3 research outputs found


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    A água é fator de suma importância para a vida do ser humano, sendo utilizada em suas necessidades básicas, para produção de alimentos,recreação e laser. Tendo em vista essa importância, objetivou-se avaliar o acesso e uso da água no Assentamento Vale Verde, no município de Gurupi, estado do Tocantins. O trabalho se desenvolveu no período de17/12/2005 à 25/01/2006, por meio de visitas locais e aplicação de questionário aos proprietários. Os entrevistados reagiram de forma diferenciada no decorrer da entrevista. O Assentamento possui três córregos, sendo que, dois deles são intermitentes. 13% dos entrevistados não dispõem de qualquer forma de água em suas propriedades. A maior parte retira água das fontes através de carretilha e a utiliza para as necessidades básicas e dessedentação de animais. Constatou-se que cerca de 76% dos lotes apresentaram erosão do tipo laminar e 60% dos lotes apresentaram mata ciliar com estado de conservação considerado ruim. Evidenciou-se que um dos entraves encontrados para alavancar o processo produtivo no respectivo Assentamento é a falta de água, principalmente na época da seca

    Capim massai e estilosantes em solteiro e consorciado: crescimento das plantas e distribuição radicular

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    Intercropping between grasses and tropical forage legume is of great importance for the maintenance of pastures and maximizing the production of fodder. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the consortium in shoot growth and root distribution of plants of Stylosanthes spp. and grass Panicum maximum cv. Massai grown in polyethylene bags in an open environment. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications and three treatments (T1 = Stylosanthes spp single T2 = Massai grasssingle, T3 = massai grass intercropped with Stylosanthes spp) and three sacks per repetition. The experiment lasted 45 days, with three harvested to determinate the dry mass of shoot and root. The consortium system encouraged the growth of the shoots of grass Massai, while single cropping encouraged the growth of the root system of these plants, indicating that intercropping of grass with the legume can be considered a practice in favor of pasture management brazilian savanna.A consorciação entre gramíneas e estilosantes é de grande importância para a manutenção das pastagens e a maximização na produção de forragens. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do consórcio no crescimento da parte aérea e na distribuição do sistema radicular de plantas de estilosantes e capim massai cultivadas em sacos de polietileno, em ambiente aberto. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições e três tratamentos (T1 = Estilosantes solteiro; T2 = Massai solteiro; T3 = Massai consorciado com Estilosantes) e três sacos por repetição. A duração do experimento foi de 45 dias, sendo realizadas três coletas para avaliar a massa seca da parte aérea e massa seca da raiz. O sistema consorciado favoreceu o crescimento da parte aérea das plantas de capim massai, enquanto que o cultivo em solteiro favoreceu o crescimento do sistema radicular destas plantas, evidenciando que a consorciação do capim massai com o estilosantes pode ser considerada uma prática favorável ao manejo das pastagens no cerrado

    Covered nitrogen levels on the evaluation of maize genotypes in late seeding

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate 12-maize genotypes and the effect of four covered N levels (20; 80; 140; 200 kg ha-1), in the late seeding conditions (01/15/2014 and 02/25/2014) at Gurupi-TO. The experiments were conducted in the randomized blocks design with three repetitions and 12 treatmanets. The statistical analyze was done in each seeding, and the N effect was studied by the regression (orthogonal polynomial). It was shown significant difference among the genotypes in the greater number of evaluated traits and the grain yield of variety V8 and double-cross HD12 was classified in the superior statistical group in the two seeding dates (in average of four levels of nitrogen). These genotypes had shown the highest values of productive efficiency (0.58 to 0.75), and they were the superior genotypes that can be used for decrease the interval between the productive potential and the grain yield. The traits less responsives for the covered N were: foliar chlorophyll content between the V6-V8 stages, grain weight and harvest index.    The aim of this work was to evaluate 12-maize genotypes and the effect of four covered N levels (20, 80, 140 and 200 kg ha-1), in the late seeding conditions (01/15/2014 and 02/25/2014) at Gurupi, Tocantis State, Brazil. The experiments were conducted in the randomized blocks design with three repetitions and 12 treatments. The followed traits were evaluated: foliar chlorophyll content between the V6-V8 and VT-R1 stages, dry weight of plant, grain number per spike, grain weight, grain yield, harvest index and productivity efficiency. The statistical analyze was done in each seeding, and the N effect was studied by the regression (orthogonal polynomial). It was shown significant difference among the genotypes in the greater number of evaluated traits and the grain yield of variety VAR8 and double-cross HD12 was classified in the superior statistical group in the two seeding dates (in average of four levels of nitrogen). These genotypes had shown the highest values of productive efficiency (0.58 to 0.75), and they were the superior genotypes that can be used for decrease the interval between the productive potential and the grain yield. The traits less responsives for the covered N were: foliar chlorophyll content between the V6-V8 stages, grain weight and harvest index