54 research outputs found

    Man-made noise in our living environments

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    The ITU’s (International Telecommunication Union’s) man-made noise levels are based on measurements performed in the 1970s. Some measurements have been carried out since then, showing that noise caused by automotive ignition systems has been reduced, but manmade noise in business areas and city centers increased, especially due to the widespread use of electronic systems. The interference scenario also changed, from analog communication systems in relatively free-space conditions, to digital systems in living areas, often semi-enclosed such as offi ces, industrial production plants, and even inside cars and trains. Several measurements have therefore been carried out to estimate the level of man-made noise in these semi-enclosed environments

    Nonoperatively treated type A spinal fractures:mid-term versus long-term functional outcome

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    This study focuses on the mid-term (four years) and long-term (ten years) functional outcome of patients treated nonoperatively for a type A spinal fracture without primary neurological deficit. Functional outcome was measured using the visual analogue scale spine score (VAS) and the Roland–Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ). The 50 patients included were on average 41.2 years old at the time of injury. Four years post injury, a mean VAS score of 74.5 and a mean RMDQ score of 4.9 were found. Ten years after the accident, the mean VAS and RMDQ scores were 72.6 and 4.7, respectively (NS). No significant relationships were found between the difference scores of the VAS and RMDQ compared with age, gender, fracture sub-classification, and time between measurements. Three (6%) patients had a poor long-term outcome. None of the patients required surgery for late onset pain or progressive neurological deficit. Functional outcome after a nonoperatively treated type A spinal fracture is good, both four and ten years post injury. For the group as a whole, four years after the fracture a steady state exists in functional outcome, which does not change for ten years at least after the fracture

    Ступінь приверженості до лікування та його ефективність у пацієнтів з гіпертонічною хворобою залежно від способу життя

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    Vitamin C is a widely used vitamin. Here we review the occurrence and properties of aldonolactone oxidoreductases, an important group of flavoenzymes responsible for the ultimate production of vitamin C and its analogs in animals, plants, and single-cell organisms

    What should an ideal spinal injury classification system consist of? A methodological review and conceptual proposal for future classifications

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    Since Böhler published the first categorization of spinal injuries based on plain radiographic examinations in 1929, numerous classifications have been proposed. Despite all these efforts, however, only a few have been tested for reliability and validity. This methodological, conceptual review summarizes that a spinal injury classification system should be clinically relevant, reliable and accurate. The clinical relevance of a classification is directly related to its content validity. The ideal content of a spinal injury classification should only include injury characteristics of the vertebral column, is primarily based on the increasingly routinely performed CT imaging, and is clearly distinctive from severity scales and treatment algorithms. Clearly defined observation and conversion criteria are crucial determinants of classification systems’ reliability and accuracy. Ideally, two principle spinal injury characteristics should be easy to discern on diagnostic images: the specific location and morphology of the injured spinal structure. Given the current evidence and diagnostic imaging technology, descriptions of the mechanisms of injury and ligamentous injury should not be included in a spinal injury classification. The presence of concomitant neurologic deficits can be integrated in a spinal injury severity scale, which in turn can be considered in a spinal injury treatment algorithm. Ideally, a validation pathway of a spinal injury classification system should be completed prior to its clinical and scientific implementation. This review provides a methodological concept which might be considered prior to the synthesis of new or modified spinal injury classifications

    High harmonic distortion in a new building due to a multitude of electronic equipment

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    In modern buildings virtually all electric loads are non-linear. Neither the applicable standards for supply of electrical energy nor those for consumption of electrical energy take into account the replacement of linear loads by non-linear loads. Low power equipment is exempted in standards assuming that all other (linear) loads dominate the power quality. In modern buildings there is a huge number of non-linear loads in lighting, monitor, computer and small power supplies and only a very limited number (or no) conventional linear loads. This is causing unacceptable interference with costly consequences. This paper analyzes current standards and the (exemptions for) harmonic current consumption of modern devices. The increase in harmonic distortion in a new building due to a multitude of non-linear equipment is shown. This forced the owner of the building to make costly changes in the power supply network