188,690 research outputs found

    Scalar Quarkonium Masses and Mixing with the Lightest Scalar Glueball

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    We evaluate the continuum limit of the valence (quenched) approximation to the mass of the lightest scalar quarkonium state, for a range of different quark masses, and to the mixing energy between these states and the lightest scalar glueball. Our results support the interpretation of f0(1710)f_0(1710) as composed mainly of the lightest scalar glueball.Comment: 14 pages of Latex, 5 PostScript figure

    A MEMS electrostatic particle transportation system

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    We demonstrate here an electrostatic MEMS system capable of transporting particles 5-10ÎĽm in diameter in air. This system consists of 3-phase electrode arrays covered by insulators (Figs. 1, 2). Extensive testing of this system has been done using a variety of insulation materials (silicon nitride, photoresist, and Teflon), thickness (0- 12ÎĽm), particle sizes (1-10ÎĽm), particle materials (metal, glass, polystyrene, spores, etc), waveforms, frequencies, and voltages. Although previous literature [1-2] claimed it impractical to electrostatically transport particles with sizes 5-10ÎĽm due to complex surface forces, this effort actually shows it feasible (as high as 90% efficiency) with the optimal combination of insulation thickness, electrode geometry, and insulation material. Moreover, we suggest a qualitative theory for our particle transportation system which is consistent with our data and finite-element electrostatic simulations

    Correlations between deposition parameters and structural and electrical properties of YBa2Cu3O7–delta thin films grown in situ by sequential ion beam sputtering

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    We have studied the correlations between deposition parameters and structural and electrical properties of YBa2Cu3O7–delta thin films grown in situ by sequential ion beam sputtering. Epitaxial, c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7–delta films were grown both on (100) SrTiO3 and on (100) MgO substrates following the stacking sequence of the ``123'' compound, with deposited layer thicknesses nominally equal to 1 monolayer. The c-axis lattice parameters obtained were larger than the corresponding lattice parameter in bulk samples, even after low-temperature anneals in O2. The transition temperatures were found to decrease with the enlargement of the c-axis lattice parameter. A clear correlation between growth temperature and the value of the c-axis lattice parameter was observed. The c-axis lattice parameter and the x-ray linewidth of Bragg reflections with the G vector along the c-axis were also found to be correlated. This suggests a relationship between the c-axis lattice parameter and the structural coherence of the epitaxial films

    Linear magnetoresistance in metals: guiding center diffusion in a smooth random potential

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    We predict that guiding center (GC) diffusion yields a linear and non-saturating (transverse) magnetoresistance in 3D metals. Our theory is semi-classical and applies in the regime where the transport time is much greater than the cyclotron period, and for weak disorder potentials which are slowly varying on a length scale much greater than the cyclotron radius. Under these conditions, orbits with small momenta along magnetic field BB are squeezed and dominate the transverse conductivity. When disorder potentials are stronger than the Debye frequency, linear magnetoresistance is predicted to survive up to room temperature and beyond. We argue that magnetoresistance from GC diffusion explains the recently observed giant linear magnetoresistance in 3D Dirac materials

    c-axis Raman Scattering in MgB2: Observation of a Dirty-Limit Gap in the pi-bands

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    Raman scattering spectra from the ac-face of thick MgB2 single crystals were measured in zz, xz and xx polarisations. In zz and xz polarisations a threshold at around 29 cm^{-1} forms in the below Tc continuum but no pair-breaking peak is seen, in contrast to the sharp pair-breaking peak at around 100 cm^{-1} seen in xx polarisation. The zz and xz spectra are consistent with Raman scattering from a dirty superconductor while the sharp peak in the xx spectra argues for a clean system. Analysis of the spectra resolves this contradiction, placing the larger and smaller gap magnitudes in the sigma and pi bands, and indicating that relatively strong impurity scattering is restricted to the pi bands.Comment: Revised manuscript accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Coherent Imaging Spectroscopy of a Quantum Many-Body Spin System

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    Quantum simulators, in which well controlled quantum systems are used to reproduce the dynamics of less understood ones, have the potential to explore physics that is inaccessible to modeling with classical computers. However, checking the results of such simulations will also become classically intractable as system sizes increase. In this work, we introduce and implement a coherent imaging spectroscopic technique to validate a quantum simulation, much as magnetic resonance imaging exposes structure in condensed matter. We use this method to determine the energy levels and interaction strengths of a fully-connected quantum many-body system. Additionally, we directly measure the size of the critical energy gap near a quantum phase transition. We expect this general technique to become an important verification tool for quantum simulators once experiments advance beyond proof-of-principle demonstrations and exceed the resources of conventional computers

    Robustness of Majorana Fermion induced Fractional Josephson Effect

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    It is shown in previous works that the coupling between two Majorana end states in superconducting quantum wires leads to fractional Josephson effect. However, in realistic experimental conditions, multiple bands of the wires are occupied and the Majorana end states are accompanied by other fermionic end states. This raises the question concerning the robustness of fractional Josephson effect in these situations. In this work, we show that the absence of the avoided energy crossing which gives rise to the fractional Josephson effect is robust, even when the Majorana fermions are coupled with arbitrary strengths to other fermions. Moreover, we calculate the temperature dependence of the fractional Josephson current and show that it is suppressed by thermal excitations to the other fermion bound states.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figure

    Design of hydraulic output Stirling engine

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    A hydraulic output system for the RE-1000 free piston stirling engine (FPSE) was designed. The hydraulic output system can be readily integrated with the existing hot section of RE-1000 FPSE. The system has two simply supported diaphragms which separate the engine gas from the hydraulic fluid, a dynamic balance mechanism, and a novel, null center band hydraulic pump. The diaphragms are designed to endure more than 10 billion cycles, and to withstand the differential pressure load as high as 14 MPa. The projected thermodynamic performance of the hydraulic output version of RE-1000 FPSE is 1.87 kW at 29/7 percent brake efficiency

    An RXTE Observation of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy MCG-6-30-15 : X-ray Reflection and the Iron Abundance

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    We report on a 50 ks observation of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG--6-30-15 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. The data clearly show the broad fluorescent iron line (equivalent width ~ 250 eV), and the Compton reflection continuum at higher energies. A comparison of the iron line and the reflection continuum has enabled us to constrain reflective fraction and the elemental abundances in the accretion disk. Temporal studies provide evidence that spectral variability is due to changes in both the amount of reflection seen and the properties of the primary X-ray source itself.Comment: 6 pages, Late
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