435 research outputs found

    CUG initiation and frameshifting enable production of dipeptide repeat proteins from ALS/FTD C9ORF72 transcripts

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    Expansion of G4C2 repeats in the C9ORF72 gene is the most prevalent inherited form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia. Expanded transcripts undergo repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN) translation producing dipeptide repeat proteins from all reading frames. We determined cis-factors and trans-factors influencing translation of the human C9ORF72 transcripts. G4C2 translation operates through a 5′–3′ cap-dependent scanning mechanism, requiring a CUG codon located upstream of the repeats and an initiator Met-tRNAMeti. Production of poly-GA, poly-GP, and poly-GR proteins from the three frames is influenced by mutation of the same CUG start codon supporting a frameshifting mechanism. RAN translation is also regulated by an upstream open reading frame (uORF) present in mis-spliced C9ORF72 transcripts. Inhibitors of the pre-initiation ribosomal complex and RNA antisense oligonucleotides selectively targeting the 5′-flanking G4C2 sequence block ribosomal scanning and prevent translation. Finally, we identified an unexpected affinity of expanded transcripts for the ribosomal subunits independently from translation

    Comprehensive preclinical evaluation of human-derived anti-poly-GA antibodies in cellular and animal models of C9ORF72 disease

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    Hexanucleotide G4C2 repeat expansions in the C9ORF72 gene are the most common genetic cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Dipeptide repeat proteins (DPRs) generated by translation of repeat-containing RNAs show toxic effects in vivo as well as in vitro and are key targets for therapeutic intervention. We generated human antibodies that bind DPRs with high affinity and specificity. Anti-GA antibodies engaged extra- and intracellular poly-GA and reduced aggregate formation in a poly-GA over-expressing human cell line. However, antibody treatment in human neuronal cultures synthesizing exogenous poly-GA resulted in the formation of large extracellular immune complexes and did not affect accumulation of intracellular poly-GA aggregates. Treatment with antibodies was also shown to directly alter the morphological and biochemical properties of poly-GA and to shift poly-GA/antibody complexes to more rapidly sedimenting ones. These alterations were not observed with poly-GP and have important implications for accurate measurement of poly-GA levels including the need to evaluate all centrifugation fractions and disrupt the interaction between treatment antibodies and poly-GA by denaturation. Targeting poly-GA and poly-GP in two mouse models expressing G4C2 repeats by systemic antibody delivery for up to 16 months was well-tolerated and led to measurable brain penetration of antibodies. Long term treatment with anti-GA antibodies produced improvement in an open field movement test in aged C9ORF72450 mice. However, chronic administration of anti-GA antibodies in AAV-(G4C2)149 mice was associated with increased levels of poly-GA detected by immunoassay and did not significantly reduce poly-GA aggregates or alleviate disease progression in this model. Significance Immunotherapy has been proposed for neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases. Recent reports using antibodies against poly-GA or active immunization suggested similar immunotherapy in ALS/FTD caused by repeat expansion in the C9ORF72 gene (1, 2). Here, we systematically characterized human antibodies against multiple DPR species and tested the biological effects of antibodies targeting poly-GA in different cellular and mouse models. Target engagement was shown in three independent cellular models. Anti-GA antibodies reduced the number of intracellular poly-GA aggregates in human T98G cells but not in cultured human neurons. Whereas chronic anti-GA treatment in BAC C9ORF72450 mice did not impact poly-GA levels and modestly improved one behavioral phenotype, poly-GA levels detected by immunoassays were increased and disease progression was unaltered in AAV-(G4C2)149 mice

    FAST observations of an extremely active episode of FRB 20201124A: III. Polarimetry

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    As the third paper in the multiple-part series, we report the statistical properties of radio bursts detected from the repeating fast radio burst (FRB) source FRB 20201124A with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio telescope (FAST) during an extremely active episode between the 25th and the 28th of September 2021 (UT). We focus on the polarisation properties of 536 bright bursts with S/N>50\mathrm{S/N}>50. We found that the Faraday rotation measures (RMs) monotonically dropped from 579 rad m2-579 \ {\rm rad \ m^{-2}} to 605 rad m2-605 \ {\rm rad \ m^{-2}} in the 4-day window. The RM values were compatible with the values (300-300 to 900 rad m2-900\ {\rm rad \ m^{-2}} ) reported 4 month ago (Xu et al. 2022). However, the RM evolution rate in the current observation window was at least an order of magnitude smaller than the one ($\sim 500\ {\rm rad \ m^{-2}\, day^{-1}})previouslyreportedduringtherapidRMvariationphase,butisstillhigherthantheone() previously reported during the rapid RM-variation phase, but is still higher than the one (\le 1\ {\rm rad \ m^{-2} day^{-1}})duringthelaterRMnoevolutionphase.TheburstsofFRB20201124Awerehighlypolarisedwiththetotaldegreeofpolarisation(circularpluslinear)greaterthan90polarisationpositionangles(PAs),degreeoflinearpolarisation( ) during the later RM no-evolution phase. The bursts of FRB 20201124A were highly polarised with the total degree of polarisation (circular plus linear) greater than 90% for more than 90\% of all bursts. The distribution of linear polarisation position angles (PAs), degree of linear polarisation (L/I),anddegreeofcircularpolarisation(), and degree of circular polarisation (V/I)canbecharacterisedwithunimodaldistributionfunctions.Duringtheobservationwindow,thedistributionsbecamewiderwithtime,i.e.withlargerscatter,butthecentroidsofthedistributionfunctionsremainednearlyconstant.Forindividualbursts,significantPAvariations(confidencelevel5) can be characterised with unimodal distribution functions. During the observation window, the distributions became wider with time, i.e. with larger scatter, but the centroids of the distribution functions remained nearly constant. For individual bursts, significant PA variations (confidence level 5-\sigma$) were observed in 33% of all bursts. The polarisation of single pulses seems to follow certain complex trajectories on the Poincar\'e sphere, which may shed light on the radiation mechanism at the source or the plasma properties along the path of FRB propagation.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA

    Differential regulation of nuclear and mitochondrial Bcl-2 in T cell apoptosis

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    Activated T cells require anti-apoptotic cytokines for their survival. The anti-apoptotic effects of these factors are mediated by their influence on the balance of expression and localisation of pro- and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family. Among the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members, the expression level of Bcl-2 itself and its interaction with the pro-apoptotic protein Bim are now regarded as crucial for the regulation of survival in activated T cells. We studied the changes in Bcl-2 levels and its subcellular distribution in relation to mitochondrial depolarisation and caspase activation in survival factor deprived T cells. Intriguingly, the total Bcl-2 level appeared to remain stable, even after caspase 3 activation indicated entry into the execution phase of apoptosis. However, cell fractionation experiments showed that while the dominant nuclear pool of Bcl-2 remained stable during apoptosis, the level of the smaller mitochondrial pool was rapidly downregulated. Signals induced by anti-apoptotic cytokines continuously replenish the mitochondrial pool, but nuclear Bcl-2 is independent of such signals. Mitochondrial Bcl-2 is lost rapidly by a caspase independent mechanism in the absence of survival factors, in contrast only a small proportion of the nuclear pool of Bcl-2 is lost during the execution phase and this loss is a caspase dependent process. We conclude that these two intracellular pools of Bcl-2 are regulated through different mechanisms and only the cytokine-mediated regulation of the mitochondrial pool is relevant to the control of the initiation of apoptosis

    Expression of the proapoptotic protein Bid is an adverse prognostic factor for radiotherapy outcome in carcinoma of the cervix

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    The Bcl-2 family of apoptotic regulators is thought to play an essential role in cancer development and influence the sensitivity of tumour cells to radiotherapy. Bid is an abundantly expressed Bcl-2 family protein playing a central role in various pathways of apoptosis by integrating and converging signals at the mitochondria. The relevance of apoptotic modulation by Bcl-2 and related proteins in tumour development and radiation response for human tumours remains undefined. Therefore, a study was made regarding the expression of Bid in patients with locally advanced cervix carcinoma who received radiotherapy. Bid expression was assessed using immunohistochemistry in pretreatment archival biopsies from 98 patients. The data were correlated with clinicopathologic characteristics and treatment outcome. Pretreatment tumour radiosensitivity data were available for 60 patients. Strong Bid expression was associated with a patient age less than the median of 52 years (P=0.034) and poor metastasis-free survival. In multivariate analysis, after allowing for stage, Bid expression was a significant prognostic factor for both disease-specific and metastasis-free survival (P=0.026). It is concluded that strong tumour Bid expression is associated with poor outcome following radiotherapy regardless of intrinsic tumour cell radiosensitivity, and is adverse prognostic for disease-specific and metastasis-free survival in younger patients

    Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This paper describe development and financial performance of cooperative in District Pelalawan among 2007 - 2008. Studies on primary and secondary cooperative in 12 sub-districts. Method in this stady use performance measuring of productivity, efficiency, growth, liquidity, and solvability of cooperative. Productivity of cooperative in Pelalawan was highly but efficiency still low. Profit and income were highly, even liquidity of cooperative very high, and solvability was good