112 research outputs found

    Child sexual offenders typologies: An exploratory profile model using multiple correspondence and cluster analysis of portuguese convicted offenders sample

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    Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is not a recent phenomenon. However, it increased visibility in Portugal in 2002, when a news piece raised suspicions about numerous public figures. Since then, there has been an upward trend in complaints and has stabilized in recent years. Nevertheless, even though the research emerging, it presents gaps in the characteristics and modus operandi of the child sex offenders in the Portuguese context. This article presents an exploratory study, where 66 case reports of inmates in Portugal (Lisbon District) were convicted for CSA crimes recorded in the last ten years. We used the Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis as statistical procedures, focusing on the dynamics of the offense, context, number of victims, relationship, and characteristics of the offense. With this analysis, we identified four distinct profiles, which occurs with both techniques. In addition, we found differences regarding the use of aggressivity and/or treating during or after the offense, nature of abuse and introduced the crime admission as an active variable, with contributions to the model definition. According to these results and international literature, we defined our groups in four types: Regressed, Indiscriminate, Inadequate, and Violent. We discuss our results based on the international models and demonstrate affinities with them. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os determinantes da satisfação sexual feminina: um estudo português

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    . .O estudo da satisfação sexual tem sido dificultado pela pobre conceptualização do conceito. Contudo, vários instrumentos de medida têm sido desenvolvidos. Consideramos que, nalguma medida, o conhecimento da sexualidade feminina tem sido feito a partir de extrapolações da sexualidade masculina. Apresentamos um estudo realizado através da Internet, sobre alguns aspectos da função sexual feminina. O principal objectivo é identificar e analisar os factores mais significativos determinantes da satisfação sexual feminina, na perspectiva das próprias mulheres. O estudo é conduzido através da Internet, dirigido a mulheres com idade superior aos 18 anos, a participação foi voluntária, e usámos o método de snow ball via e-mail para recolha dos dados. O trabalho que aqui apresentamos é relativo a uma análise preliminar dos primeiros resultados, numa amostra de 1148 mulheres portuguesas. O estudo encontra-se ainda a decorrer. Estes primeiros resultados revelam factores interpessoais como o principal determinante da satisfação sexual das mulheres. Em segundo lugar, aparecem factores relacionados com o funcionamento físico/sexual. Este trabalho pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos factores determinantes da satisfação sexual feminina, a partir da perspectiva das próprias mulheres, e não com base nos conhecimentos da sexualidade masculina.The study of sexual satisfaction has been hampered by poor conceptualization of the concept. However, various scales have been developed to measure sexual satisfaction. Nevertheless, we recognize how much we have imposed male-oriented criteria of sexual pleasure onto women. But there are some gender differences to consider and we realize how little we understand about the determinants of sexual satisfaction in women. We present an on-line survey on female sexual function and the determinant factors of female sexual satisfaction. Our major purpose is to identify and analyse the meaningful factors for female sexual satisfaction in the perspective of women themselves. The study was entirely conducted through the Internet. Voluntary participants over the age of 18 completed an on-line questionnaire concerning demographic data, sexual functioning and determinant factors of sexual satisfaction. We used a snow ball method for recruiting participants by email. We present some preliminary results in a sample of 1148 Portuguese women. Preliminary analyses reveal the interpersonal factors as the most important determinant of sexual satisfaction for this women sample. The second factor appears to be related with physical functioning variables. This study may contribute to a better understanding of the determinant factors of female sexual satisfaction.. .info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    O Rorschach em psicologia da saúde: contributos para uma reflexão sobre o seu uso numa maternidade.

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    Os novos domínios de intervenção da Psicologia obrigam-nos a proceder a uma reflexão que procure ajustar os saberes e o saber-fazer (clássicos) aos novos contextos. As referências teóricas e metodológicas que nos informam como Psicólogos devem então ser moduladas e adaptadas a novas intervenções. O uso do Rorschach nos contextos de uma Maternidade exige uma aprofundada reflexão, dado que as habituais referêcias diagnósticas que o sustentam são de pouca utilidade. Propomo-nos, assim, apresentar as grandes linhas daquilo que pensamos dever ser tido em conta: ( I ) A necessidade de estabelecer ovasmodalidades de aplicação, análise e interpretação do Rorschach; (2)A necessidade de estabelecer novas linhas de investigação, sobre e com o Rorschach, que nos permitam conhecer melhor os processos e vicissitudes da gravidez e da maternidade, deixando de lado as preocupações em estabelecer perfis psicológicos que dêem conta dos insucessos da gravidez, como, por exemplo, a morte fetal e a infertilidade. A dimensão psicológica corpo feminino, à qual o Rorschach acede com alguma facilidade, poderá ser um eixo de reflexão e investigação sobre os processos e as vicissitudes da gravidez e da maternidade.The new domains of psychological intervention force us to rethink the adjustment of «classical» knowledge and know-how to the new contexts. Our theoretical and methodological references as psychologists must be modulated and adjusted to these new interventions. The use of Rorschach in the context of a Motherhood requires careful consideration because the usual diagnose references aren’t of much use. We therefore present some major points that must be considered: ( I ) the need to establish new modalities to aply, analyze and interprete the Rorschach; (2) the need to establish new researche lines with andabout tlie Rorschach, that may allow us to know better the processes and vicissitudes of pregnancy and motherhood, leaving aside all concerns around psychological profiling to explain pregnancy failures such as foetal death as infertility The psychological dimension,female body, to which the Rorschach has a relatively easy acess may provide a strong researche basis concerning the processes and vicissitudes of pregnancy and motherhood

    FOODLIT-trial: protocol of a randomised controlled digital intervention to promote food literacy and sustainability Behaviours in Adults Using the Health Action Process Approach and the behaviour change techniques taxonomy during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Dietary quality and sustainability are central matters to the international community, emphasised by the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic. To promote healthier and more sustainable food-related practices, the protocol of a web-based intervention to enhance adults’ food literacy is presented. The FOODLIT-Trial is a two-arm, parallel, experimental, and single-blinded randomised controlled trial delivered over 11 weeks. Based on the Food Literacy Wheel framework and supported by the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) and the Behaviour Change Techniques Taxonomy, weekly content with customised behaviour change techniques (experimental group) is hypothesised to be more effective to promote food behaviour change when compared to a single-time and non-customised delivery of food-related international guidelines, with no theoretically informed approaches (comparison group). Primary outcome is food literacy, including food-related knowledge, skills, and behaviours, assessed with the FOODLIT-Tool; a secondary outcome includes psychological mechanisms that efficaciously predict change in participants’ food literacy, measured with HAPA-driven items. Enlisted through online sources, participants will be assessed across five time points (baseline, post-intervention, and 3-, 6-, and 9-month follow-ups, i.e., T0–T4). A randomisation check will be conducted, analyses will follow an intention-to-treat approach, and linear two-level models within- (T0–T4) and between-level (nested in participants) will be computed, together with a longitudinal mediation analysis. If effective, the FOODLIT-Trial will provide for a multidimensional and cost-effective intervention to enable healthier and more sustainable food practices over the long term.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How couple’s relationship lasts over time? A model for marital satisfaction

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    High rates of divorce seem related to low marital satisfaction levels; however, there is still a lack of a model that can help understand the couple's resilience and fragility throughout the life cycle. This research explores the role of communication patterns, their own and partner's motivation for conjugality, cohesion and flexibility within a couple, and several sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., stage of the family life cycle) that can explain marital satisfaction. A sample of 331 Portuguese in a marital relationship completed a sociodemographic questionnaire and marital satisfaction measures, communication and conflict management competencies, cohesion and flexibility, and motivation. Adequate statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. Both measurement and structural model performed in the study presented a good fit, with five significant predictors of marital satisfaction (that accounted for 85% of the variability): intrinsic motivation (β = .64), communication (β = .31), families with young children (β = -.08), families with teenagers (β = -.07) and professional/academic status (β = .06). By identifying a model for marital satisfaction, this research provides clues regarding which aspects might need to be considered in couples' clinical work to promote healthier relationships.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bullying in old age: A qualitative study on older adults’ perceptions about being bullied

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    Significant demographic changes and a growing aging population increasingly emphasize the importance of assessing phenomena of violence against older adults, who constitute a vulnerable population. Therefore, bullying in old age is a poorly studied phenomena, but of growing importance. This study aims to analyze the perspectives of bullying in old age, using qualitative research at a cross-national level. We interviewed 173 older participants aged 65–91 years. Participants were Portuguese and English and lived in the community. Participants were subjected to semi-structured interviews. All the interviews went through a process of content analysis. Sample recruitment occurred through initial telephone contact, followed by a request to participate. Outcomes of content analysis produced seven themes, all of them associated with bullying experiences such as compromised learning capacity, loss of sense of agency and decision-making, asexuality, less attractive appearance, less social skills, gender discrimination, and less financial resources. Portuguese older adults felt mostly bullied for their loss of sense of agency and decision-making, less attractive appearance, less social skills, and less financial resources, while English participants mostly felt bullied for their compromised learning capacity, gender discrimination, and asexuality. The themes identified as being the most prominent in bullying are valuable guidelines for social policies and interventions toward bullying among older adults. Considering the scarcity of studies on bullying in older adults, this study is relevant for understanding the experience of older adults in relation to being bullied and for implementing psychosocial intervention programs including bullying situations that affect community-dwelling older adults.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Crenças sobre práticas de saúde e autoeficácia

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    Factores de personalidade e comportamento alimentar em mulheres portuguesas com obesidade mórbida: estudo exploratório

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    O objectivo deste estudo foi relacionar factores de personalidade e comportamento alimentar em mulheres diagnosticadas com obesidade mórbida, sendo esta amostra constituída por 48 sujeitos candidatos a cirurgia bariátrica, ou que a tenham efectuado num passado próximo. Foram utilizados nesta investigação os seguintes Instrumentos: Questionário de Caracterização da Amostra, Inventário de Personalidade NEO-PI-R na Forma S, e Questionário Holandês do Comportamento Alimentar (DEBQ). Os resultados obtidos mostram diferenças muito significativas, por comparação com a população normativa, nos domínios Neuroticismo e Abertura à Experiência, e nas facetas Impulsividade, Assertividade, Fantasia, Sentimentos, Ideias, Valores, Altruísmo, Competência e Deliberação; assim como nas dimensões Restrição Alimentar e Ingestão Emocional. Estão presentes sentimentos de inadequação com respostas de coping desadequadas e baixa tolerância à frustração; características de dominância nas relações sociais; criatividade com elaboração de fantasias e presença de respostas emocionais situacionais; comportamentos altruístas, de auto-disciplina e planificação; efectuando uma ingestão de ordem emocional associada a características de restrição alimentar

    A esperança nos pais de crianças com cancro. Uma análise fenomenológica interpretativa da relação com profissionais de saúde

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    Este estudo explorou com pais de crianças com cancro a sua percepção de interacções com profissionais de saúde (enfermeiros e/ou médicos) que influenciaram a sua esperança. O seu objectivo foi descrever a estrutura de uma relação de esperança. Aos seis pais que se voluntariaram para ser entrevistados, foi pedida a descrição de situações de interacção com influência percebida na sua esperança. Utilizando-se o método de análise fenomenológica interpretativa (Smith, Jarman, & Osborn, 1999) salientaram-se nos resultados duas categorias: “significações da esperança” e “importância das relações”. Estas categorias permitiram aceder a uma maior compreensão da vivência da esperança nestes pais e assim identificar factores promotores e inibidores de esperança na sua relação com os profissionais de saúde. A maioria desses factores foi identificada como pares de valência oposta. Face aos resultados destacam-se três eixos de discussão: esperança e relação com o cuidado; especificidade do cuidado de enfermagem e sua relação com a esperança; o ténue equilíbrio entre a revelação de informação e a manutenção da esperança. ------ ABSTRACT ------ This study explored with parents of children with cancer their perception of interactions with health professionals (nurses and/or physicians) that influenced their hope. Its aim was to describe a hopefull interaction structure. To six parents, who volunteered to be interviewed, was asked to describe interaction accounts with a perceived influence in their hope. An interpretative phenomenological analysis (Smith, Jarman, & Osborn, 1999) was conducted, emerging two main themes: hope meanings and the importance of relationships. These themes enhanced the understanding of the lived experience of this parents’ hope and contributed to the identification of hope enhancing and hope inhibiting factors within their interactions with health professionals. The majority of this factors was identified as pairs of opposing valences. Three axes of discussion are presented: hope and care connection; the uniqueness of nursing care in hope enhancement; the fragile balance between information disclosure and hope maintenance

    Interrupção voluntária da gravidez e distúrbio pós-traumático de stress.

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    O estudo apresentado neste artigo pretendeu averiguar da existência do Distúrbio Pós-Traumático de Stress (DPTS) em mulheres que tivessem realizado uma Interrupção Voluntária de Gravidez, tendo em conta que certas condições contribuem para a existência deste distúrbio. De acordo com as hipóteses de investigação erigidas a partir de uma extensa revisão de literatura, verificou- se que de um modo geral, das 30 mulheres da amostra, 6, ou seja, 20%, possuiam o referido distúrbio. Descobriu-se também que o ser adolescente é um factor que contribui para a existência deste distúrbio, bem como o número de semanas que tinha a gravidez no momento da sua interrupção, que quanto maior, a partir do 2.' trimestre, mais perigoso se revela. Demonstrou- se ainda que as mulheres na referida situação, ou seja, após a realização de um aborto, utilizam como mecanismo de defesa comportamentos essencialmente de evitamento, para evitar a intrusão de memórias traumáticas do acontecimento.ABSTRACT: The study presented in this article intended to find out if the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) existed in a sample of women who had experienced a situation of abortion, knowing that certain conditions contribute to the existence of such a disorder. In compliance with the hypothesis that was raised from an extensive literature review, we verified that from a total of 30 womem, 6 of them, 20%, had the PTSD. We also discovered that being an adolescent was a factor that contributed to the existence of the disorder. The number of weeks of the pregnancy by the time it was terminated was also important, becoming increasingly dangerous after the second trimester. It was also demonstrated that the women in the refered situation, having had an abortion, made more use of an avoidance mecanism of defense, trying to avoid the traumatic memories of the event.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio