481 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Ledoux, Marie (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Organization benefits - the panacea for all that ails you? A dyadic, dual-earner investigation of organization-offered benefits and their effect on individuals and their partners

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    In an effort to attract and retain top talent, organizations often offer and implement various organization benefits. The focus of this dissertation is on the outcomes of those offered organization benefits on employees and their partners. Three types of organization benefits were assessed: family-friendly benefits, financial and compensation benefits, and health care and wellness benefits. Additionally, the connection between the offering of these benefits with family-supportive organization perceptions was also examined. Family-supportive organization perceptions was shown to directly and indirectly link to individual-level outcomes including work-to-family conflict and psychological wellbeing. Moreover, because individuals do not exist in a vacuum (i.e., ecological systems theory), individuals and their partners were assessed concurrently. Individual family-supportive organization perceptions was shown to relate to partner perceptions of the individual’s experiences. Additionally, individual experiences of benefits were shown to crossover and affect partners, specifically male partner family-friendly benefits indirectly linked to female partner wellbeing. Finally, in an effort to extend the current research on types of dual-earning couples, the effects of couple type (i.e., traditional vs. contemporary egalitarian ideal) were explored

    GABAC Receptors in the Lateral Amygdala: A Possible Novel Target for the Treatment of Fear and Anxiety Disorders?

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    Activation of GABAARs in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), a key site of plasticity underlying fear learning, impairs fear learning. The role of GABACRs in the LA and other brain areas is poorly understood. GABACRs could be an important novel target for pharmacological treatments of anxiety-related disorders since, unlike GABAARs, GABACRs do not desensitize. To detect functional GABACRs in the LA we performed whole cell patch clamp recordings in vitro. We found that GABAARs and GABABRs blockade lead to a reduction of evoked inhibition and an increase increment of excitation, but activation of GABACRs caused elevations of evoked excitation, while blocking GABACRs reduced evoked excitation. Based on this evidence we tested whether GABACRs in LA contribute to fear learning in vivo. It is established that activation of GABAARs leads to blockage of fear learning. Application of GABAC drugs had a very different effect; fear learning was enhanced by activating and attenuated by blocking GABACRs in the LA. Our results suggest that GABAC and GABAARs play opposing roles in modulation of associative plasticity in LA neurons of rats. This novel role of GABACRs furthers our understanding of GABA receptors in fear memory acquisition and storage and suggests a possible novel target for the treatment of fear and anxiety disorders

    Intégration de la prévention des TMS dès la conception d\u27un aménagement : le cas des bibliothèques publiques

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    Les troubles musculo-squelettiques sont fréquents chez les personnels de bibliothèques, en raison des postures statiques prolongées, des mouvements répétés, de l\u27utilisation d\u27outils informatiques ou de tâches de manutention. Ce rapport fait état de travaux qui ont mené à l\u27élaboration d\u27un modèle d\u27intervention ergonomique pour contribuer aux projets d\u27aménagement et concevoir des situations de travail qui ne soient pas source d\u27atteintes à la santé pour le personnel. Ces travaux leur ont permis d\u27établir un lien entre les activités du travail en bibliothèque et de nombreux facteurs de risques de troubles musculo-squelettiques. Les auteurs ont documenté l\u27influence de différents choix faits pendant deux projets d\u27aménagement en bibliothèque sur l\u27apparition de telles lésions. Les résultats de leur étude ont servi de base à la rédaction de publications pratiques qui permettent aux gestionnaires et au personnel des bibliothèques, aux ergonomes et aux spécialistes municipaux en santé et en sécurité du travail d\u27effectuer des choix d\u27équipements et d\u27aménagement qui tiennent compte de la prévention des troubles musculo-squelettiques


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    Er bestaat geen eenvoudige en ‘straightforward’ definitie van zelfregulatie. In het verleden zijn diverse modellen van zelfregulatie ontwikkeld die elk bepaalde aspecten van zelfregulatie beklemtoonden. Wel zijn zelfregulatie-onderzoekers het erover eens dat leerlingen die hun leren zelf reguleren actief en constructief bezig zijn met het genereren van betekenis en dat ze hun gedachten, gevoelens en gedrag aanpassen ten behoeve van hun leren en motivatie. Tevens wordt ervan uitgegaan dat diverse factoren (contextueel, biologisch, ontwikkeling, individueel) interfereren of juist ondersteuning bieden aan regulatie-inspanningen en dat leerlingen in staat zijn om doelen te bepalen en standaarden te gebruiken om sturing te geven aan leren