28 research outputs found

    Quality-oriented design of rotor assembly strategies for electric drive production systems

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    Electric mobility is an emerging industrial sector that requires innovative quality control methods as common manufacturing and testing methods of combustion engines cannot be transferred directly to electric motors. This paper presents new solutions for the quantitative evaluation of quality-oriented rotor assembly strategies in electric drive production systems. The proposed methods assist the analysis of productivity and quality performance of two different assembly strategies namely selective assembly and sequential assembly. The impacts of these approaches are validated within a real industrial context, where state of the art quality and process control technologies show strong limitations. Experimental results have shown that the application of the proposed strategies yield a significant improvement in the production rate of conforming parts of the system. Moreover, the general applicability of these approaches to similar industrial problems encourages their adoption for defect reduction and elimination thus paving the way to zero-defect manufacturing paradigm

    Optimization of teaching foreign languages with Web 2.0 technologies

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    The article considers possibilities of using Web 2.0 technologies for optimization of teaching foreign languages. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of such Web 2.0 tools as Voicethread, Voki and Comic Generator

    Conception of a functionally uniform application interface for ethernet-based bus systems

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    Die Wandlungsfähigkeit der Produktionstechnik hat neben maschinenbaulichen und organisatorischen Veränderungen insbesondere Auswirkungen auf die Systemarchitektur von Maschinen und Anlagen. Aktuelle Systemarchitekturen zeichnen sich durch Dezentralisierung und vernetzte mechatronische Module aus. Der Trend in der Automatisierungstechnik zur Dezentralisierung und zu mechatronischen Systemen führt zu einem erhöhten Kommunikationsaufwand innerhalb solcher Systemarchitekturen. Der Zugriff auf die Kommunikationssysteme aus der Applikation heraus unterscheidet sich grundlegend zwischen den einzelnen existierenden Bussystemen. Dies führt dazu, dass busspezifische Informationen in den Applikationen selbst enthalten sind. Applikation sind dadurch vom verwendeten Kommunikationssystem abhängig und können nicht ohne aufwändige Anpassung über ein anderes Bussystem kommunizieren. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es Automatisierungssysteme und insbesondere Anwendungsprogramme sowie Applikationen zu schaffen, die unabhängig von der eingesetzten Kommunikationstechnik sind. Dazu wird die Konzeption einer funktional einheitlichen Applikationsschnittstelle für Ethernet-basierte Bussysteme betrachtet. Es wird mit Hilfe der Objektorientierten Analyse eine geeignete Sichtweise in Form einer Schnittstelle für industrielle Kommunikationssysteme abgeleitet. Dazu werden die in der Produktionstechnik relevanten Ethernet-basierten Bussysteme und deren zugehörige Applikationsprofile betrachtet. Es wird zunächst durch Abstraktion eine Struktur definiert anhand derer die einzelnen Systeme durch Spezialisierung verglichen und daraus eine einheitliche Applikationsschnittstelle abgeleitet werden kann.The versatility of production systems not only has an effect on mechanical engineering and organization but in particular on the system architecture of machines and plants. Current system architectures are characterized by decentralization and interconnected mechatronic modules. The trend towards decentralization and to mechatronic systems in automation technology results in a higher communication effort within such system architectures. The access to the communication systems from the application differs fundamentally between individual bus systems. As a result, bus-specific information is contained in the application itself. The applications are consequently dependent on the used communication system and they cannot communicate via another bus system without complex adjustments. The objective of this thesis is to create automation systems and, in particular, application programs as well as applications that are independent of the used communication systems. For this purpose, the conception of a functionally uniform application interface for Ethernet-based bus system is analyzed. By means of the object-oriented analysis, a suitable solution in the form of an interface for industrial communication systems is deduced. Then the Ethernet-based bus systems relevant in production engineering and their application profiles are analyzed. First a structure is defined via abstraction by which the individual systems can be compared by specialization. Then, from this a standardized application interface can be derived

    Simulationsgestütztes mechatronisches Engineering: Entwurf und Inbetriebnahme mechatronischer Module und flexibler Produktionssysteme

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    Flexible design and the start-up of mechatronic systems require closed autonomous modules with standardized interfaces. For these modules and in particular their integration in a complete system, a method for validating the module functionalities during the module development is needed as well as a method for validating the system functionalities before the configuration of the complete system. The application of adequate virtual prototypes during the development phases represents a method that allows a rapid and reliable way to achieve a complete configured modular system

    Virtual representation of physical objects for software defined manufacturing

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    The concept of Software Defined Manufacturing (SDM) gives full adaptability of a production and its equipment purely through definition by software. The whole production software, which includes cloud services, machine control software, part programs and embedded software, is automatically generated depending on a description of the product to be manufactured. The concept of SDM gives the possibility to exchange all software parts of a production, depending on requirements given by the product to be manufactured. For software definition a formal virtual description of product functionalities, geometrical dimensions, material, quality and production processes has to be provided. This description allows to automatically define manufacturing processes and their sequences which are needed to manufacture the described product. Model-based systems engineering in production environments is seen as a key technology to achieve SDM installations in manufacturing. In this paper the vision of virtual representation of products and production equipment for SDM is presented

    Steuern aus der Cloud

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    Heute existierende Maschinen- und Anlagensteuerungen stoßen in einigen Bereichen an ihre Grenzen - gerade wenn Anforderungen wie Skalierbarkeit, schnelle Rekonfiguration der Anlage und steigende Komplexität der Algorithmen relevant sind. Steuern aus der Cloud heraus ist ein Konzept, mit dem sich diese Grenzen überwinden ließen

    Cloud-Based Control Strategy: Downstream Defect Reduction in the Production of Electric Motors

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    Modelling of kinematics and dynamics of the IPAnema 3 cable robot for simulative analysis

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    This paper covers the kinematics and dynamics modelling of the mechatronic model for a 6 DOF cable-driven parallel robot and derives a real-time capable simulation model for such robots. The governing equations of motion for the platform are derived using Newton-Euler formalism, furthermore, the pulley kinematics of the winches and a linear spring-damper based cable model is introduced. Once the equations of motion are derived, closed-form force distribution is implemented and simulation results of the real-time capable model for the cable-driven parallel robot IPAnema3 are presented. Given the real-time capability, the presented model can be used for hardware-in-the-loop simulation or controller design, but also for case studies of highly dynamic or large-scale robots

    Analysis and Design of Computerized Numerical Controls for Execution on Multi-core Systems

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    AbstractMulti-core processors offer a performance increment compared to single-core platforms. This leap in performance is desired to be ported to computerized numerical controls. However, in order to profit of the benefits multi-core processors can bring, the software has to be tailored to real parallel execution. In this paper a concept is proposed for partitioning numerical control software functions for being concurrently executed on multi-core systems. Specifically, the interpreter and the cutter radius compensation modules have been analyzed for devising a feasible parallel architecture. The parser algorithm has been implemented following the proposed scheme in a thread-based approach. Experiments were conducted under a real time Linux kernel extension utilizing the PREEMPT_RT patch. The results were compared against its serial version in terms of execution times to validate the concept