197 research outputs found

    Expression analysis of novel striatal-enriched genes in Huntington disease

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    Selective degeneration of striatal neurons is a pathologic hallmark of Huntington disease (HD). The exact mechanism(s) behind this specific neurodegeneration is still unknown. Expression studies of diseased human post-mortem brain, as well as different mouse models exhibiting striatal degeneration, have demonstrated changes in the expression of many important genes with a large proportion of changes being observed in the striatal-enriched genes. These investigations have raised questions about how enrichment of particular transcripts in the striatum can lead to its selective vulnerability to neurodegeneration. Monitoring the expression changes of striatal-enriched genes during the course of the disease may be informative about their potential involvement in selective degeneration. In this study, we analyzed a Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) database (www.mouseatlas.org) and compared the mouse striatum to 18 other brain regions to generate a novel list of striatal-enriched transcripts. These novel striatal-enriched transcripts were subsequently evaluated for expression changes in the YAC128 mouse model of HD, and differentially expressed transcripts were further examined in human post-mortem caudate samples. We identified transcripts with altered expression in YAC128 mice, which also showed consistent expression changes in human post-mortem tissue. The identification of novel striatal-enriched genes with altered expression in HD offers new avenues of study, leading towards a better understanding of specific pathways involved in the selective degeneration of striatal neurons in H

    Quantification of mutant huntingtin protein in cerebrospinal fluid from Huntington's disease patients.

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    Quantification of disease-associated proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has been critical for the study and treatment of several neurodegenerative disorders; however, mutant huntingtin protein (mHTT), the cause of Huntington's disease (HD), is at very low levels in CSF and, to our knowledge, has never been measured previously

    Vitamin B6 and Related Inborn Errors of Metabolism

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    Vitamin B6 (vitB6) is a generic term that comprises six interconvertible pyridine compounds. These vitB6 compounds (also called vitamers) are pyridoxine (PN), pyridoxamine (PM), pyridoxal (PL) and their 5′-phosphorylated forms pyridoxine 5′-phosphate (PNP), pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate (PMP) and pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP). VitB6 is an essential nutrient for all living organisms, but only microorganisms and plants can carry out de novo synthesis of this vitamin. Other organisms obtain vitB6 from dietary sources and interconvert its different forms according to their needs via a biochemical pathway known as the salvage pathway. PLP is the biologically active form of vitB6 which is important for maintaining the biochemical homeostasis of the body. In the human body, PLP serves as a cofactor for more than 140 enzymatic reactions, mainly associated with synthesis, degradation and interconversion of amino acids and neurotransmitter metabolism. PLP-dependent enzymes are also involved in various physiological processes, including biologically active amine biosynthesis, lipid metabolism, heme synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis, protein and polyamine synthesis and several other metabolic pathways. PLP is an important vitamer for normal brain function since it is required as a coenzyme for the synthesis of several neurotransmitters including D-serine, D-aspartate, L-glutamate, glycine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, histamine and dopamine. Intracellular levels of PLP are tightly regulated and conditions that disrupt this homeostatic regulation can cause disease. In humans, genetic and dietary (intake of high doses of vitB6) conditions leading to increase in PLP levels is known to cause motor and sensory neuropathies. Deficiency of PLP in the cell is also implicated in several diseases, the most notable example of which are the vitB6-dependent epileptic encephalopathies. VitB6-dependent epileptic encephalopathies (B6EEs) are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of rare inherited metabolic disorders. These debilitating conditions are characterized by recurrent seizures in the prenatal, neonatal, or postnatal period, which are typically resistant to conventional anticonvulsant treatment but are well-controlled by the administration of PN or PLP. In addition to seizures, children affected with B6EEs may also suffer from developmental and/or intellectual disabilities, along with structural brain abnormalities. Five main types of B6EEs are known to date, these are: PN-dependent epilepsy due to ALDH7A1 (antiquitin) deficiency (PDE-ALDH7A1) (MIM: 266100), hyperprolinemia type 2 (MIM: 239500), PLP-dependent epilepsy due to PNPO deficiency (MIM: 610090), hypophosphatasia (MIM: 241500) and PLPBP deficiency (MIM: 617290). This chapter provides a review of vitB6 and its different vitamers, their absorption and metabolic pathways in the human body, the diverse physiological roles of vitB6, PLP homeostasis and its importance for human health. Finally, the chapter reviews the inherited neurological disorders affecting PLP homeostasis with a special focus on vitB6-dependent epileptic encephalopathies (B6EEs), their different subtypes, the pathophysiological mechanism underlying each type, clinical and biochemical features and current treatment strategies

    Transcriptional changes in Huntington disease identified using genome-wide expression profiling and cross-platform analysis

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    Evaluation of transcriptional changes in the striatum may be an effective approach to understanding the natural history of changes in expression contributing to the pathogenesis of Huntington disease (HD). We have performed genome-wide expression profiling of the YAC128 transgenic mouse model of HD at 12 and 24 months of age using two platforms in parallel: Affymetrix and Illumina. The data from these two powerful platforms were integrated to create a combined rank list, thereby revealing the identity of additional genes that proved to be differentially expressed between YAC128 and control mice. Using this approach, we identified 13 genes to be differentially expressed between YAC128 and controls which were validated by quantitative real-time PCR in independent cohorts of animals. In addition, we analyzed additional time points relevant to disease pathology: 3, 6 and 9 months of age. Here we present data showing the evolution of changes in the expression of selected genes: Wt1, Pcdh20 and Actn2 RNA levels change as early as 3 months of age, whereas Gsg1l, Sfmbt2, Acy3, Polr2a and Ppp1r9a RNA expression levels are affected later, at 12 and 24 months of age. We also analyzed the expression of these 13 genes in human HD and control brain, thereby revealing changes in SLC45A3, PCDH20, ACTN2, DDAH1 and PPP1R9A RNA expression. Further study of these genes may unravel novel pathways contributing to HD pathogenesis. DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank accession no: GSE1967

    Genetic topography and cortical cell loss in Huntington's disease link development and neurodegeneration

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    Cortical cell loss is a core feature of Huntington Disease (HD), beginning many years before clinical motor diagnosis, during the premanifest stage. However, it is unclear how genetic topography relates to cortical cell loss. Here, we explore the biological processes and cell types underlying this relationship and validate this using cell-specific post-mortem data. Eighty premanifest participants on average 15 years from disease onset and 71 controls were included. Using volumetric and diffusion MRI we extracted HD-specific whole brain maps where lower grey matter volume and higher grey matter mean diffusivity, relative to controls, were used as proxies of cortical cell loss. These maps were combined with gene expression data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) to investigate the biological processes relating genetic topography and cortical cell loss. Cortical cell loss was positively correlated with the expression of developmental genes (i.e. higher expression correlated with greater atrophy and increased diffusivity) and negatively correlated with the expression of synaptic and metabolic genes that have been implicated in neurodegeneration. These findings were consistent for diffusion MRI and volumetric HD-specific brain maps. As wild type Huntingtin is known to play a role in neurodevelopment, we explored the association between wild type Huntingtin (HTT) expression and developmental gene expression across the AHBA. Co-expression network analyses in 134 human brains free of neurodegenerative disorders was also performed. HTT expression was correlated with the expression of genes involved in neurodevelopment while co-expression network analyses also revealed that HTT expression was associated with developmental biological processes. Expression weighted cell-type enrichment (EWCE) analyses were used to explore which specific cell-types were associated with HD cortical cell loss and these associations were validated using cell specific single nucleus RNAseq (snRNAseq) data from post-mortem HD brains. The developmental transcriptomic profile of cortical cell loss in preHD was enriched in astrocytes and endothelial cells, while the neurodegenerative transcriptomic profile was enriched for neuronal and microglial cells. Astrocyte-specific genes differentially expressed in HD post-mortem brains relative to controls using snRNAseq were enriched in the developmental transcriptomic profile, while neuronal and microglial-specific genes were enriched in the neurodegenerative transcriptomic profile Our findings suggest that cortical cell loss in preHD may arise from dual pathological processes, emerging as a consequence of neurodevelopmental changes, at the beginning of life, followed by neurodegeneration in adulthood, targeting areas with reduced expression of synaptic and metabolic genes. These events result in age-related cell death across multiple brain cell types

    Safety and Feasibility of Research Lumbar Puncture in Huntington’s Disease: The HDClarity Cohort and Bioresource

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    Background: Biomarkers are needed to monitor disease progression, target engagement and efficacy in Huntington’s disease (HD). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an ideal medium to research such biomarkers due to its proximity to the brain. Objective: To investigate the safety and feasibility of research lumbar punctures (LP) in HD. Methods: HDClarity is an ongoing international biofluid collection initiative built on the Enroll-HD platform, where clinical assessments are recorded. It aims to recruit 1,200 participants. Biosamples are collected following an overnight fast: blood via venipuncture and CSF via LP. Participants are healthy controls and HD gene expansion carriers across the disease spectrum. We report on monitored data from February 2016 to September 2019. Results: Of 448 participants screened, 398 underwent at least 1 sampling visit, of which 98.24% were successful (i.e., CSF was collected), amounting to 10,610 mL of CSF and 8,200 mL of plasma. In the total 572 sampling visits, adverse events were reported in 24.13%, and headaches of any kind and post-LP headaches in 14.86% and 12.24%, respectively. Frequencies were less in manifest HD; gender, age, body mass index and disease burden score were not associated with the occurrence of the events in gene expansion carriers. Headaches and back pain were the most frequent adverse events. Conclusion: HDClarity is the largest CSF collection initiative to support scientific research into HD and is now stablished as a leading resource for HD research. Our data confirm that research LP in HD are feasible and acceptable to the community, and have a manageable safety profile

    Visuospatial Processing Deficits Linked to Posterior Brain Regions in Premanifest and Early Stage Huntington's Disease.

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    OBJECTIVES: Visuospatial processing deficits have been reported in Huntington's disease (HD). To date, no study has examined associations between visuospatial cognition and posterior brain findings in HD. METHODS: We compared 119 premanifest (55> and 64<10.8 years to expected disease onset) and 104 early symptomatic (59 stage-1 and 45 stage-2) gene carriers, with 110 controls on visual search and mental rotation performance at baseline and 12 months. In the disease groups, we also examined associations between task performance and disease severity, functional capacity and structural brain measures. RESULTS: Cross-sectionally, there were strong differences between all disease groups and controls on visual search, and between diagnosed groups and controls on mental rotation accuracy. Only the premanifest participants close to onset took longer than controls to respond correctly to mental rotation. Visual search negatively correlated with disease burden and motor symptoms in diagnosed individuals, and positively correlated with functional capacity. Mental rotation ("same") was negatively correlated with motor symptoms in stage-2 individuals, and positively correlated with functional capacity. Visual search and mental rotation were associated with parieto-occipital (pre-/cuneus, calcarine, lingual) and temporal (posterior fusiform) volume and cortical thickness. Longitudinally, visual search deteriorated over 12 months in stage-2 individuals, with no evidence of declines in mental rotation. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide evidence linking early visuospatial deficits to functioning and posterior cortical dysfunction in HD. The findings are important since large research efforts have focused on fronto-striatal mediated cognitive changes, with little attention given to aspects of cognition outside of these areas. (JINS, 2016, 22, 595-608)

    Progressive alterations in white matter microstructure across the timecourse of Huntington's disease

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    BACKGROUND: Whole-brain longitudinal diffusion studies are crucial to examine changes in structural connectivity in neurodegeneration. Here, we investigated the longitudinal alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure across the timecourse of Huntington's disease (HD). METHODS: We examined changes in WM microstructure from premanifest to early manifest disease, using data from two cohorts with different disease burden. The TrackOn-HD study included 67 controls, 67 premanifest, and 10 early manifest HD (baseline and 24-month data); the PADDINGTON study included 33 controls and 49 early manifest HD (baseline and 15-month data). Longitudinal changes in fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity from baseline to last study visit were investigated for each cohort using tract-based spatial statistics. An optimized pipeline was employed to generate participant-specific templates to which diffusion tensor imaging maps were registered and change maps were calculated. We examined longitudinal differences between HD expansion-carriers and controls, and correlations with clinical scores, including the composite UHDRS (cUHDRS). RESULTS: HD expansion-carriers from TrackOn-HD, with lower disease burden, showed a significant longitudinal decline in FA in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus and an increase in MD across subcortical WM tracts compared to controls, while in manifest HD participants from PADDINGTON, there were significant widespread longitudinal increases in diffusivity compared to controls. Baseline scores in clinical scales including the cUHDRS predicted WM microstructural change in HD expansion-carriers. CONCLUSION: The present study showed significant longitudinal changes in WM microstructure across the HD timecourse. Changes were evident in larger WM areas and across more metrics as the disease advanced, suggesting a progressive alteration of WM microstructure with disease evolution

    Altered Intracortical T1-Weighted/T2-Weighted Ratio Signal in Huntington’s Disease

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a genetic neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by neuronal cell death. Although medium spiny neurons in the striatum are predominantly affected, other brain regions including the cerebral cortex also degenerate. Previous structural imaging studies have reported decreases in cortical thickness in HD. Here we aimed to further investigate changes in cortical tissue composition in vivo in HD using standard clinical T1-weighted (T1W) and T2-weighted (T2W) magnetic resonance images (MRIs). 326 subjects from the TRACK-HD dataset representing healthy controls and four stages of HD progression were analyzed. The intracortical T1W/T2W intensity was sampled in the middle depth of the cortex over 82 regions across the cortex. While these previously collected images were not optimized for intracortical analysis, we found a significant increase in T1W/T2W intensity (p < 0.05 Bonferroni-Holm corrected) beginning with HD diagnosis. Increases in ratio intensity were found in the insula, which then spread to ventrolateral frontal cortex, superior temporal gyrus, medial temporal gyral pole, and cuneus with progression into the most advanced HD group studied. Mirroring past histological reports, this increase in the ratio image intensity may reflect disease-related increases in myelin and/or iron in the cortex. These findings suggest that future imaging studies are warranted with imaging optimized to more sensitively and specifically assess which features of cortical tissue composition are abnormal in HD to better characterize disease progression