2,488 research outputs found

    Small-amplitude perturbations of shape for a nearly spherical bubble in an inviscid straining flow (steady shapes and oscillatory motion)

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    The method of domain perturbations is used to study the problem of a nearly spherical bubble in an inviscid, axisymmetric straining flow. Steady-state shapes and axisymmetric oscillatory motions are considered. The steady-state solutions suggest the existence of a limit point at a critical Weber number, beyond which no solution exists on the steady-state solution branch which includes the spherical equilibrium state in the absence of flow (e.g. the critical value of 1.73 is estimated from the third-order solution). In addition, the first-order steady-state shape exhibits a maximum radius at θ = 1/6π which clearly indicates the barrel-like shape that was found earlier via numerical finite-deformation theories for higher Weber numbers. The oscillatory motion of a nearly spherical bubble is considered in two different ways. First, a small perturbation to a spherical base state is studied with the ad hoc assumption that the steady-state shape is spherical for the complete Weber-number range of interest. This analysis shows that the frequency of oscillation decreases as Weber number increases, and that a spherical bubble shape is unstable if Weber number is larger than 4.62. Secondly, the correct steady-state shape up to O(W) is included to obtain a rigorous asymptotic formula for the frequency change at small Weber number. This asymptotic analysis also shows that the frequency decreases as Weber number increases; for example, in the case of the principal mode (n = 2), ω^2 = ω_0^0(1−0.31W), where ω_0 is the oscillation frequency of a bubble in a quiescent fluid

    Bubble dynamics in time-periodic straining flows

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    The dynamics and breakup of a bubble in an axisymmetric, time-periodic straining flow has been investigated via analysis of an approximate dynamic model and also by time-dependent numerical solutions of the full fluid mechanics problem. The analyses reveal that in the neighbourhood of a stable steady solution, an O(ϵ1/3) time-dependent change of bubble shape can be obtained from an O(ε) resonant forcing. Furthermore, the probability of bubble breakup at subcritical Weber numbers can be maximized by choosing an optimal forcing frequency for a fixed forcing amplitude

    Treatment of bimodality in proficiency test of pH in bioethanol matrix

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    The pH value in bioethanol is a quality control parameter related to its acidity and to the corrosiveness of vehicle engines when it is used as fuel. In order to verify the comparability and reliability of the measurement of pH in bioethanol matrix among some experienced chemical laboratories, reference material (RM) of bioethanol developed by Inmetro - the Brazilian National Metrology Institute - was used in a proficiency testing (PT) scheme. There was a difference of more than one unit in the value of the pH measured due to the type of internal filling electrolytic solutions (potassium chloride, KCl or lithium chloride, LiCl) from the commercial pH combination electrodes used by the participant laboratories. Therefore, bimodal distribution has occurred from the data of this PT scheme. This work aims to present the possibilities that a PT scheme provider can use to overcome the bimodality problem. Data from the PT of pH in bioethanol were treated by two different statistical approaches: kernel density model and the mixture of distributions. Application of these statistical treatments improved the initial diagnoses of PT provider, by solving bimodality problem and contributing for a better performance evaluation in measuring pH of bioethanol.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Accreditation and Quality Assurance (ACQUAL

    Smart capabilities of a laminated piezoelectric plate model

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    This paper focuses on the modelling and analysis of actuator and sensor effects for thin laminated plates, which are formed by stacking several layers of different piezoelectric materials. We first discuss features and properties of a two-dimensional asymptotic model for a piezoelectric anisotropic plate, whose unknowns are the Kirchhoff-Love displacement and the electric potential. We prove that the latter is a quadratic polynomial of the plate’s thickness. The polynomial’s coefficients depend on the tangential and transverse displacements of the plate’s middle plane and the material coefficients. The asymptotic laminated plate model is discretized using finite elements. To investigate its smart capabilities we use two discrete optimization problems: the first one, focusing on the actuator effect, aims at obtaining a maximum displacement of the plate’s middle plane; the second one that corresponds to the sensor effect intends to maximize the electric potential at a predefined thickness of the plate. The optimization variables are the thicknesses of the layers, their ordering as well as the location of the applied electric potential (for the actuator problem) or the location of the applied mechanical forces (for the sensor problem). Since we also want to minimize the number of these locations (besides maximizing the above objectives), we obtain a multi-objective optimization problem that we solve using genetic algorithms. Several numerical results are reported

    Smart capabilities of a laminated piezoelectric plate model

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    This paper focuses on the modelling and analysis of actuator and sensor effects for thin laminated plates, which are formed by stacking several layers of different piezoelectric materials. We first discuss features and properties of a two-dimensional asymptotic model for a piezoelectric anisotropic plate, whose unknowns are the Kirchhoff-Love displacement and the electric potential. We prove that the latter is a quadratic polynomial of the plate’s thickness. The polynomial’s coefficients depend on the tangential and transverse displacements of the plate’s middle plane and the material coefficients. The asymptotic laminated plate model is discretized using finite elements. To investigate its smart capabilities we use two discrete optimization problems: the first one, focusing on the actuator effect, aims at obtaining a maximum displacement of the plate’s middle plane; the second one that corresponds to the sensor effect intends to maximize the electric potential at a predefined thickness of the plate. The optimization variables are the thicknesses of the layers, their ordering as well as the location of the applied electric potential (for the actuator problem) or the location of the applied mechanical forces (for the sensor problem). Since we also want to minimize the number of these locations (besides maximizing the above objectives), we obtain a multi-objective optimization problem that we solve using genetic algorithms. Several numerical results are reported

    Living bacteria rheology: population growth, aggregation patterns and cooperative behaviour under different shear flows

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    The activity of growing living bacteria was investigated using real-time and in situ rheology -- in stationary and oscillatory shear. Two different strains of the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus -- strain COL and its isogenic cell wall autolysis mutant -- were considered in this work. For low bacteria density, strain COL forms small clusters, while the mutant, presenting deficient cell separation, forms irregular larger aggregates. In the early stages of growth, when subjected to a stationary shear, the viscosity of both strains increases with the population of cells. As the bacteria reach the exponential phase of growth, the viscosity of the two strains follow different and rich behaviours, with no counterpart in the optical density or in the population's colony forming units measurements. While the viscosity of strain COL keeps increasing during the exponential phase and returns close to its initial value for the late phase of growth, where the population stabilizes, the viscosity of the mutant strain decreases steeply, still in the exponential phase, remains constant for some time and increases again, reaching a constant plateau at a maximum value for the late phase of growth. These complex viscoelastic behaviours, which were observed to be shear stress dependent, are a consequence of two coupled effects: the cell density continuous increase and its changing interacting properties. The viscous and elastic moduli of strain COL, obtained with oscillatory shear, exhibit power-law behaviours whose exponent are dependent on the bacteria growth stage. The viscous and elastic moduli of the mutant have complex behaviours, emerging from the different relaxation times that are associated with the large molecules of the medium and the self-organized structures of bacteria. These behaviours reflect nevertheless the bacteria growth stage.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Effect of the Target Size in the Calculation of the Energy Deposited Using PENELOPE Code

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    The specific and linear energy was calculated in target sizes of 10 μm, 5 μm, 1 μm, 60 nm, 40nm and 20 nm by taking into account the contribution of the primary photon beams and the electrons generated by them in LiF: Mg, Ti (TLD-100). The simulations were carried out by the code PENELOPE 2011. Using different histories of primary particles, for each energy beams the mean deposited energy is the same, but to achieve a statistical deviation lower than 1% the value of 108was fixed. We find that setting the values C1 = 0.1 C2 = 0.1 and Wcc = Wcr = 50 eV the time of simulation decreases around the 25%. The uncertainties (1 SD) in the specific energy increases with energy for all target sizes and decreases with target size, with values from 1.7 to 94% for 20 nm and between 0.1 and 0.8% for 10 μm. As expected, the specific and linear energies decrease with target size but not in a geometrical behavior

    Banco de sementes em sistemas de produção de agricultura com queima e sem queima no município de Marapanim, Pará.

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    Na agricultura de corte e queima, a capoeira tem como papel principal a fertilização da terra após a queima de sua biomassa vegetal. Geralmente as repetidas queimadas acabam destruindo todas as formas de regeneração, incluindo o banco de sementes. Pensando nessa problemática, o Projeto Studies of Human Impact on Forests and Floodplains in the Tropics (SHIFT), no qual esta pesquisa se insere, após uma série de estudos básicos sobre as capoeiras da região Bragantina, vem desenvolvendo uma alternativa de produção agrícola em que a capoeira é usada como fonte de nutrientes e matéria orgânica para o solo em sistemas de produção de ?agricultura sem queima?. O trabalho desenvolvido no município de Marapanim foi um experimento participativo, uma nova abordagem do projeto, onde as áreas foram definidas pelos agricultores. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o potencial do banco de sementes de áreas submetidas a diferentes práticas agrícolas, caracterizando qualitativa e quantitativamente sua composição florística. Foram testadas as hipóteses de que o fogo diminui o potencial do banco de sementes e cria condições favoráveis à regeneração de espécies invasoras herbáceas. A cobertura triturada minimiza os impactos provocados pela queima sobre a diversidade vegetal e aumenta a regeneração de espécies acumuladoras de biomassa. O potencial de germinação do banco de sementes nos tratamentos foi monitorado durante 270 dias. Nos tratamentos queima e cobertura triturada, foram avaliadas a densidade, riqueza de espécies, famílias e formas de vida predominantes. No banco de sementes antes do manejo do solo, a densidade média na queima foi de 284 indivíduos/m2 e na cobertura triturada 328 indivíduos/m2. Depois do manejo do solo na queima, foram encontrados em média 23 indivíduos/m2 e na cobertura triturada 139 indivíduos/m2. As espécies mais freqüentes nos dois momentos e nos dois tratamentos foram Borreria latifolia, Fimbristylis meliacea e Cyperus diffusus. As famílias Cyperaceae, Rubiaceae e Poaceae apareceram em alta frequência em todas as áreas e nos dois tratamentos. Além dessas, destacaram-se as famílias Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Malvaceae, Lamiaceae, Scrophulariaceae e Asteraceae. As formas de vida mais comuns encontradas nos tratamentos foram as ervas. Os diferentes tratamentos afetaram a abundância e riqueza florística, diminuindo o número de sementes de espécies arbóreas e arbustivas, acumuladoras de biomassa

    Jerimu 8, batata doce rica em carotenos: estabilidade no cozimento doméstico e no processamento de farinhas.

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