276 research outputs found

    The Secrets of nature, ownership and ornamentation in Robert Herrick's "Upon Madam Ursly.Epig"

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    Artykuł bierze sobie za cel odczytanie sześciowersowego wiersza Roberta Herricka Upon Madam Ursly w kontekście szerszego kulturowego zjawiska, jakim były XVII-wieczne kolekcje osobliwości. Koncept wiersza opiera się na konsekwentnym budowaniu analogii między ciałem Madam Ursly, które prezentowane jest czytelnikowi w akcie auto-wystawiania, a zbiorami przedmiotów osobliwych, do których wiersz czyni otwarte odniesienie. Owa ekspozycja ciała jednak, oprócz gestu ukazywania i odkrywania, stanowi paradoksalnie jednocześnie gest kamuflujący, po to, by zatrzeć granice między podmiotem, przedmiotem a obiektem, co jest potrzebne do podtrzymania owej analogii. Odbywa się to poprzez transformację znaczeń, jakie generuje ów ekshibicjonizm, zarówno poprzez odniesienia do funkcji biżuterii, jak i negocjacje wieloznacznej relacji własności narzuconej podmiotowi/przedmiotowi/ obiektowi, jakim staje się ciało Ursly

    Conventional and makeshift rainwater harvesting in rural South Africa: exploring determinants for rainwater harvesting mode

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    This article was supported by the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.In underserved rural areas, domestic rainwater harvesting has been gaining importance as an alternative water source. In rural South Africa, however, less than 1% of households use conventional rainwater harvesting systems. Instead, a household survey in KwaZulu-Natal reveals that many households harvest rainwater in a makeshift manner, using homemade gutters and drums. Statistical analysis shows that high income, a brick house with straight gutters and good water services facilitate conventional rainwater harvesting, while a household with only round huts is easily trapped into makeshift rainwater harvesting. For upscaling rainwater harvesting in rural areas, housing types need to be considered.Peer Reviewe

    Indikationsstellung zur nativen Computertomographie (CCT) nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma

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    Niematerialne przedmioty w ukrytych wnętrzach : sir Thomasa Browne'a "Musaeum Clausum" a wczesnonowożytna konwencja muzealnego katalogowania

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    The article reads the short, jocular text by Sir "Musaeum Clausum" or "BibliothecaThomas Browne Abscondita" (1684) in the context of its dialogue with the cataloguing convention in the seventeenth-century culture of curiosity. The first part of “Immaterial Objects” discusses the cultural significance of museum catalogues in their double function: firstly, to represent the collected objects by endowing them with “a story” and fashioning them as curiosities and, secondly, to represent the social network build around the collection. Two printed catalogues serve as examples here: Robert Hubert’s catalogue of his own private collection printed in 1664 and the catalogue of the Repository of the Royal Society, "Musaeum Regalis Societatis", written by Nehemiah Grew and published in 1681. The second part of the article shows how Browne in "Musaeum Clausum" worked from within this convention of cataloguing undermining, and thus exposing, its principles in order to reflect (auto)ironically on the culture of collecting to which he belonged. Such a reading of Browne’s text also helps to reveal the changes in textual attention given to curious objects in seventeenth-century England

    A Self-Service Supporting Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics Architecture

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    Self-service Business Intelligence (SSBI) is an emerging topic for many companies. Casual users should be enabled to independently build their own analyses and reports. This accelerates and simplifies the decision-making processes. Although recent studies began to discuss parts of a self-service environment, none of these present a comprehensive architecture. Following a design science research approach, this study proposes a new self-service oriented BI architecture in order to address this gap. Starting from an in-depth literature review, an initial model was developed and improved by qualitative data analysis from interviews with 18 BI and IT specialists form companies across different industries. The proposed architecture model demonstrates the interaction between introduced self-service elements with each other and with traditional BI components. For example, we look at the integration of collaboration rooms and a self-learning knowledge database that aims to be a source for a report recommender

    Kolekcjonowanie osobliwości, osobliwości kolekcjonowania - recenzja

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    Recenzja książki: Marjorie Swann, Curiosities and Texts. The Cultures of Collecting in Early Modern England, Philadelphia, University ofPennsylvania Press, 2002, 280 stron

    Przestrzenny renesans - recenzja

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    Recenzja książki: Bernhard Klein, Maps and the Writing of Space in Early Modern England and Ireland, New York, Palgrave 2001, 235 stron

    Indikationsstellung zur nativen Computertomographie (CCT) nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma

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    Contributions to organizational information security

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    Osobliwości natury a metoda : filozofia naturalna wobec wyjątku siedemnastowiecznej Anglii

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    The article is concerned with the philosophical function of curiosities in Sir Francis Bacon’s thought, especially his new logic. It takes as its starting point two critiques Bacon launched in his writings, first, of epistemological capabilities of the human mind and, second, of the heretofore methods of studying nature at universities (scholasticism with its uses of the syllogism) and the renaissance court (natural histories with their uses of the emblem). As a separate category of objects and phenomena, curiosities were central for Bacon’s new inductive method as correctives for the flawed mind and thus as regulatory means for inductive interpretation. Such treatment puts curiosities in a paradoxical position of both the object of study and a vital element of the method itself