15 research outputs found

    Gestion stratégique d'un système de ressources en eau : l'exemple du système NESTE

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    L'article que nous proposons s'inscrit dans le cadre des problèmes d'optimisation bimensionnelle (irrigation & salubrité) des ressources en eau durant la période d'étiage. Sur le cas du système NESTE, la résolution est effectuée selon deux approches :- un modèle de programmation dynamique avec état de dimension deux (niveau des réserves, niveau dans la rivière) où, dans la solution numérique, les variables sont discrétisées;- un modèle « synthétique » où l'on calcule une probabilité de non dépassement caractérisant l'état hydrique des ressources du système. Une règle empirique permet d'associer à cette grandeur une décision de consigne à effectuer.Les résultats numériques sont comparés sur une série de chroniques historiques. Les avantages et les inconvénients de chacune des deux approches sont mis en lumière sur le cas réel du système NESTE.This paper deals with bicreteria (irrigation & water quality) weekly operation of a water resource system during dry period. Two ways of handling the problem are assessed and compared on a real case study :- a stochastic dynamic programming modal with a two dimensional state (reservoirs level, river level) that is numerically solved by discretization ;- a more « synthetic » model where the state is expressed in term of a tail aera probability related to the consumption of all the present water resources in the future. A practical decision rule is based upon the associated critical value.Numerical results are plotted on historical varies for both methods.From the present application to the NESTE system, the conclusions are :1) Both procedures allow the system manager to formulate operating strategies in a rational way :- An operating rule can be derived to allocate water so as to meet a combination of the various objectives. It is expressed as a feedback law linking what we know from the state of the system to how we control its evolution.- Both methods need a parameter to be set up by stochastic simulation.- They give close results on the basis of the past data and can be conveniently proposed to system managers.2) The system analysis approach is based on stochastic dynamic programming. If can be efficiently used to derive optimal feedback ruses of operation and can routinely deal with complex decisions such as limiting irrigation when a shortage is to occur or take the risk to keep going and decrease output targets for water quality management. At the same time, this procedure entails heavy computing time, uneasy interpretation of the weighting coefficient between irrigation and water quality objectives, and a rather artificial elicitation of the global compromise.Such an approach is very well fit for simulation because it is composed of elementary blocks that are gathered in a transition relationship to describe the system's dynamic evolution. This approach also provides a means to get an optimal policy as long as the system manager accepts the necessity to formulate an objective function consistently with dynamic programming (i. e. stages are separable and additive). Of course this optimal allocation should be carefully examined because of modal uncertainties influencing both the system response and the hydrological behaviour.3) The synthetic method may appear more attractive from the engineering point of view for the following reasons :- the state is easily interpreted in terms of « dry year with a return period of 10, normal year, exceptionally wet year » and so on. The trade-off coefficient is the volume one wants to keep in the reservoirs at time T for a wet year. Consequently if the parameter is chosen with « good sense », no optimization scheme is needed.- there is no computation except a mass balance equation and a normal probability law adjustment which is very easy because it deals with cumulative quantities.4) Such models are designed to serve only as multicriterion decision making aids. In very dry days such as occurred in summer 1976 or 1989 in France they cannot create additional water resources... still, they can help the system manager by constant up dated multidimensional estimation of the risks that may be encountered when following different operation rotes. In the case of the NESTE system, a real-scale experiment began in 1989: in real time operation, both models worked on line as decision-making supports, and the system manager made a thorough study of the hydrological conditions when the two approaches did not agree on the same stragegy for the following week

    Stratégie empirique d'un système de ressources en eau: l'exemple d'un périmètre irrigué en zone semi-aride

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    Une règle de gestion interannuelle empirique est définie pour gérer un barrage en éte d'un périmètre d'irrigation en zone semi-aride. La structure de la règle est construite à partir de l'observation de la gestion pratiquée actuellement sur le terrain. Les paramètres de cette règle sont ajustés de façon à minimiser le cumul moyen des écarts entre demandes et ressources des séries générées après une étude fréquentielle des aléas hydrauliques.Dans le cas du périmètre lié au barrage de Ghézala, cette méthode permet de répartir au mieux les risques de défaillance sur l'année et d'adapter la stratégie d'irrigation aux phases végétatives critiques des cultures.Les avantages et les inconvénients de cette approche empirique par rapport aux techniques de programmation dynamique sont finalement discutés et mis en relief pour les systèmes de gestion des ressources en zones semi-arides.An empirical inter-annual management rule is defined to operate a reservoir for irrigation use in a semi-arid zone. Management rules for hydro-agricultural systems in semi-arid zones consist of establishing a trade-off between the total quantity of water to be distributed for summer irrigation and the indispensable volumes to be held in store for the raising of future seedlings during the following autumn. In less arid countries, water is sufficiently cheap so that it is economically profitable to deliver great quantities to sustain maximum agricultural output. Indeed, water is sufficiently abundant so that it is generally useless to conserve reserves for the next year. Such an inter-annual compromise is not the norm for water resources managers in humid climates. For instance, the two consecutive dry summers in Europe in 1989 and 1990 would not have had the same impact on the agricultural economy in the semi-arid zones. There rules of management would have been adapted to obtain of an inter-annual balance.Numerous mathematical methods have been used in the domain of water resource systems management, sustained by the constant increase of computer performances. Reservoir management issues have consequently been widely studied and solved both from the viewpoint of the art of modeling and the methods of optimization. Nevertheless it is necessary to ensure that the mathematically correct optimal solution is also implementable when one leaves the computer screen to get back to the field: the success of this passage depends largely on the ability of the objective function to quantify the economic stakes encoded in the choice of a management rule. Except for hydropower generation, the various uses of a dam are most unlikely to be integrated into an aggregative utility function under the form of separable additive criteria.A way to bypass the inherent difficulties in the design of a realistic objective quantification is to restrict the search of the operation rule to the class of strategies compatible with the commonly met attitude of semi-arid water resources system managers. The structure of the rule is designed from the observation of the effective management presently in operation. Its logic fits to the following reasoning:- when the reservoir level is low, as soon as it starts to vary, the irrigation perimeter manager will behave very prudently. i.e. by reducing the proportion of the allocated irrigation water to the amount in store; - for average working conditions, the system manager will deliver a constant fraction of the available reservoir storage for irrigation; - when the quantity stored in the dam is high, the manager tends to satisfy completely the irrigation demand. The parameters of this piecewise linear rule are adjusted so as to minimize the probability of discrepancy between demands and resources on series obtained after a brief hydrological study.The Ghezala perimeter in Tunisia, which is situated in the watershed of lake Ichkeul, has been taken as a case study. With a thousand hectares of irrigated crops to be satisfied from an upstream 12 hm3 reservoir, and 625 mm rain per year on the watershed with a strong seasonal dependence, the Ghezala perimeter is quite representative of Tunisian irrigation practices. The method developed in this paper allows to balance the risk of failure all over the year and to adapt the strategy of irrigation according to critical vegetative phases of the crops. A statistical analysis of possible deficits according to the improved rule reveals that the method improves the performance of irrigation and decreases its sensitivity to the critical vegetative phases that are of critical importance in agriculture in semi-arid zones.The management model is unsophisticated but its objective is to provide elements of appreciation to the manager of the irrigated perimeter. Each component of the model can be improved and more finely described. Advantages and drawbacks of this empirical approach with regards to more conventional dynamic programming techniques are finally discussed and underlined for water resource systems with specific attention to their management in semi-arid zones

    Estimation of sediment deposits in the Ghézala reservoir in northern Tunisia

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    The control of sedimentation in a reservoir provides a global evaluation of the process of erosion and transportation of sediment. Knowledge of sedimentation is useful for reservoir management. Bathymetric surveys can be used to assess the silting volume of dams. The results of two surveys of the Ghézala dam reservoir in northern Tunisia are available. The measurements provide initial information about the quantity and variability of silting and the mechanism of sediment deposition. According to the results of measurements, the average annual specific sediment yield of the Ghézala dam watershed is estimated at 1851 t km−2 yr−1. The annual average sediment volume trapped varies from 23 000 m3 in 1993 to 66 692 m3 in 2011. The sedimentation rates increases from 0.20 to 0.57 % overtime. The results indicate interdependence between the specific erosion rates and the occurrence of soils on steep slopes. The pressure exerted on the soil by plowing as well as overgrazing to meet the needs of the population of this area has exposed the soil to continued deterioration manifested by increased erosion endangering the only source of revenue for the area

    Hydrologie des régions méditerranéennes

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    Use of the Genetic Algorithm for the Optimal Operation of Multi-Reservoirs on Demand Irrigation System

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    This study presents the application of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) model developed for computation of the optimal supply hydrographs in on demand irrigation systems aimed at the optimal regulation of the upstream storage reservoirs. The model was applied to an Italian irrigation scheme whe re the optimal inflows to five reservoirs were computed. The obtained result is characteris ed by two inflow values. In addition, the maximum discharge supplied by the upstream dam was redu ced by 10.65 %, and the maximum violation of reservoirs water levels was reduced to acceptable values. The optimal solution guarantees to satisfy the daily demand requirements, to minimize the maximum discharge delivered by the upstream dam, and to avoi d the reservoirs emptiness. In addition, the on- demand delivery schedule according to the actual demand hydrograph recorded downstream the reservoirs may be applied also during the peak periodCette \uc8tude pr\uc8sente l\uedapplication d\uedun Algorithme G\uc8n\uc8 tique (AG) d\uc8velopp\uc8 pour le calcul des hydrogrammes d'approvisionnement optimaux dans les syst\ucbmes d\uedirrigation \u2021 la demande vis\uc8 pour la r\uc8gulation optimale des r\uc8servoirs de stockage. Le mod\ucble a \uc8t\uc8 appliqu\uc8 pour un r\uc8seau d\uedirrigation italien o \u306 les apports optimaux \u2021 cinq r\uc8servoirs ont \uc8t\uc8 calcul\uc8s. Le r\uc8sultat obtenu est caract\uc8ris \uc8 par deux valeurs d\uedapports. En addition, le d\uc8bit maximal fourni par le barrage en amont a \uc8t\uc8 r\uc8duit par 10.65 %, et les violations maximales des niveaux d'eau de r\uc8servoirs ont \uc8t\uc8 r\uc8duites \u2021 des valeurs accepta bles. La solution optimale garantit de satisfaire les besoins jou rnaliers, de minimiser le d\uc8bit maximal de barrage en amont et d\ued\uc8viter la vidange des r\uc8se rvoirs. En outre, la livraison \u2021 la demande selon l'hydrogramme de la demande actuelle enregistr\uc8e en aval des r\uc8servoirs peut-\ucdtre \uc8galement appliqu\uc8s pendant la p\uc8riode de pointe

    The genetic algorithm approach for identifying the optimal operation of a multi-reservoirs on-demand irrigation system

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    A stochastic methodology, based on real-coded genetic algorithms for optimising the operation of reservoirs in an on-demand irrigation system, is presented. The methodology analyzes the adequacy of the difference between supply and demand taking into account the storage capacity of the reservoirs. It determines adequate inflow hydrographs to ensure the optimal regulation of reservoirs during the peak demand period. To take into account the variability of farmers' requirements, demand hydrographs were randomly generated within a pre-determined confidence interval. A weighted objective function, including violations of the admissible reservoir water levels (maximum, minimum and target water levels), is proposed. To solve the optimisation problem, a computer program was developed. The model was applied and tested on the Sinistra Ofanto irrigation scheme (Foggia, Italy), comprising five reservoirs fed with water from an upstream dam, each of them serving different irrigation districts. Results show that the model is efficient and robust

    Influence of temperature on the reproductive and demographic parameters of two spider mite pests of vineyards and their natural predator

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    This research was supported by scholarships to MC Stavrinides from the Robert and Peggy van den Bosch Memorial Scholarship in Biological Control and the Cyprus-America Scholarship program administered by the Fulbright Commission in Cyprus. Funding was also provided by the American Vineyard Foundation, the Viticulture Consortium West and the California Raisin Marketing Board. We thank A. Goldman, J. King, R. Lara and the undergraduate research apprentices who helped with laboratory observations. Steve Welter and Wayne Sousa read earlier versions of this manuscript and provided comments for its improvement. We also thank Duarte nurseries for supplying grape plants for this study.We evaluated the influence of temperature on demographic parameters of two common vineyard pests, the Pacific spider mite, Tetranychus pacificus McGregor, and the Willamette spider mite, Eotetranychus willamettei (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae). Additionally, we investigated the effects of temperature on their shared predator, the western predatory mite, Galendromus occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acari: Phytoseiidae). The intrinsic rate of increase (r (m) ) was higher for T. pacificus than E. willamettei at 15 and 28A degrees C, but similar at 22A degrees C. G. occidentalis achieved a higher r (m) than T. pacificus from 15 to 28A degrees C, but the difference was significant only at 22A degrees C. At 34A degrees C, the r (m) for both T. pacificus and G. occidentalis was negative, while E. willamettei did not develop at this temperature. Prey species did not affect demographic parameters of G. occidentalis. These results suggest that higher temperatures favor T. pacificus over the less damaging E. willamettei, and may also reduce the effectiveness of G. occidentalis.Robert and Peggy van den Bosch Memorial Scholarship in Biological Control, Cyprus-America Scholarship, American Vineyard Foundation, Viticulture Consortium West, California Raisin Marketing Boar