12 research outputs found

    Еволюція топоформанта -щина в слов’янських мовах та його рефлекси в реґіональній історичній ойконімії

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    У статті автор на широкому географічно-історичному тлі простежує еволюцію топоформанта -щина в слов'янській топонімії детально аналізує рефлекси цього суфікса в реґіональній історичній ойконімії на прикладі дев'яти назв (і 12-ти мікроойконімних варіантів) населених пунктів Галицької та Львівської земель Руського воєводства із подальшим встановленням їхньої етимологи.В статье автор на широком географическо-историческом фоне прослеживает эволюцию топонимического форманта -щина в славянской топонимии детально анализирует рефлексы этого суффикса в региональной исторической ойконимии на примере девяти названий (с 12-ю микроойконимными вариантами) населенных пунктов Галицкой и Львовской земель Русского воеводства с последующим установлением их этимологии.The author traces the evolution of topoformant -schyna on the basis of historical and geographical studies in Slavic Toponymy. Reflexes of the suffix are analyzed in regional historical oykonymy in 12 toponyms (and their 12 microokonymic variants) of villages and towns of Halych and Lviv Lands of Ruske Woyewodstwo. Their etymology is also analysed

    Sea-floor distribution and Late Quaternary faunal patterns of planktonic and benthic foraminifers in the Angola Basin

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    The distribution of planktonic and benthic foraminifers was examined in some hundred core-tops from the Angola Basin, mainly from depths below 2000 metres. A number of biofacies have been discriminated in the planktonic faunas on the sea-floor and these show a clear relation with the hydrography of the (near-) surface waters. Species distribution can generally be described satisfactorily in terms of surface-water temperature and fertility. However, if the thermocline reaches into the photic zone, faunas different from those of the surface-mixed layer are found at the top of the thermocline. The faunal differences between the top of the thermocline and the surface-water can not simply be attributed to differences in temperature and fertility. We suppose that some species are specifically linked up with a steep thermal gradient, whereas others can flourish in thermally homogeneous water only. The deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunas vary primarily with depth. In addition there appear to be differences between the area along the African continent and areas far away from the continent. Faunal contrasts are found also within these areas. The lateral differences must be due to variations in sediment-related parameters and it is suggested that the amount of organic matter at and in the bottom plays a crucial role. Depth-related changes in the faunas are thought to be controlled by vertical gradients in bottom-water temperature and in the amount of organic matter arriving at the bottom. It should be mentioned that our results do not support the widely accepted idea that there is a relation between Nuttallides umboniferus and Antarctic Bottom Water. In a more general sense, we contend that fauna/water-mass relations are actually to be reduced to relations between fauna and bottomwater temperature. Late Quaternary faunal change was studied in five piston-cores from depths between 2000 and 4000 metres in the marginal area of the north-eastern Angola Basin. A climate stratigraphy was established for the last 150,000 years on the basis of regional changes in the planktonic foraminiferal faunas. The regional changes in the planktonic faunas are thought to be essentially due to variations in cold-water advection by the Benguela Current and in intensity of equatorial divergence processes. These two factors do not only influence the temperature of the surface-water, but also control the degree to which the photic layer is thermally stratified. It is concluded that the primary production of the photic layer was much higher during cold than during warm climatic stages. The influence of the Benguela Current has been stronger during cold than during warm climatic phases and reached a maximum in isotope stage 4. Equatorial divergence was intense during isotope stages 2 and 3 and weak during stage 4, substage 5e and periods of deglaciation. It is suggested that intensification of the Benguela Current and intensification of equatorial divergence have generally been out of phase. Changes in wind direction could offer an explanation for this inverse relation. Consistent differences between warm and cold climatic stages show up also in the benthic faunas. In most cores, distinction must be made between an autochthonous and an allochthonous faunal signal. At depths beteen 2700 and 3500 metres in the area north of the Zaire deep-sea fan, the contribution of allochthonous elements reaches maxima in cold climatic stages. This suggests increased down-slope transport during periods of low sea-level stands. Climate related changes in the frequencies of autochthonous species are recognized at all sites and are to be ascribed primarily to variation in the amount of organic matter at and in the bottom. The amount of organic matter must have been larger in cold than in warm climatic intervals. This is to be attributed mainly to increased primary production of the surface-waters during cold climatic periods. It is further suggested that bottom-water temperatures have varied in the Angola Basin over the past 150,000 years. Variation in bottom-water temperature seems only partially linked up with climatic change. At great depth, bottom waters were colder than today during isotope stages 2 and 4 and the middle of stage 5. Interpretation of glacial/interglacial differences in benthic deep-sea faunas reported in the literature for the NW Atlantic Ocean and Southern Ocean, indicates that these differences may also be due to variation in the organic matter content of the sediments. Again, increased primary production during cold climatic periods seems likely

    Distribution of foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton in quaternary sediments of the Eastern Angola Basin in response to climatic and oceanic fluctuations

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    The impact of the Zaire River on the oceanic environment is clearly illustrated in the surface sediments by anomalously high carbonate dissolution rates over a large area off the river mouth. This anomaly results from the high supply of terrestrial organic matter brought into the Angola Basin by the outflowing river water. Carbonate dissolution indices demonstrate that downcore fluctuations in carbonate content are strongly controlled by carbonate dissolution processes. In the deep water cores variations in the rate of dissolution follow from changes in the position of the CCD. Variations in carbonate dissolution in the shallow cores are of local origin, and are linked to differences in the flux of land-derived organic matter. Associations of planktonic Foraminifera in the cored sediments of the eastern Angola Basin consist of tropical-subtropical and transitional-subantarctic species. The latter are considered as “southern intruders” brought northward by the Benguela Current and are potentially useful for deciphering changes in surface-water circulation during the Quaternary. Unfortunately, in almost all cores the planktonic foraminiferal signal in the “cold” periods has been obliterated by dissolution. The compositional pattern (in core T78-46) indicates that the Benguela Current had a stronger influence during the last glacial than it has today. High joint percentages of Epistominella exigua and Osangularia? umbonifera (in core T78-45) during the Holocene and Emian I document periods in which bottom waters were made up of an admixture of North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water just as they are today. Recurrent peak frequencies of Uvigerina peregrina may reflect intermittent stages of oxygen-poor bottom water. A distinct drop in radiolarian numbers across the W-X and Y-Z zonal boundaries is attributed to a periodically increased discharge of river water, which lowered primary productivity due to the short residence time and high turbidity of the surface water. The resultant diminished supply of biogenic opal to the bottom prevents the opaline skeletons from being preserved in the sediments

    Revised Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Dutch sector of the North Sea Basin: towards an integrated lithostratigraphic, seismostratigraphic and allostratigraphic approach

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    A revised Upper Cenozoic stratigraphic framework of the Dutch sector of the North Sea Basin is presented whereby offshore stratigraphic units are integrated or correlated with onshore units. The framework is based on an integrated stratigraphic approach that combines elements of lithostratigraphy, seismostratigraphy and allostratigraphy. Offshore formations are redefined in terms of seismofacies and lithofacies associations, and are differentiated on the basis of common genesis and stratigraphic position. These facies associations represent five major depositional environments, which occur in repetitive successions in the subsurface of the Netherlands: Marine, Coastal, Glacial, Fluvial, and Local Terrestrial. Five conceptual basin-wide bounding discontinuities are identified in the North Sea-Basin that span land and sea. They are represented by both seismostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic unconformities and interpreted as surfaces that formed as a result of North Sea Basin-wide changes in depositional systems. Their formation relates to sea level rise, continental-scale glaciations, and tectonic processes. The bounding discontinuities separate informal allostratigraphic groups of formations that have a grossly uniform geologic setting in common. While the allostratigraphic principles provide a view on the stratigraphy on the largest spatial and temporal scale, the genetic concept facilitates mapping on a local scale

    The Eemian stratotype locality at Amersfoort in the central Netherlands: a re-evaluation of old and new data

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    In order to obtain a better understanding of the infilling of the Saalian glacial basins during the Eemian, particularly following the recent research in the Amsterdam Basin (Terminal borehole), it was necessary to re-investigate the type locality of the Eemian at Amersfoort. Both published and unpublished data from various biota (diatoms, foraminifers, molluscs, ostracods, pollen) provide new information on the changing sedimentary environments during the Eemian. Although the organic and clastic sediments of the infilling represent nearly all the pollen zones, the sedimentary sequence at Amersfoort is discontinuous: four breaks at least are recognised at the type locality. The successive sedimentary environments and the breaks in the record are linked with the transgression of the Eemian sea, the topographic position at the margin of an ice-pushed ridge, and the changes in hydrodynamic conditions. Local conditions, such as a sandy sea bed, shallow water and a reduced water exchange near the North Sea margin, influenced the salinity of the basin. Rib counts of Cerastoderma edule shells indicate a higher salinity at the end of the Taxus (E4b) and the beginning of the Carpinus (E5) zones than that present in the modern North Sea. Local conditions were responsible for the higher salinity following the climate optimum. During the Abies phase (the later part of regional pollen zone E5), the sea level had already fallen. The change from eutrophic peat growth (with Alnus and Salix) to an oligotrophic Ericaceae/Sphagnum community at the end of the Eemian resulted from the change from a marine to a fresh-water environment, probably coherent with a deterioration of the climate

    Stratigraphy and integrated facies analysis of the Saalian and Eemian sediments in the Amsterdam-Terminal borehole, the Netherlands

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    The Amsterdam glacial basin was a major sedimentary sink from late Saalian until late Eemian (Picea zone, E6) times. The basin’s exemplary record makes it a potential reference area for the last interglacial stage. The cored Amsterdam-Terminal borehole was drilled in 1997 to provide a record throughout the Eemian interglacial. Integrated facies analysis has resulted in a detailed reconstruction of the sedimentary history. After the Saalian ice mass had disappeared from the area, a large, deep lake had come into being, fed by the Rhine river. At the end of the glacial, the lake became smaller because it was cut off from the river-water supply, and eventually only a number of shallow pools remained in the Amsterdam basin. During the early Eemian (Betula zone, E1), a seepage lake existed at the site. The lake deepened under the influence of a steadily rising sea level and finally evolved into a silled lagoon (late Quercus zone, E3). Initially, the lagoon water had fairly stable stratification, but as the sea level continued to rise the sill lost its significance, the lagoon becoming well mixed by the middle of the Corylus/Taxus zone (E4b). The phase of free exchange with the open sea ended in the early Carpinus zone (E5), when barriers developed in the sill area causing the lagoon to become stratified again. During the Late Eemian (late E5), a more dynamic system developed.The sandy barriers that had obstructed exchange with the open sea were no longer effective, and a tidally-influenced coastal lagoon formed. The Eemian sedimentary history shown in the Amsterdam-Terminal borehole is intimately connected with the sea-level history. Because the site includes both a high-resolution pollen signal and a record of sea-level change, it has potential for correlation on various scales. Palaeomagnetic results show that the sediments predate the Blake Event, which confirms that this reversal excursion is relatively young.The U/Th age of the uppermost part of the Eemian sequence is 118.2 ±6.3 ka