94 research outputs found

    Effects of Copper Sulfate on Benthic Algae; A Laboratory Experiment

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    Copper sulfate is applied in inland waters as a management tool to control phytoplankton and the snails associated with the condition of schistiosome dermatitis. Application rates to control algae and snails range from 1.0 mg/l to 25.0 mg/l of copper sulfate, respectively. Previous studies have focused on a variety of aspects of this practice, however, few have determined the effects of copper sulfate treatments on benthic algae. Therefore, a short-term laboratory experiment was executed. Algal communities were established in laboratory microcosms using sediment and water collected from Muskegon Lake, Michigan. Microcosms were assigned to one of four treatments: control 0, 1.0 mg/l, 10.0 mg/l, or 25 mg/l of copper sulfate. After 48-hours, chlorophyll a, total dissolved copper, cell density, and community structure were determined. Chlorophyll a declined significantly due to copper, however, algal densities did not. The differences in measured responses may be due to sediment adsorption or duration of the experiment

    Characterization of the Temporomandibular Joint of Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis).

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    The structure-function relationship of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of southern sea otter has largely not been described. This study aims to describe the histological, biochemical, and biomechanical features of the TMJ disk in the southern sea otter. The TMJ disks from fresh cadaver heads of southern sea otter adult males (n = 8) and females (n = 8) acquired from strandings were examined. Following macroscopical evaluation, the TMJs were investigated for their histological, mechanical, and biochemical properties. We found that the sea otter TMJ disks are, in general, similar to other carnivores. Macroscopically, the TMJ disk was highly congruent, and the mandibular head was encased tightly by the mandibular fossa with a thin disk separating the joint into two compartments. Histologically, the articular surfaces were lined with dense fibrous connective tissue that gradually transitioned into one to two cell thick layer of hyaline-like cartilage. The disk fibers were aligned primarily in the rostrocaudal direction and had occasional lacuna with chondrocyte-like cells. The disk was composed primarily of collagen type 1. Biochemical analysis indicates sulfated glycosaminoglycan content lower than other mammals, but significantly higher in male sea otters than female sea otters. Finally, mechanical analysis demonstrated a disk that was not only stronger and stiffer in the rostrocaudal direction than the mediolateral direction but also significantly stronger and stiffer in females than males. We conclude that the congruent design of the TMJ, thin disk, biochemical content, and mechanical properties all reflect a structure-function relationship within the TMJ disk that is likely designed for the sea otter's hard diet and continuous food intake

    Anatomía, Fisiología y Patología del Big Data. Reflexiones informático-clínicas en tres tomos

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo hacer un análisis sobre los principios, funcionamiento y desafíos futuros del Big Data, desde la perspectiva de la Minería de Datos, haciendo una descripción informático-clínica en tres tomos. El Tomo I versará sobre la anatomía del Big Data, en tren de buscar una forma de diseccionarlo en sus conceptos fundamentales. Por su parte, el Tomo II será una descripción de su fisiología, para poder descubrir su funcionamiento a la luz de las tareas de la Minería de Datos. Finalmente, el Tomo III pondrá la lupa sobre las patologías del Big Data, entendiéndolas como nuevos desafíos a ser superados con las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información

    Nella gloriosissima esaltazione dell'illustrissimo, e reverendissimo sig. co. canonico Lodovico Calini al vescovado di Crema Sonetto in cui s'allude alla scala, e bandiera stemma gentilizio dell'illustriss. casa / [Alessio Leale]

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    In Brescia : dalle stampe di Giacomo Turlino, 1731 1 foglio ; 54 cm Note Nome dell'A. in calce Fregi e iniziale xilogr

    Taller-tutorial: Recolección, procesamiento y análisis de datos en Twitter

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    Las redes sociales son un medio importante para procesar información. Twitter, es una de las más poderosas para compartir, amplificar y sondear opiniones. En su política de privacidad puede leerse: “Lo que se publica en Twitter puede verse en todo el mundo de manera instantánea. ¡Eres lo que tuiteas!”. Esta frase promueve la idea de que cada tuit tiene el objetivo implícito de ser un “grito al mundo”. Motivado por estas posibilidades, la presente propuesta de Tutorial-Taller está orientado especialmente a los investigadores en las Ciencias Sociales que consideren necesarios la recopilación y el análisis de los datos provenientes de Twitter.Facultad de Informátic

    Telecoaching: a potential new training model for Charcot-Marie-Tooth patients: a systematic review

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    IntroductionCharcot–Marie–Tooth disease (CMT) is an inherited neuropathy that affects the sensory and motor nerves. It can be considered the most common neuromuscular disease, with a prevalence of 1/2500.MethodsConsidering the absence of a specific medical treatment and the benefits shown by physical activity in this population, a systematic review was completed using several search engines (Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science) to analyze the use, effectiveness, and safety of a training program performed in telecoaching (TC). TC is a new training mode that uses mobile devices and digital technology to ensure remote access to training.ResultsOf the 382 studies identified, only 7 met the inclusion criteria. The effects of a TC training program included improvements in strength, cardiovascular ability, and functional abilities, as well as gait and fatigue. However, the quality of the studies was moderate, the size of the participants in each study was small, and the outcome measured was partial.DiscussionAlthough many studies have identified statistically significant changes following the administration of the TC training protocol, further studies are needed, with appropriate study power, better quality, and a higher sample size

    Telecoaching: a potential new training model for Charcot-Marie-Tooth patients: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is an inherited neuropathy that affects the sensory and motor nerves. It can be considered the most common neuromuscular disease, with a prevalence of 1/2500. Methods: Considering the absence of a specific medical treatment and the benefits shown by physical activity in this population, a systematic review was completed using several search engines (Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science) to analyze the use, effectiveness, and safety of a training program performed in telecoaching (TC). TC is a new training mode that uses mobile devices and digital technology to ensure remote access to training. Results: Of the 382 studies identified, only 7 met the inclusion criteria. The effects of a TC training program included improvements in strength, cardiovascular ability, and functional abilities, as well as gait and fatigue. However, the quality of the studies was moderate, the size of the participants in each study was small, and the outcome measured was partial. Discussion: Although many studies have identified statistically significant changes following the administration of the TC training protocol, further studies are needed, with appropriate study power, better quality, and a higher sample size

    Una experiencia educativa en una asignatura universitaria de desarrollo de software en un contexto educacional virtual forzado por el aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio

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    El año 2020 se encuentra teñido por la incertidumbre, donde una Pandemia nos azota desde principios de marzo. En este contexto, el Gobierno Nacional ha decretado el “Aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio” el cual ha resultado en un cambio de paradigma social profundo, donde las instituciones educativas no han sido la excepción. Para hacer frente a este desafío, y en particular, nuestra Institución educativa, han tenido que reinventarse para enfrentar este nuevo paradigma de educación, uno que es íntegramente virtual. El propósito principal de este trabajo es recabar información cuantificable del grado de aceptación por un grupo de alumnos y docentes a esta nueva metodología de trabajo, completamente virtual y aprovechando las virtudes de las herramientas de última generación. Las asignaturas en cuestión son de índole tecnológico, y poseen como finalidad el desarrollo de software específico. Los alumnos fue-ron provistos de las herramientas para hacerle frente a este escenario y evaluaremos si estas han sido usadas correctamente o no. Concluiremos con un análisis detallado de esta primera experiencia y evaluaremos la posibilidad de que este formato virtual sea provechoso para los docentes y los alumnos una vez re-instituido el cursado presencial para ofrecerlo como una opción viable a largo plazo.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    A novel clustering approach for biological data using a new distance based on Gene Ontology

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    When applying clustering algorithms on biological data the information about biological processes is not usually present in an explicit way, although this knowledge is later used by biologists to validate the clusters and the relations found among data. This work presents a new distance measure for biological data which combines expression and semantic information, in order to be used into a clustering algorithm. The distance is calculated pairwise among all pairs of genes and it is incorporated during the training process of the clustering algorithm. The approach was evaluated on two real datasets using several validation measures. The obtained results are consistent across all the measures, showing better semantic quality for clusters with the new algorithm in comparison to standard clustering.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ