4,160 research outputs found

    Geometric phase and o-mode blue shift in a chiral anisotropic medium inside a Fabry-P\'erot cavity

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    Anomalous spectral shift of transmission peaks is observed in a Fabry--P\'erot cavity filled with a chiral anisotropic medium. The effective refractive index value resides out of the interval between the ordinary and the extraordinary refractive indices. The spectral shift is explained by contribution of a geometric phase. The problem is solved analytically using the approximate Jones matrix method, numerically using the accurate Berreman method and geometrically using the generalized Mauguin--Poincar\'e rolling cone method. The oo-mode blue shift is measured for a 4-methoxybenzylidene-4'-nn-butylaniline twisted--nematic layer inside the Fabry--P\'erot cavity. The twist is electrically induced due to the homeoplanar--twisted configuration transition in an ionic-surfactant-doped liquid crystal layer. Experimental evidence confirms the validity of the theoretical model.Comment: the text is available both in English (Timofeev2015en.tex) and in Russian (download: other formats - source - Timofeev2015ru.tex, Timofeev2015rus.pdf

    Coulomb corrections to bremsstrahlung in electric field of heavy atom at high energies

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    The differential and partially integrated cross sections are considered for bremsstrahlung from high-energy electrons in atomic field with the exact account of this field. The consideration exploits the quasiclassical electron Green's function and wave functions in an external electric field. It is shown that the Coulomb corrections to the differential cross section are very susceptible to screening. Nevertheless, the Coulomb corrections to the cross section summed up over the final-electron states are independent of screening in the leading approximation over a small parameter 1/mrscr1/mr_{scr} (rscrr_{scr} is a screening radius, mm is the electron mass, =c=1\hbar=c=1). Bremsstrahlung from an electron beam of the finite size on heavy nucleus is considered as well. Again, the Coulomb corrections to the differential probability are very susceptible to the beam shape, while those to the probability integrated over momentum transfer are independent of it, apart from the trivial factor, which is the electron-beam density at zero impact parameter. For the Coulomb corrections to the bremsstrahlung spectrum, the next-to-leading terms with respect to the parameters m/ϵm/\epsilon (ϵ\epsilon is the electron energy) and 1/mrscr1/mr_{scr} are obtained.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetric achromatic low-beta collider interaction region design concept

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    We present a new symmetry-based concept for an achromatic low-beta collider interaction region design. A specially-designed symmetric Chromaticity Compensation Block (CCB) induces an angle spread in the passing beam such that it cancels the chromatic kick of the final focusing quadrupoles. Two such CCBs placed symmetrically around an interaction point allow simultaneous compensation of the 1st-order chromaticities and chromatic beam smear at the IP without inducing significant 2nd-order aberrations to the particle trajectory. We first develop an analytic description of this approach and explicitly formulate 2nd-order aberration compensation conditions at the interaction point. The concept is next applied to develop an interaction region design for the ion collider ring of an electron-ion collider. We numerically evaluate performance of the design in terms of momentum acceptance and dynamic aperture. The advantages of the new concept are illustrated by comparing it to the conventional distributed-sextupole chromaticity compensation scheme.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beam

    Dynamical Model of Coherent Pion Production in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering

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    We study coherent pion production in neutrino-nucleus scattering in the energy region relevant to neutrino oscillation experiments of current interest. Our approach is based on a combined use of the Sato-Lee model of electroweak pion production on a nucleon and the Delta-hole model of pion-nucleus reactions. Thus we develop a model which describes pion-nucleus scattering and electroweak coherent pion production in a unified manner. Numerical calculations are carried out for the case of the 12C target. All the free parameters in our model are fixed by fitting to both total and elastic differential cross sections for pi-12C scattering. Then we demonstrate the reliability of our approach by confronting our prediction for the coherent pion photo-productions with data. Finally, we calculate total and differential cross sections for neutrino-induced coherent pion production, and some of the results are (will be) compared with the recent (forthcoming) data from K2K, SciBooNE and MiniBooNE. We also study effect of the non-locality of the Delta-propagation in the nucleus, and compare the elementary amplitudes used in different microscopic calculations.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figure

    Chiral Optical Tamm States at the Interface between a Cholesteric and an All-Dielectric Polarization-Preserving Anisotropic Mirror

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    The chiral optical Tamm state is a new localized state of light at the interface between a polarization-preserving anisotropic mirror and an optically chiral medium such as a cholesteric liquid crystal. In this study the metal-free polarization-preserving mirror is used for efficient resonance control. We stress the advantage of the all-dielectric structure in obtaining high Q factor. The light is localized near the interface and the field decreases exponentially with the distance from the interface. The penetration of the field into the chiral medium is virtually blocked at wavelengths corresponding to the photonic band gap and close to the pitch of the helix. The polarization-preserving mirror has another photonic band gap as well. Our analytics agrees well with precise calculations, enabling intelligent design for laser and sensing applications.Comment: in Russia

    Electron shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment in hydrogen-like atom

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    The correction to the wave function of the ground state in a hydrogen-like atom due to an external homogenous magnetic field is found exactly in the parameter ZαZ\alpha. The j=1/2j=1/2 projection of the correction to the wave function of the ns1/2ns_{1/2} state due to the external homogeneous magnetic field is found for arbitrary nn. The j=3/2j=3/2 projection of the correction to the wave function of the ns1/2ns_{1/2} state due to the nuclear magnetic moment is also found for arbitrary nn. Using these results, we have calculated the shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment by the ns1/2ns_{1/2} electron.Comment: 15 page

    Strength of Higher-Order Spin-Orbit Resonances

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    When polarized particles are accelerated in a synchrotron, the spin precession can be periodically driven by Fourier components of the electromagnetic fields through which the particles travel. This leads to resonant perturbations when the spin-precession frequency is close to a linear combination of the orbital frequencies. When such resonance conditions are crossed, partial depolarization or spin flip can occur. The amount of polarization that survives after resonance crossing is a function of the resonance strength and the crossing speed. This function is commonly called the Froissart-Stora formula. It is very useful for predicting the amount of polarization after an acceleration cycle of a synchrotron or for computing the required speed of the acceleration cycle to maintain a required amount of polarization. However, the resonance strength could in general only be computed for first-order resonances and for synchrotron sidebands. When Siberian Snakes adjust the spin tune to be 1/2, as is required for high energy accelerators, first-order resonances do not appear and higher-order resonances become dominant. Here we will introduce the strength of a higher-order spin-orbit resonance, and also present an efficient method of computing it. Several tracking examples will show that the so computed resonance strength can indeed be used in the Froissart-Stora formula. HERA-p is used for these examples which demonstrate that our results are very relevant for existing accelerators.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The versatile terahertz reflection and transmission spectrometer with the location of objects of researches in the horizontal plane

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    The experimental setup of versatile pulse terahertz reflection and transmission spectrometer and operation concept were described. Using this setup the temporary forms of THz signal reflected from and transmitted through the samples like amino acids, dental tissue and normal were obtained. The possibility of structural determination of powdered media was demonstrated using this method

    Ecology of the Granular Spiny Frog <em>Quasipaa verrucospinosa</em> (Amphibia: Anura - Dicroglossidae) in Central Vietnam

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    We conducted a large-scale assessment at 35 primary forest sites and 42 secondary forest sites in Bach Ma National Park, central Vietnam, using the detection/non-detection data for each site over multiple visits, to quantify the site proportions that were occupied by granular spiny frogs (Quasipaa verrucospinosa). We additionally investigated the effect of site covariates (primary versus secondary forests) and sample covariates (temperature, humidity, and precipitation) to examine the environmental needs that may be incorporated for conserving rain forest amphibians in Vietnam. From the best model among all candidate models, We estimated a site occupancy probability of 0.632 that was higher than the naïve occupancy estimate of 0.403 and a 57% increase over the proportion of sites at which frogs were actually observed. The primary forest variable was an important determinant of site occupancy, whereas occupancy was not associated with the variable of secondary forest. In a combined AIC model weight, the detection model p (temperature, humidity, precipitation) included 90.9% of the total weight, providing clear evidence that environmental conditions were important sample covariates in modeling detection probabilities of granular spiny frogs. Our results substantiate the importance of incorporating occupancy and detection probabilities into studies of habitat relationships and suggest that the primary forest factor associated with environmental conditions influence the occupancy of granular spiny frogs