2,815 research outputs found

    Petrology and Geochemistry of D'Orbigny, Geochemistry of Sahara 99555, and the Origin of Angrites

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    We have done detailed petrologic study of the angrite, D'Orbigny, and geochemical study of it and Sahara 99555. D'Orbigny is an igneous-textured rock composed of Ca-rich olivine, Al-Ti-diopside-hedenbergite, subcalcic kirschsteinite, two generations of hercynitic spinel and anorthite, with the mesostasis phases ulv6spinel, Ca-phosphate, a silicophosphate phase and Fe-sulfide. We report an unknown Fe-Ca-Al-Ti-silicate phase in the mesostasis not previously found in angrites. One hercynitic spinel is a large, rounded homogeneous grain of a different composition than the euhedral and zoned grains. We believe the former is a xenocryst, the first such described from angrites. The mafic phases are highly zoned; mg# of cores for olivine are approx.64, and for clinopyroxene approx.58, and both are zoned to Mg-free rims. The Ca content of olivine increases with decreasing mg#, until olivine with approx.20 mole% Ca is overgrown by subcalcic kirschsteinite with Ca approx.30-35 mole%. Detailed zoning sequences in olivine-subcalcic kirschsteinite and clinopyroxene show slight compositional reversals. There is no mineralogic control that can explain these reversals, and we believe they were likely caused by local additions of more primitive melt during crystallization of D'Orbigny. D'Orbigny is the most ferroan angrite with a bulk rock mg# of 32. Compositionally, it is virtually identical to Sahara 99555; the first set of compositionally identical angrites. Comparison with the other angrites shows that there is no simple petrogenetic sequence, partial melting with or without fractional crystallization, that can explain the angrite suite. Angra dos Reis remains a very anomalous angrite. Angrites show no evidence for the brecciation, shock, or impact or thermal metamorphism that affected the HED suite and ordinary chondrites. This suggests the angrite parent body may have followed a fundamentally different evolutionary path than did these other parent bodies

    Reply to "Comment on `First-principles calculation of the superconducting transition in MgB2 within the anisotropic Eliashberg formalism'"

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    The recent preprint by Mazin et al. [cond-mat/0212417] contains many inappropriate evaluations and/or criticisms on our published work [Phys. Rev. B 66, 020513 (2002) and Nature 418, 758 (2002)]. The preprint [cond-mat/0212417v1] was submitted to Physical Review B as a comment on one of our papers [Phys. Rev. B 66, 020513 (2002)]. In the reviewing process, Mazin et al. have withdrawn many of the statements contained in cond-mat/0212417v1, however two claims remain in their revised manuscript [cond-mat/0212417v3]: (1) the calculated variations of the superconducting energy gap within the sigma- or the pi-bands are not observable in real samples due to scatterings, and (2) the Coulomb repulsion mu(k,k') is negligibly small between sigma- and pi-states and thus should be approximated by a diagonal 2 x 2 matrix in the sigma and pi channels. Here, we point out that the former does not affect the validity of our theoretical work which is for the clean limit, and that the latter is not correct

    Visión general sobre sangrado uterino anormal: evaluación clínica y manejo

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    Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a frequent reason for gynecological consultation due to its high incidence, which affects the quality of life of many women. In general terms, AUB is any bleeding of gynecological origin that presents abnormalities in its frequency, intensity or volume, which can have short, medium or long term consequences. According to its etiology it can be subdivided into two groupings, structural and non-structural (PALM-COEIN), this classification provides us with the facility in epidemiological research, understand the etiology and provide the optimal management, which should be personalized, the latter is divided into hormonal and non-hormonal treatment. El sangrado uterino anormal (SUA) es un motivo frecuente en la consulta ginecológica debido a su alta incidencia, el cual afecta en la calidad de vida de muchas mujeres. En términos generales, el SUA es cualquier sangrado de origen ginecológico que presenta anormalidades en su frecuencia, intensidad o volumen; estos pueden repercutir en consecuencias a corto, mediano o largo plazo; entre ellas puede provocar anemia, interferir con las actividades diarias y generar preocupaciones sobre el cáncer de útero. Según su etiología, se puede subdividir en dos agrupaciones: estructurales y no estructurales (PALM-COEIN), esta clasificación proporciona la facilidad en la investigación epidemiológica, entender la etiología y brindar el manejo optimo, el cual debe de ser personalizado; este último se divide en tratamiento hormonal y no hormonal

    Update on the general management of systemic lupus erythematosus in pregnancy

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    El lupus eritematoso sistémico (SLE, por sus siglas en inglés) es una enfermedad de origen autoinmune, crónica, multisistémica, de etiología desconocida que afecta principalmente a mujeres en edades reproductivas. La prevalencia de la enfermedad varía según la región, oscilando en un rango de 20 a 150 casos por cada 100,000 habitantes. Durante el embarazo, la actividad del lupus es variable, mejorando en 33% de las mujeres, permaneciendo sin cambios en 33% y empeorando en el otro 33%. La valoración preconcepcional constituye un componente fundamental del manejo inicial con el propósito de determinar el tiempo adecuado para concebir un embarazo en donde este no suponga un riesgo materno o fetal inaceptablemente alto, así como realizar un ajuste en el tratamiento que sea compatible para el control de la enfermedad durante el embarazo. El siguiente artículo de revisión bibliográfica se enfoca en facilitar información actualizada sobre el manejo general del SLE durante el periodo preconcepcional, las medidas de tratamiento en el transcurso del embarazo, así como principales complicaciones materno-fetales asociadas al embarazo de pacientes con SLE.Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic (SLE), multisystemic autoimmune disease of unknown etiology that mainly affects women of reproductive age. The prevalence of the disease varies according to the region, oscillating in a range of 20 to 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, during pregnancy the activity of lupus is variable, improving in 33%, remaining unchanged in 33% and worsening in other 33%. The preconception evaluation constitutes a fundamental component of the initial management with the purpose of determining the appropriate time to conceive a pregnancy where this does not imply an unacceptably high maternal or fetal risk; as well as adjust compatible treatment for disease control during pregnancy. The following article focuses on providing updated information on the general management of SLE during the preconception period, treatment measures during pregnancy and the main maternal-fetal complications associated with pregnancy in patients with SLE

    Chronic kidney disease in pregnancy: General management and complications

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    La patología renal conlleva gran cantidad de consecuencias desde el punto de vista fisiológico en todos los sistemas del organismo, y cursa con alteraciones en el sistema cardiocirculatorio, hepático, dermatológico, neurológico (principalmente por acumulación de toxinas y productos de degradación metabólicos), entre otras alteraciones. Sumado a lo anterior, el embarazo es un estado complejo de adaptaciones y cambios en los diversos sistemas del organismo, donde la gran mayoría de estos cambios en la patología renal se ven involucrados, por lo que ambas situaciones juntas representan un gran reto para mantener en óptimas condiciones la salud de la madre y que la integridad, el desarrollo y la viabilidad del feto no se vea afectada, o bien, que se reduzcan al mínimo las complicaciones derivadas de la enfermedad.Renal pathology has consequences from the physiological aspect in all body systems, it presents disturbances in the cardiocirculatory, hepatic, dermatological and neurological systems (mainly due to the accumulation of toxins and metabolic degradation products), and other alterations. Added to the above, pregnancy is a complex state of changes and adaptations of every system of the organism, the majority of these changes mentioned above in renal pathology, are involved, therefore, both situations together represent a great challenge to maintain the mother’s health in optimal conditions and the integrity, development and viability of the fetus may not be affected, or that the complications derived from the disease are reduced to a minimum

    The future of human nature: a symposium on the promises and challenges of the revolutions in genomics and computer science, April 10, 11, and 12, 2003

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Conference Series, a publication series that began publishing in 2006 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This was the Center's Symposium on the Promises and Challenges of the Revolutions in Genomics and Computer Science took place during April 10, 11, and 12, 2003. Co-organized by Charles DeLisi and Kenneth Lewes; sponsored by Boston University, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.This conference focused on scientific and technological advances in genetics, computer science, and their convergence during the next 35 to 250 years. In particular, it focused on directed evolution, the futures it allows, the shape of society in those futures, and the robustness of human nature against technological change at the level of individuals, groups, and societies. It is taken as a premise that biotechnology and computer science will mature and will reinforce one another. During the period of interest, human cloning, germ-line genetic engineering, and an array of reproductive technologies will become feasible and safe. Early in this period, we can reasonably expect the processing power of a laptop computer to exceed the collective processing power of every human brain on the planet; later in the period human/machine interfaces will begin to emerge. Whether such technologies will take hold is not known. But if they do, human evolution is likely to proceed at a greatly accelerated rate; human nature as we know it may change markedly, if it does not disappear altogether, and new intelligent species may well be created

    The future of human nature: a symposium on the promises and challenges of the revolutions in genomics and computer science, April 10, 11, and 12, 2003

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Conference Series, a publication series that began publishing in 2006 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This was the Center's Symposium on the Promises and Challenges of the Revolutions in Genomics and Computer Science took place during April 10, 11, and 12, 2003. Co-organized by Charles DeLisi and Kenneth Lewes; sponsored by Boston University, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.This conference focused on scientific and technological advances in genetics, computer science, and their convergence during the next 35 to 250 years. In particular, it focused on directed evolution, the futures it allows, the shape of society in those futures, and the robustness of human nature against technological change at the level of individuals, groups, and societies. It is taken as a premise that biotechnology and computer science will mature and will reinforce one another. During the period of interest, human cloning, germ-line genetic engineering, and an array of reproductive technologies will become feasible and safe. Early in this period, we can reasonably expect the processing power of a laptop computer to exceed the collective processing power of every human brain on the planet; later in the period human/machine interfaces will begin to emerge. Whether such technologies will take hold is not known. But if they do, human evolution is likely to proceed at a greatly accelerated rate; human nature as we know it may change markedly, if it does not disappear altogether, and new intelligent species may well be created

    c-Fms-Mediated Differentiation and Priming of Monocyte Lineage Cells Play a Central Role in Autoimmune Arthritis

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    Introduction: Tyrosine kinases are key mediators of multiple signaling pathways implicated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We previously demonstrated that imatinib mesylate--a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved, antineoplastic drug that potently inhibits the tyrosine kinases Abl, c-Kit, platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), and c-Fms--ameliorates murine autoimmune arthritis. However, which of the imatinib-targeted kinases is the principal culprit in disease pathogenesis remains unknown. Here we examine the role of c-Fms in autoimmune arthritis. Methods: We tested the therapeutic efficacy of orally administered imatinib or GW2580, a small molecule that specifically inhibits c-Fms, in three mouse models of RA: collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), anti-collagen antibody-induced arthritis (CAIA), and K/BxN serum transfer-induced arthritis (K/BxN). Efficacy was evaluated by visual scoring of arthritis severity, paw thickness measurements, and histological analysis. We assessed the in vivo effects of imatinib and GW2580 on macrophage infiltration of synovial joints in CIA, and their in vitro effects on macrophage and osteoclast differentiation, and on osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Further, we determined the effects of imatinib and GW2580 on the ability of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF; the ligand for c-Fms) to prime bone marrow-derived macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF) upon subsequent Fc receptor ligation. Finally, we measured M-CSF levels in synovial fluid from patients with RA, osteoarthritis (OA), or psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and levels of total and phosphorylated c-Fms in synovial tissue from patients with RA. Results: GW2580 was as efficacious as imatinib in reducing arthritis severity in CIA, CAIA, and K/BxN models of RA. Specific inhibition of c-Fms abrogated (i) infiltration of macrophages into synovial joints of arthritic mice; (ii) differentiation of monocytes into macrophages and osteoclasts; (iii) osteoclast-mediated bone resorption; and (iv) priming of macrophages to produce TNF upon Fc receptor stimulation, an important trigger of synovitis in RA. Expression and activation of c-Fms in RA synovium were high, and levels of M-CSF were higher in RA synovial fluid than in OA or PsA synovial fluid. Conclusions: These results suggest that c-Fms plays a central role in the pathogenesis of RA by mediating the differentiation and priming of monocyte lineage cells. Therapeutic targeting of c-Fms could provide benefit in RA


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    Background: Mitral annular calcification (MAC) causes degeneration of the mitral valve function. Since these patients are poor surgical candidates, options are limited to percutaneous solutions. Use of balloon lithotripsy (BL) to augment mitral balloon valvuloplasty (MBV) is a novel technique for treatment of MAC-related mitral stenosis (MS). Methods: Single-center retrospective review of 35 consecutive MBV for MAC cases at Henry Ford from 3/2013 to 4/2021. Outcome variables are reported as median and interquartile ranges (IQR). Chi-squared and Wilcoxon-signed rank tests were used to compare categorical and continuous variables respectively using 95% confidence intervals for statistical significance. Procedural success was defined as a final mitral valve area ≥1.5 cm2 or ≥50% reduction in gradient. Results: Of 35 MBV cases done for MAC, 5 utilized lithotripsy balloons to augment valvuloplasty results (Table). Mean baseline gradients were similar and right ventricular systolic pressures trended higher for BL cases. Cases utilizing lithotripsy were longer and utilized more fluoroscopy time but the final invasive gradient trended lower (non-BL 7mmHg [4, 9] vs. BL 1 mmHg [0,5] p=0.113), therefore, higher rates of procedural success were seen (non-BL 47% vs. BL 80%, p=0.2). Survival analysis was hampered due to loss of follow-up in the BL group. Conclusion: BL appears to augment immediate valvuloplasty results. Further studies regarding the durable impact of balloon lithotripsy on MBV are warranted