; 23 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Enhancement of ferromagnetism by nickel doping in the 112 cobaltite EuBaCo2O5.50

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    The study of the ordered oxygen deficient perovskite EuBaCo2-xNixO5.50 shows that the doping of cobalt sites by nickel induces a strong ferromagnetic component at low temperature in the antiferromagnetic matrix of EuBaCo2O5.50. This system exhibits indeed phase separation, i.e. consists of ferromagnetic domains embedded in the antiferromagnetic matrix of EuBaCo2O5.50. Besides, a magnetic transition is observed for the first time at 40K in the undoped and nickel doped phases, which can be attributed to the ferromagnetic ordering of the Eu3+ moments below this temperature. Moreover sharp ultra magnetization multisteps are observed below 5K, characteristic of motion of domain walls in a strong pinning system and very different from any metamagnetic transition

    Limiting Disclosure in Hippocratic Databases

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    Relationship Between LIBS Ablation and Pit Volume for Geologic Samples: Applications for the In Situ Absolute Geochronology

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    These first results demonstrate that LIBS spectra can be an interesting tool to estimate the ablated volume. When the ablated volume is bigger than 9.10(exp 6) cubic micrometers, this method has less than 10% of uncertainties. Far enough to be directly implemented in the KArLE experiment protocol. Nevertheless, depending on the samples and their mean grain size, the difficulty to have homogeneous spectra will increase with the ablated volume. Several K-Ar dating studies based on this approach will be implemented. After that, the results will be shown and discussed

    Multiagent system for data fusion in image processing

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    The data fusion of results in image processing poses many problems of modelling and representation of knowledge, among whic h one can mention : o the difficulty to define, exhaustively, the conditions of utilization of processings in function of the context , the difficulty to evaluate the results of processings , . the difficulty to elaborate strategies making cooperate several processings or merging results . The system ADAGAR (Atelier of Development of AGents on Distributed Architecture) proposes solutions to these problems . ADAGAR results from elaborated concepts in the project BBI (BlackBoard Image) . The aim of the project BBI was to conceive on a multi–processors architecture, a perceptive system of interpretation of images issued from different sources . The idea was not to elaborate new operators of image processing , but to develop a reception structure of existent processing . One of the particularities of the system lies in the expression of a priori valuation knowledge (scores of aptitude) . The formalizatio n of these knowledge is inspired of the theory of Dempster–Shafer. The formalism allows to represent the ignorance on condition s of activation of a processing in a particular context . The prototype BBI contains currently a thirty of agents . It functions on couples of aerial or satellitaire images in the visible and th e infrared spectra or in the visible and the radar spectra . BBI elaborates dynamically one or several strategies of research, from th e specificities of the processed images and objects to detect . The cooperations between processings at the low level, the information fusion and the focus of attention at the symbolic level are the main reasons of the good functioning of the prototype .La fusion des résultats en analyse d'images pose de nombreux problèmes de modélisation et de représentation des connaissances parmi lesquels, on peut mentionner: . la difficulté de définir exhaustivement les conditions d'utilisation des traitements en fonction du contexte, . la difficulté d'évaluer les résultats des traitements, . la difficulté d'élaborer des stratégies faisant coopérer plusieurs traitements ou fusionnant des résultats. Le système ADAGAR (Atelier de Développement d'AGents sur Architecture Répartie) propose des solutions à ces problèmes. ADAGAR résulte de concepts élaborés dans le projet BBI (BlackBoard Image). L'objectif du projet BBI était de concevoir sur une architecture multi-processeurs, un système perceptif d'interprétation d'images issues de sources différentes. L'idée n'était pas d'élaborer de nouveaux opérateurs de traitements d'images, mais de développer une structure d'accueil des traitements existants. Une des particularités du système réside dans l'expression de connaissances d'estimation a priori (scores d'aptitude). La formalisation de ces connaissances est inspirée de la théorie de Dempster-Shafer. Le formalisme employé permet de représenter l'ignorance sur les conditions d'activation d'un traitement dans un contexte particulier. Le prototype BBI contient actuellement une trentaine d'agents. Il fonctionne sur des couples d'images aériennes ou satellitaires dans les spectres visible/infrarouge et visible/radar. BBI élabore dynamiquement une ou plusieurs stratégies de recherche, à partir des spécificités des images traitées et des objets à détecter. Les coopérations entre les traitements au bas niveau, les fusions d'informations et les focalisations d'attention au niveau symbolique sont les principales raisons du bon fonctionnement du prototype. Intelligence artificielle distribuée, Système multi-agents, Système réparti, Interprétation d'images

    Individual and collective stock dynamics: intra-day seasonalities

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    We establish several new stylised facts concerning the intra-day seasonalities of stock dynamics. Beyond the well known U-shaped pattern of the volatility, we find that the average correlation between stocks increases throughout the day, leading to a smaller relative dispersion between stocks. Somewhat paradoxically, the kurtosis (a measure of volatility surprises) reaches a minimum at the open of the market, when the volatility is at its peak. We confirm that the dispersion kurtosis is a markedly decreasing function of the index return. This means that during large market swings, the idiosyncratic component of the stock dynamics becomes sub-dominant. In a nutshell, early hours of trading are dominated by idiosyncratic or sector specific effects with little surprises, whereas the influence of the market factor increases throughout the day, and surprises become more frequent.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure