908 research outputs found


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    摘要1950年代,港臺新儒家曾提出「儒學開出民主論」。在他們與臺灣自由主義者的辯論之中,此說也成為雙方爭論的焦點之一。對筆者而言,此說的意涵並不複雜難解,但奇怪的是:它卻不斷引起誤解與質疑。多年來,筆者曾針對這些誤解撰寫了一系列的論文,故本文不再重述相關的細節,而是從宏觀的角度申論一些未盡之意。關鍵詞: 台灣新儒家, 儒學開出民主論, 自由主義, 政治思想, 良知的自我坎陷AbstractIn the 1950s, Contemporary Modern Confucians of Hong Kong and Taiwan have exposed the theory of the “Development of Democracy from Confucianism”. In their controversies with the Taiwanese liberals, this theory also became one of the main points of debate. The author of the present article believes that the contents of this theory are not too complicated to understand; however, it nevertheless often became subject of various misunderstandings and questionings. During the past years, the author has written several studies on this topic, aiming to clarify such misunderstandings and to responding to such questionings. Therefore, the present article does not restate the details of this theory, but rather aims to provide further explanations of its essential meaning. V petdesetih letih smo bili priča razpravi med sodobnimi konfucianci iz Hong Konga in Tajvana na eni in liberalno strujo tajvanskih izobražencev na drugi strani. Razprava se je osredotočila predvsem na vprašanje, ali je tradicionalna kitajska kultura in zlasti konfucijanska miselnost primerna za razvoj znanosti, tehnologije in demokratičnega političnega sistema zahodnega tipa. V tem kontekstu so moderni konfucijanci iz Hong Konga in Tajvana izpostavili teorijo o »razvoju demokracije iz konfucianizma«. Ker je avtor tega članka že v več preteklih študijah poskusil razjasniti različne nesporazume povezane s temi vprašanji, ta članek ne prinaša podrobnosti glede zgoraj omenjene teorije. Namesto tega raje nudi dodatno razlago o pomenu teorij. Čeprav moderni konfucijanci na eni strani priznavajo, da v tradicionalnem konfucijanstvu ti elementi sicer niso bili prisotni, vendar to še ne pomeni, da konfucijanska tradicija razvoj moderne države s temi atributi zavira, so bili liberalci prepričani o nasprotnem in so zato poudarjali, da mora Kitajska, če želi postati moderna, tehnološko razvita in demokratična država, odstraniti vse prežitke konfucijanske miselnosti. V tej polemiki se je izkazalo, da so moderni konfucijanci sicer priznavali razliko med politiko in moralo, vendar so sistem politične svobode na teoretski ravni pogojevali z moralno svobodo. Predstavniki liberalnega tabora so zanikali njihovo predpostavko, po kateri naj bi bila politična svoboda osnovana na moralni, kajti to bi po njihovem mnenju v najboljšem primeru privedlo do »totalitarne demokracije«. Skozi poglobljene analize te polemike avtor pride do zaključka, da demokracija in tradicionalni konfucianizem ne izključujeta drug drugega. Avtor izpostavlja dejstvo, da tajvanski konfucijanci niso nikoli zavračali demokratičnega razvoja na osnovi kulturno pogojenih razlik. V tem smislu so tajvanski moderni konfucijanci nemalo – četudi posredno – prispevali k procesu demokratizacije njihove države


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    In Confucianism: Its Roots and Global Significance, English language readers get a rare opportunity to read the work in a single volume of one of Taiwan’s most distinguished scholars. Although Lee Ming-huei has published in English before, the corpus of his non-Chinese writings is in German. Readers of this volume will discover the hard-mindedness and precision of thinking associated with German philosophy as they enter into Lee’s discussions of Confucianism. Progressing through the book, they will be constantly reminded that all philosophy should be truly comparative. The work is divided into three parts: Classical Confucianism and Its Modern Re-Interpretations, Neo-Confucianism in China and Korea, and Ethics and Politics. The interrelated ideas and arguments presented here contribute significantly to the Confucian project in English-speaking countries across the world

    Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of a Once-Through Steam Generator

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    A detailed, nonlinear, many lump, moving boundary dynamic model for a helical coiled once-through steam generator with nonuniform tube cross section is developed. Six flow regimes are employed in the model; each regime may consist of more than one section. The responses for two lumping cases (i.e., two sets, each with a different number of sections in the model) are compared with the same perturbations. Bases for selection of the number of sections and the calculational time step are suggested. The steady state calculation for generating the state variable distributions along the tube coordinate is developed. Information obtained from the steady state distributions is compared with transient response at the final observation time. The comparisons for all individual steam generator input perturbations are satisfactory. Confidence in the correctness of the steady state calculation is obtained from the comparison of the steady state results with a set of design data. Nonlinearity of the steam generator responses is studied. Comparison of the transient responses with two other models is given. The Fort St. Vrain 330 MW(e) steam generator is used as the reference design for this study

    Wang Yangming’s Doctrine of the “Unity of Knowing and Acting” in the Light of Kant’s Practical Philosophy

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    Wang Yangming’s doctrine of the “unity of knowing and acting” (zhi xing heyi 知行合一) can be traced back to Mencius’s theory of “original knowing” (liangzhi 良知). Similarly, Kant discussed the relationship of theory to practice on three different levels (morality, the law of the state, and international law) in his article, “On the Common Saying: This May Be True in Theory, But It Does Not Apply in Practice.” Kant proposed the unity of theory and practice on the level of morality. So, this article uses Kant’s related concepts of theory and practice to interpret Wang’s doctrine of the “unity of knowing and acting” with the aim of clarifying some misinterpretations of it. Thereby, I argue that, although Wang Yangming put forward the doctrine of “the unity of knowing and acting” at a different time than his doctrines of “heart-mind is principle” (xin ji li 心即理) and “the extension of original knowing” (zhi liangzhi 致良知), these three doctrines are logically interconnected

    Culture et démocratie : réflexions à partir de la polémique entre libéraux taiwanais et néo-confucéens contemporains

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    Dans les années 1950, une vive polémique opposa à Taiwan intellectuels libéraux et confucéens. Si les deux camps se rejoignaient dans leur opposition au communisme et leur promotion de la démocratie, ils divergeaient néanmoins dans leurs conceptions de la liberté et des idéaux moraux, de la relation entre l’individu et la communauté ou encore de la tradition. Le débat occidental entre libéralisme et communautarisme permet de remettre en perspective ces différences et de mieux comprendre la position des intellectuels confucéens ainsi que la contribution indirecte de leurs idées à la démocratie taiwanaise.During the 1950s, a fierce polemic erupted in Taiwan between Confucian and liberal intellectuals. Whereas both camps shared a common abhorrence for communism and a desire to promote democracy, they nevertheless shared different views on the relation between Confucian tradition and a democratic political system or on the relation between the individual and the community. The Western debate between liberalism and communitarianism makes it possible to put these differences into perspective and to better understand the stance of Confucian intellectuals as well as the indirect contribution of their ideas to democracy in Taiwan.在1950年代,臺灣的新儒家與自由派之間展開了一場­­的論戰。一方面,雙方在對抗共產主義及建立民主制度方面具有共識;在另一方面,雙方對於儒家傳統與民主制度的關係,以及個人與社群的關係有對立的看法。當代西方社群主義與自由主義間的辯論為我們提供了一個有利的視角,可以為新儒家的立場定位,從而瞭解他們對臺灣民主化過程的間接貢獻

    Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia in Patients with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Receiving Chemotherapy Containing Rituximab

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    AbstractRituximab enhances treatment efficacy of B-lineage lymphoma by targeting CD20+ B-cells. Such target therapies may compromise the immune system and render patients susceptible to opportunistic infections. We report 2 cases of lymphoma complicated with Pneumocystis jiroveci (previously known as P. carinii) pneumonia (PCP) while being treated with rituximab-containing chemotherapy regimens. In both cases, PCP developed during the neutropenic period. With timely diagnosis and proper management, both were treated successfully. We searched the literature and found that such opportunistic infection occurred only infrequently in lymphoma patients, and it has not been reported in the large-scale clinical trials of rituximab. Such cases demonstrate the importance of taking PCP into diagnostic consideration in lymphoma patients receiving similar therapies

    Price discovery and volatility transmission in Australian REIT cash and futures markets

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    This study examines the price discovery function and volatility spillovers in australian real estate investment trust (A-REIT) index futures and also investigates the effects of the global fi- nancial crisis (gfc) on these two features. as opposed to the general understanding of the relationship between the cash and the futures markets, the current study finds that the A-REIT cash market led the a-reIt futures market in price discovery and volatility transmission processes before the gfc. However, during the GFC, the two markets interacted bilaterally in terms of information flow, i.e., in- formation flowed in both directions. Furthermore, after the GFC, the futures market followed the cash market again, but less closely. These findings have broad implications for investors in property assets

    The predictability of serum anti-Müllerian level in IVF/ICSI outcomes for patients of advanced reproductive age

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) as predictor of in-vitro fertilization outcomes has been much debated. The aim of the present study is to investigate the practicability of combining serum AMH level with biological age as a simple screening method for counseling IVF candidates of advanced reproductive age with potential poor outcomes prior to treatment initiation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 1,538 reference patients and 116 infertile patients aged greater than or equal to 40 years enrolled in IVF/ICSI cycles were recruited in this retrospective analysis. A reference chart of the age-related distribution of serum AMH level for Asian population was first created. IVF/ICSI patients aged greater than or equal to 40 years were then divided into three groups according to the low, middle and high tertiles the serum AMH tertiles derived from the reference population of matching age. The cycle outcomes were analyzed and compared among each individual group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For reference subjects aged greater than or equal to 40 years, the serum AMH of the low, middle and high tertiles were equal or lesser than 0.48, 0.49-1.22 and equal or greater than 1.23 ng/mL respectively. IVF/ICSI patients aged greater than or equal to 40 years with AMH levels in the low tertile had the highest cycle cancellation rate (47.6%) with zero clinical pregnancy. The nadir AMH level that has achieved live birth was 0.56 ng/mL, which was equivalent to the 36.4th percentile of AMH level from the age-matched reference group. The optimum cut-off levels of AMH for the prediction of nonpregnancy and cycle cancellation were 1.05 and 0.68 ng/mL, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Two criteria: (1) age greater than or equal to 40 years and (2) serum AMH level in the lowest tertile (equal or lesser than 33.3rd percentile) of the matching age group, may be used as markers of futility for counseling IVF/ICSI candidates.</p

    Cellular apoptosis susceptibility (CSE1L/CAS) protein in cancer metastasis and chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis

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    The cellular apoptosis susceptibility (CSE1L/CAS) protein is highly expressed in cancer, and its expression is positively correlated with high cancer stage, high cancer grade, and worse outcomes of patients. CSE1L (or CAS) regulates chemotherapeutic drug-induced cancer cell apoptosis and may play important roles in mediating the cytotoxicities of chemotherapeutic drugs against cancer cells in cancer chemotherapy. CSE1L was originally regarded as a proliferation-associated protein and was thought to regulate the proliferation of cancer cells in cancer progression. However, the results of experimental studies showed that enhanced CSE1L expression is unable to increase proliferation of cancer cells and CSE1L regulates invasion and metastasis but not proliferation of cancer cells. Recent studies revealed that CSE1L is a secretory protein, and there is a higher prevalence of secretory CSE1L in the sera of patients with metastatic cancer. Therefore, CSE1L may be a useful serological marker for screening, diagnosis and prognosis, assessment of therapeutic responses, and monitoring for recurrence of cancer. In this paper, we review the expression of CSE1L in cancer and discuss why CSE1L regulates the invasion and metastasis rather than the proliferation of cancer