1,189 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico molecular para la detección temprana de la toxoplasmosis

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    La mayoría de las infecciones causadas por el parásito Toxoplasma gondii son relativamente inofensivos pero en algunos casos la infección puede causar una enfermedad grave e incluso mortal. El resultado de una infección con T. gondii puede depender de varios factores, aunque sólo el estado inmune del huésped se ha demostrado que juegan un papel importante. En las últimas décadas, el diagnóstico molecular que se basa en la detección de ADN genómico del parásito, se ha utilizado con éxito en el diagnóstico de la toxoplamosis congénitas, ocular y en pacientes inmunocomprometidos a partir de muestras de sangre, líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR), líquido amniótico (LA), biopsia tejido de cerebro, humor vítreo, humor acuoso, líquido de lavado broncoalveolar (BAL). En el Laboratorio de Toxoplasmosis del Departamento de Parasitología del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas (INEI) se ha desarrollado la técnica de PCR Cualitativa con el objetivo de detectar reactivaciones precozmente en pacientes seropositivos que reciben un trasplante alogénico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (TCPH).Asociación Parasitológica Argentin

    Method for promoting in-situ hydrochar porosity in hydrothermal carbonization of almond shells with air activation

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    In this work, a new procedure for in situ hydrochar activation during hydrocarbonization of biomass (almond shell) is proposed. This approach suggests the addition of a controlled oxidizing gas stream (i.e. synthetic air) during the process for different periods of time, in order to promote the hydrochar porosity. Characterization of prepared materials revealed a noticeable development of porosity with apparent surfaces areas up to 320 m2/g. A highlighting variety of functional acid groups especially sensitive to air supply time was confirmed by surface chemistry analysis. Promising preliminary results show the effectiveness of this alternative approach synthesis strategy in converting a low value lignocellulosic biomass into porous materials with potential applications such as adsorption, electrical energy and gas storage or catalysis

    Towards sustainable micro-pollutants’ removal from wastewaters: caffeine solubility, self-diffusion and adsorption studies from aqueous solutions into hydrochars

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    Hydrochars obtained via hydrothermal carbonisation of pistachio shells are both a sustainable and an efficient alternative to commercial activated carbons for the removal of micro-pollutants from wastewaters that are difficult to handle by conventional treatments. Here a combined experimental and molecular simulation approach is adopted for the study of the caffeine/hydrochars aqueous systems. This case study serves to tune a general framework for the rational customisation of surface functional groups on hydrochars for the selective adsorption of micro-pollutants from wastewaters. Caffeine’s solubility, self-diffusion and adsorption results from aqueous solutions at relevant conditions are presented. Insights about the role of surface functional groups over the caffeine adsorption mechanism into hydrochars are gained and discussed

    Circuit modeling of the transmissivity of stacked two-dimensional metallic meshes

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    This paper presents a simple analytical circuit-like model to study the transmission of electromagnetic waves through stacked twodimensional (2-D) conducting meshes. When possible the application of this methodology is very convenient since it provides a straightforward rationale to understand the physical mechanisms behind measured and computed transmission spectra of complex geometries. Also, the disposal of closed-form expressions for the circuit parameters makes the computation effort required by this approach almost negligible. The model is tested by proper comparison with previously obtained numerical and experimental results. The experimental results are explained in terms of the behavior of a finite number of strongly coupled Fabry-Pérot resonators. The number of transmission peaks within a transmission band is equal to the number of resonators. The approximate resonance frequencies of the first and last transmission peaks are obtained from the analysis of an infinite structure of periodically stacked resonators, along with the analytical expressions for the lower and upper limits of the pass-band based on the circuit model.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2007-65376, CSD2008- 00066Junta de Andalucía TIC-459

    Investigation of guided wave propagation in pipes fully- and partially-embedded in concrete

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    The application of long-range guided-wave testing to pipes embedded in concrete results in unpredictable test-ranges. The influence of the circumferential extent of the embedding-concrete around a steel pipe on the guided wave propagation is investigated. An analytical model is used to study the axisymmetric fully embedded pipe case, while explicit finite-element and semi-analytical finite-element simulations are utilised to investigate a partially embedded pipe. Model predictions and simulations are compared with full-scale guided-wave tests. The transmission-loss of the T(0,1)-mode in an 8 in. steel pipe fully embedded over an axial length of 0.4 m is found to be in the range of 32–36 dB while it reduces by a factor of 5 when only 50% of the circumference is embedded. The transmission-loss in a fully embedded pipe is mainly due to attenuation in the embedded section while in a partially embedded pipe it depend strongly on the extent of mode-conversion at entry to the embedded-section; low loss modes with energy concentrated in the region of the circumference not-covered with concrete have been identified. The results show that in a fully embedded pipe, inspection beyond a short distance will not be possible, whereas when the concrete is debonded over a fraction of the pipe circumference, inspection of substantially longer lengths may be possible

    Scale invariant scalar metric fluctuations during inflation: non-perturbative formalism from a 5D vacuum

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    We extend to 5D an approach of a 4D non-perturbative formalism to study scalar metric fluctuations of a 5D Riemann-flat de Sitter background metric. In contrast with the results obtained in 4D, the spectrum of cosmological scalar metric fluctuations during inflation can be scale invariant and the background inflaton field can take sub-Planckian values.Comment: final version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    QuantiDOPA: A Quantification Software for Dopaminergic Neurotransmission SPECT

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    Quantification of neurotransmission Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) studies of the dopaminergic system can be used to track, stage and facilitate early diagnosis of the disease. The aim of this study was to implement QuantiDOPA, a semi-automatic quantification software of application in clinical routine to reconstruct and quantify neurotransmission SPECT studies using radioligands which bind the dopamine transporter (DAT). To this end, a workflow oriented framework for the biomedical imaging (GIMIAS) was employed. QuantiDOPA allows the user to perform a semiautomatic quantification of striatal uptake by following three stages: reconstruction, normalization and quantification. QuantiDOPA is a useful tool for semi-automatic quantification inDAT SPECT imaging and it has revealed simple and flexibl

    Lunasin and Bowman-Birk Protease Inhibitor Concentrations of Protein Extracts from Enzyme-Assisted Aqueous Extraction of Soybeans

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    Lunasin and Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor (BBI) are two soybean peptides to which health-promoting properties have been attributed. Concentrations of these peptides were determined in skim fractions produced by enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing (EAEP) of extruded full-fat soybean flakes (an alternative to extracting oil from soybeans with hexane) and compared with similar extracts from hexane-defatted soybean meal. Oil and protein were extracted by using countercurrent twostage EAEP of soybeans at 1:6 solids-to-liquid ratio, 50C, pH 9.0, and 120 rpm for 1 h. Protein-rich skim fractions were produced from extruded full-fat soybean flakes using different enzyme strategies in EAEP: 0.5% protease (wt/g extruded flakes) used in both extraction stages; 0.5% protease used only in the second extraction stage; no enzyme used in either extraction stage. Countercurrent two-stage protein extraction of air-desolventized, hexane-defatted soybean flakes was used as a control. Protein extraction yields increased from 66% to 89-96% when using countercurrent two-stage EAEP with extruded full-fat flakes compared to 85% when using countercurrent two-stage protein extraction of air-desolventized, hexane-defatted soybean flakes. Extruding full-fat soybean flakes reduced BBI activity. Enzymatic hydrolysis reduced BBI contents of EAEP skims. Lunasin, however, was more resistant to both enzymatic hydrolysis and heat denaturation. Although using enzymes in both EAEP extraction stages yielded the highest protein and oil extractions, reducing enzyme use to only the second stage preserved much of the BBI and Lunasin

    Occupational choice of return migrants in Moldova

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    This paper analyzes the occupational choice of return migrants. Using the survey data on different aspects of migration in Moldova, we find that those who stayed illegally in the host country tend to go into wage employment on return to the home country. We also show that relatively better educated migrants tend not to be in formal employment (i.e., appear not to participate in the labor market), whereas those with relatively lower skills or who obtained a worse-than-expected outcome in the host country are more likely to be wage employed in the home country on return. We offer an economic analysis of these paradoxical results