71 research outputs found

    Diagonals of Tensor Products of Banach Lattices with Bases.

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    In this dissertation, we investigate diagonals of tensor products of Banach lattices with bases. We first consider questions on the positive tensor products of l_p spaces. We characterize the main diagonals of the positive projective tensor product and the positive injective tensor product of l_p space. Then by using these two main diagonals, we characterize the reflexivity, the property of being Kantorovich - Banach spaces, and the property of being order continuous of n-fold positive projective and positive injective tensor products of l_p spaces. Next, we consider the diagonals of injective tensor product of Banach lattices with bases. Let E be a Banach lattice with a 1-unconditional basis. We first introduce four main diagonal spaces of Banach lattice E and we show that these four main diagonal spaces are pairwise isometrically isomorphic by using the 1-unconditionality of the tensor diagonal. We also show that the tensor diagonal is a 1-unconditional basic sequence in both n-fold injective and n-fold symmetric injective tensor product of Banach lattice E

    A Doubly Corrected Robust Variance Estimator for Linear GMM

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    We propose a new finite sample corrected variance estimator for the linear generalized method of moments (GMM) including the one-step, two-step, and iterated estimators. Our formula additionally corrects for the over-identification bias in variance estimation on top of the commonly used finite sample correction of Windmeijer (2005) which corrects for the bias from estimating the efficient weight matrix, so is doubly corrected. Formal stochastic expansions are derived to show the proposed double correction estimates the variance of some higher-order terms in the expansion. In addition, the proposed double correction provides robustness to misspecification of the moment condition. In contrast, the conventional variance estimator and the Windmeijer correction are inconsistent under misspecification. That is, the proposed double correction formula provides a convenient way to obtain improved inference under correct specification and robustness against misspecification at the same time

    Lord of the x86 Rings: A Portable User Mode Privilege Separation Architecture on x86

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    Modern applications often involve processing of sensitive information. However, the lack of privilege separation within the user space leaves sensitive application secret such as cryptographic keys just as unprotected as a "hello world" string. Cutting-edge hardware-supported security features are being introduced. However, the features are often vendor-specific or lack compatibility with older generations of the processors. The situation leaves developers with no portable solution to incorporate protection for the sensitive application component. We propose LOTRx86, a fundamental and portable approach for user-space privilege separation. Our approach creates a more privileged user execution layer called PrivUser by harnessing the underused intermediate privilege levels on the x86 architecture. The PrivUser memory space, a set of pages within process address space that are inaccessible to user mode, is a safe place for application secrets and routines that access them. We implement the LOTRx86 ABI that exports the privcall interface to users to invoke secret handling routines in PrivUser. This way, sensitive application operations that involve the secrets are performed in a strictly controlled manner. The memory access control in our architecture is privilege-based, accessing the protected application secret only requires a change in the privilege, eliminating the need for costly remote procedure calls or change in address space. We evaluated our platform by developing a proof-of-concept LOTRx86-enabled web server that employs our architecture to securely access its private key during an SSL connection. We conducted a set of experiments including a performance measurement on the PoC on both Intel and AMD PCs, and confirmed that LOTRx86 incurs only a limited performance overhead

    Regulation of BRCA1 stability through the tandem UBX domains of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 1

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    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases possess unique domains. In this study the structure of the vertebrate IARS1 and EARS1 complex reveals that vertebrate IARS1 protects the DNA repair factor BRCA1 from proteolytic degradation via its UBX-fold domain. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) have evolved to acquire various additional domains. These domains allow ARSs to communicate with other cellular proteins in order to promote non-translational functions. Vertebrate cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetases (IARS1s) have an uncharacterized unique domain, UNE-I. Here, we present the crystal structure of the chicken IARS1 UNE-I complexed with glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 1 (EARS1). UNE-I consists of tandem ubiquitin regulatory X (UBX) domains that interact with a distinct hairpin loop on EARS1 and protect its neighboring proteins in the multi-synthetase complex from degradation. Phosphomimetic mutation of the two serine residues in the hairpin loop releases IARS1 from the complex. IARS1 interacts with BRCA1 in the nucleus, regulates its stability by inhibiting ubiquitylation via the UBX domains, and controls DNA repair function

    Maintenance Optimization for Repairable Deteriorating Systems under Imperfect Preventive Maintenance

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    This study deals with the preventive maintenance optimization problem based on a reliability threshold. The conditional reliability threshold is used instead of the system reliability threshold. Then, the difference between the two thresholds is discussed. The hybrid failure rate model is employed to represent the effect of imperfect preventive maintenance activities. Two maintenance strategies are proposed under two types of reliability constraints. These constraints are set to consider the cost-effective maintenance strategy and to evaluate the balancing point between the expected total maintenance cost rate and the system reliability. The objective of the proposed maintenance strategies is to determine the optimal conditional reliability threshold together with the optimal number of preventive maintenance activities that minimize the expected total maintenance cost per unit time. The optimality conditions of the proposed maintenance strategies are also investigated and shown via four propositions. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the proposed preventive maintenance strategies. Some sensitivity analyses are also conducted to investigate how the parameters of the proposed model affect the optimality of preventive maintenance strategies

    Development of diesel injector tester with intelligent pulse generator

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    Recently various solenoid injectors from many manufactures are used in the diesel engines which are needed to be repaired with aging. In order to repair injector, it is necessary to not only check the working status including the opening speed by raising peak current of solenoid valve coil, but also the closing speed by the control of hold current of the injector. However the required timings are shown differently according to company and product types. This study is focused on testing circuit of the solenoid injector, and showed the proper pulse widths for the various types from company. We designed the test equipment that can be able to remotely monitor the operation status with installment of IoT technology. It is also verified that data acquired from measurement satisfy the drive requirements of the current, and it can be used to check the disorder of the solenoid injector. © 2016 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.1

    Employment of a bi-layer of Ni(P)/Cu as a diffusion barrier in a Cu/Sn/Cu bonding structure for three-dimensional interconnects

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    This study explored the possibility of employing a bi-layer barrier of electroless-plated Ni(P)/thin Cu layers in a Cu/Sn/Cu bonding structure for three-dimensional interconnects. Our materials analysis revealed that the bi-layer barrier served effectively as a diffusion barrier and prevented full-scale materials interaction for temperatures higher than 300 °C. Such suppression of an intermetallic compound reaction and limiting Cu diffusion led to the formation of a rod-shaped Cu6Sn5 compound, rendering a unique microstructure of ductile Sn embedded with strong Cu6Sn5 rods. Our mechanical characterization using lap-shear testing and fracture analysis revealed that the sample with such a microstructure displayed a high bonding strength with some ductility, a desirable combination for high mechanical reliability

    A New Permutation-Based Method for Ranking and Selecting Group Features in Multiclass Classification

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    The selection of group features is a critical aspect in reducing model complexity by choosing the most essential group features, while eliminating the less significant ones. The existing group feature selection methods select a set of important group features, without providing the relative importance of all group features. Moreover, few methods consider the relative importance of group features in the selection process. This study introduces a permutation-based group feature selection approach specifically designed for high-dimensional multiclass datasets. Initially, the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (lasso) method was applied to eliminate irrelevant individual features within each group feature. Subsequently, the relative importance of the group features was computed using a random-forest-based permutation method. Accordingly, the process selected the highly significant group features. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated using machine learning algorithms and compared with the performance of other approaches, such as group lasso. We used real-world, high-dimensional, multiclass microarray datasets to demonstrate its effectiveness. The results highlighted the capability of the proposed method, which not only selected significant group features but also provided the relative importance and ranking of all group features. Furthermore, the proposed method outperformed the existing method in terms of accuracy and F1 score

    The use of sugammadex in an infant with prolonged neuromuscular blockade - A case report -

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    Background Residual neuromuscular blockade (RNMB) is a frequent event after general anesthesia, which can lead to serious complications, such as upper airway obstruction. Sugammadex is useful in reversing RNMB. However, its use in infants has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore, anesthesiologists can be hesitant use it, even in situations where no other choice is available. Case A two-month-old baby presented to the hospital for umbilical polypectomy. At the end of the surgery, neostigmine was administered. Even after waiting for 30 min and injecting an additional dose of neostigmine, neuromuscular blockade was not adequately reversed. Eventually, sugammadex was administered, and spontaneous breathing returned. Conclusions If there were no particular causes of delayed return to spontaneous breathing in infants, RNMB should be considered and reversal with sugammadex would be useful