749 research outputs found

    Structure and operational properties of porous cermets on the basis of alloyed steel scale

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    Compositions of batches for obtaining porous cermets on the basis of alloyed steel scale with addition of ferrosilicon have been developed. Roentgenograms of the obtained alloys were shown, mechanical durability and porosity of the obtained materials were investigated. The model of formation of porous cermets was offere

    Spin disorder scattering in a ferromagnetic insulator-on-graphene structure

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    We theoretically study the transport properties of a single graphene layer between two insulating materials, i.e., a ferromagnetic EuO thin film and a nonmagnetic SiC substrate. An exchange interaction between the charge carrier spins in graphene and the localized magnetic moments in the ferromagnetic insulator is assumed. This proximity effect and the large spin fluctuations at temperatures close to the ferromagnetic transition temperature TC lead to spin disorder scattering, which is calculated using a Green's function technique. Numerical results indicate that at temperatures close to TC the contribution of the spin disorder scattering to the total electron mobility is clearly observable even in the case of a weak exchange interaction and a low background mobility of the graphene layer. This enables the experimental determination of the exchange interaction parameter using the present model and a simple resistivity measurement.Peer reviewe

    Some features of the bioelectric activity of the muscles with prolonged hypokinesia

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    The effects of prolonged hypokinesia, brought on by confinement to bed and the attendant lack of motor activity, on the bioelectric activity of muscles are studied. Electromyographic measurements of amplitude and frequency indicators of muscular bioelectric activity were analyzed

    Typology of strategies of personality meaning-making during professional education

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    The importance of the studied issue is conditioned by the fact that high dynamic of processes in the labour market requires constant work of an individual on self-determination and search for significance of his/her professional activity. The purpose of research is theoretical development and empirical verification of the types of strategies of meaning-making based on perceptions of future in terms of professional self-determination of the personality at the stage of vocational training. Basic research methods: modelling, psychosemantic approach, allowing to perform research process with the possibility of more in-depth analysis of the results. Research results: the model of the semantical future in the consciousness of the personality, which includes affective, cognitive, activity and intentional components is developed and empirically verified; the types of strategies of meaning-making based on perceptions of future in terms of professional selfdetermination of the personality at the stage of vocational training is identified, the typology includes the following 3 types of the meaning-making strategies: strategy of integration of the meaning of education and profession in the model of own future, strategy of disintegration and strategy of uncertainty and delay of the semantical choice. Significance of results: analysis of the semantical grounds for future professional activity will help optimize the training of a competent, competitive and adaptive specialist ready to continuous self-development, and to intensify the process of professional self-determination and building life and professional prospects of the personality at the stage of vocational training, as exactly at this stage the professional competence and identity is built up. © 2016 Shchipanova et al

    The Organization of Exhibitions of Children's Creativity at Faculty of Art Education

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    The article presents the experience of the Faculty of Art Education with a differrent age audience in the framework of the educational project «Children's studio of artistic development and aesthetic education «Artist's Studio».В статье представлен опыт работы факультета художественного образования с разновозрастной аудиторией в рамках реализации образовательного проекта «Детская студия художественного развития и эстетического воспитания «Мастерская художника»

    The role of RIG-I, AIM2 and IFI16 receptors for viral RNA and DNA in the pathogenesis of spontaneous and early missed miscarriage

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    Aim: to identify the features of the expression of mRNA of intracellular RIG-I, IFI16 and AIM2 receptors for viral RNA and DNA, and their signaling pathway proteins in the decidual tissue of patients with spontaneous and early missed miscarriage

    Female reproductive tract microbiome and early miscarriages

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    The review presents new data on the impact of the vaginal and uterine microbiome on the local immunity, including defense against sexually transmitted infections, and its association with other factors of miscarriage


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    Chatyr-Kul lake is the biggest lake in the region. It is located in the Ak-Say valley 3530 mabove the sea. Its square is about 170 km 2 , it is the third biggest lake in Kyrgyzstan. The Ak-Say valley and closed depression refer to the Alps belt of the Tyan-Shan Alay mountain fold. The climate is severe in the region; the summer months are concerned to be July and August. Summer is cool and dry. The main geobotanical edificators of the Alps belt are short-grass meadows with kobresia, Alp short-grass steppes and grasslands with sheep fescue, sandy needle grass, mat-grass, cinquefoil, edelweiss, artemisia etc. The cattle runs to the Ak-Say valley in June and it is kept there until October. This means that grasslands are used irregularly. The seasonal dynamics of steppe communities’ productivity is characterized by regular growth of phytomass until blossom – the beginning of bearing whereas after this the accumulation of land mass is reduced. To rehabilitate the density of grassland the authors suggest to improve the water-air and nutritive regimes of soil in the terms of recreation followed by applying fertilizers of Natrium humate + N60P30K15. The effect of fertilizers lasts for several years. The At-Bashy valley is an appropriate region for development of sheep breeding, horse breeding, meat cattle breeding and yak breeding. The valuable grassland massives are located in Ak-Say and the Chatyr-Kil closed depression.Озеро Чатыр-Куль, которое является самым крупным в регионе, расположено в Ак-Сайской долине, на высоте 3530 мнад уровнем моря. Его площадь составляет около 170 км 2 , оно является третьим по величине озером в Кыргызстане. Долина Ак-Сай и котловина озера Чатыр-Куль относятся к альпийскому поясу гор в системе вертикальной поясности Тянь-Шане-Алайского горного сооружения. Климат региона суровый. Летними месяцами условно являются июль и август. Летний сезон прохладный и сухой. Основными геоботаническими эдификаторами альпийского пояса гор являются альпийские низкотравные луга с кобрезиями, альпийские низкотравные степи и лугостепи с типчаками, ковылками, ковылями, лапчатками, эдельвейсом, полынями и др. В Ак-Сайскую долину скот перегоняют в течение июня и держат там до середины октября, следовательно, пастбища используются неравномерно. Сезонная динамика продуктивности природных степных сообществ характеризуется закономерным нарастанием фитомассы до цветения – начала плодоношения, после чего происходит снижение накопления надземной массы. Для восстановления нарушенного чрезмерным выпасом травостоя пастбищ лучшим с биологической и экономической точек зрения является улучшение водно-воздушного и питательного режимов почвы в условиях отдыха, заповедного режима с последующим внесением удобрений: гумата натрия и N60P30K15, эффективное действие и последействие которых длится еще несколько лет. Ат-Башинская долина – прекрасный район для развития овцеводства, коневодства, мясного скотоводства и яководства. Ценные пастбищные массивы находятся в Ак-Сае и Чатыр-Кульской котловине