10 research outputs found

    Dampak Kelangkaan Pupuk Bersubsidi Terhadap Produksi dan Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah di Desa Waimital, Kecamatan Kairatu, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi terhadap produksi dan pendapatan petani padi sawah di Desa Waimital, Kecamatan Kairatu, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan kuantitatif  dan menggunakan analisis uji paired sample test. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi yang berdampak pada produksi dan pendapatan petani padi sawah di tempat penelitian. Penyebab kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi yang terjadi karena adanya ketidaksesuaian antara permintaan/usulan terhadap pupuk bersubsidi dengan realisasi dari pemerintah, akibat kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi petani rela membeli pupuk nonsubsidi yang harganya sangat mahal guna memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk mereka. Hal ini menyebabkan produksi menurun dari rata-rata 1.567 kg/musim tanam sebelum kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi menjadi rata-rata 1.527 kg/musim tanam selama kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi

    Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis Jambu Mete

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the agribusiness system, income level, and development strategy. Determination of the sample of farmer respondents using Simple Random Sampling, with farmer respondents as many as 34 people. The results showed that the agribusiness system includes cultivation, production, downstream processing and supporting institutions. The average total income of cashew farmers per harvest season is Rp. 4,582,022 with an average land area of 1.33 ha. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it can be concluded that the total score of the IFE matrix in the development of cashew agribusiness in Bantea Village is 2.826693 and the EFE matrix is 2.725203.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem agribisnis, tingkat pendapatan, dan strategi pengembangan. Penentuan sampel responden petani menggunakan Simple Random Sampling, dengan responden petani sebanyak 34 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem agribisnis meliputi budidaya, produksi, pengolahan hilir dan lembaga penunjang. Rata-rata total pendapatan petani jambu mete per musim panen sebesar Rp. 4.582.022 dengan rata-rata luas lahan sebesar 1,33 ha. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT dapat disimpulkan bahwa total skor matriks IFE dalam pengembangan agribisnis jambu mete di Desa Bantea adalah 2,826693 dan matriks EFE adalah 2,725203

    The Demand of Organic Vegetables at Frismart Modern Market in Ambon City

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    Organic farming is an alternative technology to address environmental issues. Organic farming is cultivated would increase farmers' profits.Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence consumer demand for organic vegetables.Design/methodology/approach: Research is located at modern of market Frismart of Ambon City takes place in May-June, 2015. Method of determining the location of the research is purposive sampling with consideration at Frismart of Ambon City is one of retail market of organic vegetables. Methods The samples are accidental sampling totaling 35 people who met by chance when they visit the frismart. Data were analyzed quantitatively against the factors that influence consumer demand for organic vegetables. Findings: The results of simultaneous analysis show that the factors that significantly affect demand for organic vegetables in Frismart Ambon is: The price of organic vegetables (X1), the price of vegetables non-organic (X2), the consumer's income (X3), the number of family members (X4), intensity of need (D1) and tastes of consumers (D2). Keywords: Demmand, organic vegetable, Frismart Ambon Cit


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    The current research aimed to analyze the relative efficiency level of enbal (sago starch) agro-industries. The relative efficiency analysis on 32 DMUs of enbal agro-industries showed that 40,63% of the industries were efficient and 59.38% were inefficient. Every efficient DMU became the reference for the inefficient DMUs based on the suggested quality. Each DMU of the enbal agro-industries has not reached a good efficiency level, which was indicated by the average relative efficiency scale of 0.886. This was a relatively low value, and improvements on the use of production input were needed. The analysis result on the DMUs of the enbal agro-industries which were on constant return to scale position were 40,62%. This showed that enbal agro-industries actors have applied production input efficiently, for the production increase was equal to the use of input. In other words, the use of input was more proportional. The DMUs of enbal agro-industries which were on decreasing return to scale position were 15,63%. This showed that the use of production input had been unsuitable so that the output decreases and the production cost increased. Meanwhile, the DMUs that were on increasing return to scale position were 43,75%. This showed that the industry actors who used certain production input would create efficient DMUs. On the other hand, the input excess would possibly decrease the output. As a result, the industry actors should be concerned about the use of production input in order to establish business efficiency

    Analisis Usaha Pengolahan Ampas Ubi Kayu (Gepe) di Desa Waai Kecamatan Salahutu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    The purposes of this study were to find out the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry and to analyze the feasibility of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry in Waai Village. The method used was case study method towards cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry businessmen as many as 50 respondents. Data collected in this study were primary data and secondary data. Data obtained then were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to answer the first objective about the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry. The B/C analysis was used to answer the second objective about the feasibility of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry. The results showed that the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry were: 1) the raw materials for gepe agroindustry in Waai village was cassavas. Cassavas used as raw materials in Waai village were edible cassavas and poisonous cassavas with high HCN content; 2) The processing of gepe in Waai Village used semi-mechanical technologies such as jack and grated machine; 3) Production cost for the processing of gepe was an average of Rp. 3,181,066 per month; 4) The production of gepe in Waai Village was an average 41.06 kg per month; and 5) The marketing of gepe was through two distribution channels, that respondents sold to village wholesalers in Waai village with the selling price ranging from Rp. 4,735/kg to Rp. 4,912/kg and sold directly to consumers in Batu Merah Traditional Market with the selling price of Rp. 5,263/kg. The cassava dregs agroindustry in Waai Village was feasible because the B/C ratio is 2.50 which is greater than 1


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    Stunting merupakan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada balita akibat kekurangan gizi kronis, terutama pada 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Setengah dari provinsi di Indonesia memiliki angka prevalensi stunting lebih tinggi dari angka nasional. Provinsi Maluku merupakan salah satu provinsi yang memiliki angka prevalensi stunting diatas angka nasional. Hasil Survei Status Gizi Balita Indonesia (SSGBI) dan susenas tahun 2019 menunjukkan bahwa angka prevalensi stunting di Maluku 30,38 persen. Pada tahun 2021 angka prevalensi stunting mengalami penurunan di Maluku menjadi 28,70 persen (Berdasarkan SSGI,2021). Tingginya angka prevalensi stunting di Maluku merupakan masalah yang serius dan perlu segera diatasi oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab stunting dan dampaknya, mengetahui strategi pencegahan stunting, dan mengetahui percepatan penurunan stunting melalui pencegahan dari hulu di Maluku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Target penurunan prevalensi stunting yang semakin mendekati masa waktu pencapaian pada tahun 2024 memerlukan strategi yang komprehensif dengan program yang dijalankan. Pencegahan stunting dari hulu baik pada fase remaja dan fase calon pengantin dapat membatu pengambilan kebijakan baik di level nasional maupun level provinsi/kabupaten/kota. Untuk itu diperlukan penguatan strategi penurunan stunting di dari hulu dengan edukasi dan pendampingan pranikah


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    Pemerintah menerbitkan Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia (Inpres) Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Optimalisasi Penyelenggaraan Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas. Inpres yang dapat diakses pada laman JDIH Sekretariat Kabinet ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan memberdayakan serta memperkuat institusi keluarga melalui optimalisasi penyelenggaraan kampung keluarga berkualitas di setiap desa/kelurahan. Perkembangan kampung KB di propinsi Maluku cukup baik karena telah terbentuk kampung KB hampir di seluruh kabupaten/kota. Hal ini menjadi penting karena untuk meningkatkan keakuratan data kependudukan maka melalui kampung KB maka ketersediaan data penduduk akan semakin baik. Jumlah kampung KB di Propinsi Maluku sebanyak 400 dengan klasifikasi dasar sebanyak 83,29%, berkembang sebanyak 12,66%, mandiri sebanyak 0,75% dan berkelanjutan sebanyak 3,29%. Terlihat bahwa klasifikasi kampung KB pada kabupaten/kota penyebarannya belum seimbang. Perlu pendampingan kader kampung KB  supaya terus mengarah ke fase berikutnya. Program Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting (Dashat) diharapkan mampu mengubah pola perilaku masyarakat, dalam penyiapan gizi seimbang yang dimulai keluarga. Dashat sebagai program pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam upaya pemenuhan gizi seimbang


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    Research aims to study the characteristics of sago local food agro-industries, analyze the factors that influence entrepreneurs’ characters, and analyze the effects of entrepreneurs’ characters on the management, institutional system, and the performance of agro-industries. The research focus is on local food agroindustrial of sago. While the subject of research is entrepreneurs  the processing of food products of local as key businessman in the development of business. The total population of the local sago food product entrepreneurs is 240 people. Sampling using Slovin formula (n = N / (1 + N e²) = 240 / (1 + 240 x 0,05²) = 150). Data analysis is done qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis to describe entrepreneur character, while quantitative analysis to analyze factors influencing entrepreneurial character and influence of entrepreneur character to management, institute and performance of local food agroindustry sago. The research result shows that the characteristics of the entrepreneurs include: possessing high motivation to satisfy life necessaries; future-oriented; having good leadership skills; having a wide business network; facing the changes responsively and creatively. The index value of the five characteristics varies, ranging from 60-75 percent. The entrepreneurs’ characteristics on average category include good leadership skills, facing the changes responsively and creatively. These two characteristics still need to be improved by the businessmen in order to create better characters. Meanwhile, the highly-categorized characteristics are retained or even further improved. The SEM analysis result shows that economical and physical factors affect the entrepreneurs’ characters, whereas social factor does not give any effect. Besides, the result as well indicates that the entrepreneurs’ characters significantly influence the management, the institutional, and the performance of agro-industries. This is important to build entrepreneurial spirit in order to develop sago local food industries

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Rumah Dalam Penurunan Stunting di Desa Passo Kecamatan Baguala Kota Ambon

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi ibu rumah tangga terhadap stunting dan pemanfaatan pekarangan rumah untuk penurunan stunting di Desa Passo. Pengambilan populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu rumah tangga yang anaknya mengalami stunting, sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara sensus sehingga jumlah sampe yang diambil adalah 41 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persepsi ibu rumah tangga terhadap stunting dapat dilihat berdasarkan pengertian stunting, penyebab stunting, dampak dan pencegahan stunting. Pemanfaatan pekarangan di Desa Passo dimanfaatan dengan berbagai jenis tanaman sayuran, buah-buahan, tanaman rempah dan tanaman hias

    Entrepreneurship Behavior and Performance Factors of Local Cassava Enbal Food Agroindustry

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    This study was conducted to describe individual, socioeconomic entrepreneurial behavior, and performance factors of local cassava enbal food agro-industry. It also aims to analyze the influence of behavior on performance of local cassava enbal food agro-industry. The focus on entrepreneurs is due to their importance in the development of agro-industry businesses. The results showed that all the indicators measured namely individual and socioeconomic factors greatly influenced entrepreneurial behavior in the development of cassava enbal processing business. This business was considered a regional local food that holds significant importance as an asset, requiring maintenance and preservation. Entrepreneurial behavior indicators had a significant influence on performance of local regional Home Food Industry with a critical ratio (CR) value of > 2.00, meaning that all indicators formed had a significant effect. The entrepreneurs of cassava enbal home industry showed great enthusiasm in developing their business by offering a variety of processed products with significant selling value. Therefore, it can be concluded that cassava enbal food is a regional food requiring maintenance and preservation for the future of the younger generation