12 research outputs found

    The growth of northeastern Tibet and its relevance to large-scale continental geodynamics: A review of recent studies

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    Recent studies of the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau have called attention to two emerging views of how the Tibetan Plateau has grown. First, deformation in northern Tibet began essentially at the time of collision with India, not 10–20 Myr later as might be expected if the locus of activity migrated northward as India penetrated the rest of Eurasia. Thus, the north-south dimensions of the Tibetan Plateau were set mainly by differences in lithospheric strength, with strong lithosphere beneath India and the Tarim and Qaidam basins steadily encroaching on one another as the region between them, the present-day Tibetan Plateau, deformed, and its north-south dimension became narrower. Second, abundant evidence calls for acceleration of deformation, including the formation of new faults, in northeastern Tibet since ~15 Ma and a less precisely dated change in orientation of crustal shortening since ~20 Ma. This reorientation of crustal shortening and roughly concurrent outward growth of high terrain, which swings from NNE-SSW in northern Tibet to more NE-SW and even ENE-WSW in the easternmost part of northeastern Tibet, are likely to be, in part, a consequence of crustal thickening within the high Tibetan Plateau reaching a limit, and the locus of continued shortening then migrating to the northeastern and eastern flanks. These changes in rates and orientation also could result from removal of some or all mantle lithosphere and increased gravitational potential energy per unit area and from a weakening of crustal material so that it could flow in response to pressure gradients set by evolving differences in elevation

    Incision into the Eastern Andean Plateau During Pliocene Cooling

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    Canyon incision into mountain topography is commonly used as a proxy for surface uplift driven by tectonic or geodynamic processes, but climatic changes can also instigate incision. The ~1250-kilometer (km)–long eastern margin of the Andean Plateau hosts a series of 1.5- to 2.5-km-deep canyons that cross major deformation zones. Using (U-Th)/He thermochronology, we document a transition from Miocene faulting to Pliocene canyon incision across the northeastern plateau margin. Regionally, widespread Pliocene incision into the eastern plateau margin is concurrent with a shift in global climate from early Pliocene warmth to late Pliocene cooling. Enhanced moisture transport onto the Andean Plateau driven by sea surface temperature changes during cooling is the likely pacemaker for canyon incision. Defining the role of tectonic and climateprocesses in shaping mountain topogra-phy is often limited by an inability to discern among different exhumation mechanisms. Deep canyons have been carved into high-elevation, low-relief terrain along both flanks of the Andean Plateau (Fig. 1). Reconstructing th

    Middle Miocene reorganization of deformation along the northeastern Tibetan Plateau

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    Temporal variations in the orientation of Cenozoic range growth in northeastern Tibet define two modes by which India-Asia convergence was accommodated. Thermochronological age-elevation transects from the hanging walls of two major thrust-fault systems reveal diachronous Miocene exhumation of the Laji-Jishi Shan in northeastern Tibet. Whereas accelerated growth of the WNW-trending eastern Laji Shan began ca. 22 Ma, rapid growth of the adjacent, north-trending Jishi Shan did not commence until ca. 13 Ma. This change in thrust-fault orientation refl ects a Middle Miocene change in the kinematic style of plateau growth, from long-standing NNE-SSW contraction that mimicked the plate convergence direction to the inclusion of new structures accommodating east-west motion. This kinematic shift in northeastern Tibet coincides with expansion of the plateau margin in southeastern Tibet, the onset of normal faulting in central Tibet, and accelerated shortening in northern Tibet. Together these phenomena suggest a plateau-wide reorganization of deformation

    Early Cenozoic Drainage Evolution and Surface Uplift of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights From the Ninglang Basin

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    Abstract The modern high topography of the eastern Tibetan Plateau is drained by several of the largest rivers on Earth, and exerts a prominent influence on the Asian monsoon pattern. However, when the high terrain was formed remains highly debated. Here, we present detrital zircon U‐Pb ages that indicate a south‐flowing drainage system with distal headwaters passed through the Ninglang Basin at ca. 45 Ma. We advocate for early–middle Eocene surface uplift in the Gonjo Basin and areas to the west creating a southeast tilted topography across eastern Tibet. The termination of sedimentation at ca. 40 Ma implies that the river system had deviated from the Ninglang Basin, which we interpret as a result of rise of the Yalong‐Yulong thrust belt. Combined with other lines of evidence from previous studies, we support the establishment of moderate‐high elevation topography of eastern Tibet by late Eocene time