18,685 research outputs found

    Noncontact temperature pattern measuring device

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    Laser pyrometer techniques are utilized to accurately image a true temperature distribution on a given target without touching the target and without knowing the localized emissivity of the target. The pyrometer utilizes a very high definition laser beam and photodetector, both having a very narrow focus. The pyrometer is mounted in a mechanism designed to permit the pyrometer to be aimed and focused at precise localized points on the target surface. The pyrometer is swept over the surface area to be imaged, temperature measurements being taken at each point of focus

    The Possible Interstellar Anion CH2CN-: Spectroscopic Constants, Vibrational Frequencies, and Other Considerations

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    It is hypothesized that the A ^1B_1 <- X ^1A' excitation into the dipole-bound state of the cyanomethyl anion (CH2CN-) is proposed as the carrier for one diffuse interstellar band. However, this particular molecular system has not been detected in the interstellar medium even though the related cyanomethyl radical and the isoelectronic ketenimine molecule have been found. In this study we are employing the use of proven quartic force fields and second-order vibrational perturbation theory to compute accurate spectroscopic constants and fundamental vibrational frequencies for ^1A' CH2CN- in order to assist in laboratory studies and astronomical observations

    Lifelong Neural Predictive Coding: Learning Cumulatively Online without Forgetting

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    In lifelong learning systems, especially those based on artificial neural networks, one of the biggest obstacles is the severe inability to retain old knowledge as new information is encountered. This phenomenon is known as catastrophic forgetting. In this article, we propose a new kind of connectionist architecture, the Sequential Neural Coding Network, that is robust to forgetting when learning from streams of data points and, unlike networks of today, does not learn via the immensely popular back-propagation of errors. Grounded in the neurocognitive theory of predictive processing, our model adapts its synapses in a biologically-plausible fashion, while another, complementary neural system rapidly learns to direct and control this cortex-like structure by mimicking the task-executive control functionality of the basal ganglia. In our experiments, we demonstrate that our self-organizing system experiences significantly less forgetting as compared to standard neural models and outperforms a wide swath of previously proposed methods even though it is trained across task datasets in a stream-like fashion. The promising performance of our complementary system on benchmarks, e.g., SplitMNIST, Split Fashion MNIST, and Split NotMNIST, offers evidence that by incorporating mechanisms prominent in real neuronal systems, such as competition, sparse activation patterns, and iterative input processing, a new possibility for tackling the grand challenge of lifelong machine learning opens up.Comment: Key updates including results on standard benchmarks, e.g., split mnist/fmnist/not-mnist. Task selection/basal ganglia model has been integrate

    CEG 416-01: Matrix Computations

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    This course is a survey of numerical methods in linear algebra for application to problems in engineering and the sciences. Emphasis is on using modern software tools on high performance computing systems. This course covers the mathematics of linear equations, eigenvalue problems, singular value decomposition, and least squares. Material covered will be relevant to application areas such as structural analysis, heat transfer, neural networks, , mechanical vibrations, and image processing in biomedical engineering. A student should familiarize himself/herself with Matlab. All programming assignments will be done in Matlab. A basic knowledge of matrix algebra is required. Prerequisite: MTH 253 or 355; and CS 142 or 241. 4 credit hours

    Measuring the notched compressive strength of composite laminates: Specimen size effects

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    Large fibre reinforced composite structures can give much lower strengths than small test specimens, so a proper understanding of scaling is vital for their safe and efficient use. Small size (scale) specimens are commonly tested to justify allowable stresses, but could be dangerous if results are extrapolated without accounting for scaling effects. On the other hand large factors are sometimes applied to compensate for uncertainties, resulting in overweight designs. The most important variables of scaling effects on the strength of composites with open holes have been identified from experimental tests as notch size, ply and laminate thickness. In this study, these have been scaled both independently and simultaneously over a large range of combinations. The specimens are fabricated from commercially available (Hexcel Composites Ltd.) carbon/epoxy pre-impregnated tapes 0.125 mm thick (IM7/8552). The material is laid up by hand in unidirectional [04]ns with n = 2, 3, 4, and 8 (i.e., 2, 3, 4 and 8 mm thick) and multidirectional laminates; two generic quasi-isotropic lay-ups, one fabricated with blocked plies [45n/90n/−45n/0n]s and the other with distributed layers [45/90/−45/0]ns with n = 2, 4 and 8 are examined. It is shown that the critical failure mechanism in these laminates is in the form of fibre microbuckling or kinking. The unnotched compressive strength in unidirectional specimens thicker than 2 mm is found to be limited by the stress concentration developed at the end tabs and manufacturing induced defects in the form of ply waviness, fibre misalignment and voids rather than specimen size (scaling). In the open hole specimens, for both lay-ups, the strength reduction observed is due to hole size effect rather than specimen thickness or volume increase. The open hole (notched) compressive strength results obtained compare favourably to predictions by a linear softening cohesive zone fracture model developed in earlier work by the second author
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