101 research outputs found

    Global gyrokinetic simulations of intrinsic rotation in ASDEX Upgrade Ohmic L-mode plasmas

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    Non-linear, radially global, turbulence simulations of ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) plasmas are performed and the nonlinear generated intrinsic flow shows agreement with the intrinsic flow gradients measured in the core of Ohmic L-mode plasmas at nominal parameters. Simulations utilising the kinetic electron model show hollow intrinsic flow profiles as seen in a predominant number of experiments performed at similar plasma parameters. In addition, significantly larger flow gradients are seen than in a previous flux-tube analysis (Hornsby et al {\it Nucl. Fusion} (2017)). Adiabatic electron model simulations can show a flow profile with opposing sign in the gradient with respect to a kinetic electron simulation, implying a reversal in the sign of the residual stress due to kinetic electrons. The shaping of the intrinsic flow is strongly determined by the density gradient profile. The sensitivity of the residual stress to variations in density profile curvature is calculated and seen to be significantly stronger than to neoclassical flows (Hornsby et al {\it Nucl. Fusion} (2017)). This variation is strong enough on its own to explain the large variations in the intrinsic flow gradients seen in some AUG experiments. Analysis of the symmetry breaking properties of the turbulence shows that profile shearing is the dominant mechanism in producing a finite parallel wave-number, with turbulence gradient effects contributing a smaller portion of the parallel wave-vector

    Pedestal and Er profile evolution during an edge localized mode cycle at ASDEX Upgrade

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    The upgrade of the edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade has enabled highly spatially resolved me asurements of the impurity ion dynamics during an edge-localized mode cycle ( ELM ) with unprecedented temp oral resolution, i.e. 65 μ s. The increase of transport during an ELM induces a relaxation of the ion, electron edge gradients in impurity density and fl ows. Detailed characterization of the recovery of the edge temperature gradients reveals a difference in the ion and electron channe l: the maximum ion temperature gradient T i is re-established on similar timescales as n e , which is faster than the recovery of T e .Afterthe clamping of the maximum gradient, T i and T e at the pedestal top continue to rise up to the next ELM while n e stays constant which means that the temperatur e pedestal and the resu lting pedestal pressure widen until the next ELM. The edge radial electric fi eld E r at the ELM crash is found to reduce to typical L-mode values and its ma ximum recovers to its pre-ELM conditions on a similar time scale as for n e and T i . Within the uncertainties, the measurements of E r align with their neoclassical predictions E r,neo for most of the ELM cycle, thus indicating that E r is dominated by collisional processes. However, between 2 and 4 ms af ter the ELM crash, other contributions to E B ́ fl ow, e.g. zonal fl ows or ion orbit effects, could not be excluded within the uncertainties.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053

    Extensions to the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic suite at ASDEX Upgrade

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    A new core charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic has been installed in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak that is capable of measuring the impurity ion temperature, toroidal rotation, and density on both the low field side (LFS) and high field side (HFS) of the plasma. The new system features 48 lines-of-sight (LOS) with a radial resolution that varies from ± 2 cm on the LFS down to ± 0.75 cm on the HFS and has sufficient signal to run routinely at 10 ms and for special circum- stances down to 2.5 ms integration time. The LFS-HFS ion temperature profiles provide an additional constraint on the magnetic equilibrium reconstruction, and the toroidal rotation frequency profiles are of sufficiently high quality that information on the poloidal velocity can be extracted from the LFS-HFS asymmetry. The diagnostic LOS are coupled to two flexible-wavelength spectrometers such that complete LFS-HFS profiles from two separate impurities can be imaged simultaneously, albeit with reduced radial coverage. More frequently, the systems measure the same impurity providing very detailed information on the chosen species. Care has been taken to calibrate the systems as accurately as possible and to include in the data analysis any effects that could lead to spurious temperatures or rotations.European Commission (EUROfusion 633053

    Програма проходження практики студентами ІІ курсу (денної форми навчання) спеціальності 6.030509 “Облік і аудит”

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    Організаційна практика для студентів спеціальності 6.030509 «Облік і аудит» організовується відповідно до навчального плану Університету. Метою практики є закріплення, розширення та поглиблення теоретичних знань, практичних вмінь та навичок з дисциплін, що вивчаються, формування зацікавленості до майбутньої професіональної діяльності, ознайомлення з методикою роботи бухгалтера та аудитора в управлінських структурах організації для вирішення завдань при різних практичних ситуаціях. Керівництво практикою здійснюється викладачами кафедри бухгалтерського обліку та аудиту, які контролюють своєчасне прибуття студентів на місце практики, хід її виконання, консультують практикантів щодо програми і матеріалів практики, допомагають у вирішенні питань із забезпечення нормальних умов праці. Про результати перевірки керівник робить запис у щоденнику та інформує деканат. Під час практики студент зобов’язаний своєчасно і якісно виконувати завдання, передбачені програмою практики, опановувати прийоми обліку, дотримуватись правил внутрішнього розпорядку, не порушувати трудову дисципліну, сприяти виконанню завдань, які стоять перед навчальним закладом.Організаційна практика є складовою частиною навчально-виховного та науково-дослідного процесу підготовки фахівців з обліку і аудиту і має на меті формування у них практичних навичок самостійної роботи у сфері бухгалтерського обліку, контролю, аналізу і аудиту та умінь працювати за обраною спеціальністю у системі ринкового господарювання

    Evaluation of impurity densities from charge exchange recombination spectroscopy measurements at ASDEX Upgrade

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    At ASDEX upgrade (AUG) a new framework for the evaluation of impurity densities based on measurements from charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostics has been developed. The charge exchange impurity concentration analysis code, or CHICA, can perform these calculations for all of the beam-based CXRS diagnostics at AUG and is equipped with the atomic data for all of the regularly measured charge exchange spectral lines (He, Li, B, C, N, O, and Ne). CHICA includes four different methods for the evaluation of the neutral density populations, which feature different implementations and contain varying levels of sophistication. These methods have been thoroughly benchmarked against one another, enabling the important processes for the evaluation of neutral densities to be identified as well as the neutral populations that are most critical to the accurate interpretation of the measured CXRS intensities. For the AUG neutral beams, charge exchange with the ground state of the first energy component is typically the dominant contribution to the measured CXRS intensities, but emission from reactions with the n = 2 beam halo population can contribute up to 35% to the total signal and must be included in the analysis. Neglect of this population leads to incorrect magnitudes and incorrect profile shapes of the calculated impurity density profiles. The edge lines of sight (LOS) of the core CXRS diagnostics at AUG intersect the edge pedestal inside of the neutral beam volume. Therefore, the impurity density is not constant along the LOS, complicating the interpretation of the measured intensities. Within CHICA a forward model for the edge impurity densities has been implemented, enabling the reconstruction of accurate edge profiles

    Power exhaust by SOL and pedestal radiation at ASDEX Upgrade and JET

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