171 research outputs found

    Annealing of bismuth telluride-based thick films by laser irradiation

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    Interest towards fabrication and post-processing of thermoelectric micro-sized devices has increased in recent years. The coupling of inexpensive deposition technologies and fast laser treatments on “as-deposited” films is an attractive solution for industrial scalability. In this work, we propose an approach never reported before in literature: the utilization of a ns-pulsed active fibre laser to directly densify p-type bismuth telluride-based thick films deposited on silicon. A feasibility study was conducted on the material to determine optimal laser parameters: the treated products were characterized, and it was concluded that a value of laser fluence as low as 4.5 mJ cm−2 is sufficient for densification. The material resulted cracked after the laser treatment, and it was demonstrated by SEM and profilometric analyses that shrinking occurs and sintering necks are formed; further, the arising of second phases after annealing was excluded by means of XRD analysis. Envisioning an industrial large area process with linear diode arrays source, a prediction of the laser power requirements to irradiate 1 mm2 films in selected conditions is presented. More extensive studies will be performed to determine a narrower parameters window and determine a relationship between the film thickness and laser parameters for future applications to as-deposited films

    Influence of chemically synthesized powder addition on K0.5Na0.5NbO3 ceramic's properties

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    A new strategy to produce lead-free K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) piezoceramics with reliable and improved piezoelectric performance is presented for the first time. KNN powders were synthesized using two distinct synthesis routes: a mechanochemical activation-assisted solid-state route (KNNSSR) and a sol-gel modified Pechini method (KNNchem). KNNchem powders were mixed with KNNSSR at different weight ratios (0, 3, 5, 10 and 20 wt%), and the mixtures were conventionally consolidated and sintered at 1130 degrees C for 2 h. It was found that KNNchem powders influence crystal phase, microstructure and piezoelectric properties of the sintered pellets. Gradually increasing KNNchem content promotes the conversion of the undesired phase present in KNNSSR into the stoichiometric one. It is also proved that the addition of KNNchem between 5 and 10 wt% improves piezoelectric properties, eventually leading to a d(33) piezoelectric charge constant value of 113-115 pC/N. These values are among the highest reported for undoped KNN ceramics obtained by conventional sintering

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus, physical activity, exercise self-efficacy, and body satisfaction. An application of the transtheoretical model in older adults

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    Physical activity (PA) is a relevant component of the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, to prevent its related morbidities, PA requires an immediate and lasting change of lifestyle. Exercise self-efficacy and body satisfaction were used in a sample of older adults with T2DM, classified in different stages of change, to predict levels of PA. Results show that exercise self-efficacy increases linearly from precontemplation to maintenance stage, while body satisfaction shows an inverted U shape. However, only stages of change, other than exercise self-efficacy, add a significant and noticeable contribution to prediction of levels of PA. This evidence claims a tailored approach to PA in older adults with T2DM and advises behavioural health interventions based on exercise self- efficacy

    The Effect of Mn Depleted Surface Layer on the Corrosion Resistance of Shape Memory Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Alloys

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    In this work, we have examined Fe-Mn-Si-Cr alloys possessing a good shape memory effect due to a high Mn content (28 wt pct). The addition of Cr (5 wt pct) was made in order to give fairly good corrosion resistance to the alloy. But we have verified that even in moderately corrosive environ-ments, the presence of chromium does not bear any passivation. On the other hand, we have found that the alloy can acquire corrosion resistance by means of the formation of a Mn-depleted surface layer obtained by heating the alloy at high temperature (.10507C) in air. This modified layer forms since manganese is selectively oxidized with respect to the other components. The adhesion of this layer is maintained even under severe stress if the thickness of the modified region does not exceed 20mm. Under this limit, the shape memory characteristics of the alloy are not affected, and at the same time, the specimen acquires properties of passivity comparable with one of the most common austenitic stainless steels at the presence of the same environmental conditions

    Design of Wear-Resistant Austenitic Steels for Selective Laser Melting

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    Type 316L stainless steel feedstock powder was modified by alloying with powders containing carbide/boride-forming elements to create improved wear-resistant austenitic alloys that can be readily processed by Selective Laser Melting. Fe-based alloys with high C, B, V, and Nb contents were thus produced, resulting in a microstructure that consisted of austenitic grains and a significant amount of hard carbides and borides. Heat treatments were performed to modify the carbide distribution and morphology. Optimal hard-phase spheroidization was achieved by annealing the proposed alloys at 1150 °C for 1 hour followed by water quenching. The total increase in hardness of samples containing 20 pct of C/B-rich alloy powder was of 82.7 pct while the wear resistance could be increased by a factor of 6

    Tailoring α-alumina powder morphology through spray drying for cold consolidation by binder jetting

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    Our work describes an optimised procedure for granulating nanometric and fine micrometric particles by spray-drying to achieve ready-to-print α-Al2O3 powders. The study started by identifying raw materials suited for the process through complete characterisation of particles shape, size, and surface properties. Then, dispersion in diluted and concentrated water-based suspensions was achieved thanks to polyethyleneimine and the effect of gradual dispersant addition was assessed by determining ζ potential and aggregates size variation. Suspensions rheology was studied and modelled through Krieger-Dougherty equation to identify the maximum solid loading allowing sufficient feeding through the spray-dryer nozzle. Finally, optimisation of the granulation conditions was performed. The procedure has allowed to achieve size distributions with D90 < 50 μm and Hausner ratio <1.3 ensuring sufficient flowability. The granulated powders were printed and the porosity evolution of the samples after sintering was studied by mercury intrusion porosimetry and SEM analysis

    Design for the Damping of a Railway Collector Based on the Application of Shape Memory Alloys

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    A new design of a Cu based SMA/GFRP lateral horn of a railway collector is proposed. Synergistic contribution of the performance parameters associated with the SMA, including specific damping, specific stiffness, and volume fraction, as well as those associated with the host composite such as flexural rigidity, SMA through-the-thickness location, and SMA-host interfacial strength, is taken into account. The aim is to increase the structural damping of the first flexural mode of the horn without significantly changing its flexural stiffness and weight. The focus of this work also applies to manufacturability and the cost effectiveness of the component for future industrial production

    SPARC regulation of PMN clearance protects from pristane-induced lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

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    The secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein with unexpected immunosuppressive function in myeloid cells. We investigated the role of SPARC in autoimmunity using the pristane-induced model of lupus that, in mice, mimics human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Sparc−/− mice developed earlier and more severe renal disease, multi-organ parenchymal damage, and arthritis than the wild-type counterpart. Sparc+/- heterozygous mice showed an intermediate phenotype suggesting Sparc gene dosage in autoimmune-related events. Mechanistically, reduced Sparc expression in neutrophils blocks their clearance by macrophages, through defective delivery of don't-eat-me signals. Dying Sparc−/− neutrophils that escape macrophage scavenging become source of autoantigens for dendritic cell presentation and are a direct stimulation for γδT cells. Gene profile analysis of knee synovial biopsies from SLE-associated arthritis showed an inverse correlation between SPARC and key autoimmune genes. These results point to SPARC down-regulation as a leading event characterizing SLE and rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis

    Effetto del processo di microtaglio con laser in fibra pulsato sulla microstruttura e sulle proprietà funzionali di una lega NiTiCu a memoria di forma

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    Le microlavorazioni mediante laser di potenza di leghe a memoria di forma (SMA) a base NiTi rappresentanouna classe di lavorazioni tra le più interessanti ed efficaci per applicazioni industriali in vari campi, come quellodel biomedicale, della sensoristica e dell’attuazione. A causa della sua natura termica, diventa di fondamentaleimportanza valutare l’effetto del fascio laser sulle proprietà sia microstrutturali che funzionali di tali materiali perconsentire una maggiore comprensione delle prestazioni del dispositivo finale.In questo lavoro è stata affrontato lo studio del processo di micro taglio, effettuato mediante una sorgente laserin fibra attiva con impulsi nell’ordine dei nanosecondi, di lamine sottili della lega ternaria a memoria di forma dicomposizione Ni40Ti50Cu10 (at. %). I solchi di taglio, realizzati al variare della velocità di processo, sono staticaratterizzati dal punto di vista morfologico mediante osservazione con microscopio elettronico a scansione.Sono state effettuate sia misure di composizione chimica che nanoindentazioni in prossimità dei solchi di taglioper la stima della zona inerente al materiale danneggiato termicamente, inteso come materiale fuso e zonatermicamente alterata. Infine, le proprietà tipiche dei materiali a memoria di forma sono state valutate attraversomisure sia di tipo calorimetrico che termo meccanico; è stato quindi mostrato come il processo laser possaindurre delle alterazioni termiche, anche se ridotte, che influenzano il comportamento della lega SMA investigata

    The modifier role of RET-G691S polymorphism in hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma : functional characterization and expression/penetrance studies

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    Background: Hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is caused by germ-line gain of function mutations in the RET proto-oncogene, and a phenotypic variability among carriers of the same mutation has been reported. We recently observed this phenomenon in a large familial MTC (FMTC) family carrying the RET-S891A mutation. Among genetic modifiers affecting RET-driven MTC, a role has been hypothesized for RET-G691S non-synonymous polymorphism, though the issue remains controversial. Aim of this study was to define the in vitro contribution of RET-G691S to the oncogenic potential of the RET-S891A, previously shown to harbour low transforming activity. Methods: The RET-S891A and RET-G691S/S891A mutants were generated by site-directed mutagenesis, transiently transfected in HEK293T cells and stably expressed in NIH3T3 cells. Their oncogenic potential was defined by assessing the migration ability by wound healing assay and the anchorage-independent growth by soft agar assay in NIH3T3 cells stably expressing either the single or the double mutants. Two RET-S891A families were characterised for the presence of RET-G691S. Results: The functional studies demonstrated that RET-G691S/S891A double mutant displays a higher oncogenic potential than RET-S891A single mutant, assessed by focus formation and migration ability. Moreover, among the 25 RET-S891A carriers, a trend towards an earlier age of diagnosis was found in the MTC patients harboring RET-S891A in association with RET-G691S. Conclusions: We demonstrate that the RET-G691S non-synonymous polymorphism enhances in vitro the oncogenic activity of RET-S891A. Moreover, an effect on the phenotype was observed in the RET-G691S/S891A patients, thus suggesting that the analysis of this polymorphism could contribute to the decision on the more appropriate clinical and follow-up management