297 research outputs found

    A broadband FFT spectrometer for radio and millimeter astronomy

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    The core architecture, tests in the lab and first results of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrometer are described. It is based on a commercially available fast digital sampler (AC240) with an on-board Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The spectrometer works continuously and has a remarkable total bandwidth of 1 GHz, resolved into 16384 channels. The data is sampled with 8 bits, yielding a dynamic range of 48 dB. An Allan time of more than 2000 s and an SFDR of 37 dB were measured. First light observations with the KOSMA telescope show a perfect spectrum without internal or external spurious signals.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    In-flight calibration of STEREO-B/WAVES antenna system

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    The STEREO/WAVES (SWAVES) experiment on board the two STEREO spacecraft (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) launched on 25 October 2006 is dedicated to the measurement of the radio spectrum at frequencies between a few kilohertz and 16 MHz. The SWAVES antenna system consists of 6 m long orthogonal monopoles designed to measure the electric component of the radio waves. With this configuration direction finding of radio sources and polarimetry (analysis of the polarization state) of incident radio waves is possible. For the evaluation of the SWAVES data the receiving properties of the antennas, distorted by the radiation coupling with the spacecraft body and other onboard devices, have to be known accurately. In the present context, these properties are described by the antenna effective length vectors. We present the results of an in-flight calibration of the SWAVES antennas using the observations of the nonthermal terrestrial auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) during STEREO roll maneuvers in an early stage of the mission. A least squares method combined with a genetic algorithm was applied to find the effective length vectors of the STEREO Behind (STEREO-B)/WAVES antennas in a quasi-static frequency range (LantennaλwaveL_{antenna} \ll \lambda_{wave}) which fit best to the model and observed AKR intensity profiles. The obtained results confirm the former SWAVES antenna analysis by rheometry and numerical simulations. A final set of antenna parameters is recommended as a basis for evaluations of the SWAVES data

    Radio Detection of Cosmic Ray Air Showers with Codalema

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    Studies of the radio detection of Extensive Air Showers is the goal of the demonstrative experiment CODALEMA. Previous analysis have demonstrated that detection around 5.10165.10^{16} eV was achieved with this set-up. New results allow for the first time to study the topology of the electric field associated to EAS events on a event by event basis.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Proceedings of the Rencontres de Moriond, Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe, La Thuile, Italy (March 12-19, 2005

    Radio Detection of Extensive Air Showers with CODALEMA

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    The principle and performances of the CODALEMA experimental device, set up to study the possibility of high energy cosmic rays radio detection, are presented. Radio transient signals associated to cosmic rays have been identified, for which arrival directions and shower's electric field topologies have been extracted from the antenna signals. The measured rate, about 1 event per day, corresponds to an energy threshold around 5.10^16 eV. These results allow to determine the perspectives offered by the present experimental design for radiodetection of UHECR at a larger scale.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 29th ICRC, Pune (2005

    Radiodetection of Cosmic Ray Extensive Air Showers

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    We present the characteristics and performance of a demonstration experiment devoted to the observation of ultra high- energy cosmic ray extensive air showers using a radiodetection technique. In a first step, one antenna narrowed band filtered acting as trigger, with a 4 σ\sigma threshold above sky background-level, was used to tag any radio transient in coincidence on the antenna array. Recently, the addition of 4 particle detectors has allowed us to observe cosmic ray events in coincidence with antennas

    Radio Detection of Cosmic Ray Extensive Air Showers: present status of the CODALEMA experiment

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    Data acquisition and analysis for the CODALEMA experiment, in operation for more than one year, has provided improved knowledge of the characteristics of this new device. At the same time, an important effort has been made to develop processing techniques for extracting transient signals from data containing interference.Comment: september 200

    Radio Detection of Cosmic Ray Air Shower by the CODALEMA Experiment

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    The possibilities of measuring Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays (EHECR) by radio detection of electromagnetic pulses radiated during the development of extensive air showers in the atmosphere are investigated. We present the demonstrative CODALEMA experiment, set up at Nancay Radio-Observatory (France). The radio-decametric array has been adapted to measure radio transients in time coincidence between antennas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba 2003, to be published in NIM

    Radioelectric Field Features of Extensive Air Showers Observed with CODALEMA

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    Based on a new approach to the detection of radio transients associated with extensive air showers induced by ultra high energy cosmic rays, the experimental apparatus CODALEMA is in operation, measuring about 1 event per day corresponding to an energy threshold ~ 5. 10^16 eV. Its performance makes possible for the first time the study of radio-signal features on an event-by-event basis. The sampling of the magnitude of the electric field along a 600 meters axis is analyzed. It shows that the electric field lateral spread is around 250 m (FWHM). The possibility to determine with radio both arrival directions and shower core positions is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic