302 research outputs found

    Athena: A New Code for Astrophysical MHD

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    A new code for astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is described. The code has been designed to be easily extensible for use with static and adaptive mesh refinement. It combines higher-order Godunov methods with the constrained transport (CT) technique to enforce the divergence-free constraint on the magnetic field. Discretization is based on cell-centered volume-averages for mass, momentum, and energy, and face-centered area-averages for the magnetic field. Novel features of the algorithm include (1) a consistent framework for computing the time- and edge-averaged electric fields used by CT to evolve the magnetic field from the time- and area-averaged Godunov fluxes, (2) the extension to MHD of spatial reconstruction schemes that involve a dimensionally-split time advance, and (3) the extension to MHD of two different dimensionally-unsplit integration methods. Implementation of the algorithm in both C and Fortran95 is detailed, including strategies for parallelization using domain decomposition. Results from a test suite which includes problems in one-, two-, and three-dimensions for both hydrodynamics and MHD are given, not only to demonstrate the fidelity of the algorithms, but also to enable comparisons to other methods. The source code is freely available for download on the web.Comment: 61 pages, 36 figures. accepted by ApJ

    An Euler Solver Based on Locally Adaptive Discrete Velocities

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    A new discrete-velocity model is presented to solve the three-dimensional Euler equations. The velocities in the model are of an adaptive nature---both the origin of the discrete-velocity space and the magnitudes of the discrete-velocities are dependent on the local flow--- and are used in a finite volume context. The numerical implementation of the model follows the near-equilibrium flow method of Nadiga and Pullin [1] and results in a scheme which is second order in space (in the smooth regions and between first and second order at discontinuities) and second order in time. (The three-dimensional code is included.) For one choice of the scaling between the magnitude of the discrete-velocities and the local internal energy of the flow, the method reduces to a flux-splitting scheme based on characteristics. As a preliminary exercise, the result of the Sod shock-tube simulation is compared to the exact solution.Comment: 17 pages including 2 figures and CMFortran code listing. All in one postscript file (adv.ps) compressed and uuencoded (adv.uu). Name mail file `adv.uu'. Edit so that `#!/bin/csh -f' is the first line of adv.uu On a unix machine say `csh adv.uu'. On a non-unix machine: uudecode adv.uu; uncompress adv.tar.Z; tar -xvf adv.ta

    Towards a new generation of multi-dimensional stellar evolution models: development of an implicit hydrodynamic code

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    This paper describes the first steps of development of a new multidimensional time implicit code devoted to the study of hydrodynamical processes in stellar interiors. The code solves the hydrodynamical equations in spherical geometry and is based on the finite volume method. Radiation transport is taken into account within the diffusion approximation. Realistic equation of state and opacities are implemented, allowing the study of a wide range of problems characteristic of stellar interiors. We describe in details the numerical method and various standard tests performed to validate the method. We present preliminary results devoted to the description of stellar convection. We first perform a local simulation of convection in the surface layers of a A-type star model. This simulation is used to test the ability of the code to address stellar conditions and to validate our results, since they can be compared to similar previous simulations based on explicit codes. We then present a global simulation of turbulent convective motions in a cold giant envelope, covering 80% in radius of the stellar structure. Although our implicit scheme is unconditionally stable, we show that in practice there is a limitation on the time step which prevent the flow to move over several cells during a time step. Nevertheless, in the cold giant model we reach a hydro CFL number of 100. We also show that we are able to address flows with a wide range of Mach numbers (10^-3 < Ms< 0.5), which is impossible with an anelastic approach. Our first developments are meant to demonstrate that the use of an implicit scheme applied to a stellar evolution context is perfectly thinkable and to provide useful guidelines to optimise the development of an implicit multi-D hydrodynamical code.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Three-Dimensional Simulations of Jets from Keplerian Disks: Self--Regulatory Stability

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    We present the extension of previous two-dimensional simulations of the time-dependent evolution of non-relativistic outflows from the surface of Keplerian accretion disks, to three dimensions. The accretion disk itself is taken to provide a set of fixed boundary conditions for the problem. The 3-D results are consistent with the theory of steady, axisymmetric, centrifugally driven disk winds up to the Alfv\'en surface of the outflow. Beyond the Alfv\'en surface however, the jet in 3-D becomes unstable to non-axisymmetric, Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. We show that jets maintain their long-term stability through a self-limiting process wherein the average Alfv\'enic Mach number within the jet is maintained to order unity. This is accomplished in at least two ways. First, poloidal magnetic field is concentrated along the central axis of the jet forming a ``backbone'' in which the Alfv\'en speed is sufficiently high to reduce the average jet Alfv\'enic Mach number to unity. Second, the onset of higher order Kelvin-Helmholtz ``flute'' modes (m \ge 2) reduce the efficiency with which the jet material is accelerated, and transfer kinetic energy of the outflow into the stretched, poloidal field lines of the distorted jet. This too has the effect of increasing the Alfv\'en speed, and thus reducing the Alfv\'enic Mach number. The jet is able to survive the onset of the more destructive m=1 mode in this way. Our simulations also show that jets can acquire corkscrew, or wobbling types of geometries in this relatively stable end-state, depending on the nature of the perturbations upon them. Finally, we suggest that jets go into alternating periods of low and high activity as the disappearance of unstable modes in the sub-Alfv\'enic regime enables another cycle of acceleration to super-Alfv\'enic speeds.Comment: 57 pages, 22 figures, submitted to Ap

    Alfv\'en Reflection and Reverberation in the Solar Atmosphere

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    Magneto-atmospheres with Alfv\'en speed [a] that increases monotonically with height are often used to model the solar atmosphere, at least out to several solar radii. A common example involves uniform vertical or inclined magnetic field in an isothermal atmosphere, for which the Alfv\'en speed is exponential. We address the issue of internal reflection in such atmospheres, both for time-harmonic and for transient waves. It is found that a mathematical boundary condition may be devised that corresponds to perfect absorption at infinity, and, using this, that many atmospheres where a(x) is analytic and unbounded present no internal reflection of harmonic Alfv\'en waves. However, except for certain special cases, such solutions are accompanied by a wake, which may be thought of as a kind of reflection. For the initial-value problem where a harmonic source is suddenly switched on (and optionally off), there is also an associated transient that normally decays with time as O(t-1) or O(t-1 ln t), depending on the phase of the driver. Unlike the steady-state harmonic solutions, the transient does reflect weakly. Alfv\'en waves in the solar corona driven by a finite-duration train of p-modes are expected to leave such transients.Comment: Accepted by Solar Physic

    Relativistic Hydrodynamics around Black Holes and Horizon Adapted Coordinate Systems

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    Despite the fact that the Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions for the Einstein equations, when written in standard Schwarzschild and Boyer-Lindquist coordinates, present coordinate singularities, all numerical studies of accretion flows onto collapsed objects have been widely using them over the years. This approach introduces conceptual and practical complications in places where a smooth solution should be guaranteed, i.e., at the gravitational radius. In the present paper, we propose an alternative way of solving the general relativistic hydrodynamic equations in background (fixed) black hole spacetimes. We identify classes of coordinates in which the (possibly rotating) black hole metric is free of coordinate singularities at the horizon, independent of time, and admits a spacelike decomposition. In the spherically symmetric, non-rotating case, we re-derive exact solutions for dust and perfect fluid accretion in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, and compare with numerical hydrodynamic integrations. We perform representative axisymmetric computations. These demonstrations suggest that the use of those coordinate systems carries significant improvements over the standard approach, especially for higher dimensional studies.Comment: 10 pages, 4 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Three Dimensional Numerical General Relativistic Hydrodynamics I: Formulations, Methods, and Code Tests

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    This is the first in a series of papers on the construction and validation of a three-dimensional code for general relativistic hydrodynamics, and its application to general relativistic astrophysics. This paper studies the consistency and convergence of our general relativistic hydrodynamic treatment and its coupling to the spacetime evolutions described by the full set of Einstein equations with a perfect fluid source. The numerical treatment of the general relativistic hydrodynamic equations is based on high resolution shock capturing schemes. These schemes rely on the characteristic information of the system. A spectral decomposition for general relativistic hydrodynamics suitable for a general spacetime metric is presented. Evolutions based on three different approximate Riemann solvers coupled to four different discretizations of the Einstein equations are studied and compared. The coupling between the hydrodynamics and the spacetime (the right and left hand side of the Einstein equations) is carried out in a treatment which is second order accurate in {\it both} space and time. Convergence tests for all twelve combinations with a variety of test beds are studied, showing consistency with the differential equations and correct convergence properties. The test-beds examined include shocktubes, Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology tests, evolutions of self-gravitating compact (TOV) stars, and evolutions of relativistically boosted TOV stars. Special attention is paid to the numerical evolution of strongly gravitating objects, e.g., neutron stars, in the full theory of general relativity, including a simple, yet effective treatment for the surface region of the star (where the rest mass density is abruptly dropping to zero).Comment: 45 pages RevTeX, 34 figure

    Matter flows around black holes and gravitational radiation

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    We develop and calibrate a new method for estimating the gravitational radiation emitted by complex motions of matter sources in the vicinity of black holes. We compute numerically the linearized curvature perturbations induced by matter fields evolving in fixed black hole backgrounds, whose evolution we obtain using the equations of relativistic hydrodynamics. The current implementation of the proposal concerns non-rotating holes and axisymmetric hydrodynamical motions. As first applications we study i) dust shells falling onto the black hole isotropically from finite distance, ii) initially spherical layers of material falling onto a moving black hole, and iii) anisotropic collapse of shells. We focus on the dependence of the total gravitational wave energy emission on the flow parameters, in particular shell thickness, velocity and degree of anisotropy. The gradual excitation of the black hole quasi-normal mode frequency by sufficiently compact shells is demonstrated and discussed. A new prescription for generating physically reasonable initial data is discussed, along with a range of technical issues relevant to numerical relativity.Comment: 27 pages, 12 encapsulated figures, revtex, amsfonts, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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