332 research outputs found


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    With a view toward correcting many of the abuses which had accompanied the distribution of securities, the Congressional mandate embodied in the Securities Act of 1933, together with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted in pursuance thereof, require the publication of much information previously withheld from the investing public. The basic objective of the act is the full disclosure of every essentially important element attending issues of securities in interstate commerce or through the mails, and to that end the commission is empowered to issue a stop order suspending the effectiveness of a registration statement if it appears that the statement contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading


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    Although the question of security of employment for public school teachers was discussed as far back as the year 1885, when tenure was interpreted to mean the application of civil service principles to the teaching profession, the organized teacher tenure movement is of comparatively recent origin. From within the profession itself impetus was given to the movement by continuous campaigns carried on by local, state and national teachers\u27 associations. From without, the growth of the movement was facilitated by a wider recognition of the evils attendant upon the unlimited power of school boards to hire and fire their employees at will. Surveys brought to light the instability of the teaching body and the large number of teachers required to fill vacant positions each year. In 1923, for example, the statewide turnover of teachers ranged from four per cent in Florida to forty-seven per cent in Wyoming, while the local turnover was in many cases even greater, more than one-half of the teachers being new in their positions anually


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    Testator provided in his will for the division of his real and personal estate into twenty-five equal parts, one part for each of his nieces and nephews. One of the nephews predeceased testator by seven months, leaving a minor son. Thereafter testator executed a codicil expressing his desire that a nephew by marriage be a distributee of his estate, and directing that his personal and real estate be divided into twenty-six equal parts in order to include the new distributee. In proceedings brought for construction of the will, held, that the legacy to the nephew who predeceased testator did not lapse, but that it vested in deceased nephew\u27s minor son. Ex Parte Newton, 183 S. C. 379, 191 S. E. 59 (1937)


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    Plaintiff applied to defendant superintendent of buildings for permits to erect billboards for general advertising purposes on plaintiff\u27s, property in the city of Troy. Defendant refused to issue the permits on the authority of an ordinance which made it unlawful to erect any billboard and/ or signboard within the city limits, except upon real property owned or leased by the occupants thereof and for the sole purpose of advertising the sale of such property or of merchandise kept for sale upon such premises. Plaintiff petitioned for a writ of mandamus to compel defendant to issue the permits. Held, that the ordinance was void and that the writ was to be allowed. Mid-State Advertising Corporation v. Bond, 274 N. Y. 82, 8 N. E. (2d) 286 (1937)


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    An Illinois statute provided for the compulsory retirement of teachers at the age of seventy with an annuity of 1500ayearforlife,andanamendmenttheretograntedannuitiesonaslidingscalefrom1500 a year for life, and an amendment thereto granted annuities on a sliding scale from 1000 to 1500ayeartoteachersvoluntarilyretiringbetweentheagesofsixtyfiveandseventy.Theseprovisionswerechangedbyanactof1935whichabolishedtheprovisionsforvoluntaryretirementand.fixedcompulsoryretirementattheageofsixtyfive,withannuitiesreducedtoaflatrateof1500 a year to teachers voluntarily retiring between the ages of sixty-five and seventy. These provisions were changed by an act of 1935 which abolished the provisions for voluntary retirement and .fixed compulsory retirement at the age of sixty-five, with annuities reduced to a flat rate of 500 annually. Plaintiffs, who either had retired or were eligible for retirement at the time the act of 1935 was passed, contended that their rights to annuities were vested rights of which they could not be deprived, and sought to enjoin the defendants from complying with the terms of the act. Held, that the prior act did not constitute a contract to pay a fixed amount, but merely provided for gratuities which could be altered at the will of the legislature. Dodge v. Board of Education of the City of Chicago, 302 U. S. 74, 58 S. Ct. 98 (1937)


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    In a suit commenced by bill in aid of execution, the attorney of record of one of the defendants was allowed to testify concerning a note given to the other defendant. Held, that although this is a violation of Rule 19 of the Canons of Professional Ethics, it is not reversible error. Vozbut v. Pomputis, 277 Mich. 212, 269 N. W. 149 (1936)

    Undergraduate medical students' perception about the use of the reflective portfolio

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    Orientador: Emílio Carlos Elias BaracatDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Para atender às necessidades atuais da sociedade moderna, a educação precisa voltar-se para a formação de pessoas/profissionais capazes de participar do processo de mudança da realidade social de forma crítica e flexível. Na formação médica, um dos principais desafios é aliar conhecimento técnico à perspectiva humanista, integrando as dimensões pessoal e profissional. O aluno deve ser o construtor de seu saber e prática, em uma dimensão que ultrapassa a simples reprodução das teorias. Nessa lógica da formação profissional, um dos instrumentos para atingir esse objetivo é o portfólio. O Curso de Medicina da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da UNICAMP implantou a Reforma Curricular em 2001, caracterizada por um currículo integrado, horizontal e verticalmente estruturado em módulos gerenciados por docentes de vários departamentos. No quarto ano, no módulo de Atenção Integral à Saúde, utiliza-se o portfólio individual. O intuito é fazer o aluno refletir sobre seu atendimento, suas dificuldades e facilidades, e suas carências no estágio. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar, discutir e compreender a percepção dos estudantes acerca do uso do portfólio em uma disciplina do quarto ano do curso de graduação em Medicina. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com análise qualitativa dos dados; a população de estudo foi constituída por 31 estudantes que cursaram o quarto ano do curso de graduação em medicina da UNICAMP nos anos de 2015 e 2016. Após a construção do portfólio e sua devolutiva, os dados foram analisados e interpretados utilizando a análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Emergiram três categorias: Impressões dos alunos sobre as contribuições do portfólio; Dificuldades apontadas pelos graduandos durante a construção do portfólio e Percepções dos discentes sobre o uso do portfólio como método de avaliação. Concluiu-se que os discentes perceberam contribuições do portfólio em sua formação médica, mas também apontaram dificuldades na sua construção, além de demonstrarem diversas percepções sobre sua utilização como instrumento de avaliaçãoAbstract: In order to meet the current needs of modern society, education must turn to the formation of people/professionals capable of participating in the process of changing social reality in a critical and flexible way. In medical education, one of the main challenges is to combine technical knowledge with a humanistic perspective, integrating the personal and professional dimensions. The student must be the constructor of his knowledge and practice, in a dimension that goes beyond the simple reproduction of theories. In this logic of vocational training, one of the tools to achieve this goal is the portfolio. The Medical Course of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of UNICAMP implemented the Curricular Reform in 2001, characterized by an integrated and horizontally curriculum, vertically structured in modules managed by professors from various departments. In the fourth year, in the module of Integral Attention to Health, the individual portfolio is used. The intention is to make the student reflect on their attendance, their difficulties and facilities, and their needs at the stage. The aim of this study was to identify, discuss and understand the perceptions of undergraduate medical students about the use of portfolio in a discipline of the fourth year of the medical school. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach to data analysis; the study population consisted of 31 students who completed the fourth year of the UNICAMP undergraduate medical course in 2015 and 2016. After the construction of the portfolio and its devolution, the data were analyzed and interpreted using the proposed content analysis by Bardin. Three categories emerged: Impressions of students on portfolio contributions; Difficulties pointed out by the students during the construction of the portfolio and perceptions of the students about the use of the portfolio as an evaluation method. It was concluded that the students perceived portfolio contributions in their medical education, but also pointed out difficulties in their construction, in addition to demonstrating different perceptions about their use as an evaluation toolMestradoEnsino em SaúdeMestra em Ciência

    Soil indigenous microbiome and plant genotypes cooperatively modify soybean rhizosphere microbiome assembly

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    Background Plants have evolved intimate interactions with soil microbes for a range of beneficial functions including nutrient acquisition, pathogen resistance and stress tolerance. Further understanding of this system is a promising way to advance sustainable agriculture by exploiting the versatile benefits offered by the plant microbiome. The rhizosphere is the interface between plant and soil, and functions as the first step of plant defense and root microbiome recruitment. It features a specialized microbial community, intensive microbe-plant and microbe-microbe interactions, and complex signal communication. To decipher the rhizosphere microbiome assembly of soybean (Glycine max), we comprehensively characterized the soybean rhizosphere microbial community using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and evaluated the structuring influence from both host genotype and soil source. Results Comparison of the soybean rhizosphere to bulk soil revealed significantly different microbiome composition, microbe-microbe interactions and metabolic capacity. Soil type and soybean genotype cooperatively modulated microbiome assembly with soil type predominantly shaping rhizosphere microbiome assembly while host genotype slightly tuned this recruitment process. The undomesticated progenitor species, Glycine soja, had higher rhizosphere diversity in both soil types tested in comparison to the domesticated soybean genotypes. Rhizobium, Novosphingobium, Phenylobacterium, Streptomyces, Nocardioides,etc. were robustly enriched in soybean rhizosphere irrespective of the soil tested. Co-occurrence network analysis revealed dominant soil type effects and genotype specific preferences for key microbe-microbe interactions. Functional prediction results demonstrated converged metabolic capacity in the soybean rhizosphere between soil types and among genotypes, with pathways related to xenobiotic degradation, plant-microbe interactions and nutrient transport being greatly enriched in the rhizosphere. Conclusion This comprehensive comparison of the soybean microbiome between soil types and genotypes expands our understanding of rhizosphere microbe assembly in general and provides foundational information for soybean as a legume crop for this assembly process. The cooperative modulating role of the soil type and host genotype emphasizes the importance of integrated consideration of soil condition and plant genetic variability for future development and application of synthetic microbiomes. Additionally, the detection of the tuning role by soybean genotype in rhizosphere microbiome assembly provides a promising way for future breeding programs to integrate host traits participating in beneficial microbiota assembly

    Soil indigenous microbiome and plant genotypes cooperatively modify soybean rhizosphere microbiome assembly

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    Background: Plants have evolved intimate interactions with soil microbes for a range of beneficial functions including nutrient acquisition, pathogen resistance and stress tolerance. Further understanding of this system is a promising way to advance sustainable agriculture by exploiting the versatile benefits offered by the plant microbiome. The rhizosphere is the interface between plant and soil, and functions as the first step of plant defense and root microbiome recruitment. It features a specialized microbial community, intensive microbe-plant and microbe-microbe interactions, and complex signal communication. To decipher the rhizosphere microbiome assembly of soybean (Glycine max), we comprehensively characterized the soybean rhizosphere microbial community using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and evaluated the structuring influence from both host genotype and soil source. Results: Comparison of the soybean rhizosphere to bulk soil revealed significantly different microbiome composition, microbe-microbe interactions and metabolic capacity. Soil type and soybean genotype cooperatively modulated microbiome assembly with soil type predominantly shaping rhizosphere microbiome assembly while host genotype slightly tuned this recruitment process. The undomesticated progenitor species, Glycine soja, had higher rhizosphere diversity in both soil types tested in comparison to the domesticated soybean genotypes. Rhizobium, Novosphingobium, Phenylobacterium, Streptomyces, Nocardioides, etc. were robustly enriched in soybean rhizosphere irrespective of the soil tested. Co-occurrence network analysis revealed dominant soil type effects and genotype specific preferences for key microbe-microbe interactions. Functional prediction results demonstrated converged metabolic capacity in the soybean rhizosphere between soil types and among genotypes, with pathways related to xenobiotic degradation, plant-microbe interactions and nutrient transport being greatly enriched in the rhizosphere. Conclusion: This comprehensive comparison of the soybean microbiome between soil types and genotypes expands our understanding of rhizosphere microbe assembly in general and provides foundational information for soybean as a legume crop for this assembly process. The cooperative modulating role of the soil type and host genotype emphasizes the importance of integrated consideration of soil condition and plant genetic variability for future development and application of synthetic microbiomes. Additionally, the detection of the tuning role by soybean genotype in rhizosphere microbiome assembly provides a promising way for future breeding programs to integrate host traits participating in beneficial microbiota assembly