9,075 research outputs found

    Introduction aux Études critiques en autisme (ÉCA) issues de la recherche anglophone

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    Within the historic context of a distinct lack of autistic people’s representation in research, a body of emancipatory research is emerging under the banner of critical autism studies (CAS). The focus of CAS is the co-creation of scientific knowledge to produce research by and for the autistic community. Most CAS research emanates from the United Kingdom and Australia (e.g., Chown et al., 2017; Pellicano et al., 2014), with little present within Francophone academia in French as emancipatory design in disability research has only emerged since the 2010s. This paper aims to introduce CAS from the Anglophone academia. We begin by stating the fundamental principles of the neurodiversity movement in which CAS has taken root (Chamak, 2010; et al.; Nicolaidis, 2012). Next, we contrast the predominant medical model with the social model of disability (Chamak, 2010, Rosqvist et al., 2020). We then discuss CAS principles such as acknowledgement of power imbalances, recognition of autistic people’s meaningful input to research, and inclusiveness through adapting the research environment (Waltz 2009; Fletcher-Watson et al. 2019; Pickard et al., 2021; Rosqvist et al., 2019). We consider potential obstacles to CAS within the academic culture, such as lack of trusting relationships, practical and systemic barriers, and limited investment to support collaborative research (Pickard et al., 2021; Rosqvist et al., 2019). This paper concludes by discussing the need for a change in the language used to refer to autism (Fletcher-Watson et al., 2019; Woods, 2017) and environmental modifications to facilitate fair and socially just inclusion of neurodivergent people (Fletcher-Watson et al., 2019), within research and wider society

    Optimal Alignment Sensing of a Readout Mode Cleaner Cavity

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    Critically coupled resonant optical cavities are often used as mode cleaners in optical systems to improve the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of a signal that is encoded as an amplitude modulation of a laser beam. Achieving the best SNR requires maintaining the alignment of the mode cleaner relative to the laser beam on which the signal is encoded. An automatic alignment system which is primarily sensitive to the carrier field component of the beam will not, in general, provide optimal SNR. We present an approach that modifies traditional dither alignment sensing by applying a large amplitude modulation on the signal field, thereby producing error signals that are sensitive to the signal sideband field alignment. When used in conjunction with alignment actuators, this approach can improve the detected SNR; we demonstrate a factor of 3 improvement in the SNR of a kilometer-scale detector of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory. This approach can be generalized to other types of alignment sensors

    Influence of autoionisation and predissociation on the photoelectron parameters in HBr

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    Lefebvre-Brion H, Salzmann M, Klausing H-W, Müller M, Böwering N, Heinzmann U. Influence of autoionisation and predissociation on the photoelectron parameters in HBr. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 1989;22(23):3891-3900

    Conditions de formation de composés organoiodés sapides lors de l'oxydation par le chlore d'eaux contenant des ions iodure

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    Le travail a consisté à préciser les conditions de formation d'une molécule iodée sapide, l'iodoforme, lors de l'oxydation d'une eau brute par le chlore et à proposer une voie réactionnelle possible.L'étude de la chloration d'une eau brute en présence d'azote ammoniacal et d'ions iodure conduit à la formation d'iodoforme uniquement pour des taux inférieurs au point de rupture. Les résultats montrent que l'oxydation de l'ion ammonium conduit à la formation de monochloramine dont le pouvoir oxydant totalement disponible pourrait être impliqué dans la formation de iodamines ou de chloroiodamines. Ces réactions sont plus favorables en présence d'iode qu'en présence d'ions iodure. Mais l'action de l'iode seul en présence d'ammoniaque et en absence de monochloramine ne permet pas d'expliquer la production des composés organoiodés observés. Ce sont les précurseurs intermédiaires formés à partir des chloramines qui, par action sur la matière organique naturelle, seraient responsables de la formation d'iodoforme. Dans une moindre mesure, certains composés azotés organiques tels les amines et les acides aminés pourraient prendre part à la production des composés organoiodés lors de la chloration.This work consisted of specifying the conditions of iodoform formation during chlorination of a raw water containing iodides. To reach this objective, there was need to spike the studied natural water with potassium iodide (200 µg.L-1) in order to increase the low natural iodide content. Free and combined chlorine, chlorinated and brominated trihalomethanes (THMs) and iodoform were analyzed.It was shown that :- iodoform is formed for chlorine doses prior to the breakpoint, in a region where the formation of the most classical chlorinated and brominated THMs is usually disfavored (Figures 1-4); - in the presence of chloramines the rate of production of iodoform increases with increasing I- or I2 (Figure 5); - the direct reaction of I2 with THM precursors to produce iodoform is slow and independent of the presence of ammonia (Table 1). - Nitrogenated compounds such as amines and amino acids would also take part in the production of organoiodinated compounds during chlorination (Figure 7). However, under water treatment conditions, taking into account the amine and amino acid content of natural waters, this class of compounds will only take a small part in the mechanism of iodoform formation. Among the possible routes that could account for the observations made in this research, the formation of iodamines or chloroiodamines as intermediates is suggested (Figure 8). From a practical point of view, the removal of ammonia from water by a biological process (nitrification step) would inhibit the iodoform formation potential and allow the application of the final chlorination step. Another alternative would involve replacing the chlorination step by oxidation with chlorine dioxide

    The influence of health messages in nudging consumption of whole grain pasta

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    Health messages may be an important predictor in the selection of healthier food choices among young adults. The primary objective of our study is to test the impact of labeling whole grain pasta with a health message descriptor displayed at the point-of-purchase (POP) on consumer choice in a campus dining setting. The study was conducted in a large US college dining venue during lunch service; data were collected during a nine-week period, for a total of 18 days of observation. Each day, an information treatment (i.e., no-message condition; vitamin message; fiber message) was alternated assigned to whole grain penne. Over the study period, the selection of four pasta options (white penne, whole grain penne, spinach fettuccine, and tortellini) were recorded and compiled for analysis. Logistic regression and pairwise comparison analyses were performed to estimate the impact of health messages on diners\u2019 decisions to choose whole grain penne among the four pasta types. Our results indicate that only the message about vitamin benefits had a significant effect on this choice, with a 7.4% higher probability of selecting this pasta than the no-message condition and 6.0% higher than the fiber message condition. These findings suggest that psychological health claims (e.g., reduction of fatigue) of whole grains seem more attractive than physiological health claims (e.g., maintaining a healthy weight) for university students. In line with the 2015\u20132020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, our results suggest that small changes made at the POP have the potential to contribute to significant improvements in diet (e.g., achieving recommended levels of dietary fiber). These findings have important implications for food service practitioners in delivering information with the greatest impact on healthy food choices

    Performing Place: A Rhythmanalysis of the City of London

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    Through its focus on the City of London as a particular work sector and setting, this paper emphasizes the symbolic and material significance of place to understanding the lived experiences of power relations within organizational life. The socio-cultural and material aspects of the City are explored through an analysis of the rhythms of place, as well through interview data. Using a methodological approach based on Lefebvre’s Rhythmanalysis in order to develop an embodied, immersive sense of how the City is experienced as a workplace, the paper makes a methodological, empirical and theoretical contribution to an understanding of the way in which rhythms shape how place is performed. Using rhythmanalysis as a method, the paper shows the relationship between rhythms and the performances of place, foregrounding a subjective, embodied and experiential way of researching the places and spaces of organizing

    Entanglement between more than two hundred macroscopic atomic ensembles in a solid

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    We create a multi-partite entangled state by storing a single photon in a crystal that contains many large atomic ensembles with distinct resonance frequencies. The photon is re-emitted at a well-defined time due to an interference effect analogous to multi-slit diffraction. We derive a lower bound for the number of entangled ensembles based on the contrast of the interference and the single-photon character of the input, and we experimentally demonstrate entanglement between over two hundred ensembles, each containing a billion atoms. In addition, we illustrate the fact that each individual ensemble contains further entanglement. Our results are the first demonstration of entanglement between many macroscopic systems in a solid and open the door to creating even more complex entangled states.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; see also parallel submission by Frowis et a

    On discretization in time in simulations of particulate flows

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    We propose a time discretization scheme for a class of ordinary differential equations arising in simulations of fluid/particle flows. The scheme is intended to work robustly in the lubrication regime when the distance between two particles immersed in the fluid or between a particle and the wall tends to zero. The idea consists in introducing a small threshold for the particle-wall distance below which the real trajectory of the particle is replaced by an approximated one where the distance is kept equal to the threshold value. The error of this approximation is estimated both theoretically and by numerical experiments. Our time marching scheme can be easily incorporated into a full simulation method where the velocity of the fluid is obtained by a numerical solution to Stokes or Navier-Stokes equations. We also provide a derivation of the asymptotic expansion for the lubrication force (used in our numerical experiments) acting on a disk immersed in a Newtonian fluid and approaching the wall. The method of this derivation is new and can be easily adapted to other cases

    Substitution Effect by Deuterated Donors on Superconductivity in κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br

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    We investigate the superconductivity in the deuterated BEDT-TTF molecular substitution system κ\kappa-[(h8-BEDT-TTF)1−x_{1-x}(d8-BEDT-TTF)x_x]2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br, where h8 and d8 denote fully hydrogenated and deuterated molecules, respectively. Systematic and wide range (xx = 0 -- 1) substitution can control chemical pressure finely near the Mott boundary, which results in the modification of the superconductivity. After cooling slowly, the increase of TcT_{\textrm{c}} observed up to x∼x \sim 0.1 is evidently caused by the chemical pressure effect. Neither reduction of TcT_{\textrm{c}} nor suppression of superconducting volume fraction is found below x∼x \sim 0.5. This demonstrates that the effect of disorder by substitution is negligible in the present system. With further increase of xx, both TcT_{\textrm{c}} and superconducting volume fraction start to decrease toward the values in xx = 1.Comment: J. Phys. Soc. Jp
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